A Newspaper With A Constructive PER COPY VOLUME 19, NUMBER 42 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS Grand Jury Actslnspires s,a,e ln Capi,°l C,assic 24th DIVISION FIGHTS Says Robeson • .<■ r On Collazo WITH BRITISH BRIGADE Will Sue lhe Idi BY IRVING R. LEVINE Indictment International News Service War Correspondent Slate Dept. SEOUL, Korea - (Sunday) - Full might of United Nations WASHINGTON. DC A Fed­ forces was hurled by General Douglas MacArthur today against eral Grand Jury acted wi|h utipre- ■ WASHINGTON -<ANP1- Paul I an estimated 110,000 communist troops in a gigantic blow io Robeson, noted American singer, cedented speed Friday to indict has revealed his plans to file suit Oscar Collazo for fir-t degree mur­ win victory before more Chinese reinforcements teach enemy agaijist the Department of State der and felonious assault in the lines in North Korea for declaring his passport "null end November 1 attempt to assassinate American and British -pc.iiiie.ui. Yalu River border ol Maii.hui a void" after he refused to return it President Truman. .«truck inauiCoiiimunbl luu i.i trie One euch y jet plme »a h>i at the department's request a fev Northwest sector about til mile down in Haine- ami two otlr: The District of Columbia Jury re­ montlis ago turned two murder count, against j mirth of the Chongch'in river ami were listed as "appwntly Ir tmy- If hr Is succe»ltil in having it (he Puerto Rican Nationalist in con­ 60 milts below the Mam-huriaii tot- cd " validated, he claims that he wtll be nection with (lie «laying of White able to fulfill his worldwide sing­ In Northeast orca, American .nil House Guard Leslie Coffelt during S 24th Inf.mUv Division an.I ing engagements which have been SAutFi Korean units continued Hi ' i 1 a wild shooting melee in front of British coiiimonwnltli brig arranged to include performances in the President's Blair House resi­ troops hammered out gains . advances reaching within 21 inti' London, Israel, West Indies. and dence. up to five miles Saturday before Hie ol the Manchurian bordo a' the , Brazil In the meantime, he said, Two asMiull counts were relum­ main Red lines were ciKiniiiJ'ieii farthest point of penetration as an American, he hopes that the II 8. eventh Regiment Marine; ed in the wounding of Police Guards An estimated 60,0(1» Rmi T >»- world will liavc attained peace drove within sight of the important, Joseph H Downs and Donald T. including 30.000 Chine c. in the area Whtie waiting ilil* Outcome of his Clianujin re-ervoir which sup.ilie j Birdzell, both of whom are recov­ were brought under terrific United suit, according to State Depart­ ering in local hospitals. Nations field artillery barrages and hydro-electric power fur east coas1 ment, Robeson wilt stick chiefly to record making Not only will hie The jury said Collazo and his devastating air strikes while the tndU'lrles Large numbers of Chi- 1 recordings include the usual types slain companion, Griselio Torresola, allied M fip' pressed grimly toiiind tit'se sold)er> were reixirted to hav< , of music but he will also do a ae­ attacked Mr. Truman's guards Front line report.- from ..'the 24th abandoned prepared ¡wsitions tn thi ries of popular numbers for juke “with intent to kill.”, division said heavy fighting was un­ area three days ago boxes No wonder Tennessee Slate A. and I. college swept the Cap­ der way North of Pakchon where Collazo himself received wounds A platoon of Marine,\ jinn South Robeson’s passport was revoked, the Communist were strei.glj en­ in the blazing gun battle a week itol Classic away from the North Carolina Aggies, 28-13. Miss Koreans lough off an overwhelm­ according to State Department of­ trenched . ago last Wednesday. Tennessee State, 1950-51, in front, accompanied by Mrs. Geral­ ing communist force 15 miles we t ficials, because his travels abroad Friday, dressed in prison garb, he On thg right flank of te 24l'.i 1> • d the coastal city ol Hunhung. A i dine Fort, acting head of the department of clothing, at Tennessee were not to the best Interest of the vision and British sector to US First was transferred from Galllnger Hos­ battalion was sent to the relief of ' United States pital to district jail by automobile State, board the plane for Washington, D. C., where the annual Cavalry also ran into enemy ic-ts. the marine.-, lint found that tin1 R>'<’ I Such as discreditable policy on with motorcycle police escort. The classic is played. tance decibecT- as "very, very Guerrilla force had withdrawn dur­ "OUR CONGRESSMAN": C ' • < rayton PourlL repre.