I^/.PS-OC'!'.-?.v, 12-UViU) DECLASSIFIED BY 60324 UC rBAW/DK/RYS ON 06-23-2009 Transmit the following j in \ Via TO DIRECTOR, FBI (100-149163) PROM / SAC, NEW YORK (100-23825) ApA\ SUBJECT BENJAMIN J. DAVIS, Jr. IS - C; SA »40; ISA « ^0 b2 CINAL pacifist connected w DAVIS and said then© tU) _iS2Mk^A jPHILlC-^ rnicn) the following day. 11U oa.l« BaJ . u ne naa raKen uo wirn X RUSTIN agreed to call DAVIS on Monday evening 9/8A8 h hi (II) ™ "^cause we-Je something.sol?hJn. » T*? ft,***,,* Ibo^to^uil oft He stated "weJU^e to get out of this trap we're>in> available,^ } li^^SUU^ ^\(^\y J0 /S> Bureau^ (100-149163) (RM) *HOT REOOltlSP- l^^ , U j»«* Ht - New York 100-46729 (BAYARD RUSTI^^)^®!! ^^^T ($7^ New 1 - York 100- (FELLOWSHIP OF RECONCILIATION) ,^-liY M/(7-3)2i l 1 - New York 100- (A. PHILIP^BAND6fef«>fl^5)^^ -«*><&? 1 - New York «Q.00-23825 V 'RER:mms (8) 33 3 / Exempt v:?r~ W" C^-rr*ry &L. Date of Decfcsaficaiion IndViiaate >? ,dhXJiS& &9SEP 1.7'IS 1?h- &Approved: Special Agent in Charge FD*36tRev. 12-13-56) t t F BI Date: Transmit the following in (Type in plain text or code) Via— (Priority or Method of Mailing) .!_. (U) NY 100-23825 RUSTIN said he wanted to bring DAVIS and "RANDOLPH" (probably A. PHILIP RANDOLPH) and a few others together to sit N*/ down and talk turkey "for the time has come to stop all this A^* b—— s—— • DAVIS stated that in connection with his campaign there was to be a big rally on Saturday (9/6/58) in front of the Hoter Theresa at 2:00 P.M. He said he would speak independently about all of the southern developments and, in this way, without offending any of the official orthodox leadership, raise his own voice among^A masses of people. ^Z\ (U) RUSTIN interjected that one thing DAVIS should make clear to the Negroes in Harlem is "that the time has come." He said that as important as court decisions are, there is something beyond this and expressed the hope DAVIS Would bring in the^ business of KING'S w (probably Reverend MARTIN LUTHER KING) arrest. fg) ^ (U) DAVIS said this was at the top of his speech. ^C RUSTIN indicated agreement and said "this" is really an effort at intimidating leadership. "They" have always, been ^. have something new. - (U|- intimidating the farm hands, but now "we" Vg^K In connection with the scheduled rally for 9/6/58, "The Worker" dated 9/7/5>8, page one, reflects this rally would be in the a protest rally to "Save JAMES WILSON" (Negro sentenced nature of ******** to death in Alabama) . A/Y* ™ »*<* . tf POSTER " ' | T !' "' ' »' ' 1 n T<i i * "- ') > fiLU un^ t> > . > - 2 - CON £ Approved: Sent .M Per Special Ao**^ ^ Charoe 1 ease IFelmoht w bumgardner ar. Kelly 1 - Mr* O'Connor ^'Hie Attorney €emeral September 24, 1958 *'' Director,^! ®zmim 11, 19S3 A confidential source, x3m has furnished reliable information in the past* advised on September 12, 31938- that a nationwide HtoHh&Ts March on Washington* is scheduled to take place on October 11, 1958, in connection Tirith tlie Little Eocfc, Arkansas, school integration situation. The exact purpose or scope of this activity was not known to the source, Anotfcer source, xth<* has furnished reliable infor- mtion in the past, advised that Benjaiain J. 0avis, Jr*, Cosasunist Party (C^> held on September 13, 1958, claimed he sent a telegrasa to several prominent Jtegro leaders urging that Bfegro youngsters tsarch on Washington, ©# €4 Davis stated he received no reply hut that Ms idea was converted to the use of the sase I^gro leaders who have set no a crusade of* children to Washington on October 11, 19&8. Another confidential source, who Ixas famished reliable information in the past, advised ©n Sep&enfser 17* 1958, Uiat Allan taws, a timber af the Kings County, Xfap being to protest the treatment of negroes in the South* Laws stated this crusade is not sponsored by the CF but V that CP ©ejabers with their children are being urged to join this activity. \ <52-101087 / - 100-55616 (A. Philip^Randolph) lt&*&£&/6 * ^ a \ NOT plson See note on yellov/, page 3. RECORP£*> pardman H9 SEP 25 1958 plmont — thr J0C:bam pase (12) arsons _ S* a pseti tmm *~3L331 otter DECLASSIFIED BY ~-T - - lay ton M fie. Room illoman tidy MAIL ROOM ?