MISSOURI COUNTY TREASURERS’ ASSOCIATION Officers 2014-2015 MCTA eNews sponsored by... President Steve Cheslik (Cass) Hello, Treasurers - 1st Vice President Lori J. Smith (Adair) Welcome to MCTA eNews - Your quarterly snapshot of the latest association news and information to enjoy, share, and use! 2nd Vice President Rick Renno (Benton) 3rd Vice President MCTA eNews Spring 2015 Cindy Esely (Andrew) Secretary Elaine Gilley (Camden) Congratulations Nicole! Treasurer What came as a huge sur- edged the special relation- Karen Matthews (Christian) prise to most Missourians ship she found in working Past President last week came as acknowl- with her fellow county treas- Kristi Stephens (Stone) edgement to MCTA’s county urers when she said, “The Chaplain treasurers of what they had collaboration among County Justin Hill (Greene) come to see in a fellow Treasurers in Missouri is a CERF Board Member treasurer – a dedicated pub- true asset to our state, and I Nicole Galloway (Boone) lic servant with formidable thank everyone for the Legislative Chair talents and strengths in ac- teamwork I have been al- Becky Schofield (Dallas) counting and auditing. One lowed to be a part of time Board Members of their own, Boone County and again. Please know, I Missouri’s next State Auditor, Jean Cook (Laclede) Penny Henry (Randolph) Treasurer Nicole Galloway, have tremendous respect for Nicole Galloway Jim Platt (Bates) was selected by Governor the work that local officials Boone County Treasurer Denita Williams (Dent) Patty Meyers (Audrain) Jay Nixon to the post of perform each and every day, State and the impact it has on the tor.” Nicole underscored her Auditor. daily lives of Missourians." commitment to professional- Recently ism when she said, about her Inside this issue: appoint- The pride MCTA members upcoming duties, “I will en- ed to the felt in Nicole’s soon-to-be sure citizens have a clear view Profile: Phyllis 2 CERF appointment was palpable in into the work of the State Long of Washing- Board, the explosion of intra- Auditor's office. All Missouri- ton County and head association emails congratu- ans have my promise that work will be performed inde- MCTA’s 3 of the association’s Pie Day lating her. MCTA President pendently. I will review all Soapbox at the State Capitol, mem- Steve Cheslik said, “We are bers saw firsthand the dedi- so proud of Nicole. Her levels of government with cation, intelligence and ener- professionalism and passion professionalism, even- Interview with 5 gy she brings to the project to serve her constituents will handedness and integrity." Heather Reyn- at hand. Nicole acknowl- make her a great state audi- olds of Johnson County Professional 7 Legislators Eat Up Pie Day Services Fund Update MCTA’s 2015 Pie Day was a Many MCTA members “Some assis- clear success. Clad in green who participated were tants familiar and armed with pastries, a able to make personal with Pie Day CERF Repre- 7 small army of county treas- contact with their legisla- were request- sentative to be urers descended on the tors during the day. ing particular Appointed General Assembly in Jeffer- Mary Clair (Webster Coun- flavors.” Message from 9 son City on Tuesday, March ty) said, “I was able to meet MCTA participants com- th President Cheslik 10 , to show appreciation to all three of my legislators in mented on legislators and their legislators and the hallway and on the floor assistants expressing their statewide officials. of the House.” She added, (Continued on page 2) Announcements 9 Page 2 MCTA eNews Pie Day (continued) “Great people, good (Continued from page 1) offices on that particular day. Marty Smith pies, great oppor- gratitude both for the delicious pies and for (Saline County) said, “Thanks to Nicole’s the presence of county treasurers in the hall- efforts, our main task of delivering was ‘a tunity - and a pleas- ways of the State Capitol. piece of pie,’ pun intended!” ure to see all of the Following an introduction from the floor of The new pie vendor, Peggy Jean’s Pies in county treasurers the Senate, the band Columbia, Missouri, was take a personal in- of treasurers fo- a hit as well. Joan Bran- cused on logistics. son, legislative assistant terest and visit their Nicole Galloway to Senator Mike Cun- legislators in person (Boone County) ningham (Dist. 33), said, to explain their organized the pur- “The senator enjoyed views and issues.” chasing and distribu- every bite of his pie.” tion of the associa- Afterwards, MCTA tion’s pastry offer- members regrouped for