Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1970 Daily Egyptian 1970 11-24-1970 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 24, 1970 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 52, Issue 45 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 24, 1970." (Nov 1970). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1970 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1970 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r ..........,_ 'a. _.~_T-,... ..,,. ....... _._._-..~­ Richman .. _ R epo.rt gets ,.,...__ -- , _ _ C*a.: C.._ I(.. - - --------·------.---_ .. !1'11.._~= ~--.... - - --~.... St.t-. - = -... reque.u a R.I(.-. Jo.·- .... ~ · GAC and Convo date OK --"ildll.rd E. Rk.hman,"4re'o · .,,_._ :.~;.~d o(p:,-:~ ;::· So,uthern Illinois Vniversitv o..oy E_..., Suit_,.. runt1y co a~ar at 1 Unfver- 'J 1 ..... Sll ..,...,. -.... ...... or y Con . I loft co com ro VoiU11W 52 TurJ<Uy N- 24. 1910 N~ 45 ' -,tuckft1 Gcnr~ namct~t Ac ... "" the. "all-.J clonol maO. b,. tt\ .lllt"'• CouncU tSCACl 1)0( ~·llie'd rcaoluUona \fCiftd.•> OndoroliiJ clle "'PO- Jouu ~r::;::?F~~.::,; SuBer council propo~ed T Aat P <» a. niY"UIJ1Y Governaoce repon. 1 M Senate r IIOluU.on camr ,. r ...... ~- "' doe T k F aftf'r l boun ~f deb&te. T bt' r.oolullon. eubmlned b) ~~~~c~~~~=~~:~ I.n as orce report Oa•c M.a.p&tre. nt•erajl)' ''I t11oe from oil ~oro n - ._ __ - - Pan Nftator. poued by • pe r Ike u u •1 anorney ,... ..- Tile propoul 11111 be """d C".-nc.ll. Tbe Non- Acaclomle ..,,., at 12·5 wttb CMe obnen­ ciW MI.. FCIIIda'o ullldam tn Doity f.,._ Sufi- on by vnderJrOdlla<e &l>dJnd- Emplo~o CouncU hu oe<>tpc . aton. c ctlon wtdl cenaln pend· ua<e lltU<kau In • refe~ndum ed U.. proposal, !>u! delerr"" ., ulto a before doe end otiall quarur. opproYII u.ncll • refert"nclumol Tbe Senare Ia rhe lui ol 1 ~•• wu JIIX ~titled . " n. re at -n- cllht con.-chuc.ncjel to for · IUc:bman lndkal d !liar tbe ,_,b acudy, c:alllnt for cbe Faeutcy and n aif 11111 be eeru 111 memberohlp 11 held. mall)' act on the mauer. 1'bt puU. In Ja Fonclo 'o epeedl formorlon at 1 avper councll bellola chr""ll> the Tbe r<'ron boo 100 n ma'tl . propc>NI bid n dloc: ""d did - • u d.lrt'ct lroe...,.l lOft...,.,.. Tbe Tut orc:e bo o opprOYed by the lnrer!Jn qr ·~ co ~pun eoun - bf che Scnare In Ottol>e.r. her cf1 ..... o( U, baa ....... pr--...1 by been - r C<Wiatclorotlon dl o( Non · V0<1 FIOilly ond wlcll lllllero of die e1alce luc U.J, afcie r daa_, cbe A<lmlnlotradve and Pro· n. SCAC n::..,lllllon~ wbl 11 rfroiM Tui: vbntltiH b)' 11ooftlat :, Co .,.;..:S.Je lnddenu . :::.~ on nlvenr IJ' Co-run- ;:;::,.. P~d. l~nocr:u . ~~•!on~:;,':'~·, ~;a:: : Bu.eb ond ¥urro y laM r PoaoM 1 1 Force repon, ml111ce "'7 ea1.,1n council or uon on rbt' repun. OIIIH tbll llw """'""d .,.. • m o( . ,oyrernance ext.JbJta t · tJI ball put on tboee wlllcb I• ~lot- to all SJU ...,..e audl u !be Foeulty 1bt' JO¥<'manu r~n 111 b,..dl y blet'd cuncotpl "' d alter 1 hriol !aCUity ond - 1. ~•tbe Council or rheCampuoSenar<. ld bl~ 50rt'prt'l<'•u ....,. llDd of Tbe ..urf':d author-Uy atnQ tht aJao 1 lonnotlon a 50--lllller Campuo Senatt' Dla.nned from 1he nnta oltbt' under· lttlmpcahad n maclo Unherahy Sue , dro.. 10 ~- rhe propoul 1on- IT..,.,_.., •rudt'nu. ancluare ••rtou• unhoer•Ur qM\Altru 110 ~nde•. 