GKILDALL.WS4 ------------ List of Gary Kildall texts compiled by Emmanuel ROCHE. 1968 ---- - "Experiments in large-scale computer direct access storage manipulation" Thesis for Master of Science, University of Washington December 1968 (Thesis No.17341) (ROCHE> Retyped: GKMS.WS4) 1969 ---- - "Experiments in large-scale computer direct access storage manipulation" Technical Report No.69-01, Computer Science Group University of Washington, 1969 (ROCHE> Missing...) 1970 ---- - "APL\B5500: The language and its implementation" Technical Report No.70-09-04, Computer Science Group University of Washington, September 1970 (ROCHE> Retyped: GKAPL.WS4) - "The ALGOL-E Programming System" Internal Report, Mathematics Department, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California December 1970 (ROCHE> Missing...) 1971 ---- - "A Heathkit method for building data management programs" Gary Kildall & Earl Hunt ACM SIGIR Information Storage and Retrieval Symposium 1971, pp.117-131 (ROCHE> Retyped: GKEH.WS4) 1972 ---- - "A code synthesis filter for basic block optimization" Technical Report No.72-01-01, Computer Science Group file:///C|/...20Histories%20Report%20to%20CHM/DRI/Emmanuel%20Roche%20documents%20conversion/Kildall.(zip)/GKILDALL.TXT[2/6/2012 10:28:06 AM] University of Washington January 1972 (ROCHE> Missing...) - "ALGOL-E: An experimental approach to the study of programming languages" Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California NPS Report NPS-53KG72 11A January 1972 (ROCHE> Missing...) - "ALGOL-E: An experimental approach to the study of programming languages" Gary Kildall & Alan Roberts ACM SIGCSE Bulletin Vol.4, No.1 (March 1972), pp.127-135 (ROCHE> Retyped: GKALG.WS4) - "Global expression optimization during compilation" Thesis for Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Washington May 1972 (Thesis No.20506) (ROCHE> I have it, but not yet retyped) - "Global expression optimization during compilation" Technical Report No.72-06-02, Computer Science Group University of Washington, June 1972 (ROCHE> Missing...) 1973 ---- - "A unified approach to global program optimization" ACM First Symposium on Principles Of Programming Languages (POPL) Boston, Massachussetts, October 1973, pp.194-206 (ROCHE> I have it, but not yet retyped) (Lots of Maths symbols...) 1974 ---- - "High-level language simplifies microcomputer programming" "Electronics", June 27, 1974, p.103 (ROCHE> Retyped: GKHLL.WS4) - "System languages: management's key to controlled software evolution" Proceedings of the 1974 western electronics show and convention (WESCON), September 1974 (ROCHE> Retyped: GKSL.WS4) 1975 ---- - "CP/M: A disk control program for microcomputer system development" "Journal of Microcomputer Applications", June 1975 file:///C|/...20Histories%20Report%20to%20CHM/DRI/Emmanuel%20Roche%20documents%20conversion/Kildall.(zip)/GKILDALL.TXT[2/6/2012 10:28:06 AM] (ROCHE> Missing...) - "Microcomputer Software Design: A Checkpoint" Proceedings of the Fall Joint Computer Conference Spartan Books, New-York, 1975 (ROCHE> Retyped: GKCHK.WS4) 1976 ---- 1977 ---- 1978 ---- - "A simple technique for static relocation of absolute machine code" DDJ, #22, Vol.3, No.2, February 1978, pp.10-13 (ROCHE> Retyped: GKPRL.WS4) 1979 ---- 1980 ---- - "The evolution of an industry: One person's viewpoint" DDJ, #41, Vol.5, No.1, January 1980, pp.6-7 (ROCHE> Retyped: GKEI.WS4) 1981 ---- - "CP/M: A Family of 8- and 16-bit Operating Systems" BYTE, June 1981, p.216 (ROCHE> Retyped: GKBYTE.WS4) 1982 ---- - "PL/I for limited resource computers" "Microsystems", Jan/Feb 1982, pp.28-29 (ROCHE> Retyped: GKLRC.WS4) - "PL/I-80" "Interface Age", June 1982, p.71 (ROCHE> Retyped: GKPLI.WS4) - "Running 8-bit software on dual-processor computers" "Electronic Design", September 16, 1982, p.157 file:///C|/...20Histories%20Report%20to%20CHM/DRI/Emmanuel%20Roche%20documents%20conversion/Kildall.(zip)/GKILDALL.TXT[2/6/2012 10:28:06 AM] (ROCHE> Retyped: GKED.WS4) 1983 ---- 1984 ---- 1985 ---- 1986 ---- - "The compact disk ROM: applications software" Tim Oren & Gary Kildall "IEEE Spectrum", Vol.23, No.4, April 1986, pp.49-54 EOF file:///C|/...20Histories%20Report%20to%20CHM/DRI/Emmanuel%20Roche%20documents%20conversion/Kildall.(zip)/GKILDALL.TXT[2/6/2012 10:28:06 AM] CSLABUW.WS4 (= Computer Science LABoratory at University of Washington) ----------- - "The Computer Science teaching laboratory at the University of Washington" Earl Hunt ACM "SIGCSE Bulletin", No.2, 1970, pp.30-33 (ACM = Association for Computing Machinery) (SIGCSE = Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education) (Retyped by Emmanuel ROCHE.) The purpose of this paper is to describe the Computer Science Laboratory at the University of Washington, explain how it is run, and to examine both its benefits and costs to the University. In order to do so, it is necessary to discuss briefly the University of Washington itself. The University of Washington is a very large, single-campus, state university. In a typical quarter, approximately 33,000 students are enrolled. There is a faculty of about 