__________________________________ 中国 Table of Contents IMMIGRATION 目录 Application Kit – Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) Information REFUGEES & (available in Chinese) 申请材料包 -投资担保证明信息 CITIZENSHIP (含中文) Canada __________________________________ Study Permit – Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) Information 学习许可 – 投资担保证明信息 Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai 北京,广州和上海 Visa Office Instructions This application is made available free by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship 签证办公室说明 Canada and is not to be sold to applicants. 此文档由加拿大移民,难民和公民局免费提 供,不得出售给申请人。 Cette trousse est également disponible en français. 该套件还有法文版。 IMM 5843 E (10-2018) List of financial institutions participating in the Study Direct Stream, the Primary and Secondary program and the Post-Secondary Program Which are the participating Canadian Financial Institutions? In place of most financial documents, qualifying applicants must submit a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) from a participating Canadian financial institution. At present, Bank of China (Canada), Royal Bank of Canada, Bank of Montreal, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China – Canada, Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank), Bank of Xi’an, Bank of Beijing, HSBC Bank Canada, and Canadian Imperial Bank of Canada (CIBC) are the participating financial institutions. Please contact one of the banks below for more information about the GICs. Bank of China (Canada) Toll-Free Hotline (for use in China only): 95566 Toll-Free Hotline (for use in Canada): 1-844-669-5566 E-mail: [email protected] To submit your GIC application, visit one of the 1,400 Bank of China designated branches in China, located in every province. Find out more about the Bank of China (Canada) Student GIC program. Find out more about the Bank of China (Canada) branches. Royal Bank of Canada Beijing Branch Suite 921, Winland Centre No. 7 Finance Street Xi Cheng District Beijing 100033 P.R. China Tel: (10) 5839-9388, 5839-9200, 5839-9281, 5839-9303 E-mail: [email protected] 1 Bank of Montreal (China) Co. Ltd. Toll-free Hotline: 800-810-1438 (for use in China only) 1) Beijing Branch Unit 01, 27th Floor, Tower 3 China Central Place No.77 Jianguo Road Chaoyang District Beijing, China 100025Phone: (8610) 8588 1571-1577 Fax: (8610) 8518-8169 E-mail: [email protected] 2) Guangzhou Branch 19th Floor, International Finance Place 8 Huaxia Road, Zhujiang New Town Tianhe District Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510623 Phone: (8620) 3815 0183/0186/0189/0330 Fax: (8620) 3815-0168 E-mail: [email protected] 3) Shanghai Branch 20th Floor, Phase II, Office Tower Shanghai IFC 8 Century Avenue Pudong New Area Shanghai 200120 Phone: (8621) 6136 3616/3618/3619//3664 Fax: (8621) 6136-3615 E-mail: [email protected] Clients can also contact our strategic partner in China, the Agricultural Bank of China, to complete an application form. For details please visit the official website www.abchina.com 2 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) - Canada Toll-Free Hotline (for use in China only): 95588 press 3 to select America Region and then press 1 to connect to a Canada region Customer Service Representative. Toll-Free Hotline (for use in Canada): 1-877-779-5588 E-mail: [email protected] To submit