34 Rome, Pantheon, c. 120 A.D. Contents 34 Rome, Temple of Minerva Medica, c. 300 A.D. 35 Rome, Calidarium, Thermae of Caracalla, 211-217 A.D. Inhalt 35 Trier (Germany), Porta Nigra, c. 300 A.D. 36 NTmes (France), Pont du Gard, c. 15 B.C. 37 Rome, Arch of Constantine, 315 A.D. (Plan and elevation 1:800, Elevation 1:200) 38-47 Early Christian Basilicas and Baptisteries Frühchristliche Basiliken und Baptisterien 8- 9 Introduction by Ogden Hannaford 40 Rome, Basilica of Constantine, 310-13 41 Rome, San Pietro (Old Cathedral), 324 42 Ravenna, Sant' Apollinare Nuovo, c. 430-526 10-19 Great Buildings of Egypt, Mesopotamia and Persia 42 Ravenna, Sant'Apollinare in Classe, 534-549 Grosse Bauten Ägyptens, Mesopotamiens und Persiens 43 Rome, Sant' Agnese Fuori Le Mura, 7th cent. 43 Rome, San Clemente, 1084-1108 12 Giza (Egypt), Site Plan (Scale 1:5000) 44 Rome, Santa Costanza, c. 350 13 Giza, Pyramid of Cheops, c. 2550 B.C. (1:800) 44 Rome, Baptistery of Constantine (Lateran), 430-440 14 Karnak (Egypt), Site Plan, 1550-942 B.C. (1:5000) 44 Nocera (Italy), Baptistery, 450 15 Abu-Simbel (Egypt), Great Temple of Ramesses II, c. 1250 B.C. 45 Ravenna, Orthodox Baptistery, c. 450 (1:800, 1:200) 15 Mycenae (Greece), Treasury of Atreus, c. 1350 B.C. 16 Medinet Habu (Egypt), Funerary Temple of Ramesses II, c. 1175 B.C. 17 Edfu (Egypt), Great Temple of Horus, 237-57 B.C. 46-53 Byzantine Central and Cross-domed Churches 18 Khorsabad (Iraq), Palace of Sargon, 721 B.C. Byzantinische Kreuzkuppelkirchen und Zentralbauten (Complex 1:2500, Detail 1:800) 19 Persepolis (Iran), 518-460 B.C. (1:2500) 48 Salonica (Greece), Church of Hagia Sophia, 5th cent. 48 Ephesus (Turkey), Church of the Virgin, 6th cent. 49 Constantinople (Istanbul), Hagia Sophia, 532-537 20-37 Greek and Roman Architecture 50 Venice, San Marco, 1063 Griechische und Römische Architektur 50 Perigueux (France), Saint Front, c. 1120 51 Angouleme, Cathedral, c. 1105 22 Paestum (Italy), Basilica, c. 550 B.C. 51 Moscow, St. Basil's Cathedral, 1550-60 22 Paestum, Temple of Poseidon, c. 460 B.C. 52 Constantinople (Istanbul), S.S. Sergius and Bacchus, 527 23 Athens, Parthenon, 447-438 B.C. 52 Jerusalem, Dome of the Rock (Islamic), c. 643 24 Athens, Agora, Site Plan, 2nd cent. A.D. (1:1500) 53 Ravenna, San Vitale, 526 25 Didyma (Turkey), Temple of Apollo, c. 300 B.C.-2nd cent. A.D. 53 Aachen (Germany), Palatine Chapel, 798 26 Priene (Turkey), c. 350 B.C. (1:5000) 26 Augusta Raurica (Äugst, Switzerland), 43 B.C. (1:5000) 27 Alexandria (Egypt), City Plan, 331 B.C. (1:25000) 54-57 German Churches under the Ottonian, Salian, 28 Baalbek (Lebanon), Site Plan, Ist cent. B.C.- and Hohenstaufen Dynasties 3rd cent. A.D. (1:5000) Deutsche Kirchenräume unter den Ottonen, Saliern und Staufern 29 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, 2nd cent. A.D. 29 Baalbek, Temple of Venus, 273 A.D. 56 Hildesheim, St. Michael, 1010-1033 30 Epidaurus (Greece), Theater, c. 350 B.C. 56 Speyer, Cathedral, 1030-1061 31 Rome, Theater of Marcellus, 13 B.C. 56 Worms, Cathedral, 1038-1234 32 Pompeii (Italy), Quarter of the Theaters, 200 B.C.