Mapping National and International Flow of Funds for Conservation of Biodiversity with Special Focus on Maharashtra Province in India Rathin Roy Rita Pandey Manish Gupta Paavani Sachdeva Shivali Sugand Abhishek Singh Final Report May 2017 National Institute of Public Finance and Policy New Delhi i Mapping National and International Flow of Funds for Conservation of Biodiversity with Special Focus on Maharashtra Province in India Supported by: The Biodiversity Finance Initiative - (BIOFIN) India. United Nations Development Program Suggested citation: Roy, Rathin, Pandey, Rita, Gupta, M., Sachdeva, P., Sugand, S., and Singh, A. Mapping National and International Flow of Funds for Conservation of Biodiversity with Special Focus on Maharashtra Province in India. National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, India. May, 2017. Contact information: Rita Pandey, [email protected] [email protected] Disclaimer: The views expressed and any errors are entirely those of the authors and do not necessarily corroborate to policy view points of the contacted individuals and institutions. ii Table of contents Acknowledgements List of Acronyms Chapter 1: Background, Objectives and Approach of the Study 1. Introduction 2. Objectives of the Study 3. Approach and Methodology of the Study Chapter 2: Mapping Domestic Public Expenditure for Biodiversity Conservation in Maharashtra 1. Domestic public sources of funds for biodiversity conservation in Maharashtra 2. Methodology for determining biodiversity relevant flow of funds in Maharashtra 2.1 Central Government Funds to Maharashtra 2.2 Maharashtra State Funds 2.3 District Level Funds Flow 2.4 Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority Funds 2.5 Grants from National Biodiversity Authority to Maharashtra State Biodiversity Board 3. Methodology for Determining Expenditure Attributable to Biodiversity Conservation in Maharashtra 4. Consultations at the State and District Level 5. Analysis of Findings and Results 5.1 Central Government Releases to Maharashtra (inclusive of State Shares) 5.2 Maharashtra State Schemes 5.3 Schemes in Selected Districts of Maharashtra 5.4 Total Expenditure on Biodiversity Conservation in Maharashtra 6. Projections 7. Summing- Up 8. Policy Suggestions Chapter 3: Mapping Expenditure for Biodiversity Conservation through External Assistance (Grants and Loans) 1. Introduction 2. Identification of Relevant Sources of Data 3. Compilation of Data 4. Analysis and Results 4.1 Comparison with CRS data 5. Projections 6. Summarizing 7. Policy Suggestions Chapter 4: Mapping Expenditure on Biodiversity Conservation through Corporate Social Responsibility: Status, Potential, Challenges and Imperatives 1. Corporate Social Responsibility in India 1.1 CSR: Formal Notifications and Guidelines 1.2 CSR: Statutory Obligation 1.3 CSR: Performance under Statutory Obligation 2. CSR under BIOFIN India 2.1 Objectives 2.2 Methodology 3. Analysis of Results and Main Findings 3.1 Analysis of Quantitative data iii 3.2 Projection Methodology 3.3 Projections from Sample Data 3.4 Projections from Secondary Data 3.5 Analysis of Qualitative data 4. Insights from Survey Responses, Consultations and Interviews 5. Summarizing 6. Policy Suggestions Chapter 5: Mapping Flow of Funds for Biodiversity Conservation through CSOs at the Central Level 1. Introduction 2. Objectives 3. Scope of the Chapter and Source of funds to CSOs 4. Methodology 4.1 Compilation of Data 4.2 Computation of Biodiversity Attributable Expenditure by CSOs 5. Analysis and Main Results 5.1 PFMS Data: All India 5.2 Analysis and Main Results: Maharashtra 6. Policy Suggestions Chapter 6: Coastal and Marine Ecosystems in Maharashtra: Policy and Institutional Review 1. Introduction 2. Mangroves 2.1 Key Biodiversity Trend 2.2 Key Drivers 2.3 Key Sectoral Practices 2.4 Policy and Policy Factors 2.5 Other Drivers 2.6 Summing up 3. Coastal Fisheries 3.1 Key Biodiversity Trend 3.2 Key Drivers 3.3 Key Sectoral Practices 3.4 Policy and Policy Factors 3.5 Miscellaneous Observations 4. Other Drivers & Development in the Sector 4.1 Sand Mining 4.2 Assisting Marine Animal in Distress 4.3 Establishment of Flamingo Sanctuary at Thane Creek 5. Case Study 1- Mangrove 5.1 Mangrove Wealth of Maharashtra 5.2 Main Issues 5.3 Policy measures by the State 5.4 Institutional Measures by the State 5.5 Mangrove Cell 5.6 Mangrove & Marine Biodiversity Conservation Foundation 6. Case Study 2- Fisheries 6.1 Fisheries in Maharashtra iv 6.2 Main Issues 6.3 Policy Initiatives by the States 6.3.1 Mesh Control 6.3.2 Ban on Purse Seine Fishing 6.3.3 Annual ban period & Traditional practices 6.3.4 Restrictions on Trawlers 7. Policy & Institutional Review in Excel Format as in BIOFIN Workbook 8. Summary and Suggestions 8.1 Key Drivers 8.2 Key Sectoral Practices 8.3 Policy Response 