DIRECTORY.] E!ST RIDING YORKSHIEE.. BILTOX. 311 Storkhill-cum-Sandholme. Abram George, farmer, Storkhill Hugill Harrison, oowkeeper, Storkhill 1Loft Joseph, yeoman, Sa~dholme Horsley Thomas Willia.m, farmer Jackson G'eorge, cowkeeper Sandholme Sa.rgea.nt Edwa.rd, market gardener I 1 Tickton. HarrisonHenryBroadley, Tick ton grange Hunt Arthur, schooima.stet" & organist Robinson Nicholas Daniel, blacksmitb.. Pease Harold Robinson, Tickton hall Ibbetson J oseph, shoe maker Shields Cath. (Mrs.) & Jn. beer retailers Kirk William Denton, farmer Sirrtpson John, machine owneP COMMERCIAL. Moate Thomas, farmet Smith John, carter Dean John, machine owner P!lrk Robert, machine owner Statters William, shopkeeper, parish Escritt Thomas, farmer Porritt Robert, farmer clerk, & post office Hoggard Charles, shovkeeper . Richardson Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer ret Welbourne George, bricklayer Hull Eridge. Stephenson Robert & Son, linseed & & dealers in rape dust, clover seeds, Stepbenson Arthur; Hull Bridge. ht>use cotton seed crushers, bone grinders, nitrate of soda, fish guano &c Tomlinson George, Crown & Anchor P.H manuf~turers of artificial manJll'eS · Thearne. Jacksou Bryan Boyes, Thearne ball Green Thomas, market gardener Wastling James, farmer Bromby Thomas, farm bailiff to Edwd. Lisscter William, farmer W eatherill Richard, farmer Robson esq Underwood William, farmer, Scyce Wilson James, farmer Daggitt Mary (Mrs.), market gardener Voase George, farmer \ Weel. COMMERCIAL. Kell William, farmer, Corporation farm Tennison Elizabeth (Mrs.), Ferry House Atkinson Henry, market gardener Loft George, market gardener P.H. & ferryman Care William, farmer Lount George, farmer & hay dealer ThomaS Robert, farmet Catterson Francis Hrough, farmer ; res. Naylor Robert, farmer . Walker William, farmer, Carr house Flemingate, Beverley Short William, farmer Watson Robert, farmer' Dunn George William, farmer Talbot -, farmer • Woodma.nsey. Gray John, cattle dealer Rispin John, farmer COMMERCIAL. Grummett J oseph, farmer & landowner ; Ruston William, market gardener Affieck. James, schoolmaster res. at Hull Smith Marmaduke, shopkeeper Atltin George, market gardener Hotham Richard, Dixon's Arms P.H Smith Thomas, market gardener Baker John, cowkeeper Loft Robert, market gardener Snow Peter, market gardener Cocksworth James, market gardener Mason Daniel Nicholson, blacksmith Thompson Timothy, horse dealer Cocksworth Mary Ellen (Mrs.), shopkpr North Richard, market gardener &c Underwood Edmund, cowkeeper Copeland Moses,mlr. (wind),Thearne ml Parnaby William, market gardener Wells Alien, market gardener Galloway John, farmer Plaxton Charles, market gardener Wild George, farmer Galloway Matthew, farmer Rispin Alfred Henry, market gardener BILTON is a township, parish and small village, 4 miles National School (mixed), for 51 children; average attend- north-west from Hedon, 3 east-south-east from Swine station ance, 49; James Gardner, master ontheHullandHornseabranchoftheNorth-Easternrailway G t d. t h" ad l t h l t" th and 4 north-east from Hull, in the Holderness division of the . ans ea 18 ':' owns Ip n .P easan . am e m 6 Riding middle division of the wapentake of Holderness parish of and r! mi~es north from lhlt?n, 5 m~les north-east "ddl I d . a· . , from Hull and I mile south from Swme statiOn. Turmer mi e Ho! erness pettysesswnal IVISlOn, Skirlaugh umon, H ll · · t d"fi tl b "lt · d Hedon county court district, rural deanery of Hedon, !lrch- a 1.s an ancien e 1 ce, par Y re m 10 1 8 40, an . now deaconry of the East Riding and York diocese. The church occupied by Josep_h Thompson_~· Gans~ad Gra?ge IS the of St. Peter, a small building of stone in the Early English propert! and residence of William Hutchmson. RJChardson 11tyle, was rebuilt by the Hon. Lydia Dawnay, sister of the esq. Sir F. A. '!al_bot Clifford-Constable bart. 1slord of the late Viscount Downe, and opened for Divine service in July, manor. .T~e