© Zoological Institute, St.Petersburg, 2004 A new species of the genus Schizoprymnus Förster from Turkey (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Brachistinae) S.A. Belokobylskij, C. Güçlü & H. Özbek Belokobylskij, S.A., Güçlü, C. & Özbek, H. 2004. A new species of the genus Schizo- prymnus Förster from Turkey (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Brachistinae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 12(2), 2003: 245-248. The composition of the subfamily Brachistinae is discussed. A new species, Schizoprym- nus erzurumus sp. n. from Turkey, is described and illustrated. S.A. Belokobylskij, Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg 199034, Russia; Museum and Institute of Zoology PAN, Wilcza 64, Warsaw, Poland. C. Güçlü, C. & Özbek, Atatürk University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Department, Erzurum 25240, Turkey. Introduction Species of the genus Schizoprymnus are egg- larval endoparasites of beetles from the families The genus Schizoprymnus Förster is one of the Apionidae and Curculionidae. specialized genera of the subfamily Brachistinae. About 60 species of Schizoprymnus are known In the Palaearctic, six genera of this subfamily in the Palaearctic fauna, but the status of some were recorded till now: Eubazus Nees (with sub- species [e.g., S. fumatus (H.-Sch.), S. longiseta genera Eubazus Nees, Calyptus Haliday, Allodor- (H.-Sch.), S. rufiscapus Telenga] is not clear. us Förster, Aliolus Say and Brachistes Wesmael), About 40 species of this genus have been record- Polydegmon Förster, Foersteria Marshall, Che- ed from the Asian part of Palaearctic, and only S. lostes Achterberg, Triaspis Haliday and Schizo- tantalus Papp (Tobias, 1986) was known from prymnus Förster (Achterberg, 1990; Belokobyl- Turkey. Below, a new species of Schizoprymnus, skij, 1998). The genera Canalicephalus Gibson similar to S. pallidipennis (Nees) and S. dauri- and Urosigalphus Ashmead, which were placed cus Telenga, is described from this country. long time in Brachistinae (Gibson, 1977; Chou The terms of wing venation are used as defined & Hsu, 1996; Belokobylskij, 1998), were trans- by Belokobylskij & Tobias (1998). The following ferred to the tribe Urosigalphini of the subfami- abbreviations are used: POL, postocellar line; ly Acampsohelconinae Tobias (Achterberg, OOL, ocular-ocellar line; Od, maximum diameter 2002). of lateral ocellus; ZISP, Zoological Institute, Rus- Schizoprymnus and Triaspis have immovably sian Academy of Sciences (St.Petersburg, Russia). fused three anterior metasomal tergites forming carapace, the main diagnostic character of the Schizoprymnus erzurumus sp. n. tribe Triaspidini. This carapace ventrally is more (Figs 1-13) or less strongly incurved in many species of Schizoprymnus, but widely open in Triaspis and Holotype. F, Turkey, “TR, Erzurum, Palandöken, some species of Schizoprymnus. The main diag- 22.VII.2000, leg. H. Özbek” (ZISP). nostic difference between these genera is the Description. Female. Body length 4.6 mm; fore presence (Triaspis) or absence (Schizoprymnus) wing length 3.0 mm. Head width 1.8 times its of both metasomal sutures on carapace. Howev- median length, 1.3 times width of mesoscutum. er, almost entire first suture and rarely lateral parts Head behind eye weakly convex anteriorly, dis- of the second suture are developed in some spe- tinctly roundly narrowed posteriorly. Length of cies of Schizoprymnus from East Palaearctic and temple almost equal to transverse diameter of eye Oriental Regions (Papp, 1984, 1991, 1993; Be- (1.15 times, if measured on straight line). Head lokobylskij, 1994, 1998), including the species at level of eyes slightly wider than at level of tem- described in this paper. As a result, the generic ple. Frons weakly concave, without lateral pro- position of some species is quite problematic. tuberances, with not high and not branching api- 246 S.A. Belokobylskij et al.: A new species of Schizoprymnus • ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 12 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 9108 11 12 13 Figs 1-13. Schizoprymnus erzurumus sp. n. (female, holotype). 1, head, frontal view; 2, head, dorsal view; 3, head, lateral view; 4, basal and apical segments of antenna; 5, hind tibia; 6, fifth segment and claw of hind tarsus; 7, fore wing; 8, hind wing; 9, hind femur; 10, metasoma, posterior view; 11, metasoma, dorsal view; 12, metasoma, lateral view; 13, metasoma, ventral view. ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 12 • S.A. Belokobylskij et al.: A new species of Schizoprymnus 247 cally median keel. Ocelli medium-sized, in tri- Legs. Hind femur 3.3 times as long as wide. angle with base 1.3 times its sides; between hind Hind tarsus 0.9 times as long as hind tibia. Hind ocelli, distinct median depression. POL twice Od, basitarsus 0.7 times as long as second-fifth seg- 0.6 times OOL. Eye distinctly shortly setose, 1.5 ments combined. Second tarsal segment 0.45 times as high as broad. Malar space height 0.6 times as long as basitarsus, 1.3 times as long as times height of eye, about 1.3 times basal width fifth segment (without pretarsus). Claws short, of mandible. Face width 1.5 times height of eye thickened, without basal lobe, weakly curved. and 2.3 times height of face. Malar suture present, Metasoma. Carapace rather weakly convex, but shallow. Clypeus convex, almost straight be- weakly and more or less regularly narrowed from low, without median tubercle; its width 1.8 times basal fourth to apex; with very shallow and com- median height, about half width of face. Tentori- plete first suture, second suture rather distinct al pits deep, not large. Head distinctly and roundly laterally only; apically with deep, semicircular narrowed below eyes. emargination, bordered ventrolaterally by long, Antennae thick, weakly setiform, short, very wide, rounded apically, weakly convergent proc- densely and shortly setose, 23-segmented, some- esses. Carapace weakly incurved laterally and what longer than head and mesosoma combined. posteriorly; ventral cavity slightly shorter than Scapus 1.4 times as long as maximum width, 2.2 carapace, margined with distinct flange, which times as long as pedicel. First flagellar segment is widened toward apex of carapace. Carapace 2.5 times as long as its apical width, 0.9 times as 2.2 times as long as its maximum width, 3.3 times long as second segment. Segments in apical third as long as maximum height, 1.2 times as long as of antenna subsquare. Penultimate segment al- mesosoma. Ovipositor rather long; its sheath (in- most square, 0.3 times as long as first segment, cluding part covered by carapace) 0.65 times as 0.9 times as long as obtuse apical segment. long as carapace, 0.8 times as long as mesosoma, Mesosoma 1.5 times as long as high. Notauli 0.45 times as long as fore wing. rather shallow, complete, crenulate. Prescutellar Sculpture. Vertex sparsely punctulate, but lat- depression deep, rather long, densely crenulat- erally, opposite to ocellar triangle, densely ru- ed, with not high median carina, 0.25 times as gose-punctulate, with fine granulation. Frons dis- long as scutellum. Scutellum strongly roundly tinctly densely rugose-reticulate, partly smooth convex, with distinct lateral carinae, with shal- near anterior ocellus, with fine concentric striae low transverse furrow in posterior fourth. Meta- near antennal sockets. Face densely rugose-punc- notum with rather high, flat, rounded process. tulate and partly granulate; sculpture finer in two Upper subalar depression very deep, rather nar- narrow submedian vertical stripes. Clypeus row; lower subalar depression shallow, rather densely and deeply punctulate. Temple sparsely narrow, rugose-reticulate. Mesopleural pit deep, punctulate. Median lobe of mesoscutum distinct- short, elongate. Sternauli shallow, oblique, S- ly and densely punctulate, lateral lobes finely and shaped, rugose, running along entire length of sparsely punctulate. Scutellum smooth for most lower part of mesopleura. Propodeum with short, part, densely rugose posteriorly. Mesopleura wide, obtuse lateral tubercles submedially. densely, almost entirely and rather coarsely punc- Wings. Fore wing 2.7 times as long as its max- tulate-rugose, almost smooth below. Sternauli imum width. Radial cell strongly shortened and coarsely rugose-crenulate. Propodeum almost rather narrow; maximum length of cell almost entirely coarsely rugose-striate, basally almost 3.0 times its maximum width, 1.2 times length smooth on narrow area, with median carina in of pterostigma. First abscissa of metacarpus (in- basal third. Carapace entirely reticulate-rugose side radial cell) 0.8 times as long as pterostigma, with fine granulation, without distinct striation. 2.8 times as long as second abscissa of metacar- Colour. Body black. Scapus reddish brown, two pus, almost equal to distance from apex of radial following segments of antenna light reddish cell to apex of wing. Radial vein arising slightly brown, rest antennal segments dark reddish behind middle of pterostigma. Second radial ab- brown to black. Palpi and tegulae black. All cox- scissa weakly evenly curved in basal half, almost ae, trochanters and trochantelli black to dark red- straight in apical half, 7.2 times as long as first dish brown; femora and tibiae light reddish radial abscissa. First radiomedial vein 2.5 times brown; middle and hind femora darkened basal- first radial abscissa, 1.4 times recurrent vein; re- ly; all tarsi reddish brown, paler basally and dark- current vein 1.6 times second abscissa of medial ened apically. Ovipositor sheath black. Fore vein. Discoidal cell 1.6 times as long as wide. wings infuscate. Pterostigma dark brown. Nervulus slightly postfurcal. Hind wing almost Discussion. This new species is similar to S. 4.0 times as long as wide. First abscissa of medi- pallidipennis (Nees) but differs in the carapace ocubital vein half as long as second abscissa, 1.2 long and narrow, almost not incurved below, api- times as long as nervellus, 1.6 times as long as cally with two long processes, the temple not basal vein. wider than eyes, and the clypeus without ventral 248 S.A. Belokobylskij et al.: A new species of Schizoprymnus • ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 12 median tubercle.
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