Ent. Tidskr. 137 (2016) A new torticid species from the Swedish mountains Epinotia palmqvisti sp.n. found in the Swedish mountains (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) HANS HELLBErg & BENgT Å. BENgTSSON Hellberg, H. & Bengtsson, B.Å.: Epinotia palmqvisti sp.n. found in the Swedish mountains (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). [Epinotia palmqvisti sp.n. en ny vecklarfjäril från de svenska fjällen (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae).] – Entomologisk Tidskrift 127(3): 105-110. Uppsala, Sweden 2016. ISSN 0013-886x. A new species, Epinotia palmqvisti sp.n., in the family of Tortricidae is described and closely related species in the genus Epinotia are compared. The new species was bred from larvae found in August on Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii in the subalpine area of the Swedish province of Jämtland. One male and one female hatched in the spring next year. The species shows some similarity with Epinotia tetraquetrana (Haworth, 1811), which also feeds on Betula, but there are clear differences both in their external appearance and genitalia. Hans Hellberg, Lofotengatan 16, S-164 33 Kista, Sweden; hhls@bahnhof.se Bengt Å. Bengtsson, Lokegatan 3, S-386 93 Färjestaden, Sweden; bengt.a.bengtsson@ gmail.com The Lepidoptera fauna of Sweden is comparative- species, and therefore we describe them as a new ly well known and new species are rarely discov- species in this paper. ered nowadays. Yet the northern parts may still The tortricid genus Epinotia has 182 species hide unknown species, as vast areas are still not worldwide (Brown 2005; http://www.tortricidae. visited by lepidopterists. Even places where col- com/catalogueSpeciesList.asp?gcode=368&ch- lectors have been before may harbour unknown kLastInput=) and in Sweden 32 species have been species, and here we present such a case. In 1983 recorded (Bengtsson et al. 2016). The species are the first author (HH) collected some larvae on in general middle-sized (wingspan 10–20 mm) Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii (N.I. Orlova) and the forewing is usually brown with more or at Undersåker in the province of Jämtland, which less distinct pattern in shape of strigulation and is in middle Sweden. Two specimens, one male darker or paler spots and/or fasciae. The larvae and one female, emerged the following spring of most species feed on the leaves of deciduous but their identity remained unknown for many trees and shrubs or on conifers. years. The specimens were put aside as undeter- mined for a long time, pending an opportunity for Methods and material identification. In 2015 the two specimens were The illustrations of the genitalia were produced presented to the second author who contact- with a multilayer technique, using a Canon EOS ed several specialists of the Tortricidae, among 550D mounted on a compound microscope Eu- them Leif Aarvik in Oslo, but nobody could as- romex EB No. 149508 with a 10X objective. A sociate them with a described species. The two Canon 100 mm macro lens on the same camera specimens could not be matched with any known was used to take photos of the imagines with il- 105 Hans Hellberg & Bengt Å. Bengtsson Ent. Tidskr. 137 (2016) a b Figure 1. – a) Holotype (male) of Epinotia palmqvisti sp.n. – b) Paratype (female) of Epinotia palmqvisti sp.n. b a Figure 2. – a) Epinotia tetraquetrana (Haworth, 1811), SUECIA, Öland, Ottenbylund, 16.VI.1977, leg. coll. B. Bengtsson. – b) ditto, SUECIA, Småland, Bäckebo, Millemåla, 16.V.1998. leg. coll. B Å Bengtsson. lumination provided by a ring-shaped fluores- Diagnosis cent tube. The software Helicon Focus Version Epinotia palmqvisti sp.n. is typified by its blurred 4.2.8 stacked the images, which were thereafter forewing markings and this should separate the manipulated in Adobe Photoshop CS4 Version species from all other species in the genus Epi- 11.0.2. All photographs are produced by the sec- notia in Europe. Male (Fig. 1a) and female (Fig. ond author (BÅB). 1b) show sexual dimorphism in having different forewing shapes. Epinotia palmqvisti sp. n. E. palmqvisti resembles E. tetraquetrana Type locality: Sweden, Jämtland, Undersåker. (Haworth, 1811) (Fig. 2a & b; razowski 2003) Type material: Holotype: ♂ – [SWEDEN] but the latter usually has more distinct markings. Jä[mtland], Undersåker, la. 26.8.1983, H. Hell- The male genitalia of tetraquetrana (Fig. 3b) berg; genitalia slide 2402, Hans Hellberg; [host differ from those in palmqvisti (Fig. 3a) for in- plant] Betula. – In coll. Natural History Mu- stance in having slender socii and convex cucul- seum, Stockholm. lus in valva. The female genitalia of tetraquetra- Paratype: 1 ♀, same data as holotype, but na (Fig. 4b) have a sterigma in the shape of a genitalia slide 2440, Hans Hellberg. – In coll. pair of isolated sclerites directed outwards. In Natural History Museum, Stockholm. palmqvisti (Fig. 4a) this structure appears to be 106 Ent. Tidskr. 