For Kansas State University faculty and staff Sept. 12 plaudits Gaelic get -together opportunities A unique collaboration by the Classified National Geographic Society, • A list of employment opportunities is posted at http://www.k-state.edu/hr/vac.html Britton takes over gender-equality project • A recording of classified job opportunities is available 24 hours a day on the Employment Month 01, 2008 F Vol. 30, No. X Neal Conan and the Celtic group Dana Britton, professor of sociology and editor-in-chief of the jour- Information Line, 532-6271. Ensemble Galilei. 7:30 p.m., Mc- nal Gender & Society, has been named executive director of the K- • For additional information, call 532-6277 or visit the Division of Human Resources at 103 September 11, 2008 Vol. 31, No. 5 Cain Auditorium. Staged with the Edwards Hall. Applications are accepted 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. State ADVANCE Institutional Transformation project. k-statement “First Person” exhibition of National k-statement The appointment was announced by Ruth Dyer, associate provost Geographic photographs at the Unclassified • A listing of vacancies can be seen at http://www.k-state.edu/affact/Opportunities/unclass.htm and principal investigator of the ADVANCE project, which is funded Beach Museum of Art. • For additional information, call the office of affirmative action at 532-6220 or State of the University by a $3.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation. The Exhibition closes visit 214 Anderson Hall. project is aimed at enhancing the recruit- Last chance to view work by History takes the stage scheduled for Sept. 12 This year’s State of the University ment, retention, and advancement of women architecture student participants in History takes the stage, continued address will take place from 3-5 faculty members in science, engineering and the 2007-2008 Kansas City Design Landon Lecture Series remains among the most prestigious in the country September p.m. Friday, Sept. 12, in the Alumni math. Center. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, Chang Center Ballroom. Presenters include “Dr. Britton’s research on gendered organi- Gallery, Seaton Hall. Fred Fairchild, faculty senate zations and how gender affects work makes It’s no surprise when a news- president; M. Duane Nellis, provost her a perfect fit,” said Dyer. “She is familiar Sept. 14 worthy lecture shows up in head- and senior vice president; and Jon with ADVANCE from having served as a lines for a few days. But when King Corn Wefald, K-State president. member of the steering and executive com- Part of Movies on the Grass, this a lecture reappears in the news The address will be available at mittees, and we are very pleased that she is documentary looks at the envi- for months and even years, it’s BLAB! session with Bill North, senior curator, who will conduct http://www.k-state.edu/provost/about/ willing to take on this leadership role.” ronmental, economic, and public unusual. Unless it’s a K-State a gallery tour of the BLAB! retrospective of the magazine’s graphic sou08.htm once the event starts. Britton has been a faculty member at K- health effects of the mass produc- Landon Lecture. tion and consumption of corn in the art. 7 p.m., Beach Museum of Art. (Cover art from BLAB! No. 16 State since 1995 and was promoted to full “All the lectures get good pub- Dana Britton U.S. 7 p.m. for pre-film events, 8 by Tim Biskup) licity, but a few pop up in the Richt joins advisory board professor in 2007. p.m. film showing, Coffman Com- news days, weeks and even years “I look forward to building on the strong mons, south side of Hale Library. author and host of “A Prairie Home after they were presented,” said for global journal Companion.” 7:30 p.m., McCain foundation that Beth Montelone and Ruth Dyer have established,” Charles Reagan, who has chaired Juergen Richt, regents distin- Sept. 18 Auditorium. Call 532-6428. Britton said. “Though much has been accomplished already, K-State Sept. 15 the Landon Lecture Series since guished professor in the College can move forward as a leader in transforming academic workplaces Rock operatics 1984. of Veterinary Medicine, has been East Village Opera Company is in ways that promote equality for all members of our faculty.” Art from abroad The June 2008 issue of Vanity named to the scientific advisory Exhibition of work by architecture a powerhouse group that brings Sept. 23 Since the program began in 2003, 15.7 percent of tenure-track Fair magazine devoted a section student participants in 2007-2008 opera into the 21st century. 7:30 Landon Lecture board of the Scientific and Technical to the March 18, 1968, lecture by faculty in the targeted disciplines are women, up from 13.3 percent, study abroad programs. 