January 24, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S 1427 Government may be taking action to- cept it on our side of the aisle and urge They had been married 64 years when morrow and paying us in the process?'' we move to a vote. Milward passed away in 1993. If we do not address this problem, we Mr. KOHL. I thank Senator Senator SIMPSON has told me of a may actually be creating a new kind of KEMPTHORNE and Senator GLENN. Wyoming chapel that was remodeled gridlock at the State and local level, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there under the leadership of Milward and with State and local officials trying to further debate on the amendment? If Lorna. For the inscription on the second guess where Congress is going not, the question is on agreeing to the stained glass window in the chapel, on a whole variety of issues, so as not amendment. they chose the words ``I am with you to miss out on their share of Federal So the amendment (No. 193) was always.'' funds. agreed to. Milward and Lorna Simpson will now Although I am confident that State Mr. KEMPTHORNE. Mr. President, I be ``together always'' in the hearts of and local leaders will take the nec- move to reconsider the vote. their family, and the many others who essary steps to address crime, health, Mr. GLENN. I move to lay that mo- loved them. poverty, environmental, or other prob- tion on the table. I know the Senate joins with me in lems within their own borders, I do not The motion to lay on the table was extending our sympathies to Senator want them to fear that they are doing agreed to. SIMPSON, to Ann, and to their entire their constituents a disservice by miss- f family. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- ing out on Federal dollars to address MORNING BUSINESS these same problems. We must ensure sent that a biographyÐ``On the Passing that their proactive efforts are not nec- Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I ask there of Lorna Kooi Simpson''Ðbe made a essarily held against them in the fu- be a period for morning business not to part of the RECORD. ture when the Federal Government extend beyond 7:05 p.m. and Members There being no objection, the mate- catches up. be permitted to speak for 5 minutes, rial was ordered to be printed in the What of States that decide to begin with the exception of the Senator from RECORD, as follows: New Hampshire permitted to speak for the implementation of Federal man- ON THE PASSING OF LORNA KOOI SIMPSON 7 minutes. dates before they are passed into law, Lorna Kooi Simpson was born on August The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sensibly trying to spread the costs out 19, 1900 in Chicago, IL to Mary Helen Kooi objection, it is so ordered. over several years because they are un- and Peter Kooi. Mr. Kooi was a Dutch immi- Mr. DOLE. And the Senator from sure as to whether Congress will decide grant who came to the United States from Pennsylvania 7 minutes. That makes it to waive the funding requirement Holland. He was orphaned at an early age a little beyond 5 after 7. and went to work as an employee of the Bur- under this bill? Do we want to penalize f lington Northern Railroad. After working for them for trying to ease the burden on many years as a railroad clerk in Chicago, he the taxpayers? SALUTE TO LORNA SIMPSON then ``went West'' with the railroad, and No, and this amendment sends them later became a very successful businessman Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, on Sunday, an important signal to proceed. and eventually the founder of the town of we lost an American Treasure, with the Furthermore, this legislation should Kooi, WyomingÐa coal mining community death of Rose Kennedy. This morning, not discourage innovation at the State near Sheridan. we have lost another, with the passing After attending schools in the Chicago and local level. Many interesting ideas of Lorna Simpson, the mother of our area and the Lewis Academy, Lorna was a and creative solutions to public prob- colleague from Wyoming. student at Miss Mason's Castle School in lems emerge from the State and local Married to Milward Simpson in Tarrytown, NY for 2 years. At the school, level. We must be careful not to put a Sheridan, WY in 1929, Mrs. Simpson de- Lorna was a classmate of Clare Boothe Luce damper on these true laboratories for and Better Greene Bond, the mother of voted the next 65 years of her life to former governor and now U.S. Senator Kit public policy innovation. her family, her community, and the en- An example is the issue of welfare re- Bond. At the Castle School, Lorna studied tire State of Wyoming. art, music, history and sculpture. Lorna form. There have been proposals of- Even before her husband's election as went on to attend the University of Illinois. fered here in Congress suggesting that Governor of Wyoming in 1954, Lorna As a young girl, Lorna traveled extensively States should be required to track the Simpson was always reaching out to with her parents. In 1919 and the early 1920's paternity of children on the welfare help others. She volunteered at the she visited Egypt, France, England, the Brit- rolls so that the fathers can be forced local hospital, served as president of ish Isles, Europe, Turkey, Greece, Algiers, South America, the Andes, Brazil, Chile, Ar- to pay child support. If States are con- the Cody Red Cross, and was appointed templating similar actions, they ought gentina and Peru. She even flew in a single- to the local planning commission. engine aircraft over Sugar Loaf Mountain in to be encouraged, rather than discour- During this time, she also was rais- Rio de Janeiro in those early daysÐsuch ex- aged, from taking these actions prior ing two sons, and serving as a full part- tensive travels were rather uncommon in to Federal action. ner in her husband's many business those years for either an adult or a child! Mr. KEMPTHORNE addressed the ventures, which included a newspaper, She loved to travel and visited many histori- Chair. a radio station, and a dairy. cal and archaeological sites over the years. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mrs. Simpson served as the first lady On June 29, 1929, in Sheridan, Wyoming, Lorna married a young lawyer from Cody, ator from Idaho. of Wyoming from 1954±58, where she Mr. KEMPTHORNE. Mr. President, I Wyoming, Milward L. Simpson. Milward had was personally responsible for remodel- been a member of the Wyoming Legislature appreciate so much the sensitivity of ing and restoring some of the beauty from Hot Springs County in 1927. They began the Senator from Wisconsin to the and historical value of the old gov- their life together in Cody, Wyoming, where issue of the amendment which he has ernor's mansion. Thanks to her leader- Milward went into private practice with his offered. It was a pleasure to work with ship, a building that was once closed to father, William L. Simpson. In Sheridan, on the Senator on the language of that the public, now stands as a monument July 31, 1930, a son, Peter Kooi, was born and amendment. to Wyoming's history. on September 2, 1931, a son, Alan Kooi was With regard to this side of the aisle, born. When her husband was elected to the Kooi was a marvelous homemaker, a cre- we are happy to accept the amend- U.S. Senate in 1962, Lorna continued ative and inspirational mother who was ment. her tireless devotion to others by serv- strong and talented, fair and firm. In her Mr. GLENN. Mr. President, I, too, ing as the Representative of the home she had a Hammond organ and a would like to congratulate the Senator Women of the United States to the Or- pianoÐand she played both beautifully. from Wisconsin. I think he has done an ganization of American States, and as Early in her marriage, there was a contest excellent job on this. We talked about a delegate to the interparliamentarian conducted throughout the state to determine this earlier. We worked back and forth union in Australia. an original University of Wyoming ``pep song.'' Lorna's sister, Doris Kooi Reynolds, across the aisle. He was willing to com- When Milward retired from the Sen- urged her to enter, but Lorna was reluctant promise and put in the language. I ate in 1966, he and Lorna returned to to do so. Finally at Doris' urging, she went think it is excellent. I compliment him Cody, where they dedicated themselves forward to finish the work and sent it on to on what he has done. We are glad to ac- to their community and to each other. the contest officials. As she said later, to her.
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