NE sEc<iTo ONE SECTION ^ ^ "• *r^ ' ° **"3?f Eight Paces 1 M Ku-htt'ag^ ^j THIS ISSUE ^1 1 ^ M \4 THIS JSSUB 'Jj CASS CITY CHRONIC^ * VOLUME 48, NUMBER 32. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN. WEDNK8UAY, NOVKMHEK 85, l'J5;i. EIGHT PAGES.'1!1 From the 53 Cases Listed for IN OPLORATION Second Bad Chedk Questions Reveal Dilemma Editor's Corner December Court Term Passer Arrested Home, Selllool Council According to reports frum Hcj • ^^^^^^^_~|^^, Holds Knight of Chicajfi., wlms Kifty- three canes are listei o trull, Co-iiui'tiRTo, dib|u under tin In Tuscola County job is finding out these fiu-ts, th the circuit court calendar fi> iKinii! anil style uf Hnur ami Cut Notes Spa<?e Problems American publii: can e\ iwt t Tuscolu County for thu Dei-emlu' tivll vs. Ali« Wnlcislieri, iliiiniiws SL>o si'Vfi'al new gadgets on t term of tuurt, lndude.il are tw Autu-Owilt;i'ti InsimnK'i; Co., ; The need fur more space in the Cass City School sys- Tliu Tuscolu Cuimty Slieriff. market, Among them arc; an nil criminal cases, seven civil Jui-j Uumu-alic lii.s. Co., ami subroKin turn WHH Imiught into sharp focus Monday night by a group ceramic electric coffee maker, i n cases, 17 civil non-jury i-ases, 1 of Arnold tlrDimmill uml Clu>sh'> Dfimrlinuil umiaUtl UK anui. ported from Germany, '-• i ims i chancery cases and ID cases i of questions rehiled to -schix 1 problems presented to a panel bettor thu i'hivor; transpaivii which no progress has lu-en n ai aiul Cli.'sli.y MnDuiiKiill va. Kl'l dH'i'k.s iit the I'uiiiily furdi.siHi.s.shm. JmtKv-i JoJmsim ol' Clm-jiK", \v it bai'.s for typewriters und 1 ia for mure than u year. Dioblo, Junior, trusuuas. Under tin; direction of Mrs. K. I. MaeRae, members. block-out of tin- stmtnt i If i The complete dorkt-'t: Louis Subo, Jr., vs, Tliu Com a Kivo the one you nix- writing, ii t 'rim hml (.'uses mon-iiil Himrm Insunui™ Coi i- UL« nrar Mayvillo, mis urn-st ,| discussed the physical eduL ition program, Jungth of class case you want to ivad it; a giu The People vs. tierald Johnson periods, a hot lunch proyra in and the noon-hour arrange- get that freezcH imti-fivi-ze w t statutory rape and indecent liber I'urey A. Klllmni 'VH. Km k im-iit In-fore tin- I'M (mated 1(1 «!iirti(m dioxide to tell you h<>\ ties. lluui'h, Si1,, il|>|>uil tl-om Justin. bilaiii. s,:ii.ui 1,1 :: cliiTli u-liirli i. pomms wlui rrowdud thu scluju The IVnnle. vs. Snimml Mimes Court. lnwni.il in till. 1'Vim-st Slim, i library ti> hu;u- tin; program. I / ""^ _'. Mayvilli in cold weather, and a new gmigi manslaughter. Al'tliur llinra ami IILIIU M wm All pt)m.iiH aniin.inU'd wit \ Freeland Sugden tuit tells the brala- im'ch; m t'ivil I'llKl'K— Jlll'V llinos vs. William Ilinra a . llr in In'ini! hi'lil liy tin, Tusiio :i the u-lmul MCI-II,, vi'Hiil ti. si-i ( Slii-rU'r'H Di'iiiirtiiiciit I'm- I'iri-u t wicthcr nn autnmobih' 1m c. William 11. HHWI-IB vs. lio >(> • NVIIili Ililll'M.' 11'lllKVill. l»hy«ii-:il L-duttiLiim iinigram 1 u i -ii m i-an bo re-mnfhiiH'd or mis Ward and Henry Ward, tivsp:wh Ami InKi'ain, K'Hal'iIian ol ...nil INI! \vnuld iiu'lu.L- ;t I-OUFBL- for 1 IK i Explains County : ]B| Thu iinvst fiillnwi'il 111.' !i|j|iii- Mi-lmid girls an.! grade. Kttidi-cith >i> replaced. mi tho casu, Charles K. Inuram, minor vs Seums ID us that the trans Anna Kathleen ("luilds vs Frank Ituliiseh, tivs|>:i»H. ll.'iisiim n! Karl Ili'reliff, 2fl, la.il A i-iireful explamitimi ..f th,.' fact parent typewt'iti'f bars a IK tit ttm.i Hiu-tha M. IlildiiiKc-r ami Ivu M Willilirn H, Iniinim vs, Kniiik v.,,1, ,,n ii .similar rli:.i,;. jvvcitUid that wiLli lh,. ;ivall;ili| tie lint of inventions most likely Hildinger, In.l., and as r«,-|iH 'U liublscll, tivspuiii the. rase. Sin.-,- Ili-rrlilT was anvsl.i ppuct! the prugram is imt (Vas • Drain Problems ners d;b|n Cass City Hospital nn AlllaiK'u Assuranc'i1 C, „ 1,1, •. U'tty 1 jivingKtdii, trespass. I.imiteil, a Col-])., subrofC'u ol urn liiiv.' li.'