SCOTCH PLAINS PUBLIC LIBBAR* 1927 BJUT:.?. AVENUE SCOTCH PL/u..PI/1'' . .'.-T. 07076 SCOTCH PLAINS FANWOOD TH—E Serving Scotch PlainsTIME and Fanwood Since 1959 — S USPS4852O0 Published Second Class Pottage Paid at Scotch Plains, NJ. Thursday, September 22,1994 Every Thursday 232-4407 FORTY CENTS SATURDAY. OCTOBER 1. IS SCOTCH PLAINS DAY Township Council Eyes Fixing Bank Erosion at Green Brook; Non-Profit'Civic Unit Forms The Soon-to-Be Named Civic Association Sees Itself Conducting Advertising Campaigns and Possible Community Service Activities By JEANNE WHITNEY Specially Written fur The Times ing. The next meeting is Monday, tacted about the sale. September 26, at 6:30 p.m. at Township Council woman, Mrs. Garwood will pay $75 per deco- United Jersey Bank. Irene Schmidt, proposed Monday ration. Hillside and Rahway have night at the conference meeting Mrs. Papen also reported down- also expressed some interest in that the township study the con- town business district design stan- the decorations. Otherwise, tinuing problem of bank erosion dards are being finalized. Bertani Promotional Displays has along streams in Scotch Plains, Garwood has expressed inter- offered to take the decorations in With the hopes of applying for est in purchasing 12 of the 18 trade on the purchase of new holi- federal government funds to help candy cane light decorations of- day decorations. solve the problems. fered for sale by the township. Since payment for performing Eleven municipalities were con- _, . , Classic Studio for The Times Councilwoman, Mrs. Joan CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 HOW MUCH IS THAT?...One of the many residents that attended the September 17 Fanwood Sidewalk Sale looks to make another purchase from one of the merchants who participated in the event. The sale was set up along South and Papen, said the eroding banks are Martlne Avenue. not on town property, meaning it is privately-owned property. Legal counsel, Mrs. Judith Scotch Plains to Conduct Lake Avenue Speed Limit Established Babinski, advised the governing body it was best if the township Sixth Annual Health Fair At 25 Miles Per Hour; Question Remains helps property owners repair the banks, whether that includes the Many Free Screenings Will Be Provided October 1 Council Decides Not to Pass Resolution Against Cellular Telephone Tower possible use of federal funding or not. The Scotch Plains Health Advi- scoliosis analysis; oral health screen- In Garwood; New Sign Approved for Downtown Antiques Center sory Board will conduct its Sixth ing/dental hygiene demonstrations Council members agreed that Annual Health Fair in conjunction and a smoking cessation presentation By JEANNE WHITNEY Specially Written for The Ttmts resulting in the Department of the tower is two blocks from a sites along Green Brook near with Scotch Plains Day on Saturday, by a local hypnotist. Transportation setting the speed school and one block from a resi- Route No. 22 and also Willow October 1, from 8 a.m. to noon,"at the The fair is open exclusively to Scotch Plains Municipal Building. The Scotch Plains Township limit. dential area. Mrs. Babinski re- Avenue were among the many Scotch Plains residents. In addition to free medical screen- FREE RABIES CLINIC Council decided in a conference Mr. McClintock pointed out that minded the council that some ex- places where bank erosion was a meeting last night to go ahead and ings to detect hypertension, oral can- A* free rabies clinic for acts and the speed limit on Lake Avenue in perts feel exposure to high levels problem. Members agreed that the cer and a home testing kit for colon- dogs will be offered during the fair set the speed limit on Lake Av- Clark is 25 miles per hour. of radio waves is harmful. study should be done. rectal cancer, there will also be avail- from 8 to 10 a.m. at the Northside enue at 25 miles per hour, even In response to the overturning However, Mr. McClintock Mrs. Papen reported merchants able an "extensive blood screening" Fire House located to the rear of the though it is unclear whether they to detect from one sample abnormali- Municipal building. of a Garwood Board of Adjust- called the site a "relatively iso- and professionals of Scotch Plains have the authority to do so. "If ties related to cholesterol and triglyc- Dogs must be accompanied by an ment decision by aSuperiorCourt lated spot." The council did not have created a soon-to-be named erides, which are associated with the they don't like it, we'll hear from adult able to control the animal. judge that would allow NYNEX pass a resolution in support of non-profit association. The asso- increased probability of heart dis- The vaccination is good for three the state," Mayor William F. to build a tower for cellular tele- Garwood. ciation will cooperate on holiday ease. years unless the dog is aged three to McClintock, Jr. said. phone