2,000. By contrast, the computer science program is a small interdisciplinary program confined strictly to graduate education. The program was begun in 1967, and granted its first Ph.D. in 1968. There are at present somewhat more than 40 graduate students, and a full-time equivalent faculty of about seven. Prior to the development of the program, there were, of course, teaching courses in Electrical Engineering and other departments, and a few courses in mathematics, but the advanced computer science stamp for the University of Washington had not yet been established. The equipment on campus is also important to our story. The University Computer Center operates a Control Data 6400 and a Burroughs B5500. These machines are available to the general user, although the B5500 gives priority to administrative data processing. Use of the machines is charged either to research accounts, or to special departmental accounts established to support computing. That is to say, the Computer Center does not decide who runs on the computer. Rather, this is levied as a charge against departmental budgets. Like any other department, the Computer Science Group also has a budget for computing on the Center's equipment. In addition, there are a variety of special computers on campus. For example, the Physics Department contains a PDP-10 and an XDS-930. There is a very large Raytheon computer complex in Biophysics, and there are a number of 1130 and 1800 installations on campus. All these computers are associated with specific research projects and, therefore, are available only to students who are working with the faculty on these projects. In addition, the University has provision for favorable rates on a number of commercial time-sharing installations. Departments do not receive funds for off-campus computing, so that extra-mural funds must be sought by anyone who wishes to make use of a conversational computing capability. The Computer Science Laboratory contains a Xerox Data Systems Sigma 5 which is funded by a special departmental account, so that no student is ever charged for use of this machine. However, only a favored few students and faculty, to wit, those associated in some way with the Computer Science program, may have access to the machine at all. file:///C|/...%20Histories%20Report%20to%20CHM/DRI/Emmanuel%20Roche%20documents%20conversion/Kildall.(zip)/CSLABUW.TXT[2/6/2012 10:27:54 AM] The laboratory system --------------------- The Sigma 5 is a 32-bit machine with an 850-nanosecond cycle-time and 16 general registers. In a word, it looks very much like a 360-44, a machine to which it is frequently compared. The basic Washington configuration consists of the Sigma 5 itself with 24,000 words of core, a 6-megabyte disc, and 2 low- speed tape drives. This is slightly larger than the initial configuration, which was installed in September, 1969, and consisted of 16,000 words of core and a .75-megabyte disc. The computer contains an external interface which is a multiplexing device for tying foreign equipment to the computer, and an EIA interface which provides for four outlets. Three of these outlets are now used for a standard telephone line attached to 103A data sets. The fourth port is used to attach a 1200-baud line to a Computer Displays, Inc. ARDS unit. This is a keyboard, plus a "memory scope" CRT, plus a graphic input device known as a mouse. We are now attaching an IMLAC Corp. PDS-1 Display Unit, which is a small computer used to control a high-resolution Visual Display System. We have a floating-point hardware, and two general register blocks of 16 registers. The latter may seem somewhat unusual in a machine that only has 24K of actual core, and obviously is not doing very much multi-programming. In summary, we have a large number of peripherals, but not enough core or secondary memory space to do any really useful work. This is intentional, since the configuration is not intended to serve users. The rationale for the laboratory is that computer science students should be able to do anything at all in computing on an EXPERIMENTAL basis, but that the University cannot afford to let all its 30,000 potential users run wild with any application whatsoever. In some aspects of Computer Science, it is obvious that the Computer Science student or faculty member does not appear, to a machine, to be any different from any other user. Examples are studies in numerical analysis, compiler testing, and much of the work in artificial intelligence and pattern recognition. These projects need a very big machine, and we have one, the University's CDC 6400. We compete for resources to use this machine on the same basis as anybody else. We, at one time, did limited interactive and large information retrieval application studies on the Burroughs B5500, but this had to drop out as administrative data processing took over that machine. It is really only for this reason that we have a disc as large as we do. Having said what the computer science facility is not for, let us consider what it is for.
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