8 a.m. to p.m., McCain Auditorium. Call Vicente Fox, former president Review, a Robert F. Kennedy, titled “Con- and 10 women hold administrative positions, up from six. Forty-three 5 p.m. weekdays through Oct. 10, 532-6428. of Mexico. 3:30 p.m., McCain publication flict in Vietnam and at Home.” women have been hired into tenure-track positions. Chang Gallery and first floor east Auditorium. of the World The magazine’s focus is typical Along with Montelone, Britton is also a principal investigator in a wing, Seaton Hall. Sept. 22 of the long-lasting value of the Organization recently funded $440,000 National Science Foundation project to Landon Lectures, Reagan said. for Animal study factors that facilitate or impede the transition from associate on campus Garrison Keillor Spend an evening with bestselling (This year’s first Landon Lec- Health. to full professor. ture, by the former president of “Dr. Richt’s Mexico, Vicente Fox, will take appoint- Climate change and the Konza, continued place at 3:30 p.m. Sept. 23 in Mc- ment is a Cain Auditorium.) Distinguished visitors to the Landon podium have included Bill tremendous change, Blair said. groundwater sampling.” for the Prairie Peninsula do- Bobby Kennedy spoke on March 18, 1968, shortly after he had an- “The Landon Lectures remain points of pride Clinton and Donald Rumsfeld, who spoke on the eve of his resignation. compliment Juergen Richt “The Konza site includes na- The advanced monitoring main, Konza would be a bench- nounced his run for the presidency. one of the most prestigious series to his sci- equipment and new measure- in American colleges and uni- K-State rates with Princeton tive tallgrass prairie habitat, mark for evaluating environ- entific credibility and contributions ments that would come as part mental change in the region, and was running for president.” nor of Kansas Jan. 9, 1933, and versities,” said Jon Wefald, uni- feld spoke on Nov. 9, 2006, the tention long after the speech. K-State is among the best undergradu- with fire and large native herbi- to animal and public health,” said of the National Ecological it would serve as an important Since nearly all Landon Lec- served two terms. Later he was versity president. “The Landons day after he announced he was “Bush was quoted extensively ate institutions in the nation, according to vores incorporated into a water- have a long history of attracting stepping down from his post as because the atmosphere at K- Ralph Richardson, dean of the Col- Observatory Network would node in the continental-scale tures are available online to view, the 1936 Republican Party nomi- The Princeton Review. shed-level experimental design, speakers who have something George W. Bush’s first secretary State allowed him to be himself,” lege of Veterinary Medicine. “Such greatly increase the research ca- observatory. The results would hear or read, the older lectures nee for president. On Dec. 13, The New York-based services company as well as areas influenced by pabilities of the site. In addition, important to say.” The series has of defense. Reagan said. recognition also reflects positively on be relevant to similar grasslands reach a new audience each time a 1966, he delivered the first lecture has just released the 2009 edition of its an- contemporary land-use prac- Blair said that Konza already news cycle mentions them. in the series: “New Challenges in played host to some of the most “There was speculation in The series gets access to A-list K-State and the efforts that we are worldwide. important figures in public life in the media over whether Rums- speakers mainly through connec- all making to enhance the health and nual book, “The Best 368 Colleges.” tices like agriculture, prescribed has a 30-year database of eco- More than 1,000 hits are re- International Relations.” Being a part of the network corded each month on the Web “Alf set the tone and direction America over the past 40 years. feld would still come to speak,” tions, Reagan said. well-being of animals and people.” Along with academics, schools are se- burning and cattle grazing,” logical measurements through the National Science Founda- also would give K-State students site that links to audio and video with his first lecture,” Reagan Among recent newsworthy Reagan said. “But he did and he “James Pearson was a senator lected for the book based on evaluations of Blair said. “Konza Prairie also visitors, Reagan cited the 2008 drew a huge crowd.” Rumsfeld from Kansas in 1968. He went to tion’s Long-Term Ecological and researchers opportunities to archives, at http://ome.ksu.edu/ said. “It was prophetic in warning institutional data, feedback from students lecture by Gen. Michael Hayden, also was in town because Gen.
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