(19) & (11) EP 1 850 666 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.: of the grant of the patent: A01N 27/00 (2006.01) 08.08.2012 Bulletin 2012/32 (86) International application number: (21) Application number: 05769042.2 PCT/IN2005/000211 (22) Date of filing: 23.06.2005 (87) International publication number: WO 2006/090410 (31.08.2006 Gazette 2006/35) (54) COMPOSITION FOR USE IN CONTROLLING AEDES AEGYPTI MOSQUITOES ZUSAMMENSETZUNG FÜR DIE BEKÄMPFUNG VON MOSKITOS DER ART AEDES AEGYPTI COMPOSITION DESTINEE A ETRE UTILISEE DANS LA LUTTE CONTRE LES MOUSTIQUES AEDES AEGYPTI (84) Designated Contracting States: • CHANDEL, Kshitij FR GB Gwalior 474 002 M.P. (IN) • PARASHAR, Brahma Dutt (30) Priority: 24.02.2005 IN DE04042005 Gwalior 474 002 M.P. (IN) • VIJAYARAGHAVAN, Rajagopalan (43) Date of publication of application: Gwalior 474 002 M.P. (IN) 07.11.2007 Bulletin 2007/45 • SEKHAR, Krishnamurthy Gwalior 474 002 M.P. (IN) (73) Proprietor: Director General Defence Research & Development (74) Representative: Senior, Janet et al Organisation Abel & Imray New Delhi 110 066 (IN) 20 Red Lion Street London WC1R 4PQ (GB) (72) Inventors: • PRAKASH, Shri (56) References cited: Gwalior 474 002 M.P. (IN) • DATABASECA [Online] CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS • MENDKI, Murlidhar J. SERVICE, COLUMBUS, OHIO, US; MENDKI, M. J. Gwalior 474 002 M.P. (IN) ET AL: "Heneicosane: an oviposition-attractant • GANESAN, Kumaran pheromone of larval origin in Aedes aegypti Gwalior 474 002 M.P. (IN) mosquito" XP002362001 retrieved from STN • GOPALAN, Natarajan Database accession no. 2000:473766 & Gwalior 474 002 M.P. (IN) CURRENT SCIENCE , 78 (11), 1295-1296 CODEN: • MALHOTRA, Ramesh C. CUSCAM; ISSN: 0011-3891, 2000, Gwalior 474 002 M.P. (IN) Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention). EP 1 850 666 B1 Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) 1 EP 1 850 666 B1 2 Description sumably, some mosquitoes resting on vegetation at that site. Field of the invention [0010] The main drawback of this method is that it is suitable for control of mosquitoes in the field areas only [0001] The present invention relates to compositions 5 as they are highly toxic in nature thus causing an envi- for use in the control of dengue transmitting mosquito. In ronmental hazard. particular, the present invention relates to a composition [0011] Yet another drawback of this method is that for use in the control of dengue transmitting mosquito more often mosquitoes develop insecticidal resistance. comprising of an oviposition attractant to attract Aedes [0012] Still another drawback of this method is that the aegypti mosquito to lay eggs at a predetermined site and 10 adult mosquitoes which come into contact with the insec- a growth regulator, which inhibits the metamorphosis of ticides are only killed whereas the eggs/ larvae/pupae are larvae to adult mosquitoes. The present invention also unaffected by this method. relates to processes for preparation of such composi- [0013] Still another drawback of this method is that tions. The present invention also relates to methods for non-target organisms are also killed along with mosqui- controlling Aedes aegypti mosquito and use of the com- 15 toes such as aquatic fish, etc. Thus it is not environment positions of the present invention for controlling Aedes and eco-friendly. aegypti mosquitoes. [0014] Another method known in the art of control of mosquitoes involves larval management. This includes Description of the prior art the use of chemical larvicides, microbial insecticides (Ba- 20 cillus thuringiensis B thuringiensis israeliensis), larvicid- [0002] Mosquitoes are medically important vectors, al oils, juvenile hormone (methoprene), and mosquito both in number of diseases they transmit and the mag- predator fish to control mosquito larvae. nitude of health problems world-wide. About 400 species [0015] The main disadvantage of these methods is that of mosquitoes can spread disease to humans. These in- they are suitable for use in ponds, canals, irrigated fields clude yellow fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever for25 and some other freshwater sources for mosquito larval which the mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Aedes al- control only. bopictus are the important vectors. According to the [0016] Another disadvantage of these methods is that World Health Organization, at least 700 million people closer surveillance is required to find out the larval breed- each year are infected with disease by mosquitoes. ing sites for the application of larvicides. [0003] Dengue fever is a serious disease of Asia and 30 [0017] Still another disadvantage of microbial control Africa. In India, public is aware of dengue haemorrhagic and mosquito predator fish control methods are that they fever due to the epidemics in 1996 particularly in Delhi cannot be used in a container breeding mosquitoes like