S44 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2010 efforts and spearheading emergency ef- gratulations to the Central Michigan nell, Aaron McCord, Colin Miller, Sean forts and responses to a variety of se- University Chippewas football team, Murnane, Connor Odykirk, Allen curity threats to the State and emer- champions of the Mid-American Con- Ollenburger, Jake Olson, Mike gencies. His extensive background in ference and of the 2010 GMAC Bowl, on Petrucci, Cody Pettit, Tim Phillips, the law enforcement and intelligence a successful and exciting season. Kito Poblah, Ryan Radcliff, Evan Ray, fields enabled him to make well-in- On January 6, 2010, in Mobile, AL, the Malek Redd, Tyler Reed, Chris Reeves, formed decisions in preparing for and Chippewas won their 12th game of the Mike Repovz, Nick Reynolds, Derek responding to all hazards and threats season, against just two losses, defeat- Rifenbury, Caesar Rodriguez, Adam in Texas. ing Troy University, 44–41, in two Schneid, Bryan Schroeder, Will On 17 July 2009, Mr. McCraw was se- overtimes in the GMAC Bowl. It was Schwarz, D.J. Scott, Bobby Seay Jr., lected as the Director of Texas Depart- truly one of the college football sea- Valtorrey Showers, Sean Skergan, Alex ment of Public Safety which is a cap- son’s most thrilling games. Smith, Chris Starkey, Armond Staten, stone to his law enforcement career as Down by 12 points in the fourth quar- Darryll Stinson, Kevin Sweet, Zurlon he returns to lead the department of ter to a talented Troy team, the Chip- Tipton, Matt Torres, Kyle Torzy, over 8,500 commissioned and non- pewas came back to take the lead. Shane Torzy, Carl Volny, Rocky Wea- commissioned personnel. They did not flinch when Troy tied the ver, A.J. Westendorp, Lorenzo White, I congratulate Mr. McCraw on this game with a last-second field goal to Zach Wiersma, John Williams, LaVarus appointment and his long public serv- send the game into overtime, and per- Williams, Sam Williams, Cody Wilson, ice and substantial law enforcement severed through two overtimes to tri- Jeremy Wilson, Steve Winston, Kyle ∑ career. umph. Zelinsky and Frank Zombo. f As expected, quarterback Dan Coaches: Interim Head Coach Steve 125TH ANNIVERSARY OF SOUTH LeFevour played a big role in the vic- Stripling, Offensive Coordinator Mike DAKOTA SCHOOL OF MINES AND tory. LeFevour, a senior, had already Bajakian, Defensive Coordinator Tim TECHNOLOGY become major college football’s all- Banks, Linebackers Coach Mark Elder, time leader in total touchdowns, set a Running Backs Coach Jeff Beckles; Re- ∑ Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, today long list of Mid-American Conference cruiting Coordinator and Tight Ends I celebrate the 125th anniversary of the records, and become the only player in Coach Max Glowacki, Offensive Line founding of the South Dakota School NCAA history with both 12,000 career Coach Don Mahoney, Special Teams of Mines and Technology. Throughout passing yards and 2,500 career rushing its history, SDSM&T has been consist- and Defensive Tackles Coach Paul yards. At the GMAC Bowl, LeFevour Volero, Graduate Assistants Ryan ently providing students with a high- completed 33 of 55 passes for 395 yards, quality, affordable education. Grad- Oshnock and Tony Pape, Director of passing for one touchdown and rushing Football Operations Plas Presnell, and uates are fully prepared for successful, for another in overtime. Another Chip- rewarding careers in engineering and Strength and Conditioning Coach Dave pewa star, receiver Antonio Brown, ∑ science. Lawson. caught 13 of LeFevour’s passes for 178 I have had many opportunities dur- f yards, and had 203 yards in kickoff re- ing my time in office to personally TRIBUTE TO MARK INGRAM, JR. visit the School of Mines and Tech- turns, including a 95-yard return for a ∑ Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, in Decem- nology. I have always been impressed touchdown that helped kick off CMU’s ber, Mark Ingram, Jr. became the 75th with the professionalism and dedica- fourth-quarter comeback. It was a proud moment not just for college football player to win the tion of the administration and faculty, CMU and Michigan, but across the Mid- the tradition of excellence