Stow Maries Parish Council MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 15 th July 2019 in The Smythe Hall at 7:30pm Cllr Hollington welcomed all those present. The meeting started at 7.33 p.m. 19/103 COUNCILLOR ATTENDEES, APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND OTHER ATTENDEES Chairman: Councillor Hollington. Members: Councillors Chappell, Gilmore & Cooper District: District Cllrs White and Fleming Essex CC Apologies Penny Channer In attendance: Mrs Sarah Sayer – Parish Clerk/RFO Members of Public: 4 19/104 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS a) Cllr Hollington declared an interest in item 104(e). No other interests were declared at this point in the meeting b) Members noted that it was their responsibility to check their Register of Interests at MDC is up date, any changes must be done within 28 days. 19/105 MINUTES FROM COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 24 th June 2019 a) The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 24 th June 2019 were reviewed and proposed by Cllr Cooper and seconded by Cllr Hollington- approved and signed by the Chair - AGREED 19/106 REPORT FROM DISTRICT COUNCILLOR It was stated that on 26 th August that Burnham on Crouch was holding a Quay Day which was free to attend and there would be local food and wine suppliers and free music and should be a good family fun day out. A new initiative called meetupmondays.org where local food and drink businesses are opening up to be a hub for people feeling lonely to come and meet people etc. The most local one at the moment is in Latchingdon at the Red Lion THE RED LION, Latchingdon, ESSEX MONDAYS 1pm – 3pm 47 The Street, Latchingdon CM3 6JR 01621 740298 www.redlionlatchingdon.co.uk The Maldon District Council transformation continues, but it was mentioned that Planning Officers are no longer happy with Members commenting on applications and a new document has been stopped as it contained wording that would have precluded member’s comments and their ability to being able to call in a planning application to committee. Planning application 19/00608 was called to committee and was supported by the Committee. 19/107 REPORT FROM COUNTY COUNCILLOR No report available at this time. Signed by the Chairman…………………………………………………………. Dated 16/09/2019 Page 1 of 4 Stow Maries Parish Council: Council Meeting – Minutes 15/07/2019 19/108 QUESTIONS AND POINTS OF INTEREST FROM PRESS AND PUBLIC a) It was noted that Cold Norton Village were very surprised to wake up to 40 poles extra in the Main Road, for County Broadband when they had expected from what was stated at their Village Meeting for the cables to go underground not above. Therefore it was raised that would the same be for Stow Maries. Cllr Gilmore was looking into this matter. b) Also concern was raised for The Smythe Hall website which is with Essex info which is the same website that the Parish Council uses. Clerk informed resident that the information was received too late to go on July agenda but that this would be looked into and a way forward presented at the September meeting. Clerk had received a request to consider The Smythe Hall and the Fundraising Committee in her investigations for a replacement website. 19/109 CO-OPTION OF PARISH COUNCILLOR c) It was noted that at the present there was one potential candidate who was interested and members to follow this up. 19/110 HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC FOOTPATH ISSUES a) No further progress has been made with the road defects on Hagg Hill, but it was stated that some of the vegetation has been cut back making thoroughfare much easier. b) Clerk stated that a request had been received from a resident asking that the weight restriction in Church Lane was not taken off the agenda, however members discussed this and as the Local Highways Panel had decided to complete validation of the scheme as the speed and volume survey indicated a low number of HGV usages along the route and these users are thought to be legitimate users, farm traffic, businesses. Members agreed for this item to be taken off the agenda and monitor the situation. i) No change The Traffic Calming Measures in the Village, including utilising of the TruCam Team – Ref: LMAL172026 – this was funded by the Maldon Local Highways Panel in March 2019. The feasibility study is currently programmed to be completed at the end of November of this year. c) Speed Checks : Members further discussed the use of the Community Safety Team and the Clerk is liaising with Adrian Rayner in regard to the spots where the officers can stand and utilise the TruCam safely whilst getting the best information. Clerk to work out a timetable of different days and times in readiness for when the County Broadband roadworks have stopped and to liaise with Adrian Rayner at MDC as to where the TruCam will be utilised once these spots are approved by Essex Police. The cost is £34.44 per hour, but this can split into two half hour periods and used at different spots to get the maximum information. d) Wheelie bin stickers : Members discussed these and decided that it would go some way to helping with the traffic speeding through the village and requested the Clerk to purchase 100 assorted stickers that can be used on the sides of food bins and wheelie bins. The food bins are out every week and the wheelie bins every other week. Cold Norton has utilised this for several months and has noticed a marked difference. Approximate cost of stickers for a variety pack £95.00, containing 40 x 30 mph and underneath “Please Drive Slowly” 30 x “Polite Notice – Slow Down” and 30 x “Speed Kills – Please Slow Down”. These will be handed out to residents to apply to their bins. Signed by the Chairman …………………………………………...