10 p.rocea clle com munlry dllr· from Ill--- of the nl· dof n~ The Senate bad bet'O ot\lelt'mo, foeulty, admlnlotn- 11'1 tile...., orerolty c:o11un..,lty co <loll pr.-eenrt'd 111tb doe repu ~ . but Lion, IUif ond alumni. Ill the leae.r, ~~~ aJao wll raJ ...,_llonal llld.. had ,.. taken ODf forrMI ••- Tbe lf'I'OTtlonmenr ...,..ld ,..._...., tMI 111 ._no. rhe -dlmk pollde• of coe- tlon. be: Twelve from doe under - - .,..,..., ' 'tile raJty cim 10 aoorw tllaD • llliiM n.e repun bu bee • P· v edllare auderlr bodf, ;4 ..... 111 10 .,., J p.,.. 111 ...-.• of tht Unlore nltj proorerl bf doe o...- toun - Mr-- _,_ ... _,_.,. -1· dl ud 0 ....., ~.. ~--~~ :-,..-;-:==~__ .,__........ 'Secrecy'. charue~ leveled u:-:: ··~~~~ • J • 171 k J;1 ,... .. •:•• :: ::.~ glJIJJBt mnt ~ · aa r orce ... ............. .... ..._....... r ... ....._. ........... ....... Shown 2nd =:=-...~a.:.-== ---...--. .................................. __ -......_... Students+ community =MOVE ..... ~-.. - ,. ...... ....ct. ............ ~--. ~ LoNy H.,y ..,., Spec: tal Ed&Katlon, ~fle r r ai&U.& lw>clo for aroupo llu .......... o.y ............ Doily(.,....- w.... added. tbe tfe~ n A.aeoc.bUoo, Raf­ .........~- ............. _.........., ._ __ lOV E waa o rpnlzed Nov. ter uid ~ lOVE (}.lobtllullonofVol­ I when Chanc:dlor Raben G. ' ' O r If 10me lludenta ha¥e ...,.._.......... .... - u.-.ty............... uncwr E.tfon), 1 new llucle<lt L~yer opp.....,., a propoaat for mono tlme to cauributt, '' he l ........... ..._ ........... occt ..tclea orpnlucton Mt!t­ • pros.nm oubm lned by rbe eorutnued, · ''they wort on ........ ,a»,........ ~. ~ ,......... ..,..,.. lnl co tmolvc acucle<lcatn ~om­ Volunaeer Burt-au. a clndopmenul projecr ovrr ~- .... a--. ............ mvnHy problema, ~eel 111 R~u o.a!d 1he Vohmree.r a period of cwo o r;.m o r ~ quar­ ................... c... uo-. oiiiCe IJI<beUnlvenlcyCmter Bu.r e.1u tound atudent rr­ tc:-.." In bocb UICI , he Uld, ... a.-.. 0.,. "0 0.., UIPry ...... ..................................... t.- Monday. 110( atudenu can a~tn .:>me •a.l­ ao&n·c.n on c:a.mpu• wt>n· 0.... .......... , ............ Y-. ...... Dnld ~1t e r, • cra4lv•tc heln ~nec rlv., l y VIed and rbar uablt' C"xpe rien c. ... "--".. ,......... c..., ......... -- a1udHJt tn C01'1'\ntunlt1 ~e l­ a coorclln•• Ina OrJanlzauon 10 Rafter u r1t"d atudenu who '--t.. ... ,_ ,..,..,....,_. ... opmt'nt c.oordtnac~ channel oome or cbe .,...,_, •• s.ouJd lckc to pantctpille "' - Q ........ a....'"'* .... " OfJlUIIUllon ent!fJY Jac o ooc:lal wor t would ............ ~ ....,..p, lllcl !be tlw: proaram co contKI •Ill MJYe u a c: ..nntotttu be a bdptul K fYIC:C. ~~ lOVE off~ In St-1 10 pro.lde Inform II loft to ..... Afur Larer'o pproval, Actlvillu. -·..,bow,....,. C:811become e we t In Automated Proj clion lnv vOid In c:om m..,lry eoc:Jal ~a~.•;: s~ :'~;~~!! /;~ 110 ... wort. · flee wllh P 1 J~ . a for­ Aaner aald IW<knU tuve mer VIlla Yo!Wltc:er from New and Sound Being In stall~ In tbe clwlce ro wort In olf­ Yod: City, and llallu were ~~DES •-P'• KUYillu Ute cbe 0.1 Ill reel u pan clme employe&. Cue <:«Mer, M Facie! Kuen VoiJ. a F~tc. - ­ IUCOI1Aa, ncnatJoe, dniC cleo& In Reb&bllltiiiJoll Admln­ \aJ-<4 crlaJa or ctntt · -.line. lllfltloft IJI alao ...S•taalll THE SALUKI CI"NEMA Tbe prlllraal Ia - . Uallled rbe Pl'OIJ'II'D. 10 -mlllllty ..-cte.. bul Shlllenta ~In tile will teducle IJillve.ratcy ..-­ p ........ Ull ...... CIIJ llhon •* lbeH~SW­ rerm prvf~a seare<~ 10 oee _. Me., die C.Cu tor -~...u,. ,a- .,.. OT •ar Efttltall ... SecOIIII Laepap a lew IIOolU a -' iii;;;;;;~;;~;;;::) Tae.~ay~. Kti.Jtlea n ~ .J ......I , ......... .,._ ~ . - ll'a a .....,. - ....., "' .......... ca- ......- Eric llraatob&. • ~~"*"'!!--- ~ rr- Met nee. ~ . P«lFk , be ..__- o - •• Jl[nl lllfQs1ll lmo "" <lN ,... r of Kboal ~ae pbce •o io. ~ JTI'Ie actooa1 lql,'e. tc II. ne.- ". ._.__ 10 prvrick"· lalorrnat F.or- Due-a..-, ~'::-s- utei!lhM -~~ perui.W. 1'0 s--al...,... J~ •••ut: .... dU ·~ ~>ecom~ .,._ IIC!IIS~dnl Tile o.c..llu .....S.ot ~ f plpllar ..,....llw -ad fie Urd lr J.IUn "'"""' .........,... .., ..... ~. ... be belJ....u.IUr ~· f\:t r. abe c ·. 5dDGl"' ~o~a~a¥ ' ot snraear- a .-er ~at tile. ,.,..,.....r YI oiCAJ u ........ a.pu .w .... ,. c:aa be fchi~..J!d otfeftd J:ry ~r E n, a Q;, -.1 am- ......,. .a .......... sapi!D"""" m•Jartnl Jn hte­ aiiilr:en, laliDooed bf .- Da'dd stm-. a Jllllior cory. IU aald that m.,., col­ -. ..m ndlals, ...S act- ma)>rta& In ~yac&. wu-. I<'&" tldl were 1111 dno&o laC wt:li a biRd clll!k bier _, .,.ret t0 Cndlt tile CAN were ........ han! dN&&, ctw ...... _~~~.,. ............ He ..ld .... ..,, It •u coo clllflc:ult ro be on n. ..,..,.. an: nee emir a ,.., "'~· - hard drup IIICI aray Ill kbool De=:. a; Ualftnllrr choral are tar c:oon.U. peclpl~ With 1 ~aamelime.SobetJQr r CGOU:r!. ~n Cillpbul')', a bad dNI probl~m . th.w It CAN could be at mo01 bel ~ . Wlli:td.roy . Aadl- ....Wd - preorern O)-~ !TOm to Sit! .. udenta u a re·~ r­ -um-. ll>;tD·. · . • • oun.tnc on clrup. In effect, mc~ ceu~ r an dru lntorm•­ Dee. 4, Uft!ftnllty cbpnl br uJd tbr aefT ier would uon. ~ It could Indeed c:oncen, ,._... , ' l.tuctdmy benefit only a relotlvelyamall hne- an etfoc.1 on p~Mitn& Aud!<!> rlum, a p.m. numbrr ot peclpl~ . Individuals I rom Je<tlft Dec. II, cboral eanun, I.J nl - ludl alan& tbr oame llnr rTIIXt'tl up wtlh d.,lf'J"'U;I verolty Womeo'o Enarmble, ot tblntJn wu Clut t1 ~• Mwr­ drup. Charlea 1 a )"t or. corw:tucl: • n .)' , I fre-shman from ()r.rr­ Attorney to represent Homr Ec AUdltot1um, 3 p.m. field. ..It wrll only wort " Two bit - o rif[ination Dee.
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