
February 12, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E229 pastime remained a white-only sport. On April REPEAL THE ESTATE TAX I would like to take this opportunity to high- 10, 1947, Jackie Robinson broke the color light one celebration that resonates personally. barrier in major league baseball, ending 71 HON. BOB STUMP This past Sunday, February 9, the Pullman years of exclusion for African-American ath- OF ARIZONA Blues Whistle Stop Tour departed Jack Lon- letes, when he was signed by Brooklyn Dodg- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES don Square in my hometown of Oakland, CA. er president Branch Rickey. Wednesday, February 12, 1997 This tour was created to coincide with a Feb- Jackie's path breaking career in professional ruary 16 celebration by the Historic Pullman baseball began on October 23, 1945, when he Mr. STUMP. Mr. Speaker, among the taxes Foundation in honor of the thousands of Afri- was signed to the Montreal Royals, the Dodg- the Internal Revenue Service collects, the es- can-American men and women who provided er's Triple-A farm team, as the first African- tate tax ranks as one of the most unfair. With the Pullman Co. and the railroads of America American player in the minor leagues. In his top rates reaching as high as 55 percent, the with over a century of faithful service on the first game, Jackie led the Royals to a 14±1 estate tax can and does force the sale of fam- passenger trains of railroad's Golden Age. victory over Jersey City Giants winning the re- ily businesses, farms, and ranches to satisfy My uncle, C.L. Dellums, for whom the Am- spect and admiration of Montreal and Jersey the tax collectors. trak station at London Square is named, was Mr. Speaker, I think it's safe to say that City fans alike. As he remembered, ``the crowd a Pullman car porter. He was a colleague and most people work for themselves and their just mobbed me. Kids were chasing me * * * comrade of A. Philip Randolph in the struggle families. They do not spend long hours and to get my autograph and grown people were to bring dignity to the jobs that were being many years building a successful business or patting me on the back * * * I was convinced performed by railroad workers. Their pioneer- family farm so that when they die, the Govern- that American sports fans are truly democratic ing struggle that resulted in the creation of the ment can step in and take the fruits of their la- * * * that they would accept meÐthey didn't first largely African-American trade union was bors. Yet, that is exactly what the estate tax care what color a player was.'' a harbinger not only of future victories for allows. Jackie went on to play as first baseman for worker rightsÐbut it was a catalyst that led to Though they account for only 1 percent of the Brooklyn Dodgers in April 1947 and was some of the important and more general civil Federal revenues, estate taxes have forced named National League Rookie of the Year. rights victories in our society. It is no small the sale of thousands of farms, ranches, and During his 10 years on the Dodgers the team wonder that this movement succeeded, given businesses throughout this country. We can won the pennant six times and the World Se- the towering vision and the charismatic intel- only guess at the jobs and economic potential ries in 1955. When Jackie retired in 1957 he lectual leadership of people like A. Philip Ran- lost through this process. One study con- had played every position but pitcher and dolph and C.L. Dellums. cluded that one-third of all small business catcher, and boasted a .311 lifetime major- This cross country whistle stop tour via two owners will have to sell all or part of their busi- league average, with 1,518 hits, 947 runs, 273 private railroad cars began in Oakland, stop- nesses to pay estate taxesÐ70 percent of that doubles, and 734 RBI's. He was named the ping over at Los Angeles, Kansas City, St. group will have to cut their work force. Louis, Chicago, and will end in the historic National League's Most Valued Player in 1949 Estate taxes hit the agricultural sector par- and to the Baseball Hall of Fame at the first town of Pullman, IL. Cosponsors of this event ticularly hard. American agriculture is filled include the A. Philip Randolph Institute, the election he was eligible on July 6, 1962. with farmers who are rich only on paper. In this, the golden anniversary of major NAACP, Amtrak, Twayne Publishers, and var- These ``paper millionaires'' know that the value ious private and union sponsors throughout league baseball's desegregation, I ask Mem- of their farms is not in the IRS valuation of bers to join me in honoring Mr. Jackie Robin- the country. their equipment and land, but in the farm's Their efforts to highlight the work of thou- son