To reserve a DVD please email your request to [email protected] TITLE WRITER CATALOG # RED = MISSING 13 2012-0196 2012:00:00 2010-8170 300 2010-8090 10 things I hate about you 2010-7368 12 rounds / 2013-0085 12 years a slave / 2014-0220 127 hours : Ralston, Aron. 2011-2139 13 going on 30 2011-1866 16 blocks / 2010-7369 17 again 2011-0760 2 days in Paris 2010-7797 2 fast 2 furious 2010-7368 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea 2014-0312 2001, a space odyssey 2013-0186 21 & Over 2014-0001 21 grams 2010-7651 21 Jump Street 2012-0478 22 Jump Street 2015-0110 27 Dresses 2019-0110 28 days later 2010-7649 3 days of the Condor 2010-7655 3 women 2010-7134 3:10 to Yuma 2012-0463 30 days of night 2010-8000 30 Minutes Or Less 2012-0410 42 The Jackie Robinson Story 2014-0104 47 Ronin 2014-0274 48 hrs. 2010-7647 50 first dates 2010-7371 50/50 2012-0339 6 Bullets 2012-0613 8 mile 2010-7654 8 mile 2010-8089 9 / 2017-0106 9 to 5 / 2012-0326 A beautiful mind 2010-7769 A Christmas story 2010-7205 A clockwork orange 2 disc 2010-7685 A dirty shame 2012-0280 A Fish called Wanda : 2 disc Cleese, John. 2010-8061 A good year 2010-7463 A guide to recognizing your saints 2011-2190 A Guy Thing by Chris Koch 2011-0563 A history of violence 2010-8040 A kid in King Arthur's court 2010-7138 A Kiss Before Dying 2012-0253 A knight's tale 2012-0541 A league of their own 2010-7139 A Little Bit Of Heaven 2012-0563 A love song for Bobby Long 2011-1932 A Man Apart 2013-0202 A midsummer night's dream / Shakespeare, William, 2011-0757 A mighty heart 2010-8227 A mighty wind 2010-7384 A Murder of Crows 2010-8573 A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 2011-0792 A Nightmare on Elm Street. 2 2010-7804 A nightmare on Elm Street. 3 2010-7806 A nightmare on Elm Street. 5 2010-7809 A Perfect Getaway 2010-7795 A Pony for Every Season 2017-0191 A serious man 2011-0115 A single man 2011-1319 A single shot / 2018-0272 A star is born 2010-7871 A summer in Genoa 2011-2253 A walk to remember 2011-1763 A.I. Artificial Intelligence 2 disc 2012-0412 ÆonFlux 2011-2205 ABBA In Concert 2011-0895 About a boy 2010-7373 Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter 2012-0651 Ace Ventura, pet detective 2010-7375 Ace Ventura, when nature calls 2010-7376 Across the universe 2 disc 2010-8641 Act of valor / Couch, Dick, 2012-0549 Adam 2010-7779 Addams family values 2012-0148 Adele 2 disc 2012-0284 Admission 2014-0105 Adoration 2010-7646 Adventureland 2011-0902 Adventures in the Crystal Empire 2017-0190 Adventures of Tintin 2012-0304 After Earth : Peymani, Christine, 2013-0262 Agent Cody Banks 2010-7150 Agent Cody Banks 2 2010-7137 Air Bud 2017-0062 Albert Nobbs 2012-0551 Alexander Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo 2018-0228 Alice doesn't live here anymore 2010-7140 Alice in Wonderland 2011-1498 Alien 2 disc 2010-7642 Alien 3 2010-7643 Aliens in the attic 2010-7764 Aliens Vs Predator Requiem 2011-1564 Alison Krauss + Union Station live 2 disc Krauss, Alison, 2010-7082 Alive 2012-0652 All good things 2011-1769 All is lost. 2014-0221 All of me 2010-7141 All roads lead home / Bingham, Linda S., 2010-8214 All Star Superman 2014-0106 