ings, and her efforts lunch at McCalister’s went over exceed- Heather Reynolds (Johnson), Rep. Dean Deli, followed by a Dohrman, and Kim Lyne (Pettis) ingly well. “It was a meeting of the MCTA really great day, and Nicole’s process for us to deliver the pies was Board. President slick and easy,” said Cindy Esely (Andrew Cheslik thanks every- County). Nicole’s logistics had treasurers one who helped in Sen. Mike Cunningham delivering to a single floor which eased deliv- making this year’s Pie Day a success. eries given the very crowded hallways and Profile: Washington County’s Phyllis Long Years serving as County Treasurer: “Four.” How I came to run for office: “I had been a bookkeeper for a lumber company for over 41 years and was going to get my hours cut. A friend suggested running for Treas- urer. I did, won and here I am, starting my second term.” Phyllis Long What I like most about being a treasurer: “Bookkeeping. That is what I have done for 46 years and I just love it.” Most difficult thing about being a treasurer: “The politics.” Favorite politician: “Winston Churchill.” Away from the office, my favorite pastime is: “Being with my 11 grandkids. They keep me very busy.” My favorite movie: “Field of Dreams.” My favorite book: “The Old Man and the Sea.” Something most people don’t know about me is: “I’m the youngest of 12 kids. I have 6 brothers and 5 sisters. I have a daughter, Shawnee, who has 5 children (including a set of triplets) and a son, Chad, who has 6 children (including a set of twins).” Other bits: “I am a very big sports fan. I go to a lot of the High School games, includ- ing my granddaughter’s softball games for a traveling team in St. Louis. I have been a Cardinal fan all of my life.” Page 3 MCTA eNews Soapbox...a MCTA forum for friendly views and opinions… What did you enjoy about your last vacation? Barba Parrish Jena Epperson Paula McCoy Barton County Ralls County Livingston County What I Enjoyed Most about We are blessed to live within There is nothing that I like better My Last Vacation: First let me 20 minutes of the Mark Twain than telling you about the most tell you that I am Barba Par- Lake. Add a 20’ speed boat precious children that I went to rish, first term Barton County and a family that loves the see in New Jersey - my grand- Collector-Treasurer. The last water and you have a perpet- childrenJ. Our daughter Julie and her hus- vacation I took was with my ual vacation! We spend most band were expecting their third husband to Buena Park, Califi- Sundays during the boating child and I tried to plan my vaca- fornia to visit his family. Since season happily cruising the tion to witness the blessed they are so far away we do Lake, up to our chins in the event…. but I missed it again! not get to see them every Lake, or water skiing and tub- Baby daughter Meesha arrived 1 year so when we do get out ing. What I enjoy even more week before I got there! there it is good to see all of than these outings is when They also have a son Zain (4) them. This year was very spe- one or more of our kids bring and daughter Mahlia (2). There cial since his sister from a friend and we get to “teach” is no place else that I would ra- Washington was coming to them to ski! What fun to ther be than spending my vaca- tion with them. I go out once or visit the day we were to leave watch them go from a flailing twice a year and they plan a trip and we had not seen her for 7 ball of arms and legs to a pro to Missouri in the summer to years, so we lengthened our in no time at all! My brother- spend time with us, their great vacation by one day so all of in-law has a boat, too, so we grandparents, and cousins. Her his family could be together celebrate many special events brother Brent (from Springfield) for one day. As with any trip on the Lake. My most special plans a trip up home so that her that I go on, what I enjoy memory would have to be the children can play with their cous- most about it is the people 4th of July party we had with ins from Missouri. that I get to visit and the new another brother-in-law includ- Unfortunately, this was one of sights I get to discover. Saying ed. Shortly thereafter, he was the worst winters the northeast has had in a very long time, but I that, I should enjoy every day diagnosed with cancer and in didn’t mind though since I love as a vacation since in our offic- no time at all he passed from spending time inside with my es we always get to meet new this earth to heaven.
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