«ntlnf the part of the United states is a U S. attorney's office indicated he heavy" ing the night i 'liltle unfair,“ stated the noted th»» 22nd Confre«tion»l Dhtrirl. v. : i .n In; I Ihrlrm, in the HoUBa will be arraigned in court Cunningly concealed Red M<- Repiibln- ot Korea capilol divl- j I baritone, because it tends to de- •f Representative« of the (ongrr .s i.f Ito I n|t”l .‘'Inies. was re-elected chinegun, nests and road mine' slon troops continued their east i I prive a citizen of the opportunity Truman Charters Course again this week. Powell, a ltamocr.it. >.h•> v n Ito first Negro Con­ I which crijrplcd tanks slowed riie loistaf inarch, driving 15 miles to . to earn a livelihood i allied advance immediately in trout Yongchen They are 28 miles be gressman from the East, was first elI I hi lhe 7tl!h < «ingress in 1944. Says Future Of of the main enemy line low Choiigjin. Iasi big industrial Bto wile te ths famous pianist and snijor Hasel Scott. For "Lame - Duck ‘ Congress American “Shooting Star" F-80 <ity remaining in North Korean jet.planes fought iw() battles «uh jxisse sion in the jinrthcast. Chimg- South Carolina a total of eight Russianunade Mig WASHINGTON. D C. Pre-h_ the Senate majority made necessary jim is M.jjiile.-' southwest of the 15 jet planes on tlie Korea silty of Boy's 4 - H Galt . Project Democracy Is oent Truman. Thursday charted the ' bÿ'Tfiè'lo's of his three top lieuten­ Soviet Siberian border—— course on which he will attempt to ants. steer the lame-duck 81,>t Congre s ' Voles For Poll -tn lhe few weeks of existence re­ Judge Upholds Indictment Helps Build Family Home Clouded In ö. S. Attends Methodist maining to it . —~ Word from lhe Yacht Williams­ COLLEGE STATION. Texas - Conferences In N. Y. WASHINGTON How a 4-H club The home is a modern, yellow, 'Tax Repeal 1 —Gen. Dwight D Eisenhower, burg, aboard which the President Of Cary And Caldwell toy's Calf project helped build a five bedroom Cape Cod bungalow is crut«ing on Chesapeake Bay. wiu i modern concrete block home for ■warned Thursday that with the fu­ COLUMBIA. 8. C - <ANPi that he would wait .until hi.s re­ ture of democracy "clouded" as ne­ WASHINGTON, D C iNNPAi - their constitutional rights They himself, his parents, and his nine One of the last vestiges of the post­ turn to Washington Sunday before ver before, we must guard ma«t Judge Eduard a Tamm in Dis­ also charged that there were un­ sisters and brothers is contained In Bunche Urges Reconstruction days laws to keep against "decay of oitr freedoms deciding whether to call Congress trict Court here last Fr iday upheld authorized and improper state- a report received last week by the Negroes from voting wu passed in through our own neglect " -hack before the scheduled date. tlie indictment charging Daniel M tnents made in the grand jury ll 8 Department of Agriculture Leadership to oblivion last week as South Ca­ The Columbia University Presi- j November 27. Gary, who owned the "Sweethearts f-oom from I lie Alabama Stale Extension rolina citizens voted 4 tol to repeal But whether or not there is an of Rhythm," ah till-girls band, and Service dent, who discloMXl last week that Tile charges were brought against For Peace the poll tax he will soon lead free Europe's early call-back, Mr Truman is ex­ Bennie Q- Caldwell owner of Club The 4-H'er is 15-year-old Robert Tilts amendment will repeal the Gary and Caldwell after Jurors Htowu of Big Bend community armed might, called on the U 8. pected to drive for enactment ot Bali and the Crystal, Caverns NEW YORK iNNPA) Dr Ralph poll taxa* .««9“------p of* the "**itati“ complained that they had been near Tiisciflooga, Ala. It all started J Bunche, «enlor director nf the educational system to "fit our peo­ certain “must" legislation before the I coqilltullon. Hi H supported by The two men are charged, with offered bribes during Lewis' trial in tin early tall Of 1946. when his United Nations Trusteeship Coun­ ple for the crises of our time* . " 82nd Congrdts. in which adminis-1 Gov. J. strong lurmondand oth- attempting to bribe Jurors . during IX'wis was convicted but his ,con­ county agent, HenrynJjfkson, help cil, last Wednesday urged strong Speaking at the Inaugural of Dr. tration influence will be greatly er state leaders Poll taxes were the gambling trial of William viction has been set aside by the cd lutr obtain a’purebred short­ moral leadership and an "under­ M. T. Harrington as President of lessened, opens for business January first passed to raise revenue for "Snags" Lewis; a white numbers op­ United States Court of Appeals horn call to faltojijor the spring standing approach to all peqplet" Texas A and M.
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