THE TERRIBLE TEN: THESE ARE THE GROUPS DECIDING WHAT YOU CAN SEE, SAY & THINK. SEE PAGES 20-21. ★ AmericanFree Press VOLUME XIX • NUMBER 15 & 16 • APRIL 8 & 15, 2019 • AMERICANFREEPRESS.NET • POSTMASTER: DO NOT DELAY • MAILED APRIL 5, 2019 • $3.00 THE REAL SPLC THE INSIDE SCOOP 4 SPLC president, legal director Courageous attorney won’t kow tow to thought censors at the SPLC. resign following complaints See pages 4-5 of rampant sexism, racism By John Friend he infamous Southern 6 Poverty Law Center (SPLC) —also known as “Hate Father seeking real justice for son Inc.,” is one of the most arrested for attending Virginia rally. powerful radical left-wing See page 6 Tactivist organizations in America. To- day, however, it finds itself in total chaos due to events that have tran- spired in recent weeks. Morris Dees, the SPLC’s infamous co-founder and leader for decades, was fired by the or- ganization and several other high- profile executives have now resigned. On March 13, the SPLC, which masquerades as a civil rights group, 8 announced that it had fired Dees, as this newspaper recently reported. RICHARD COHEN RHONDA BROWNSTEIN Revival of Civil Rights era “Riot Act” Few specific details have emerged re- Longtime SPLC big-wigs abandoning the sinking ship like rats. a dangerous threat to free speech. garding the subversive, anti-America organization’s decision to sack Dees. Cohen, who was regularly consulted “After more than 30 years at the See pages 8-9 Top officials have said merely he by various mainstream media outlets Southern Poverty Law Center, I’ve de- was let go for “misconduct.” Ten as an expert on “hate,” announced he cided to step down,” Cohen an- days later, SPLC’s president, Richard was resigning. nounced in a statement released on March 23. “Other legacy civil rights or- ganizations have transitioned to a new generation of leaders, and I be- lieve that we should, too.” Shortly after Cohen’s resignation, SPLC’s longtime legal director Rhon- da Brownstein also announced her 15 resignation. In his statement, Cohen announced Has Baltimore attorney figured out that Tina Tchen, Michelle Obama’s for- way to end venomous reign of SPLC? See HATE INC., page 14 See pages 15-18. 2 AMERICAN FREE PRESS • ISSUE 15 & 16 • APRIL 8 & 5, 2019 • WWW.AMERICANFREEPRESS.NET MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR A PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR AFP Recognizes Those Battling for Free Speech n this week’s issue of AMERICAN FREE many years behind bars because he and a few edly kept in offshore accounts. Why a U.S. PRESS, we’re featuring some exceptional or- friends traveled across the country to Char- charity would keep the bulk of its assets in off- ganizations and individuals, who have lottesville, Va., to protest, among other things, shore accounts is unclear, but individuals in been taking a stand for free speech and a major university tearing down a statue. AFP’s power are beginning to sit up and take notice, thought in America today. We also are set- John Friend took time out to interview Gillen’s such as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), who is call- Iting our sights on the leading anti-free-speech father, who sets the record straight about his ing on the IRS to audit the group and reassess groups in this country that have been actively son and what happened during that chaotic, its nonprofit status. (See page 14 for a photo working to censor and block free expression in lawless demonstration. spread of what kinds of expensive bobbles the U.S., the worst offender, of course, being the And don’t forget to check out our front page Morris Dees was able to acquire in between his Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). this week, which provides more details about constant harassment of SPLC employees.) We are dedicating considerable editorial the evolving scandal inside the SPLC. To any- The good news is, more and more Ameri- space to this, which we consider to be the one who has followed the sordid career of cans every day are beginning to take notice most important issue facing Americans today. Morris Dees and SPLC’s leadership over the that something’s not right. Fed up with being After all, without the ability to think and speak years, the reports coming out from inside the told what they can and cannot say, they are re- clearly, how can we be expected to solve other multi-million-dollar nonprofit are no surprise. volting. They are seeking out alternative news pressing matters facing this great nation, such We’ve long known that the organization is run outlets like AMERICAN FREE PRESS, which better as immigration, joblessness, war, crime, and by a bunch of hypocrites who are interested in reflect their values, and turning away from poverty, to name a few of the issues plaguing one thing: money. major media outlets. They’re also not sitting society? Now, from behind the locked and guarded down and shutting up like so many did in the As readers will see, our reports detail the doors at its “poverty palace” headquarters in past when they were smeared as a racist or a real-life consequences that have come about as Montgomery, Ala., SPLC staffers are accusing hater. a result of radical activism on the part of the heads of the nonprofit of doing the very Please read our free speech spread this groups like the SPLC. Americans’ lives have things they smear others with. All of this week carefully, and help support the individu- been destroyed. People have lost their liveli- comes after the SPLC has spent decades lying als and the groups we profile in any way you hoods, they have been demonized, and their to much of America to convince us of their sin- can. For full disclosure, Paul Angel, who works reputations have been forever tarnished. Mul- cerity. They’ve sleazed their way into some of with AMERICAN FREE PRESS and THE BARNES RE- tiple young men are even facing lengthy prison the largest corporations in the world, pre- VIEW, is on the board of directors of the FREE sentences simply because groups like the tending to be unbiased arbiters of “hate.” EXPRESSION FOUNDATION along with film pro- SPLC didn’t agree with their politics. Instead, it turns out, the critics were right. ducer Merlin Miller and Georgia attorney Specifically, we’re singling out courageous The SPLC has been run by a coven of con- Randy Sheppard. See pages 15-17 for more de- men like Baltimore attorney Glen Allen, who men, who treat their employees terribly while tails and please donate generously. lost his job a few years back after the SPLC cashing in on their finely tuned practice of ex- Never before in our history has free speech smeared him in his local newspaper. Glen has cessive scaremongering, as little old ladies and been under attack like it is right now ★ launched a major lawsuit against the SPLC rich, white liberals fork over their hard-earned and, in our opinion, has a better chance of money to a group they believed could help beating these monsters than anyone else we keep them safe. know of. He is also aiming to hit the SPLC Truth be told, their business model worked. where it hurts the most—in its pocketbook. The SPLC now sits on a war chest worth in ex- —CHRISTOPHER J. PETHERICK Then there is Thomas Gillen, who is facing cess of $400 million, much of which is report- Executive Editor AMERICAN FREE PRESS: America’s Last Real Newspaper—Populist & Independent, Not Republican or Democrat AFP—OUR PROMISE TO YOU: REGIONAL BUREAUS CONTACT AMERICAN FREE PRESS: NEWSSTAND PRICE: $3.00. Copies of the same issue The point of view of AMERICAN FREE PRESS (AFP) is best East: Jeffrey Smith. South: Prof. Raymond Goodwin. 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