-79 A.D. 57 Cologne, Church of the Apostles, 1192-1219 33 Rome, Colosseum, 70-82 A.D. 57 Maria Laach, Abbey, 1093-1230 http://d-nb.info/830958444 6 58-63 Romanesque Architecture in Italy 84-93 English Cathedrals from Norman to Late Gothic Times Italienische Kirchen der Romantik Englische Kathedralen von normannischer bis spätgotischer Zeit 60 Verona, San Zeno Maggiore, 1070 86 Canterbury, Cathedral, 1071-1174 60 Milan, Sant' Ambrogio, 1088 86 St. Alban's, Cathedral, 1077-88 61 Pavia, San Michele, 1117 87 Durham, Cathedral of Saint Cuthbert, 1093-15th cent. 61 Florence, San Miniato al Monte, 11th-12th cent. 87 Ely, Cathedral of Saint Peter, c. 1198-1215 62 Pisa, Cathedral, 1063-13th cent. 88 Winchester, Cathedral, 1079 63 Pisa, Baptistery, 1153-1278 88 Exeter, Cathedral of S.S. Mary and Peter, 1107-1455 63 Florence, Baptistery, c. 1100 89 Wells, Cathedral, 1180-1425 63 Cremona, Baptistery, c. 1167 90 Lichfield, Cathedral, 1230-1280 90 Worcester, Cathedral, 1224-1372 91 York, Cathedral of Saint Peter, 1291 64-69 French Romanesque Churches 91 Cambridge, King's College Chapel, 1446-1515 Kirchen der französischen Romanik 92 Lincoln, Cathedral, 1074-1307 93 Salisbury, Cathedral of Saint Mary, c. 1220-1280 66 Saint-Benoit-sur-Loire, Cathedral, 651 (choir) 66 Tournus, Saint Philibert, c. 950-1120 10 67 Toulouse, Saint Sernin, Cathedral, 1080-1096 94-105 Gothic Churches in Germany, Italy and Spain 67 Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Cathedral, 1077-1225 Gotische Kirchenbaukunst in Deutschland, Italien und Spanien 68 Vezelay, La Madeleine, 1096-1161 69 Autun, Saint Lazare, 1120 96 Strasbourg, Cathedral, 1170-1350 69 Caen, Sainte Trinite, Abbaye Aux Dames, c. 1062 97 Freiburg im Breisgau, Cathedral, 1122-1252 97 Marburg, St. Elizabeth, 1235-1283 8 98 Halberstadt, Cathedral, 1220-1486 70-83 French Gothic Cathedrals 98 Lübeck, Marienkirche, 13th-14th cent. Französische Kathedralen der Gotik 99 Brüssels, Sainte Gudule, 1220-1273 99 Nicosia (Cyprus), Cathedral, 1209 72 Bordeaux, Saint Andre, Cathedral, 11th-14th cent. 100 Barcelona (Spain), Cathedral, 1289-1450 72 Sens, Cathedral, 1143 100 Barcelona, Cathedral of Santa Maria del Mar, 1328-83 73 Noyon, Cathedral, 1145 101 Toledo, Cathedral, 1227-1493 73 Soissons, Cathedral of Notre Dame, 12th—13th cent. 102 Como (Italy), Cathedral, 1396 74 Senlis, Cathedral, 1156-1184 103 Florence, Santa Croce, 1294 74 Lyon, Cathedral of Saint Jean, 1165 104 Cologne, Cathedral, 1247 75 Laon, Cathedral of Notre Dame, 1150-1205 105 Milan, Cathedral, 1386 76 Paris, Cathedral of Notre Dame, 1163-1296 77 Bourges, Cathedral of Saint Etienne, 1195 11 78 Coutances, Cathedral, 1203-1274 106-119 Italian Churches during the Renaissance and Mannerism 79 Le Mans, Cathedral, 1145-1254 Italienische Kirchen der Renaissance und des Manierismus 80 Chartres, Cathedral of Notre Dame, c. 1194-1240 81 Reims, Cathedral, 1211-1290 108 Florence, Santa Maria del Fiore (Plan), 1300-1462 82 Amiens, Cathedral of Notre Dame, 1220-1288 109 Florence, Santa Maria del Fiore (Dome by Brunelleschi), 1420-34 82 Paris, La Sainte Chapelle, 1243-1248 110 Florence, San Lorenzo (by Brunelleschi), 1421 83 Beauvais, Saint Pierre, Cathedral, 1225 110 Florence, Pazzi Chapel (by Brunelleschi), 1430 111 Milan, Santa Maria delle Grazie (by Bramante), 1492 111 Milan, Santa Maria presso San Satiro (by Bramante), 1474-98 112 Mantua, Sant' Andrea (by Alberti), 1472-76 113 Venice, Santa Maria dei Miracoli (by Pietro