THE DEERSTALKER April 2011 THE DEERSTALKER web address: www.newsouthdeerstalkers.org.au NSW Deerstalkers Association COMMITTEE FOR 2011 President: Darren Plumb Formed: 7th June 1972 Ph: 0248447071; 0412021741 Life Members: the late Gordon Alford Bob Penfold Secretary & Wayne McPhee Public Officer: Greg Haywood Jack Boswell 1 Struan Street Paul Wilkes Tahmoor NSW Steve Isaacs 2573 Ph: 02 4681 8363 Affiliated To: Australian Deerstalkers Federation Treasurer: Nalda Haywood Game Management Council (Australia) Inc. Snr. Vice President: John Natoli Contributions: Ph: 04138514336 The editor and editorial committee reserve Jnr. Vice the right to modify any contributions. President: Peter Birchall 26/39-41 Railway St., All contributions are to be mailed or Engadine. emailed to: Club Armourer: John Natoli. Dal Birrell - Editor Game Management 14 Blackall Street Representatives: Greg Haywood, Bulli NSW 2516 Steve Isaacs Mark Isaacs, Greg [email protected] Lee, Peter clark, Les King, Darren Plumb. Advertisements: Licence Testing Advertisements for products sold by Co-ordinator: Greg Haywood NSWDA Members are accepted and printed free of charge provided a discount is given to club members. Video Library: Terry Burgess Cover Photo All Memberships & General Cor- John Desanti with a lovely even Fallow trophy respondence to be posted to: taken early in this year’s season. PO Box 519 PICTON NSW 2571 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Calendar FROM THE EDITOR of This year we will publish five issues of this newsletter. To ensure that we get each Events issue out on time, there will be deadlines for submission of materials to be included. If material reaches me after a deadline, it will be included in the next issue, if appropriate. Expect to recieve each issue about three weeks after its deadline. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Guidelines for submissions. Meeting dates for 2011 I forgot to mention the 2011 meeting dates. Material which is emailed saves me a lot The venue is the German Austrian Club of work. Writing can be sent as a Word Cabramatta – Thursday at 7.30 pm 19 May file, or a text file. For those without an 21 July (also AGM) 13 October Trophy expensive word processing program, you Exhibition & Christmas Party Saturday 19 can use any writing program included November with your operating system, or download “Open Office” free from the internet which is virtually identical to “Microsoft Office”& can exchange files with that famous ○○○○○○○○○○ program. Photographs should NOT be included in the article itself, but sent as separate files (attachments to the email). You can indicate where each photo might ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ be placed by typing its file name in Photos can be prints or negatives or slides. brackets in the text. These can be returned to you if you include a Photographs should be . jpeg files, stamped self addressed envelope. If these saved at about 15 cm X 10 cm size at photos are valuable, send copies rather than quality 8 (which gives the best quality for originals. the smallest file size). NSWDA Hunting Club AHO (for R Printed on paper submissions need to have clear black typed text. Feintly printed licences) is 10111, & the Agent No. is text will not scan & cannot be included. 7185 Very short pieces, such as personal adverts can be hand written. Please Note: The N.S.W.D.A. Inc. takes no responsibility for views expressed in “The Deerstalker”. All articles submitted are signed by the relevant author. The Editor & Committee do however, take responsibility for views expressed in articles & reports submitted by ○○○○○○ ○○○○ them! The Deerstalker Page 3 The 2011 NSW Election Results. will spend a short time in a closed off section of a National Park, targeting pest species. This has The Upper House counting is complete. Results been a successful strategy in removing goats from can be viewed on line at sections of the Flinders Ranges, where their http://vtr.elections.nsw.gov.au/lc_summary.htm numbers had built up to unsustainable numbers. Rob Brown has been returned with a significantly Goats had almost denuded the land & had taken increased vote, but the Party still failed to gain a over the habitat of the Yellow Footed Rock quota, due mostly to the skullduggery of the Wallaby, putting its survival in jeopardy. There are Fishing Party & the Outdoors Recreation Party. still plenty of goats in the Flinders & their control The Shooters & Fishers Party and Christian is an on-going job, and always will be. The South Democrats have the balance of power in NSW, Australian SSAA actually bought a property with and many have said what a bad thing this is, one of the last remaining wallaby populations & usually citing shooting in National Parks as their has its own continuous management program, main reason. keeping the populations of goats & foxes at levels On behalf of those of us who were responsible for which are low enough to allow the wallabies to organising shooters to hand out at local polling survive & thrive. Unlike the relatively small areas booths, I thank all of those who worked