your GIC application, visit one of ICBC’s designated branches in China. Contact the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Canada) Toronto Downtown Branch for more information about the GIC for Chinese Students. Find information about Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Canada), with branches in Ontario and British Columbia. The Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) Customers can apply online via Scotiabank secure online portal: English: http://www.scotiabank.com/ca/en/0,,9521,00.html Chinese: http://schinese.startright.scotiabank.com/ca/en/0,,6553,00.html For Inquiries: Customer Contact Centre (9am to 9pm EST) +1 416 288 3062 (English and Mandarin) - collect call Email: [email protected] For more information, please visit www.scotiabank.com/startright Customers can also visit one of Scotiabank’s designated banks branches: China Everbright Bank, Bank of Xi’an, or Bank of Beijing branches in order to complete an application form. China Everbright Bank Toll-free Hotline: 95595 (for use in China only) www.cebbank.com http://www.scotiabank.com/startright/en/files/12/07/Designated_Branches_China_Everbr ight_Bank.pdf (in Chinese only) 1a) Dong Cheng Sub Branch, Beijing 337 Dongsibei Blvd. Dong Cheng District Beijing, P. R. China Attention to: Qian Zhang and Yupeng Sun Qian Zhang’s Phone: 010-65063528, Cell: 13811495529 3 1b) Guang Hua Lu Sub Branch, Beijing Building G Yangguang 100, No.2 Guanghua Road Chaoyang District Beijing, P. R. China Attention to: Yupeng Sun Phone: 010-85860956, Cell: 13661015591 2) Xu Hui Sub Branch, Shanghai 188 Hongqiao Road Xu Hui District Shanghai, P. R. China Attention to: Chen Liu Phone: 021-64692466, Cell: 13564112332 3) Tianhe Sub Branch, Guangzhou 1/F, Metro Plaza, 183 Tian He Bei Road Tianhe District Guangzhou, Guangdong, P. R. China Attention to: Junqing Deng Phone: 020-38471615, Fax: 8620-87554431, Cell: 13533322336 Bank of Xian Co. Ltd. Toll-free Hotline: 40086-96779 (for use in China only) List of Bank of Xi’an Branches 1) Retail Business Department, Head Office of Bank of Xi’an Bank of Xi’an Building No.60 Gaoxin Road, Yanta District Xi’an, Shaanxi, P. R. China a) Attention to: Le Xue Phone: 029-88992133, Fax: 029-88992958, Cell: 18681886356 E-mail: [email protected] b) Attention to: Jiping Li Phone: 029-88992427, Fax: 029-88992958, Cell: 18602965495 E-mail: [email protected] 4 Bank Of Beijing Toll-free Hotline: 95526 (for use in China only) www.bankofbeijing.com.cn 1) Retail Banking Department, Beijing Bank of Beijing Building No.17C, Financial Street Xicheng District Beijing, P. R. China Attention to: Mingyu Xue Phone: 8610-66223430, 86-13810157718 2) Xu Hui Sub Branch, Shanghai 8/F, 1/F No.75, Wanping Road(s.) Xuhui District, Shanghai, P. R. China Attention to: Lei Wang Phone: 8621-33686648, 86-13564112332 HSBC Bank Canada Toll-Free Hotline (for use in China only): 400.920.0828 Email: [email protected] Find out more about the HSBC Bank Canada International Student Program (SPP&SDS) Find information about over 125 HSBC Bank Canada branches available near most major university and college campuses in Canada. Find information about HSBC Bank China branches Canadian Imperial Bank of Canada (CIBC) For information about CIBC’s Student GIC Program, please visit: www.cibc.com/isbo To submit an online application to CIBC’s Student GIC Program, please visit: https://ISBO.cibc.com For questions or inquiries, please email: [email protected] 5 学生合作计划、学习直入计划和中学试验计划中参与的加拿大金融机构列表 参与的加拿大金融机构有哪些? 