137 (2016) A new torticid species from the Swedish mountains a Figure 3. – a) Male genitalia of Epinotia palmqvisti sp.n. Holotype; slide Hans Hell- b berg 2402. – b) Male genita- lia of Epinotia tetraquetrana (Hw.). SUECIA, Sm., Bäcke- bo, Grytsjön, 6.VI.2015, leg. coll. Bengt Å. Bengtsson. Slide BÅB 6515. – a. Hangenitalier av Epino- tia palmqvisti sp.n.. Holotyp; genitalpreparat Hans Hell- berg 2402. – b. Hangenital- ier av Epinotia tetraquetrana (Hw.). SUECIA, Sm., Bäcke- bo, Grytsjön, 6.VI.2015, leg. coll. Bengt Å. Bengtsson. Genitalpreparat BÅB 6515. fused with tergum VII. E. palmqvisti has a slen- slender and sickle-shaped (razowski 2003). der colliculum whilst tetraquetrana has a broad The shape of the subgenital sternite in segment and short colliculum. The wall of the corpus VII separates the female genitalia of palmqvisti bursae in palmqvisti is densely covered by min- and ramella, the latter having a very shallow in- ute spines whereas in tetraquetrana the spines curvation posteriorly. are much sparser. E. rubricana Kuznetsov, 1968, occurring in E. cedricida Diakonoff, 1969, occurring in- the far east of Asia (Byun et al. 1998), also has digenously in N Africa and SW Asia but intro- similar genitalia, but the valvae have quite a dif- duced to S Europe, is also similar but the fore- ferent shape compared with those of palmqvisti wing markings are more distinct and the gen- and the ostium area differs in exhibiting a deeper italia in both sexes are different (cf. Chambon cleft of the subgenital sternite and having a more 1999, razowski 2003). sclerotized and elongated sterigma (Byun et al. E. ramella (Linnaeus, 1758) has a quite dif- 1998, Kuznetsov 2001). The external appear- ferent external appearance, having a black dor- ance of rubricana resembles palmqvisti as illus- sal spot in the shape of a half crescent. The male trated in Byun et al. (1998) in having the fore- genitalia have an appearance similar to that of wing with a curved costa but the fine, transverse palmqvisti, but the valva has a round cucullus strigulae are absent in the new species. Howev- (not concave as in palmqvisti) and the socii are er, the picture of an adult moth of rubricana on 107 Hans Hellberg & Bengt Å. Bengtsson Ent. Tidskr. 137 (2016) b a Figure 4. – a) Female genitalia of Epinotia palmqvisti sp.n. Paratype; slide Hans Hellberg 2440. – b) Female genitalia of Epinotia tetraquetrana (Hw.). [SUECIA] Öl., Löttorp, 12.VI.1977, leg. coll. Bengt Å. Bengtsson. Slide BÅB 595. – a. Hongenitalier av Epinotia palmqvisti sp.n.. Paratyp; genitalpreparat Hans Hellberg 2440. – b. Hongenitalier av Epinotia tetraquetrana (Hw.). [SUECIA] Öl., Löttorp, 12.VI.1977, leg. coll. Bengt Å. Bengtsson. Genitalpreparat BÅB 595. the website http://blog.goo.ne.jp/necydalis_ma- ond. Maxillary palpus very small, pale greyish. jor/e/23d24d74d711bb8a7c2e8d666a047198 Forewing with costal fold and curved costa; differs significantly frompalmqvisti sp.n. coloration various shades of brown, subtrian- gular blotch at dorsum and tornal spot greyish Description brown; fringes from costal fold and along ter- Male (Fig. 1a): Wingspan 13.5 mm. Head, te- men cream-coloured, terminal fringes with grey gulae, and thorax dark greyish brown with grey tips. Hindwing plain greyish brown. Foreleg tips on each scale, face pale grey. Antennae dark dark brownish, some whitish scales in middle brown, length approximately half of forewing. of tibia; middle leg greyish brown with indis- Labial palpus porrect, basal segment greyish; tinct pale rings on posterior tip of tibia and tarsi; second segment broad, widening posteriorly, hindleg dirty beige. dark brownish, scales with paler tips; terminal Female (Fig. 1b): Wingspan 14 mm. Char- segment very small, almost hidden within sec- acters as in male but forewing narrower with an 108 Ent. Tidskr. 137 (2016) A new torticid species from the Swedish mountains almost straight costa, no costal fold, posterior Etymology two thirds of costa with white spots increasing The new species is dedicated to the Swedish en- in size posteriorly; terminal fringes with dark tomologist göran Palmqvist, Stockholm, who line at base and at tips of cilia. has contributed a considerable amount to the Male genitalia (Fig. 2a): Uncus bifurcate. knowledge of the Lepidoptera fauna of Sweden Socii subtriangular, rather short and broad, tips over many decades. blunt, with reinforced, convex ventral margin. gnathos a pair of bent sclerites united by a gran- Discussion ular membrane. Phallus a short cylindrical struc- A possible reason why this species never has ture with about half a dozen stouter cornuti and been encountered before might be that the adult several narrower cornuti, all appressed together moths emerge early in the spring (May) and are to form a dense ‘brush’ of seemingly inseparable over before mid June, a period of the year when parts. Juxta shield-shaped, trapezoid, widening few collectors visit this part of Sweden. Out of posteriorly and with central, sclerotized ridge. the 37 species recorded from Europe, 10 spe- Caulis (?) very large, twice as long as phallus, cies of Epinotia feed on Betula spp.
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