Public Document Pack FORMBY AREA COMMITTEE Date: Thursday 28th August, 2008 Time: 7.00 pm Venue: Formby Professional Development Centre, Park Road, Formby AREA COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Harington Ward Ravenmeols Ward Councillor Cuthbertson Councillor Platt Councillor Doran Councillor Ibbs Councillor Storey Councillor Griffiths Parish Council Representatives Parish Councillor Mr R.J Cawley – Formby Parish Council Parish Councillor Mr R.Jenkins – Ince Blundell Parish Council Parish Council Ms. P.Starkey – Little Altcar Parish Council Advisory Group Members Mr. P.G.Thornton Mrs. B.Yorke COMMITTEE OFFICER: Lyndzay Roberts Telephone: 0151 934 2033 Fax: 0151 934 2034 E-mail: [email protected] If you have any special needs that may require arrangements to facilitate your attendance at this meeting, please contact the Committee Officer named above, who will endeavour to assist. 1 This page is intentionally left blank. 2 A G E N D A 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct. 3. Minutes (Pages 5 - 12) 4. Open Forum Members of the public are invited to ask questions, raise matters, or present petitions on issues which are relevant to Sefton Council. The person asking a question will be allowed one supplementary question. (If a response to a question is required which cannot be provided at the meeting or if the question is not reached within the 45 minute period, the Chair will either refer the matter to the appropriate Service Department for a written answer or to the appropriate Cabinet Member for further consideration). Part “A” These items are for general discussion. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion). 5. Police Issues 6. Formby Area Committee - Woodland Monitoring Group (Pages 13 - 18) Report of the Legal Director 7. Environmental Improvement Works - Victoria Road (Pages 19 - 24) Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environmental Services. 8. Sefton Core Strategy- Issues for Formby (Pages 25 - 44) Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director 3 9. Strategic Intelligence Assessment (SIA) Priorities (Pages 45 - 58) Report of the Head of Community Safety Part “B” These are formal decisions to be taken by Members of the Council. Only in exceptional cases will the Chair allow contributions from the public (Advisory Group Members may speak but not vote). 10. Budget Monitoring Report (Pages 59 - 62) Report of the Finance Director 11. Future Agenda Items 12. Date of next meeting In accordance with the agreed programme of meetings for the Area Committee. The next meeting will be held on Thursday 2 October at the Professional Development Centre, Formby commencing at 7.00 p.m. 4 Agenda Item 3 THE “CALL IN” PERIOD FOR THIS SET OF MINUTES ENDS AT 12 NOON ON TUESDAY 19 AUGUST 2008. MINUTE NO. 18 IS NOT SUBJECT TO “CALL- IN” FORMBY AREA COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT THE FORMBY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE, PARK ROAD, FORMBY ON 3 JULY, 2008 PRESENT: Councillor Ibbs (in the Chair) Councillors Cuthbertson, Doran, Griffiths and Storey; Parish Councillor R. Jenkins (Representing Ince Blundell); and Advisory Group Member Mrs B.Yorke 15. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Platt and Parish Councillor Mr. R. J.Cawley. 16. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations of interest were received. 17. MINUTES RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2008 be confirmed as a correct record. 18. OPEN FORUM During the Open Forum the following matters were raised;- (a) Mr A.Hollway raised concern regarding Natural England’s proposal to improve access along the coast. Prior to the meeting Mr Hollway had received a response from Natural England regarding the proposals. (b) Mrs J Davis on behalf of the Formby Parish Council indicated that following a letter sent to Councillor Platt from Parish Councillor Southern last year in connection with suitable sites on Sefton Council owned land for mobile phone masts, the Parish Council had identified six sites to be considered, and asked for the Area Committee’s support to the partial lifting of the current moratorium by Sefton MBC as they felt it would be in the best interest of the local community and protected the village centre from the future unsuitable siting of telecommunications masts. Page5 5 Agenda Item 3 FORMBY AREA COMMITTEE- THURSDAY 3RD JULY, 2008 RESOLVED: That the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director be requested to investigate the issues raised and respond in writing to the Formby Parish Council. (c) Further to Minute No. 93 of 10 April 2008 Mr M.Coles asked if the Area Committee would consider purchasing 4 planters for the south side of Chapel Lane at a total cost of £8,000 or consider jointly funding the replacement of the barriers on Three Tuns Lane close to the Waitrose store who had already contributed funds towards the replacement works. Members raised concerns regarding the request, specifically in relation the rising costs of the works and also the security of the planters once installed. RESOLVED: That (1) the decision to purchase four planters and contribute to the replacement work of the barriers on Three Tuns Lane be deferred; (2) the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environmental Services be requested to provide Members with details regarding insurance of the planters after installation. (d) Ms Edmondson referred to the opening of various children’s centres in Sefton, and asked whether the Council had any plans to provide a children’s centre and related services in the Formby area. RESOLVED: That the Strategic Director of Children’s Services be requested to respond to Ms Edmondson in writing. 