pnuclpal land?wners are Mrs._ ~etcbell, M!S. I85a: the church consists of chancel nave, with vestry on Wells~ Wllham Johnson Atki~s?n esq. and WI_lha.m Hutchin­ the north side, ~outh porch and a western bell gable contain· ~on Richardson esq. The sml IS clay ; subsoil, strong clay. ing 2 bells: the pulpit is of Caen stone : the octagonal font The ~raps are whea~, oats, _beans, seeds and barley. The ia adorned with a. carving of the Baptism of Our Lord, and tarea IS 8o2 acr~ of rwh fet"tde land i rateable value, £982 ;- 1 hall a handsome conical wood cover = the stained east window he populatwn,10 I 89 was 87 · . was erected by Willia.m Raines esq. of Wyton Hall, in memory PasT ~FFICE, Ganstead. -John Blenkn~sop, recetver. Letters of his parents, who were buried in, the chancel of the old arrive through ~ull at 5-37 a.m.; du'lpatched at 6.48 p.m. church: the chancel retains sedilia and piscina., and on the Sutton-on-Hull IS the nearest money order & telegraph north side a credence table: the reredos of stone was erected office , in 1886 by the present vicar, and has in the centre panel a Wyton is a township and pleasant well-built village in carved figure of the ascending ~aviour : there is a memorial the parish of and 1! miles north-ea.St from Bilton, on the road window to William Raines esq. ;J.P. of Wyton Hall, d. 1874, from Hull to Aldbrough, 2~ miles east-by.south from Swine and two others t a low open screen of Caen stone separates station, and 5 north-e~J,st from Hull. Here is a Wesleyan the nave from the chancel ; the church will seat about roo chapel. Wyton Hall is the property of Mrs. Atk.inson and persom 1 the entrance to the churchyard is through a lych Miss Baines, daughters of the late William Ra.ines esq, .T.P. gate. The register dates from the year 1734. The livmg is and was rebuilt by Captain Baines about the year 1785, but a vicarage, yearly value £283, including 43 acres of glebe, is now unoccupied. D. P. Garbutt esq. resides at Wyton with residence, in the gift of Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Lewis Payn Lodge, and Mrs. Kemp Bailey at the Red House. Mrs. Dawnay, and held since 1864 by the Rev. Henry King Quilter Atkinson and Miss Baines are joint ladies of the manor and x.A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Lieut.-Col. the Hon. eo-owners of the land in the township, except the gletm and Lewi.s Payn Dawnay J. P. is lord of the manor and chief land- three small farms. The soil is rich loam ; subsoil, marl. The owner. The soil is clayey ; subsoil, clay. The chief crops crops are wheat, oats, beans, seeds and barley. The acreage are wheat, oats, beans, seeds and barley. The parish contains is 791; rateable value, {;f)68; the population in 1891: was 71. :~,782 acres, with a population of 259. The area of the town- Letters through Hull arrive at 7 a.m. WALL LETTRR Box ship is 1,:0104 acres; rateable value, £1,342; the population cleared at 5.30 p.m. daily, except sundays, in summer & in I~ I was mr. 4.30 p.m. in winter. Hedon is the nearest money order & Sexton, James Butler. telegraph office Letters through Hull arrive at 7 a.. m. Letter box cleared at CoNVBYANCE.-The Sproatley & Aldbrough carriers pass 6 p.m. in summer & 5 p.m. in winter. Sutton-on-Hull is through tues. & fri. also the Aldbrough omnibus tti.es. & the nearest money order & telegraph office sat . Hardbottle Wm. thrashing machne. ownr Greayer Fred, Ivy villa Bilton. Harrison William, joiner&; wheelwright Richardson William Hutchinson, Ga.n• Gardner J ames Ingram John Richardson, farmer stead grange Quilter Rev. Henry King K.A. Vicarage J ohnson J a me.•;, farm bailift to MBSBrs. Thompson Joseph, Turmer hall! Spear Samuel George &; William England · Boyton Robert, farm bailiff to Mrs. Butler James, blacksmith & sexton Ganstead. John Naylor England Goorge &; William, farmers Cade Samuel, Ganstead Old hall Clark William, miller (wind) .
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