[THE VOL. XIX.. 19ih ’ DUNCAN. B. C.. THURSDAY. .\I-IUI. Uth, 1919. Subsetiptfon $1.S0 Yearly, in Advance PUBLIC;^! ICE CHEMAINUS NEWS ABOUT MILK Y. M. ('. A. KLSTBKT XTHSE WELCOM HOME Scheme To Provide Member Vnth Infant ’s Tragic Deatb<.Car Col Univeriity of B. C. Sparse Attendance At Public Meeting Aim To Have One In Cowie Several Cowichan Soldiers Expected lodependent AdvUory Body —Camp 5 Opening Speaks In Duncan In Duncan Dr. Young On Health Immediately —Capt. Barkley Returns A meeting called by the member A most distressing accident oc-| i'riifi->snr .Sadler, assistant profcs> ‘ imvtings do not appear to some ninnihs the Cowichan Quite a number of Cowichan men for Cowichan. Mr. K. F. Duncan, to curred on Monday morning, resulting snr r.f dairying in tin- faculty of agri- v-i.h ms these days, due POS-; Women', Institute has discussed the are expected home immediately. They I so much gardening hcing a„j„. discuss the formation of an advisory the death of Raymond, the six- culture at the University of B. C-. are Cpl. F. Saxlon While. Pte. G, W. committee which of the' momhs-old child of Mr. and Mrs. spoke at the Odd Fellows' hall. Dun- ' the evenings. , instruction in the homes of Itrookliank. Spr. V. L F.dwardes. Spr. planks in the recent campaign for in-|A. E. Collycr. It appears that, dur- ran. Iasi Monday .... „n milk. “"y n Thursday last ihc J ". I- Gunner R. D, Marsh, of dependence in politics, was held iniing the momentary absence of his! .Although his i 1 l-ad been well P'-' ai>i.c.arc<l Dunea ■ public meeting called by llie insiiuile the Odd Fellows' hall. Duncan, on | mother, the boy Trawled and fell from , advertised and the topic was one Tuesday evening in the I. O. 1’“ thc^"c)!(rr‘hall! Dunc^^^^ Lake; Scrgl, R. Lawsclh. Crofton. Tuesday, some two dozen men and [ the bed into a bath. I which should appeal to farmers anji hall. Dunean. and. m con»e-,,„ v.>,orian J'pr 1^- D, Nightingale and Pte. A. women being present. Mrs. Collyer understands first aid I lioiisewivi-s, the niidivnce was very nucncc. only leneral outline of the organization. [Craik. O.l.hle Hill, The committee which handled all and immediately set to work. Dr.{litilc larg er than that .liii-li Krcjilcd^;; ^*^ K‘ by Mr. G. \\. Harl-| Blackwood-W-letnan. •.vhr,;,T..' M^mlay evening Capt R. E. arrau<- the P^eetigp, f'ert-. F. T*-Tr...,-;lv hs Yr .teOosflMMHWBBHHMHHRv' ' with discussion ided. ,«.M ..., ...................influenza.......... Duncan. He has ings will arrange a series of meetings r hand and used all his skill. Dr. F.mplia-izing tlic value of milk as foilowir.g. -pidemic had revealed most clearly I'•«" -ver-eas some four yeart lerv- throughout the riding at whichthe food. Mr. Fadler alluded to there- Har'Icy related what had al- Roberts came from Chemainus hos­ ,1,. n.rf w.. Ip, pp . .pp w.ll. ij, Rp.pI Mp.ipp Arl.Jny ,p member will speak. pital. Everything possible was done cenl discovery r.f Dr McCollum of • accomplished in this sec- France. It will he recalled that his nurse, but that, at all limes, such At each of these meetings, it was ut without avail. John Hopkins University. He had ‘m"- Mherni Board of Trade Wcstliolmc was burned down nurse could have sufficient work to decided, a "Public Service Commit ­ The deepest sympathy is with the shown ihat, apart from the food value i’crame imeresteil and delegated one do and would be welcomed liy many lime ago. Wyatt reached Duncan last tee" of three or more should be ap­ icreaved parents in this terrible mis­ of milk, it contained an indefinable '''ym "umber to a eonference held women. pointed to assist the member in all fortune. something, known as "vitamines." or ■" Vancouver last week. The Al- K. Voung. superiniciideni. week. He went away with the 103rd grosvth promoting property. Ten fX council also felt that the Rii. and hashern serving latterly with matters pertaining to the district, and Chemainus branch. Duncan Board provincial board of health,who was years of experiment had now shown ‘'"yk amongst their hoys would he the railway troops. the committee will appoint one of of Trade, met last Tuesday at the old the principal speaker, said that the J. S Haller, who went away its number as a member of his central Matters of interest to the local- that the fat of milk and the yolk of '"'•*' ""‘I *yn ‘ <•"' "f ‘heir sparsely settled districts of the prov- with the 103rd also, and W'as wounded advisory committee. 