and surrounding regions. Classic dengue, known for its Aedes aegypti. low mortality but very uncomfortable symptoms, has be- [0018] Further another disadvantage of these methods come more serious, both in frequency and mortality, in 35 is that the mosquitoes develop resistance to microbial recent years. Aedes aegypti mosquito is the most prom- agents. inent vector of dengue throughout the world. World wide [0019] Yet another disadvantage of microbial larvicide at present there is no dengue vaccine. Therefore, mos- is that it degrades faster in presence of sun light. quito control measures are the only remedy to this prob- [0020] Another disadvantage of these methods, which lem. 40 are based on larvicides, is that they are not economical [0004] A variety of methods have been practised in the to use for the control of dengue transmitting mosquitoes. art in an attempt to control Aedes mosquitoes. [0021] Another disadvantage of the method using [0005] One of the methods used for the control of mos- mosquito predator fish to eliminate mosquito larvae is quito involves attract and kill devices which uses different that the life- period of the mosquito predator fish depends combinations such as ultraviolet light, Carbondioxide, 45 on the specific characteristics of the water like salinity. and 1-octen-3-ol to attract mosquitoes. Maintenance of such conditions poses limitations for the [0006] The main disadvantage of this method is that practical application of this method. these devices are not efficient. [0022] Still another disadvantage of this method is that [0007] Yet another disadvantage of this method is that it cannot be used for monitoring the vector population. these devices are not suitable for control of mosquitoes 50 [0023] Yet another disadvantage of these methods is in the field conditions. that they are not cost effective. [0008] Still another disadvantage of this method is that [0024] Thus, there is an urgent need for a new mos- it is an expensive method for its public use. quito control composition and method, which is simple [0009] Another method known in the art for controlling to use, cost-effective, and environment and eco- friendly. mosquitoes is the use of insecticides such as organo- 55 phosphorus pesticides (malathion or fenitrothion), car- Objects of the present invention bamates and synthetic pyrethroids by residual applica- tion or fogging to kill flying adult mosquitoes and, pre- [0025] It is therefore, one of the main objects of the 2 3 EP 1 850 666 B1 4 present invention to provide a composition for the control [0035] The present invention also provides a ‘lure and of dengue transmitting mosquito Aedes aegypt, which kill’ composition for luring Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to overcomes the disadvantages of the prior art. lay their eggs in a target site and killing the mosquito [0026] Another object of the present invention is to pro- larvae or regulating the growth of mosquito larvae, which vide an environment and eco- friendly composition for the 5 comprises (a) an effective amount of n- heneicosane dis- control of dengue transmitting mosquito Aedes aegypt, solved in an organic solvent, and (b) an effective amount which does not contain any toxic chemical. of an insect growth regulator dissolved in an organic sol- [0027] Another object of the present invention is to pro- vent. vide a composition, which can be used easily in ovitraps, [0036] The present invention further provides a ’lure coolers, overhead tanks and other dengue transmitting 10 and kill’ composition for luring Aedes aegypti mosquitoes mosquito breeding aquatic habitats. to lay their eggs in a target site and killing the mosquito [0028] Still another object of the present invention is larvae or regulating the growth of mosquito larvae, which to provide a novel chemical composition, which attracts comprises an effective amount of n-heneicosane dis- dengue transmitting mosquitoes to lay eggs at a given solved in a suitable organic solvent, and an effective site and control mosquito population by blocking the lar- 15 amount of an insecticide. val growth to adults. [0037] In these embodiments, the present invention [0029] Yet another object of the present invention is to utilises a composition for luring Aedes aegypti mosqui- provide a novel chemical composition which can be used toes to lay their eggs in a target site which comprises of for the control of breeding of dengue transmitting mos- an effective amount of n-heneicosame in a suitable or- quitoes in indoor as well as outdoor applications. 20 ganic solvent. [0030] Still another object of the present invention is [0038] In a preferred feature, said solvent is selected to provide a novel chemical composition for the control from as petroleum ether, n-hepentane, n-hexane, meth- of dengue transmitting mosquito Aedes aegypt, which anol and dichloromethane.
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