at the insti- Heisman Memorial Trophy as the Most west, as the Chippewas broke a 14-game tution, and the commitment to learn Outstanding College Football Player in from the students who attend the bowl losing streak for Mid-American the United States for 2009. In winning school. Conference teams. this award, one of the most coveted I am proud to be a partner with The team’s competitiveness, skill, and prestigious awards any college ath- SDSM&T on its innovative research determination, and grit generated lete can receive, Mark joined an exclu- that has tremendous benefits for my great pride not only in Mount Pleas- sive and distinguished list of college State, as well as to the Nation and to ant, CMU’s home, but across the State football players, which includes many the world, especially in the areas of en- of Michigan, which is home to half the of the greatest players to ever lace up gineering, science and technology, and Chippewas’ roster. I join the proud citi- a pair of cleats. This honor must be es- defense. This work has everyday appli- zens of Michigan in congratulating the pecially gratifying for Mark as he be- cations to the general public, the gov- Chippewas on a fantastic season, and comes both the first person from Flint, ernment and to Main Street businesses. enter the names of the team’s players MI, and the first player from the Uni- The School of Mines has a great tradi- and coaches into the RECORD as perma- versity of Alabama to be declared the tion as one of the top engineering nent recognition of their success. winner of this award. schools in the Nation and their grad- Players: Jahleel Addae, Vince Agnew, This year was an especially close uates are always in high demand by Andrew Aguila, Deja Alexander, Bryan race. In fact, it is reported that this some of the top companies in the Anderson, Nick Bellore, Brian was one of the closest ballots in the world. In 2009, South Dakota School of Bennyhoff, Jake Bentley, Shamari history of the award. There are many Mines and Technology was the only in- Benton, Matt Berning, David great players on the college level stitution of higher learning where the Blackburn, Dannie Bolden, Tim today, and Mark can take particular starting salary for its graduates was Brazzel, Antonio Brown, Reggie Brown, pride in knowing that, as a sophomore, more than the cost of the education. John Carr, Derek Carter, Landon he put together a 2009 season that out- I salute the great legacy and tradi- Carter, Paris Cotton, Jon Czerwienski, shone them all. Clearly, he has earned tion of South Dakota School of Mines Leron Eaddy, Kirkston Edwards, Jake the respect and admiration of the and Technology on the occasion of its Ekkens, James Falls, Jeff Fantuzzi, many that follow and cover college 125th anniversary and commend the Adam Fenton, Eric Fisher, Cedric Fra- football on a daily basis. work and commitment, past and ser, Kashawn Fraser, Eric Fraser, Con- Mark had an outstanding sophomore present, of the administrators, faculty, nor Gagnon, Cornelius Gallon, Josh season. He scored 17 touchdowns and alumni and students of Mines. I wish Gordy, David Harman, Jerry Harris, amassed 1,658 rushing yards, a single- them well in the upcoming year of ob- Brett Hartmann, Richard Hayes, season school rushing record. In addi- servances and celebrations.∑ Richie Hogan, Daniel Jackson, Gary tion to winning the Heisman, Mark was f Jackson, Jason Johnson, Todd John- honored as the SEC Offensive Player of son, Aaron Kaczmarski, Matt Kanitz, the Year. These are tremendous hon- CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Darren Keyton, Larry Knight, Dan ors, and in a emotional acceptance FOOTBALL TEAM LeFevour, Jake Linklater, Jeff speech, Mark spoke about the many ∑ Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I want to Maddux, Matt Maletzke, Tommy people and situations that helped him share today with the Senate my con- Mama, Ben Masztak, Jordan McCon- to develop the drive and determination VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:52 Mar 31, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\S20JA0.REC S20JA0 mmaher on DSKD5P82C1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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