'cre under discussion. Messrs. egg might be eciualled in ordinary "“"'her across, be sympathized food value and chemical constituents Sets Good Example i- arm while wiih the S4th Bn.. As the work of these committees Smith and A. W. MacDonald with,md theone great need of these l.y other foods, l.itl they alone con- Cimihcrland chief of police, who is for the general welfare of the whole enrolled as members. Messrs. reached A'iciorta last Thursday, and • • - ■ the work of the Y. M. districts was a nurse. .A proper ex­ district, irrespective of any party poli ­ Read and Williams were appointed a tained these growth ................„ is cxpeeirit home in Duncan soon. He C- in France, offered his planation of what health meant had tics or other sectional feelings, it is membership committee; Messrs. has recovered from his wound. nUo lo be given. hoped that all will work together for Smiley and Williams, roads and These properties were probably »"■' cut A. J. Castle, who relumed Leason of the War the advancement of . Cowichan and bridges committee; Messrs. MacDon- present in forage In.t were parlieu- cuidance. Three <• last week, went overseas from The tabulation of facts relating t<> its population. The public meetings aid and Smiley a committee concern- larly present in alfalfa. «"’»P' I'S'c i.evn formed :nm-er with the 8lh Co , C.A.S.C.. While milk as it came from thg Nauatmn. and two at Chematmis. the health and physical ability of men suli'equenily iransferrs-d to the will be held in the course of g foreshore matters. Messrs. F. G. Smithson. S. R. Kirk- cow was thus .-i most valuable food/ Dum-.in High school hoys are keen during the past four ye.irs had given 3nd C. M R. He was awarded the much information and had enabled ham. F. A. Monk and A. C. G. Luck- invalual.lc for ehtldrcn. it rested witit f-nnation of one in their Miliiarv Medal for gallantry in action. the authorities to conserve the lives up from Duncan to this the produc-r. <li-itrihmor. handler, and midst, which will doubtless soon b< . brother, Corpi. C, H. Castle. consumer whethernr not this fond estaldi'hcd. Other parts of Cowich- of the men during the war. The im- AT QUAMICH.AN meeting. It was decided to hold fu- 2nd C, M. R.. reiurncd home some meeiings on thethird Tuesday valuc was consersed. Everything dci a" « '=kcn up a« soon as the niiy of the men from disease while weeks ago. Me is a veteran of the thefront had created in theirminds Unique Memorial To Commemon themonth. pended on keeping it free from bac. organization in Duncan is definitely South African war. Their home was the question as lo why, with alt fa Fallen of 8t Peter's Pariah On Sunday evening, at Chemainus teria. • settled. Crofton before the war. but their llities at command, people at home River bridge, a car driven hy Waste of Money •' «■>'' '"akc parents are now residing in Duncan. Work was begun last week on t ere not so well. Thedeath rate t •Antrobns, Cassidy, coming south, Investigation had shown that one movement an all-round one is the memorial whichthe parishioners of limited by the ability of people by Mr. per ccni. of a part of London's millj fnei ih.il the girls in many of the St. Peter's, Quamiebao. will erect in conserve and co-operate. Emery. Victoria, and overturned. Mr. supply was lost owing to sourness: disiHcis desire to m.tkc use of similar OOWICMN LAKE thechurchyardto those men from the The speaker said it was an easy .Antrobns ’ little daughter was pinned In the investigation Professor Sad* opportunities and, a* the Y. M. C. parish who have fallen in the Great matter to put healthlaws and penal­ Soldier Returns —Visitors for FlsUng underneath hut not severely hurt. ler had assisted in at Montreal. 4lj and Y. W, C, A. are working together, War. Theirnumber is about iweniy- ties on theStatutes, easy to tell what —Work on Msngan«*e Clainu mother and boy were in the car also. out of S77 samples were such as » arrangements five. people should do, but it was owing The car was badly smashed and wa, would be illegal to sell in the U- S- '"a-'c •''* B'y'*' I'te. Gordon .Archibald returned to The plan is to pul a granite rock cities. Thismilk was .our, tainted 4 welfare, a lack of explanation that people towed to Wfstholme. whMct after the lake last week. His friends are on the south aide of the chnrch bad li^weria pT-Jicm.'*saiI?ir?endere7' • ' Work Overseas Doubles passed them by, temporary repafrs, Mr, Antrobus re­ whichthe monument will be erected, I, Mr. Hanley poimed out that the Naturally, to disturb the habits of glad to see him hack. turned with it to Cassidy.
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