19. POLICE ISSUES Inspector Martin Melia gave comparative crime figures (detailed below) from 1 April 2006 - 3 June 2006, 1 April 2007 – 30 June 2007 and 1 April 2008 – 30 June 2008; reported that all categories had seen a reduction in incidents; and that overall, crime offences had reduced from 828 to 500, a total reduction of 328 offences. Page6 6 Agenda Item 3 FORMBY AREA COMMITTEE- THURSDAY 3RD JULY, 2008 OFFENCE 2006 2007 2008 Violent Crime 129 79 88 Robbery 7 2 1 Burglary – Dwellings 40 23 30 Unauthorised Taking of 29 30 12 Motor Vehicles/Theft of Motor Vehicles Theft from Motor Vehicle 126 57 38 Criminal Damage 153 103 90 In relation to the figures for Anti-social Behaviour Inspector Melia reported that there were 140 incidents reported in June 2007 and 87 incidents in June 2008; and that included in the figures rowdy behaviour had reduced from 103 to 73 incidents, and vehicle misuse had reduced from 33 to 12 incidents. Inspector Melia reported that the beachsafe operation had began in May with officers deployed in areas such as Lifeboat Road to patrol area. Officers had also been working alongside the British Transport Police and Revenue Protection officers to combat incidents of passengers not paying fares and anti-social behaviour at Freshfield station; and that this had received positive feedback from passengers and the public. Inspector Melia concluded by responding to questions raised in relation to electric mobility scooters; burglaries; speeding; and knife crime. Members congratulated Inspector Melia and his officers for their hard work. RESOLVED: That Inspector Melia be thanked for his attendance. 20. PARKING SERVICES REVIEW Further to Minute No. 23 of the Cabinet meeting of 12 June 2008, the Committee considered the report of the Director of Regeneration and Environmental Services on proposed amendments and developments in relation to residents parking schemes, the management of the parking service budget and the proposed implementation of an interim increase in parking charges for 2008/09. The Cabinet Member - Technical Services, Councillor Fairclough, explained the background to the report, answered questions on it and indicated that any views from Members of this Committee and the other Area Committees would be co-ordinated and submitted to him in the late Autumn. Page7 7 Agenda Item 3 FORMBY AREA COMMITTEE- THURSDAY 3RD JULY, 2008 RESOLVED: That (1) the current Parking Service Review be noted; and (2) Members be requested to submit their views on the Review direct to Councillor Fairclough. 21. CLEANSING SERVICES UPDATE The Committee considered the report of the Environmental Protection Director on activity relating to the provision of Cleansing Services within the Area Committee’s boundary. The report detailed aspects of the refuse collection service, and that the majority of the area had now seen the introduction of alternate weekly collections (AWC) and the provision of wheeled bins for both residual and green waste; the civic amenities service and that the service was currently providing 98% of all collections on the day scheduled by the Contact Centre; and that with regard to street cleansing activity, 141 reported incidents of fly tipping occurred in the area (4.9% of the borough total) and 157 street sweeping complaints were received (8% of the borough total). The report also detailed the new Local Area Agreement targets for street cleansing that had replaced the former Best Value Performance Indicator 199a. The report also provided information on other initiatives within the Cleansing Service relating to staff being trained on customer care and refreshed in first aid and manual handling processes; staff being trained in ‘banksman’ operations to comply with legal requirements; and that the Section still had one young employee who was on a ‘Green Apprentice’ course. The report also detailed that since the introduction of wheeled bins and AWCs, there had been a sustained increase in dry recycling tonnage collected compared to the previous year; that the food waste collection service had collected well over 1000 tonnes of waste; the service provided at Bring Sites; and the Green Waste Collection Service and that 80% of the borough received a kerbside collection.
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