.'ti turim.l in tn in the suarch for tin; culutiun io I'Yculnnd Hiigdcn, Tuscola Tuny As|KTKi'r and Normal Arnold .1. MlihlluiluiT, ami Arnold ex- Olio of the best ways to lecomi Aspcrgfir vs, l.ouis AHiernum .!. Middh'dc.rl' vs. Xi'lson IlriKKS, hot lunch program and a ih-ttu Ciwiiiy drain uimimiMsmner, tliltun Sch.inn, Kivi'limd Sugi en daimiKes. iHHUi-hniir wlu-dult! fur u-iu-hi'tu plained i.'iunity diiiiii |iroblems to f u reign countries is to coiTc.sitom Conrad ftluiillur and Uush Con- Mnliel llockwoll, lOsccutri.t of The jmmsl did w,y, h.nvv,. tho CtisH City Ilotiiry Club Tues- w th them. Evidently, this mist struction Company, damages. ^ tlm Kstntc of Alma K. firimns, lie- New Police Car tliat pf-rluijis si-nior girls rnuld b day noon at tin; Now Gordon lave been on i\w mind of Mul'u- Magdalena Kleildi, Kxcir. ol ceased vs. ICarl Dnnu'las aad ii.stid ua jitiHiatimtH to give t Hotel. tuu AU'nbi>.sc, African ymil i, w n the KtAuta of Anthony Klnitu i, Concluded on pup/o cJKlit. instructors n lirwik at luncli IIIIIL M r, Sugden Maid thuro were wrote the jiaper rc<|iiesting pen Sr., deceased VH, Marjurm G. Ilia; On Docket for Tliu ]irnbU-iiiH ln-DUKlit fni-lli bj ; 11,000 m iip of drain in tlixi county pals of both sexes here, ,he discussion have btit'ii a|i|>arer with a h IK! ai'c-u of S'21 slum's I-lis letter interested IIH ; rid Wt. trespass tm the rase. to the school board for sunlit Lim miles, reprint the text for you: 'I beg Walter C, I'ailgels and Iteatr (re Buck Luck Village in 1954 and thi! group is actively cum COHL nf drains ure shared by K. Paugels VH. Noah Hall anil Kiln ^^^H paigning for an addition to pres townships, ciumty-at-large, land in order to publish mv name imt Hall, jointly and individually, i «' Uussell Lo'stin, Cass City, 1^ imt fiu'ilitk'9 to alleviatii a .skim owners uml, in some cases, the mldl-ess In a fold of your wide y sumpsit with a count in trespass point buck wttiglilng more tha ,ion that promises to becornt State Highway Dapitrtmcnt, journal ns a Nigerian yout i thai on tho case. '200 pounds, shnt just north o Judging from thu informal di.s- WOI-BB intitond of better. Tim highway department's iieinls pen pals, both .sexes, in Detroit Automobile Inter-Ins., t'UHsioii Tuesday evening by mcin- Miimbefs oT the panel partic participation depends on whether your country. Thanks fur t ie Exchange, a Mich, Ins, Assoc a- Tom Dewc-y, 170-pound, pavon ^J§L bei's of tbi.' Cuss City Council, » mtiiig in lh(! disfiissinn were tho drain affects a state highway, courtesy of your action. I renui n tinn, Subi'ogei; of Title Sales, Inc., point buck, .shot Wednesday. No\ HP now police car with a two-way •jjibraim Knight, Jaiima Gross Mr. Sugi tin Raid, hero, yours truly, Miifntan Atog- u Mich. Corn., nnd Tile Sales, [S, near Dofm-d. radio can be regarded as a virtual Hiss Tiu'ltnii Hunt, Mrs. Norman The township's share of the Frank Moisei-, six-point buck Vi^ certainty next year, cost is always 25 per cent. besc." Inc., a Michigan Coi-jt. vs. George luff, MiflH Grace ChiHholm, Mrs 1 The youth's address is: 103 Severn, damages. shot Monday, Nov, Ki, in the af Trustee Ben H..-iikelman, who •Jd Baker, Lester KOHS and Ar In years past, the county paid Palm Church Street, jugos, Odd Larsen vs. Robert Fucstor, inrnonn in the Rifle River area i *jj^^ annually is in charge of pre- thur Holmberg. a similar charge. However, tho Nigeria, trespass on the case. Ogemaw County. Weight abou paring the budget for the village, The grau|> was well cntertaine* formula has been changed now, Civil dines— Non- Jury ,10 pounds, Typical of the efforts, of vo unit-urn, who are giving two iour was asked to allow money in the at tlm meeting by tho seventl according to Mr, Sugden, Lloyd Bryant, CJIBS City, a 4 of their time each week to mm thi; Caws City Ground Observers 1954 appropriations for purchase ymtle band, under the direction o The county pays one-half of tho Manufacturers Casualty Insu •- of the vehicle. mice Co., Subrogce of William L. joint buck, shot near Johannes Pout from (i a, m. to midnight ci i y, are thcai; f,\vo nittti. Snapped 01 talph Powell, Tho group plnyei cost of drainage structures Cotie nnd William L, Cotio vs. iurff in the afternoon of th At the present time, tho village hreo selections, "Indian Boy,' | (bridges, abutments, etc.) and nn , opening day of hunting season the first day the post operated \ •cm Phil DOPIT, standing, am Wil pays Constables Stave Orto am 1 additituia amount based on the Schulze Speaks to Paul McAllister, trespass on tie irushing up on airplane idL'iitificn "Toonerville Trollny" and "Sky Weight about ISO pounds.
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