Lombardo), 1480 113 Venice, Church of San Salvatore (by Tullio Lombardo), 1506 139 Istanbul, Mosque of Süyleman II (by Sinan), 1550-57 114 Rome, San Pietro, Basilica (Plan), 1506-1626 140 Agra (India), Taj Mahal, Plan, 1632-1643 115 Rome, San Pietro, Basilica (Section) 141 Agra, Taj Mahal, Section 116 Rome, II Tempietto (by Bramante), 1502-10 116 Verona, Madonna di Campagna, 1559-1667 15 117 Todi, Santa Maria della Consolazione (by Cola da Caprarola), 1508 142-153 Baroque and Classical Buildings in France, Germany, England and USA 117 Montepulciano, Madonna di San Biagio (by Antonio da Sangallo), 1518-29 Barocke und klassizistische Bauwerke in Frankreich, Deutschland, 118 Meledo, Villa Trissino (Project by Palladio), 1552 England und USA 119 Vicenza, Villa Rotonda (by Palladio), 1566 144 Paris, Sorbonne Church (by Lemercier), 1635-42 12 144 Vaux-Ie-Vicomte (near Melun), Chateau (by Levau), 1657-61 120-125 Baroque Churches 145 Paris, College des Quatres Nations (by Levau), 1661 Barocke Kirchen 145 London, St. Stephen Walbrook (by Wren), 1672-77 146 London, St. Paul's Cathedral (by Wren), Plan, 1675-1710 122 Rome, Sant' Andrea di Ponte Molle (by Barozzi da Vignola), c. 1554 147 London, St. Paul's Cathedral, Section 122 Rome, II Gesü Church (by Vignola), 1560 148 Paris, St. Louis des Invalides (by J. H. Mansart), 1675-1706 123 Venice, II Redentore (by Palladio), 1577-92 149 Paris, Pantheon (by Soufflot), 1755-92 123 Rome, Sant' Andrea della Valle (by Maderna), 1591-1625 150 Turin, Superga (by Juvarra), 1717-31 124 Venice, Santa Maria della Salute (by Longhena), 1631 150 Vierzehnheiligen (Germany), Pilgrimage Church (by Neumann), 1743-72 125 Rome, Sant' Agnese in Piazza Navona (by Rainaldi), 1652 151 Charlottesville (USA), Monticello (by Jefferson), 1770-75 (Dome by Borromini, 1666) 151 Virginia (USA), University Library (by Jefferson), 1819-26 125 Rome, Sant' Andrea al Quirinale (by Bernini), 1658 152 Paris, Opera (by Garnier), Plan, 1862-74 153 Paris, Opera, Section 13 126-133 Architecture from Asia and Ancient America 16 Fernöstliche und altamerikanische Architektur 154-165 19th and 20th Century Buildings for Public Assembly Öffentliche Bauten des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts 128 Ise (Japan), Ise Shrine, 690 A.D. 129 Sanchi (India), Great Stupa, 2nd cent. A.D. 156 Chicago, Auditorium Hotel (by Adler and Sullivan), 1889 129 Seoul (Korea), Haw-Um-Sa Temple, 553 A.D. 157 Breslau (Wroclaw, Poland), Centennial Hall (by Max Berg), 1913 129 Seoul, Chang Duck Palace, 1404 A.D. 158 Racine (Wisconsin, USA) S.C. Johnson Co. (by Wright), 1936-39 130 Seoul, Bup-Chu-Sa Temple, 553 A.D. 159 Chicago, Crown Hall NT (by Mies van der Rohe), 1950-56 130 Yingxian (Shanxi-China), Shijia Pagoda of the Fogong si, 1056 A.D. 160 Xochimilco (Mexico), Los Manantiales (by Candela), 1957 131 Beijing (China), Outer Tower of the Quian men Gate, 17th cent. A.D. 160 Cambridge (USA), Kresge Auditorium MIT (by Saarinen), 1953-55 131 Beijing, Inner Yongding men Gate, 17th cent. 161 Rome, Palazzetto dello Sport (by Nervi), 1959 132 Hudson's Bay (Canada), Eskimo Snow House (1:800, 1:200) 161 Montreal, US Pavilion Expo 67 (by Buckminster Füller), 1967 133 Chichen Itza (Mexico), Castillo, c.
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