for us on which have been fenced to exclude foxes so that the day. Your effort brought unprecedented populations of Bilbies & other small species can success and allowed us to hopefully at least, enjoy be re-introduced, large areas like most National our shooting sports another four years. Parks cannot be fenced, & even if they were, the We of course, are relieved that the Greens did not job of eliminating foxes, cats & other ferals is get the balance of power. For various reasons it impossible. Currently National Parks are havens seems that not only was Labor unpopular this time for feral plants & animals because there is around, but so were their perceived bed fellows. insufficient money for their effective control, & The price of Freedom is eternal vigilance, so this even less political will. Baiting from the air kills time around we have won a battle, not the war. many feral animals, but it also kills unacceptable The Greens will be forever out to remove our numbers of natives as well. Parks & Wildlife freedom & our firearms. They seem quite organisations everywhere deny this, but it very unconstrained by truth and ethics. easy to verify. The reality is that with insufficient money, baiting is a the only cheap political As a Biologist, I am dismayed at the Green’s solution the NSW government would consider. ignorance of ecology & wildlife management. Let us hope that the new State government has Maybe our victory is just as important to the the balls to listen to professional game managers conservation of our wildlife & ecosystems as it is for a change, ignore the ignorant Greens and at to defending our shooting sports. The Party is still least run some trial shooting programs against pushing strongly for shooting in National Parks. ferals in our National Parks. Robert reiterated this in his first interview after the election. I really don’t know what the Party hopes Dal Birrell. for in this regard, but I doubt it will ever be “open slather”. If NSW moves to the South Australian model, what might occur is that occasionally, a small party of hunters, along with a NPWS officer The Deerstalker Page 4 The Croc Report This Month’s Featured Animal Australia & New Zealand Hunting : Australia: 5.3 [metres] and it’s probably the biggest one Croc attack sparks ‘monster’ warning on 2011/ around this area.”The Pine River has got another 3/13 15:05:13 (79 reads) one about 5.3 [metres] and when you see them, I Residents on Queensland’s Cape York Peninsula mean it’s an eye-opener for anyone coming up say there are local crocodiles much bigger than here - it shocks.”More education has got to be the one that attacked a fisherman on done for the people around that come to work Wednesday.Todd Bairstow, 28, was attacked by here.”I think the mining company has got to a four-metre saltwater crocodile while fishing actually show them that you can’t muck around near the bank of Trunding Creek, near Weipa on with crocodiles.”http://www.abc.net.au/news/ western Cape York Peninsula on stories/2011/03/11/3161161.htm Wednesday.Police say Mr Bairstow grabbed mangrove branches and fought for his life, punching and kicking the crocodile for 15 FOR some time now, calls have minutes until he was free.Another man fishing been made from the Northern nearby also fought the crocodile until it let go and Territory for the introduction of disappeared into the water.Mr Bairstow had surgery yesterday in Cairns Base Hospital after limited crocodile shooting. suffering severe injuries during his 15-minute ordeal.A hospital spokeswoman says Mr They’re a pretty good case.Croc populations Bairstow is having a second round of surgery have exploded since hunting was banned in today and will require further surgery for his 1971.Numbers are about 80,000 and wounds.His younger brother is by his side and his climbing.These include a new generation of males parents are due to arrive from Port Pirie in South - bigger, aggressive and much more dangerous Australia later today.Rangers will search for the than the females - that have matured with crocodile in the hope they can locate it and absolutely nothing to fear from man.As more remove it from the wild.Terry Garlick owns a people visit wetlands to watch or fish, clashes tackle shop in Weipa and says he knows the become more frequent.We look at crocs as more crocodile that attacked Mr Bairstow and than prehistoric relics. They view us as authorities will not have much trouble finding food.There’s a morbid public curiosity about it.However, he says the animal is nothing cold-blooded beasts that dismember people and compared to others on the eastern side of gulp them down.A blue-ringed octopus, town.”There is a monster croc over near the something the size of a lap dog scrotum, makes Mission River Bridge - it has been there since I you just as dead.The hunt proposal is modest - a have been here and they call it ‘Black Beauty’ trial quota of 25 reptiles.At $20,000 a head from and it’s a monster croc,” he said.”I can tell you well-heeled and mainly overseas hunters, it would when you see it you shudder ..
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