Srinija Drugs Private Limited i. The detailed condition-wise compliance of EC & CFO Orders issued to the existing bulk drug intermediates manufacturing unit. Please find the below enclosed condition wise compliance of Environmental Clearance and Consent for Operation Order issued to our existing Unit. Annexure-Xl .III{(i {ttfiTt BY SPEED POST qqierrrr V4 ?r.l riandq GOVERNMETI OF iNQA6o;1 : sonsotn_2859Cyohoo.co.in MTNTSTRY OF Et{VlHOliftlENT & FORESTEelefax : 0ll-24360488 FebruorY 200E l'Jo. J-I1C11/279/2OO7 - IA II (I) Dote: 2i't l(, M/s Srini.ia Drugs 2\rr. LtC. Plot No. 245.TDA KondoPclli fbrohmpctnom lAondal Krishnq Disfricf Andhro Pradesh Subject: Txpcnslon/Chonge in Prcduct-Mix of Bulk Drug Interrnedia?+s at Plot No. y'.ndhra ?45, IDA Kcndepolli, ibrohmpctnom ,\\crdcl, Krishna Di:frict, , Frqdesh by l4/s Sri;iijc Drugs Pvi. Ltcj. - Environiaenlsl clloronce Ragording. 5ir, This is vtilh ref erence fc ycun opplicotion No. SDPL/MCEF/JAN-07 dsled 77'^ Jonuory ?Ca7 seeking envircnment cleoronce for ihe obova mentioned project' Z, The Ministry of Environmant ond Forests hos exomined the proposal. ft is noted Drug thot f he proposol is to chon ge in .,the Producf-Mix by dropping. two Bulk fntermediates out of thz existing 5 ond cdding 6 nevt Bulk Drugs on o campoign bosis. moking only two products ot o point of time ot the existing site at Pldt No. 245,TDA Kondopolly, fbrohimpotnom Mondol, Krishno District, Andhrq Prodesh. The cost of the projecf is Rs. 61,25 lokhs out of which Rs. 5 lokhs will be eoimarked for the environmentol protection meosures. The totol areafor the project is 2500 sg. m out of which l3OO sg. m will be developed as green belt. No eco-sensitivz zone exists rvithin 10 km periphery of the site. River Krishno is ot 8 km cnd Kondopclli Hills ore at 1'5 Km frcm the site. Kondopqlli Reserved Forests is at 2 km f rom the site. The list of the products ore given below- S. No. Products Exisfing CopocitY Proposed, . (TPA) Caoocity ffPA) Bulk Drug Intermediotes 1 Porochlorci, Benxophenone 36.0 36.0 Fluconozo[e 4,8 4.8 3. Cet erzine D ihydro Ch loride' t2.o t2.o 4. N-Ethvl Piperzine 60 Discontinued 5. Acetvl Pioerzine 6.0 Discontinued l New Bulk Drdgs Mathocorbomol 30.0 2 N,N'-Dicyclohexyl 30.0, Corbodimide * wd d t{ffir sqfq-{q rin, rff.fr.sn. drqeff, FnA n-S. -i-i W-110003 ilii ,* wyrnfr t, paRyAVARAN BHAwAN- c. .o. coMpLEX. LoDHi RoAD, NEw DELHI - 110 0c3 48.0 3. Guqif enesin 24.O 4 l-Hvdroxy Benzol riozole 1?.O 5 3-Methoxv-1-ProPcnol 6 Chlorozoxozone t20 Toroi 64.8 208.8 the 0'75 TPH Coql 3. The existing 0.3 TPH Coalfired boiler vrill be reploced with of il5Dond3TPDof coql firedBoilerondone T5KVAD6Setsholl beinstolled. 15l/hr Power Supply' The lvoter sholl be used os fuel.Power will be sourced from AP Tronsco Ground woter / reguirement will be obout 16.75 KLD which will be met from the woter of 4'51 Tqnkers. woste woter generotion will be 5.71 KLD. The Process woste condensote will be used in cooling KLD will be senl to Forced Evoporotion System. The olong with ihe ETP towers & sqlts from fhe evoporotion system uiill ba sent to TSDF evoporotors cnd sludge.0.189 TPD of 5olid waste including sclis from Multi-effect residue, 0'014 TPD of inorgonic solid wosie, 0.081 TPD of orgcnic residue ond process TSDF ot Dindigol. Boiler osh ct Spznt corbon , o.o1 TPD of ETP Sludge urill be sent to obout 0.9 TPD will be sold to Brick Monufoctures' 'B' in the Scheduie of 4. The project octivity is listed ot 5 (f) cnd is of cclegory opplicotion wcs EIA Notif icotion,2006,hov'tever wos considei'ad of CenfrolLevel os fhe The prior to the constitufion of SETAA/iEAC for the Stote of Andhrq Prodesh' Heoring is informotion provided in the EIAIEMP Report is found odequote' The Public (3)- consultotion of the not reguired for lhe project cs Per ParaT (i) nI, Stage Public EIA Notificotion, 2006. of Environment ond 5. Bosed on the informot d by you, the Ministry Forests hereby occords envi leoronce to the qbove projeci under the complionce of the provisions of EIA Notif icotion ePtem'ef 2006 subject to following Specif ic ond Generol conditions: A. SPECIFIC CONDTTIONS: scrubbed in i. HCI ond Nitrogen emissions from the process vents sholl be woter sholl be dual scrubber & dilute HClso formed sholl be reused. Scrubber efficiency Alkoli minimum 95%.Thegoses contoining troces of HCI gos will be possed through secondory Pocked Tower, where goses will be neutrqlized & clesn oir will be venfed through Blower stock. ii. Nitrogen sholl be dispersed into otmosphere through vents- Vents sholl be dipped into woter troughs for controlling odourous emissions ond liguid sholl ba traoted olong with ofher low TDS effluent. There sholl be no odour nuisonce