All the king's men 2010-7381 Almost famous 2010-7637 Almost heroes 2012-0498 Along came Polly 2010-7382 Alpha dog 2010-7635 Alvin and the Chimpmunks 2011-0907 Amadeus 2010-8178 Amazing Spider-Man 2012-0615 Amelia 2010-7144 American gangster 2 disc 2010-6987 American gigolo 2010-7634 American hustle / 2014-0275 American Mall 2014-0313 American pie 2 2011-1867 American pie presents: Beta House / 2012-0616 American Pie Revealed 2010-8714 American Pie: 3 Movie Pie Pack 3 disc 2017-0200 American Reunion 2012-0617 American splendor 2010-7636 American violet 2010-7383 American virgin 2010-7632 Americano 2012-0653 America's black warriors--two wars to win. 2010-7085 Amistad 2010-7630 Amnesia / 2010-7742 Amy Winehouse : 2015-0045 An American Carol 2011-1210 An American haunting 2010-6982 An education 2010-7448 An Education 2011-2238 An evening with Kevin Smith 2 DISC 2010-6995 An inconvenient truth 2010-7147 An unfinished life 2010-8236 Analyze that 2010-7629 Analyze this 2010-7628 Anastasia / 2018-0211 Anchorman 2010-6989 Anchorman 2: the legend continues / 2014-0276 Andersonville 2010-6984 Andy Warhol 2010-6985 Angel heart 2011-1335 Anger management 2011-1868 Anna Karenina 2013-0263 Annabelle 2015-0092 Annie 2013-0035 Annie Hall 2010-7148 Annie Lennox Live in Central Park 2011-1598 Another 48 hrs. / 2010-7740 Ant-Man 2017-0013 Any given Sunday 2011-0562 Apocalypse now redux 2010-7713 Apocalypto 2011-1869 Apollo 13 2010-7151 Appaloosa 2010-7801 Archer - The Complete Season 2 2 disc 2012-0257 Archer: Complete Season 1 2 disc 2011-1905 Are we done yet? / 2010-8168 Are we there yet? 2010-7152 Are you here 2015-0039 Argo 2013-0264 Arguing with myself Dunham, Jeff, 2010-6976 Armageddon 2011-0766 Armored 2010-7385 Army of darkness 2010-7712 Arrested Development 3 disc 2012-0413 Arthur 2011-2135 Arthur and the Invisibles / 2019-0143 As good as it gets 2013-0081 As you like it 2011-2150 Assassination Games 2012-0194 Assassination of a high school president 2010-7711 Assault on Precinct 13 2010-7710 Astro Boy 2010-7153 A-Team Season 1 (disc 1&2) 2016-0208 Atlantis, the lost empire 2012-0322 ATM 2012-0552 Atonement 2010-8716 Attack the Block 2012-0251 August Rush 2010-8504 Austin Powers in Goldmember 2011-0767 Austin Powers, international man of mystery 2010-7386 Australia / 2010-7781 Avatar 2012-0460 Avengers Age Of Ultron 2017-0016 AVP 2010-6974 Awake 2011-1573 Away from her 2010-7391 Away we go 2010-7705 Azumi 2 2010-8715 Babel 2010-7699 Baby geniuses / 2011-0474 Babylon 5, the movie collection 2010-7018 Babylon 5, the movie collection 2010-7019 Babylon 5, the movie collection 2010-7020 Babylon 5, the movie collection 2010-7021 Babylon 5, the movie collection 2010-7022 Babylon A.D. 2012-0499 Babymakers 2012-0654 Back to the future 3 disc 2010-7156 Backdraft 2010-7702 Bad Boys 2010-7701 Bad boys II 2 disc 2010-7700 Bad company 2010-7783 Bad Grandpa 2017-0032 Bad Lieutenant : Herzog, Werner, 2010-8549 Bad news Bears 2011-1565 Bad Santa Director's Cut 2011-0908 Bad words / 2014-0277 Badlands 2010-7157 Bag Man 2014-0222 Ballast 2010-7836 Balls of fury 2010-7393 Band of brothers 2 disc 2010-8711 Band of brothers 2 disc 2010-8712 Band of brothers 