°SEP261» § f Sullivan * the Attorney general flie Septeoher 17, 195S, edition of the *l?ew Vers £ost® contained an article reflecting that core 1&aa one thousand &egro school children ia five states qM the district of Coliznbia are planning a march to the $hite House on October 11, 1938, in a function described as a *¥oai3t flarch for Integrated Sc&cols,* 3&is activity is being organised by ^JPSdEf:v^r^nl*£: asd honorary cfcaimea include *2rs« Baija^" kises,;~M^Laiph Bimcne, Reverend riartia Lather King, Jr., Jcn&ie Kcbinson ana gey Ylilkiasr tfee address of the sponsoring groao is 313 pest 12Sth Streets few ¥or& City, and an official call to this aarcfc vas issued Ssptes&er 22, 1953. ^ According to the article, the purpose of this activity as, to protest the integration staleaate involving the shutdown of Arkansas and Virginia anblic schools and to lay the ees^laiats of the participants bssore President Eisenhower, This activity r/ili be nader the direction of soaie of the country* s sost xnflnential gcgr* leaders. Working comittees nave been set t® id ma&e the inarch. The article also points out that it Is ejected that laiEdreds of <®h£te yoaths trill join this, activity, / noted *i * . ** Js that gaadolpn .i» a vice president of the Jteericaa Federation of tabor «* Congress of Industrial Sanitations ajig president of the International Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters^ *2rs« Bates is the president of the Arkansas Rational Association for the Mvancesieai Of Colored 5 ^y&J&^te % ' Snnche is the ?;ife of Under-Secretary galpb Buncbe of the IFnited Nations; King is president of the goatgOHety toeovesieat Association, Maxell sponsored the boycott of busses>y Hetroes ia Sontgosery, Alabama Sobiasoa is the former National league baseball star* and mikim is the. executive secretary of the' S&&CP. -2- fh@ Attorney €eneral It \?0S$a appear from the foregoing t&at Uie blathers I-Iarch on fJal&iniion an3 tfce ^Youth J2arch for 9 Integrated Schools nay fee oas as3 ths saoe. Tills iaforcatioa is Being furnished to the Honorable Gordon Gray, Special Assistant to the President. 1 fir. Lawence £• Walsh Beputy Attorney general I Assistant ^Attorney General W. Wilson $Mte I Assistant Attorney ieaeral Xnteraal Security Mvisioa NOTE ON YELLOW: Above sources who furnished data are b2 _j_|This communication is classified b7D "Uonfiflcntial" because it contains data furnished by above informants* Failure to safeguard such information may pinpoint the sources, resulting in exposure, thus denying Bureau of future information sources will furnish* This would adversely affect our investigation of the CP and, consequently* national defense interests of the nation! . ^Mr.Nease IDE CLASSIFIED BY 60324 UC WJi/DKkRYS ttr«Belmont ON 06-23-2009 5r»Batnngardnef „$rKelly -ir-^rluiaisdn 1 - $lr .O'Connor !J> N) fcR.r mi EXCEPT VKiSSffWpWB. ,„•> iMteif. States Secret Servfga £taeai r s&jeetf m^mm jBnoas© esacssis ?^is;i ii, isdo^ D a ?^°©l I *S% 1^'F^^te &$$) £ 85* 8 -J< A ^?€f?^?il^ %^|^ Nlfc&gft toBNretetoB &:o g&tlra off m Stow Qadtaeo Ww^ft^fifSto ' %t%?BK?JQ£Qmm *® ««wR3roi president K«^roi I&aa» U/; .Pw. tao$ Alloa has&* a ceraKsj? «t<? «fc« raw» p/AflL^^* &«SV£t? <9 B^rdm^^l - 100-55616 <A, Philip Randolph) -• " Belmont / V ,^, l Mohr Nease ISee note on yellow, page 3* Parsons _ Rosen Tamm IJ0C:bam {> Trotter :_ Clayton <13 Tele. Room : fe70CTl-19S8 Holloman ~ MAIL ROOM Gandy J L # t Hr* U* S* Baugtaa -, \ * i i s & It would appear &m the foregoing that ike ®IIot&ers Ilarcii oa Vlasai&itoa* and ifte ®¥outa £2are& for Integrated Schools" may Be one au$ the sane* 1 * Assistant Chief of Staff for latelllgeace Department of the teiy Mteutioa: Chief* Security ©ivisioa 1 * director of Havai fatetligeace X * 0f£iee of Special Savestigotioas Mr force NOTE ON .Td&Uffl; Available data concerning this activity originally reported as the "Mothers March on Washington* was furnished Secret Service and the intelligences agencies by letter 9-18-58; and, therefore, the identical -^s data is aot being sent Secret Service and the intelligence agencies* By letter dated 9-19-58 offices having geographical proximity to the District of Columbia were alerted and instructed to contact informants; determine the identities of delegates planning to participate; keep the Bureau advised by submission of suitable memorandum for dissemination; and furnish pertinent data to the Washington Field Office which will keep the Metropolitan Police i United States Park Police, local offices of Secret Service and the intelligence agencies of the Armed Forces fully informed* •&**9 (Continued) L _J » r *. 4*-./* i 9 Mr. C. E. Baughman (U) NOTE ON YELLOW: (Continued) bove sources who furnished data was b2 This communication is classified b7D ^-^ because it contains data furnished by above informants Failure to safeguard such information may pinpoint the sources, resulting in exposure* thii$ denying Bureau of future information sources will furnish* This would adversely affect our investigation of the CP and, consequently, national defense interests of nation. i 4 4 \ OCT 2 319$) (tetobs? 26 9 l\ 6 A.
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