from products & moteriol used. No oCorous compounds/gos like Mercoptons or Hydrogen Sulfide shall be used or formed in ony of reoctions ot the site' Contd. -3- iii. Cyclone seporotor/ESP wiih o stock of 25 m height sholl be instolled for dispersior, of Porticulate motter. Cyclone seporotor effi,:iency sholl be minimum 90%. Water withdrowol sholl not exceed 16.75 KLD which will be mzt from Ground waf er,/ Tankers. The woste waler generction shoJl not exceed 5.71 KLD out of which 4.51 KLD of Process wosie shall be sent for Forced Evaporotion System, ofier neutrolizotion. The conCensate sholl be used in cooling towers ond salts from the evoporotion systenr shcll be sent to TSDF olong with the ETP sludge. O.l89,TPD of solts ond inorgonic solid woste,0.081 TPD of Orgonic residue ond process resicjue.0.014 TPD of Spent Corlon,0.01 TPD of ETP Sludga shoil be sent to TSDF at Dindigol. Bcilar qsh of about 0.9 TPD shcll bz sold to Brick Monufoctures. Covered Shed lvith non-leochoble plciform shqll be provided for temporory storage of wastz. vl. The Compony sholl submit Membership documents of TSDF cnd CETP for record with in 15 doys of issue of this letter. vil. Spent solvents shqll be recovered os for os possible & recovery sholl not be less than 98 percent. Solvent vapours emitted during purificction process from purification tonks os fugitive emissions sholl be reduced os for os Possible. All venting eguipment sholl hove voPour recovery system. vil l, 1300 sg. m cf lond sholl be developed as Green Belt os Per CPC\ Guidelines. B. GENERAL CONDITTONS : o The project outhorities sholl strictly adhere to the stipulotions made by the Stote Pollution Control Board. (ii) No furthar axponsion or modifications in the plont sholl be corried out without prior opproval of the Minist ry of Environment ond Forests. fn cose of deviotions or alterotions in the project proposol from those submitted to this Ministry for clearonce, o fresh reference shall be made to tha Ministry to ossess the adeguocy of conditions imposed ond to odd oddif ionol environmentol protecf ion meosures reguired, if ony. (ii i) At no time, the emissions sholl exceed the prescribed limits. fn the event of foilure of ony pollution control system odopted by the unit, the unit sholl be immedioteli, put out of operotion ond sholl not bz restorted until the desirzd efficiency hos been ochieved. Contd. -4- (u) rhe goseous em :'sions (5O2, NOx, HCl, CO, VOC and HC) ond porticulofe motter olong with RSPM levels from vorious process units sholl conforn to ihe stondqrds lrescribe..i uy the concerned outhoriiies from iime to time. At i., time, the emission levels sholl go beyond the stipuloted standords. fn f he evenf of foilure "f pollution control system(s) odopted by the unit, the respecfive unit sholf not be rest:rted until the control meosures ore recfified tc ochieve the desir ed ef f i ciency. (v) Levels of HC ond VOC af vorious proboble locqtions in the ombient oir in cnd oround the plont will be monitored regularly. (vi) The focotions of ombient oir quolity monitoning stotions sholl be reviewzd in consuliation with the State Pollution Control Boord (SPCB) ond odditionql stalions sholl be instolled, if required, in the downwind direction as well os where moximum ground level concentrof ions ore onticipotad. (vr r., Dedicoted scrubbers ond stocks of cppropriote heighi os per the Cerirol Pollution Control Bcord guidelines sholl be provided to control the emissions from vorious vents. The scrubbed uroter sholl be sen-f to ETP for further treotment. (viii) All the storoge tonks will be under negotive pressura to ovoid ony leakoges. Breother volves, Nz blonkating ond secondory condensars with brine chilling system shqll be provided for oll the storoge tonks to minimize vopour losses, All liguid row moteriol sholl be stored in storoge Tanks ond Drums. Closed hondling systems for chemicols ond solvents will be provided. Mognetic seols will be provided for pumps/ogitotors for reactors for reduction of fugitive emissions. 5olvent frops shsll be instolled wherever necessory. Reoctor generaling solvent vopors will be connected to condensers with receivers. (ix) All venting eguipment sholl hove vopour recovery system. All thz pumps and other eguipment's where there is o likelihood of HC leokoges sholl be provided with Leok Detection qnd Rapoir (LDAR) system ond LEL indicotors ond Hydrocorbon detectors. Provision for immediote isolotion of such equipment, in cose of o leakoge will olso be mode. The compony sholl provide o well def ined Leok Detection and Repoir (LDAR) progromme for guantif icotion ond control of fugitive emissions.
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