2 disc 2010-8713 Barbershop 2010-7394 Barney - Let's Pretend with Barney 2011-0845 Barry Munday 2011-1342 BASEketball 2010-8591 Basic 2012-0395 Basic instinct 2013-0188 Batman begins 2010-7395 Batman The Dark Night Returns Part 1 2 disc 2017-0089 Batteries Not Included 2017-0050 Battle 2011-2209 Battle for Terra 2011-1512 Battle of Los Angeles 2012-0012 Battle Of The Brave 2014-0107 Battle Planet 2014-0108 Battleship 2012-0619 Battlestar Galactica Season 1 Disc 1 2011-0815 Battlestar Galactica Season 1 Disc 2 2011-0816 Battlestar Galactica Season 1 Disc 3 2011-0817 Battlestar Galactica Season 1 Disc 4 2011-0818 Battlestar Galactica Season 1 Disc 5 2011-0819 Battlestar Galactica Season 2 Disc 1 2010-7026 Battlestar Galactica The Miniseries 2017-0072 Battlestar Galactica: Razor 2010-7080 Battlestar Galactica: Season 2 Disc 2 2010-7025 Battlestar Galactica: Season 2 Disc 3 2010-7024 Battlestar Galactica: Season 2.5 Disc 1 2010-7023 Battlestar Galactica: Season 2.5 Disc 2 2010-7028 Battlestar Galactica: Season 2.5 Disc 3 2010-7027 Be cool 2010-7400 Beaches 2010-7396 Beautiful 2010-7397 Beautiful Creatures 2013-0265 Beauty and The Beast Belle's Magical World 2011-0844 Beaver 2013-0036 Because I said so 2010-7398 Because of Winn-Dixie 2010-7161 Becket 2010-7399 Becoming Jane 2010-7716 Bedknobs and broomsticks 2011-1768 Beerfest / 2011-2123 Before the devil knows you're dead 2010-7676 Begin again / 2015-0002 Beginners 2012-0201 Behind enemy lines 2010-7401 Being Elmo 2012-0343 Being John Malkovich 2010-7698 Beneath 2010-7697 Beowulf 2011-0157 Beowulf & Grendel 2010-7743 Bereft 2013-0001 Best in show 2010-7402 Best Of Percy 2012-0346 Better Life 2013-0038 Better off dead 2010-7163 Beverly Hills cop 2010-7694 Beverly Hills cop II 2010-7693 Beverly Hills cop III 2010-7692 Bewitched 2010-7403 Beyond suspicion 2010-7691 Bicentennial man 2010-7164 Big 2010-7167 Big daddy 2010-8215 Big fat liar 2010-7168 Big fish 2010-7404 Big Hero 6 2015-0114 Big Stan 2010-6973 Big trouble 2011-2164 Big Trouble in Little China 2011-0768 Big trouble in Little China / Kung Pow! Enter The Fist 2 disc 2013-0191 Biker boyz 2013-0245 Bill Cosby Himself 2017-0099 Bill Maher: Be More Cynical 2010-6972 Bill Maher: Victory Begins at Home 2010-6967 Billy Joel: Live At Yankee Stadium 2012-0005 Billy Madison 2010-7405 Bionicle: Mask of Light 2010-7204 Birdman 2015-0111 Birds / Royston, Angela, 2010-6901 Bitter Buddha 2014-0025 Biutiful 2011-2223 Black & White Night 2011-1789 Black and white 2014-0002 Black aviators : 2010-6971 Black Beauty / 2014-0314 Black Christmas (DVD) [1974, Special edition] 2010-7674 Black Hawk down 2010-7670 Black mass / 2017-0007 Black Panther 2012-0008 Black sheep 2012-0500 Black snake moan 2010-7650 Blackthorn 2012-0197 Blade II / 2010-8588 Blade runner disc 2 2011-1870 Blade trinity 2 disc 2011-0865 Blades of glory 2011-2168 Blazing saddles 2011-0783 Blended 2015-0003 Blitz 2012-0199 Blood diamond 2010-7803 Blue collar comedy tour 2010-7406 Blue Collar Comedy Tour rides again 2010-6969 Blue ice 2011-2250 Blue Streak 2017-0035 Blue valentine 2011-1875 Boat trip (Motion picture), 2003.
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