符合要求的申请人必须递交由参与的加拿大金融机构出具的担保投资证明(GIC) 以代替多数资金 文件。目前,参与的加拿大金融机构有中国银行(加拿大), 加拿大皇家银行、加拿大蒙特利尔 银行、加拿大丰业银行,中国工商银行(加拿大), 西安银行,北京银行和汇丰银行(加拿大)。有 关 GIC 的更多信息,请与这些银行以下的任一分支机构联系。 中国银行(加拿大) 24 小时免费服务热线(限中国地区使用): 9556624 小时免 费服务热线(限加拿大地区使用): 1-844-669-5566 嗲电子邮件: [email protected] 若要递交 GIC 申请,请访问中国银行分布在中国境内遍布各省的超过 1400 家指定分支机构进行 办理: http://pic.bankofchina.com/bocappd/canada/201511/P020151104409648467086.pdf 需要了解更多中国银行(加拿大)GIC 留学生存款证业务,请访问: http://www.boc.cn/CA/pbservice/pb1/201510/t20151020_5797090.html 欢迎您随时到访或致电联系中国银行(加拿大)的分支机构,地址和联系方式祥见以下链接 : http://www.boc.cn/CA/aboutus/ab3/ 加拿大皇家银行北京办公室 中国北京市西城区金融街 7 号英蓝国际金融中心 9 层 921 邮编 100033 电话: (10) 5839-9388, 5839-9200, 5839- 9281,5839-9303 电子邮件: [email protected] 蒙特利尔银行(中国)有限公司 免费服务热线: 800-810-1438 (仅在中国使用) 6 1) 北京分行中国北京市朝阳区 建国路 77 号 华贸中心第三座 27 层 1 单 元邮编 100025 电话: (8610) 8588 1571-1577 传真: (8610) 8518-8169 电子邮件: [email protected] 2) 广州分行 中国广东省广州市天河区珠江新城 华夏路 8 号国际金融广场 19 层 邮编 510623 电话: (8620) 3815 0183/0186/0189/0330 传真: (8620) 3815-0168 电子邮件: [email protected] 3) 上海分行 中国上海市浦东新区世纪大道 8 号上海国金中心二期 20 层 邮编 200120 电话: (8621) 6136 3616/3618/3619//3664 传真: (8621) 6136-3615 电子邮件: [email protected] 客户亦可联系我行在中国境内的合作银行中国农业银行填写表格。详情可访问中国农业银行官方 网站 www.abchina.com 中国工商银行 – 加拿大 7 24 小时免费服务热线(限中国地区使用):95588。电话接通后选择 3 跳转至北美地区, 然后选择 1 接通加拿大地区的客户服务代表。 24 小时免费服务热线(限加拿大地区使用):1-877-779-5588 电子邮件: [email protected] 若要递交 GIC 申请,请访问中国工商银行(加拿大)在中国指定的分行: http://www.icbk.ca/EN_new/Personal/CrossborderServices/student_gic_program.htm 您也可以联系中国工商银行(加拿大)多伦多市中心分行获取更多关于中国留学生 GIC 的信息。 有关中国工商银行(加拿大)在安大略省及不列颠哥伦比亚省的网点信息,请访问: http://www.icbk.ca/EN/AboutUs/EmailUs/Branches/ 加拿大丰业银行 客户可以直接在丰业银行网站上申请: 英文网站: http://www.scotiabank.com/ca/en/0,,9521,00.html 中文网站: http://schinese.startright.scotiabank.com/ca/en/0,,6553,00.html 如有任何疑问,: 我方负费双语客服电话(9am to 9pm EST) 416 288 3062 邮件: [email protected] 如有更多疑问,请查询 www.scotiabank.com/startright 客户也可以联系我们在中国的一家合作银行(中国光大银行, 西安银行和北京银行)填写申请表 。 中国光大银行 8 免费热线:95595(仅适用于中国) 更多信息请查看: www.cebbank.com http://www.scotiabank.com/startright/en/files/12/07/Designated_Branches_China_Everbright_Ba nk.pdf 1a) 北京 联系人:张茜 张茜联系电话:010-64079747 手机:13811495529 北京东城支行 北京市东城区东四北大街337号 1b) 北京 联系人: 孙禹澎 孙禹澎联系电话座机: 010-010-65063528 手机:13661015591 光大银行北京光华路支行 北京市朝阳区光华路 2 号阳光 100G 座(近大望路地铁站西北口) 2) 上海 联系人:刘辰 联系电话:021-64692466 手机:13564112332 上海徐汇支行 上海市徐汇区虹桥路188号 3) 广州 联系人:邓俊清 联系电话:020-38471615 传真:020-87554431 手机:13533322336 9 广州天河支行 广州市天河北路183号大都会广场1楼 西安银行 免费热线:40086-96779(仅适用于中国) http://www.scotiabank.com/startright/en/files/12/08/Bank-of-Xian-branches.pdf 西安 1)西安银行零售业务部 中国陕西西安高新区高新路60号 a) 联系人:薛乐 联系电话:029-88992133 手机:18681886356 电子邮件: [email protected] b) 联系人:李继萍 联系电话:029-88992427 手机:18602965495 电子邮件:[email protected] 北京银行 免费热线: 95526 (仅在中国使用) www.bankofbeijing.com.cn 1) 北京 联系人: 薛明宇 联系电话: 010-66223430 手机:13810157718 北京银行零售银行部 北京市西城区金融大街丙 17 号 2) 上海 联系人: 王蕾 联系电话: 021-33686648 手机:13901618370 10 上海徐汇支行 上海市徐汇区宛平南路 75 号 1 楼、8 楼 汇丰银行 – 加拿大 免费热线(仅限在中国使用):400.920.0828 电子邮件:[email protected] 了解更多关于汇丰银行(加拿大)国际学生项目(学生合作计划和学习直入计划) 查找有关在加拿大主要大学和校园周边的 125 家汇丰银行加拿大分行的信息。 了解有关汇丰银行中国分行的更多信息 加拿大帝国商业银行(CIBC) 提交申请 CIBC 学生 GIC 项目: https://isbo.cibc.com/ 更多有关 CIBC 学生 GIC 申请项目,请访问:www.cibc.com/isbo 任何有关学生 GIC 申请流程的问题,请联系: [email protected] 11 .
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