and the American ideals of opportunity ability to produce agricultural products. Farm- sands of African-American men and women in and equality which make our Nation great. ers make their living growing food and fiber, the railroad industry is an important and mov- f not speculating in land and equipment. ing contribution to our continuing struggle to Mr. Speaker, I am today introducing legisla- bring about equality of opportunity and an end 25 YEARS OF SERVICE TO SOUTH tion to repeal the estate tax. After a lifetime of to bigotry and intolerance in our Nation. We LYON hard work and sacrifice, the family business have so far to go to achieve equality, and we owner, farmer, and rancher should not be desperately need to remain engaged in this HON. JOE KNOLLENBERG faced with the prospect of losing it all to the struggleÐnot just because the goal is so ter- tax man. OF MICHIGAN ribly important but because we need urgently f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to persuade our children that we continue to fight and struggle for their future as well. Wednesday, February 12, 1997 IN CELEBRATION OF BLACK HISTORY MONTH I applaud their efforts and wish them the Mr. KNOLLENBERG. Mr. Speaker, I rise very best in their celebration. today to honor a loyal and dedicated officer to SPEECH OF f the community of South Lyon in Oakland SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO BENTLEY County, MI. David LaFond celebrated his 25th HON. RONALD V. DELLUMS OF CALIFORNIA KASSAL year on the South Lyon police force on Janu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ary 26, 1997. David began his career in law enforcement Tuesday, February 11, 1997 HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL on August 11, 1963, with the city of Northville. Mr. DELLUMS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in OF NEW YORK He transferred to South Lyon in 1972 and has commemoration of Black History Month. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES served 25 dedicated years since. observation of Black History Month dates back Wednesday, February 12, 1997 He was promoted to sergeant in 1977 and to 1926 when African-American historian and Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, and my col- in 1990, became the first lieutenant in South scholar Dr. Carter G. Woodson introduced leagues of the House, I would like to take this Lyon police history. Currently, David serves as ``Negro History Week,'' traditionally observed opportunity to bring to your attention a very the second in command of the South Lyon de- during the second week of February to coin- special person who is about to celebrate his partment and, for the past 12 years, has been cide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln 80th birthday on February 28, 1997. the officer in charge of all department inves- and Frederick Douglass, a personal hero. In I am speaking about Justice Bentley Kassal tigations. 1976, this was expanded to include the entire who has faithfully served the people of the Mr. LaFond has been awarded many cita- month of February. In many communities, this State of New York for over 40 years. Bentley tions and letters of commendation during his has also been expanded with celebrations be- Kassal was born in New York City on Feb- years of service. He has acted as director of ginning with Kwanzaa in late December, con- ruary 28, 1917, to Pauline Nirenberg and public safety and served on the West Oakland tinuing in January with the birthday celebration Hyman Kassal, who arrived from Poland in major crime team since its inception. In 1994, of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. through Feb- 1914. He attended New York City public he was elected the team coordinator. ruary, culminating in May with the birthday of schools. He graduated from Townsend Harris The dedication of David LaFond exemplifies Malcolm X. Of course, it goes without saying High School and was a member of the varsity his commitment to making South Lyon a safer that black history is relevant everyday espe- soccer and baseball teams. He was elected to place for our families. He is a loyal public cially in the United States since it is inextrica- the Townsend Harris hall of fame in April 1991 servant who deserves the recognition, honors, bly linked to the history and development of and received its Life Achievement Award in and accolades he receives. this Nation. October 1989. E230 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks February 12, 1997 He is a graduate of the University of Penn- Wars. Serving as a merchant marine, Mr. Al- ACCURACY IN CAMPUS CRIME sylvania [1937, B.A.] and Harvard Law School exander transported supplies and ammunition REPORTING ACT [1940, J.D.].
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