communication, the Mayor In other business, the council advertising campaigns and possi- The test also is an indicator for 11 months which would require re- diabetes, various liver disorders and vaccination the subsequent year. Mrs. Judith A. Babinski, of the of Garwood, Michael Crincoli, passed a resolution to cancel a bly community service activities. offices of Township Attorney has asked Scotch Plains, among anemia, in addition to being a com- Dog licenses will be available at $1,700 lien and the accrued inter- Raymond Pardon of .Nuts n' plete blood workup. The cost for this the clinic. The cost is $6.20 if the Donald T. Francesco, has made other municipalities, to support! est JiQld since 1968 by the town- Plenty organized the group, with test is $ 18, Prepayment and reglstra- petis spayed or neutered, $9.29 if not. repeated inquiries of the Depart- resolution-toprevent the overrifc ^m\p against property atBlocJ^X**! &P.BU0U bje^cdnated the sec- ment orTransportation as to whose ing of local ordinances in cases Lot 28c, in the Borough of criites and Mrs. Blirbm a Hausleiter urs of fasting, excluding water. ond hour, 9 to 10a.m. V jurisdiction Lake Avenue is un- like this. The construction of the of Summit Bank, providing a name Anyone interested in obtaining this Cats must be contained in a cat Fanwood. test, should visit or call the Scotch der. She has been unable to get a tower was found to be "inherently carrier or a box and must be accom- The original bill was for paving for the group. Plains Health Department to register panied by an adult. formal response from the office. beneficial" to the surrounding and curbing by the Scotch Plains Although the group will not par- 322-6700, Extension No. 309. Cats require an initial vaccination The issue is whether Lake Av- communities. Department of Public Works at ticipate in the upcoming Scotch The Health Pair will also have avail- and revaccmation the subsequent year enue is wholly contained within Mrs. Babinski said this is the the lot, which was mistakenly Plains Day, it is already organiz- able at no charge: Senior citizen in- before a three-year cycle begins. fluenza immunizations, with proof the township, thus allowing the same reasoning that allows for the identified as being in Scotch ing a Halloween store window Cat licenses will be available for required; school immunizations, for $5. Cats will be vaccinated the first governing body to set the speed construction of public utilities and Plains. decorating contest in the down- which students must be accompanied hour, 8 to 9 a.m. limit, or whether Lake Avenue, hospitals in un area. In April 1970, the council can- town area. by a parent and present a request slip For further information, please call due to its various intersections, In a letter to the council, Mr. celed the $319.70 of interest that Eleven of the 24 associates at- from their school nurse; hearing and 322-6700, Extension No. 309. vision examinations; spinal and extends into another municipality Crincoli said the proposed site for had accrued. tended the September 14 meet- COfflWUHXWMCNUt The lien against the property was discovered after the property Fanwood Zoning Board was bought in June of last year by Floridian Restaurant's Addition Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hauffe. A special use permit was granted Approves Mary Lane Shed to Mrs Anita Saultz for the Heri- To Be Heard on Monday, October 3 tage Antiques Center at Stage By SUZLTTE STALKER Improved Access to Board Records Sought by Environmental Croup S/wluMv Written fiir The Ttmn 12-foot wooden structure, replacing House Village, 364 Park Avenue. an older metal model, will reduce Mr. The Fanwood Zoning Board of The permit will allow Mrs. By MARIA VARGA FOLEY Dr. Martin Marks, the board's act- parking spaces came up in lightof the Adjustment unanimously approved Sataur's side yard setback from 10 Specially Written for The Tlmn fact that several single-story build- feet to 4.5 feet, Saultz to put a sandwich board ing Liaison between the Environmen- during its regular meeting last Thurs- style sign and antiques outside the The Scotch Plains Planning Board tal Commission and the board, ings in the downtown area have or day one new variance application and had been scheduled to hear the appli- may have second-story apartments The third resolution recognized a store on the walkway facing Park brought to the attention of the board adopted three resolutions memorial- cation of the Floridian Family Res- that often there has existed a problem added on. The current ordinance al- izing decisions which were rendered successful application by Mr. and Avenue from March to Decem- taurant, located ut 367-375 Terrill in obtaining information which the lows developers to pay for the public by the body on August 18.
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