9. Key Finance Solutions, Policy and Capacity Gaps Chapter 7: Inland Wetlands in Maharashtra: Policy and Institutional Review 1. Inland Wetlands: Functions and Uses 2. Inland Wetlands in Maharashtra: Key Trends 3. Inland Wetlands in Maharashtra 3.1 Key Biodiversity Driver 3.2 Key Sectoral Practices 3.3 Policy and Policy Factors 4. Summing-Up 5. Suggestions 6. Key Finance Solutions, Policy and Capacity Gaps 7. Policy and Institutional Review in Excel Format as in BIOFIN Workbook Chapter 8: Forest Ecosystems Maharashtra: Policy and Institutional Review 1. Introduction 2. Status of Forest: Maharashtra and India 3. Key Trends in Forest Cover: Maharashtra 3.1 Recent Trends in Forest Cover 3.2 Trends in Hill Districts and tribal Areas 3.3 Trends in Green Wash Area 3.4 Historical Trend in Forest Cover 3.5 Status of Threatened, Endangered and Vulnerable Species 3.6 Status of Biodiversity in Protected Area Network of Maharashtra 4. Drivers of Biodiversity Loss in Maharashtra 4.1 Land Use Change 4.2 Encroachment of Forest Land 4.3 Monoculture and Conversion of Natural Forest 4.4 Unsustainable Natural Resource Use 4.5 Unsustainable Harvesting Practices 4.6 Pollution 4.7 Climate Change 4.8 Policy and Governance Related Drivers 4.9 Market Failure 4.10 Financing Constraints 4.11 Lack of Financial Incentive for Conservation, Sustainable Harvest and Use 5. Policy Response 5.1 Wide Network of Protected Areas 5.2 Maharashtra Vision 2020 5.3 Maharashtra State Adaptation Action Plan on Climate Change (MSAAPCC) v 5.4 ICT Vision for Maharashtra Forest Department 5.5 Shyamaprasad Mukherjee Jan Van Vikas Scheme 5.6 Constituted Maharashtra State Bamboo Development Board 5.7 Maharashtra Eco-Tourism Policy 6. Suggestions 6.1 Credible Scientific Data on Biodiversity for Effective Planning and Management 6.2 Strengthen Enforcement of Laws related to Forests and Biodiversity Conservation 6.3 Streamline Financing for Biodiversity Conservation 6.4 Incentivize Sustainable Management of Forests Outside Protected Area 6.5 Mainstreaming Biodiversity in S 6.6 Landscape Planning 6.7 Thrust on Green Infrastructure, Agro and Urban Forestry, and Indigenous Varieties 6.8 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health Assessment 7. Key Finance Solutions, Policy and Capacity Gaps 8. Policy and Institutional Review in Excel Format as in BIOFIN Workbook Chapter 9: Taking Steps towards Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Sustainable Development Discourse in Maharashtra 1. Need for Biodiversity Mainstreaming 2. What is Biodiversity Mainstreaming? 3. What Constraints Biodiversity Mainstreaming in Practice 4. Mainstreaming to achieve what? 5. What will this involve? 6. Present Efforts of Convergence under MGNREGS: For illustration of the process 6.1 How Convergence works 6.2 Role of NBA and MSBB in preparation of SCP in Maharashtra 6.3 Some Observations 6.4 General observations and suggestions: NBAP vi Chapter – 2 Tables Table 1 Determining Attribution for Biodiversity Expenditures Table 2 Attributable Expenditure under selected programs under different Scenario Table 3 Classification of Projects & Programs: Guidance Documents Table 4 Central Scheme Funds for Maharashtra (Summary) Table 5 Direct and Indirect Impact-wise Analysis of Central Biodiversity Relevant Schemes Table 6 Attributable Expenditure under Direct and Indirect Impact Classification Table 7 Analysis of Centre’s Schemes by BIOFIN Thematic Classification Table 8 Attributable Expenditure in Centre’s Schemes by BIOFIN Thematic Classification Table 9 Central Ministry-wise Attributable Expenditure (%) Table 10 Central Ministry-wise Attributable Expenditure - BIOFIN Classification (%) Table 11 Maharashtra State Schemes (Summary) Table 12 Direct and Indirect Relevance-wise Analysis of Biodiversity Relevant State Schemes Table 13 Attributable Expenditure under Direct and Indirect Classification (State Schemes) Table 14 BIOFIN Classification wise Analysis of Biodiversity Relevant State Schemes Table 15 Attributable Expenditure under BIOFIN Classification (State Schemes) Table 16 State Government Department-wise Attributable Expenditure (%) Table 17 State Government Department-wise Attributable Expenditure - BIOFIN Classification (%) Table 18 Number of Biodiversity Relevant Schemes in Ratnagiri - Direct and Indirect Relevance Table 19 Attributable Expenditure for Ratnagiri under Direct and Indirect Classification Table 20 Number of Biodiversity Relevant Schemes in Ratnagiri – BIOFIN Classification Table 21 Attributable Expenditure for Ratnagiri under BIOFIN Classification Table 22 Number of Biodiversity Relevant Schemes in Chandrapur - Direct & Indirect Relevance Table 23 Attributable Expenditure for Chandrapur under Direct and Indirect Classification Table 24 Number
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