….. Dated: 16/09/2019 Page 2 of 4 Stow Maries Parish Council: Council Meeting – Minutes 15/07/2019 It was also mentioned that one of the speed limit signs on the Main Road was obscured by vegetation and this needed cutting back. Ownership of the hedge would need to be established and Cllr Gilmore would discuss this with the owner of the property behind. e) Bridge – Bridleway 24 – No further update available, although a resident did inform the members that a petition was being circulated in order to try and get something done. f) Railway Bridge – Church Lane –No changes to previous month, they are still awaiting for the engineers to obtain the necessary road closures to be organised so that they can access the top safely. Clerk to chase again. g) Salt Bag Partnership Scheme for Winter 2019/20 –Clerk to action prior to 23 rd July. And arrange for 1 tonne pallet of 25g bags of salt from ECC. and have delivered to Cllr Hollington at Little Hayes and Clerk to put in the diary to remind the Chair around delivery time. 19/111 PLANNING a) Members discussed the following planning applications and the decision is noted underneath each one. (i) OUT/MAL/19/00715 -Stow Maries (P) Purleigh (W) Outline application for the redevelopment of redundant farm buildings to construct 3 residential dwellings with associated parking and access Stow Hall Farm Woodham Road Stow Maries Essex. (UPRN - 100091447022) Mr M Partridge Case Officer: Hannah Bowles Tel: 01621 875730 – Members decided to support this application as it was within the designated development area and fitted in with the street scene. Members did note that no starter homes had been included but unfortunately believed that the size of the development was too small to require their inclusion. (ii) COUPA/MAL/19/00608 - Purleigh (P) Purleigh (W) Prior approval of proposed change of use of agricultural building to No.1 dwelling house (C3), and for associated operational development. Agricultural Building Flambirds Farm Hackmans Lane Purleigh - (UPRN - 010094633699) Mr Trevor Crosby Case Officer: Devan Lawson Tel: 01621 875845 – Members supported this application. b) Planning correspondence received over the course of the month and circulated via email: i. List of planning applications 25/26/27/28 – members noted ii. List of planning decisions and appeals 25/26/27/28 – members noted No decisions or appeals at the time of writing. c) Update on document detailing historic planning and relevant conditions of the Stow Maries Great War Aerodrome. d) A meeting took place on 3 rd July 2019 at 10.30 a.m. regarding the Stow Maries Great War Aerodrome, unfortunately it was stated that too shorter notice was given and District Cllr Sue White and Cllr Neil Gilmore were unable to attend. The next meeting is believed to be on 6 th November 2019. e) No further news from Planning Inspector re Chelmsford Local Plan. Signed by the Chairman …………………………………………...….. Dated: 16/09/2019 Page 3 of 4 Stow Maries Parish Council: Council Meeting – Minutes 15/07/2019 19/112 FINANCE a) Members reviewed and signed off reconciliation to end of June 2019. AGREED b) Clerk informed members that an appointment with Barclays had been made to expedite the mandate changes. c) Members approved payments for July & potential payments for August 2019 – list of payments to be handed out at the meeting and August amounts to be ratified in September. d) Clerk is half way through the drafting process of a risk assessment and will present to members via email prior to September meeting to give members time to review and make any changes at the meeting. DATE CHQ NO PAYEE DESCRIPTION NET AMT VAT GROSS 15/07/2019 100586 HMRC Months 4 Tax £49.00 £0.00 £49.00 15/07/2019 100587 Sarah Sayer Monthly Salary June 2019 Mth 4 £228.90 £0.00 £228.90 15/07/2019 100587 Sarah Sayer Month 4 travel expenses £6.30 £0.00 £6.30 15/07/2019 100587 Sarah Sayer Month 4 Office Expenses £0.67 £0.00 £0.67 15/07/2019 dd Vodaphone Company Mobile Phone Service £17.00 £3.00 £20.00 £301.87 £3.00 £304.87 DATE CHQ NO PAYEE DESCRIPTION NET AMT VAT GROSS 16/08/2019 100588 HMRC Months 5 Tax £49.00 £0.00 £49.00 16/08/2019 100589 Sarah Sayer Monthly Salary June 2019 Mth 5 £228.90 £0.00 £228.90 16/08/2019 100589 Sarah Sayer Month 5 Office Expenses £0.67 £0.00 £0.67 16/08/2019 dd Vodaphone Company Mobile Phone Service £17.00 £3.00 £20.00 £295.57 £3.00 £298.57 Cllr Hollington requested to transfer over £650.00 to cover the outgoings by Clerk.
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