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'IBRAHIM May, 1975 :: 4L AL-VAQALAT AL-JAWHARIYYA I-ALA AIITAQUIAT AL-IIARIRIYYA Abstract of the Thesis The Thesis presents a critical edition of the first volume of Khayr al-ýIn ibn Taj al-Din Ilyis al- Madanits al-Ifaqýjit al-Jawhariyva Iali al-Maq'kýat al- Tlarlriyyap accompanied by an introduction dealing briefly with the MantoCat as a literary genrep the commentaries on the Magiiatp'the'aiscription of various manuscripts of al-msýqiLl! A and"the authorship of the work. ''-,, --The'text itself consists of, a prefacep the commentary on Varixi's prefacel followed by the commentary on the first twenty-five lvia4amit of unequal length. Volume two of al-MacjiLlitlconsists of the commentary*on the remaining twenty-five Maqamat. This has been found too long to include in this work. It is hopedq howeverg that it will be possible to edit this volume separately in the future. This workp al-Vaq; lit, was brought to my' notice by the book Makamat by Theodore Prestonj* Professor of Arabic at Cambridge Universityp who in his preface mentions al-lvlaqalat and describes it * Published in London, 1850. as "an excellent running commentary on the Makamat. " The two volumes of the work are contained in the Burchardt collection of the Cambridge University Libraryt and "it is a very lucid and valuable workp and well deserves to be edited. " My first task in the attempt to edit al-VacýýIiLtt theng was a searchy extending from Cambridge to Cairov Alexandria and Patnap for the manuscripts of that and other books of commentary on the MaqTun;Ap most of which are still in manuscript fo=. CERTIFICITION I CERTIrf THAT Ismail bin 119ji Ibrahim bag completed nine terms of reseerch work in the United College of Ste Selvator and Ste Leonardl University of Ste Androweg that be has fulfilled the conditions of Resolution NO* 1 (1967) of the University Courtg and that he is quolified to submit the accompanying thesis in application for the degree of Doctor of rhiloeophYe 0 001 AF ROD*08120way 0C."Upervilsor) Declaration I hereby declare that the following is a record of research work carried out by me; that the thesis is my own compositiong and that it has not previously been presented for any other degree. Ismail bin Haji Ibrahim St. Andrews. C0NTENTS Volume I: Introduction and Notes : iii Abbreviations ...... 000000*000000*0000040 Preface I 000410*00000000000060* Acknowledgement ... 3 ý-at 6 The Maq! as a literary Genre ........ 26 The Commentaries on the Maqimýt ........ The Meaning of the word Maq; mit 52 60 The influence of ýaAii- ................ 71 Collation of Manuscripts ............... the 82 Conclusions on Manuscripts ......... 84 The Authorship ...... Significance of the work 89 95 The Editorial Prinoiples ......... 97 Bibliography ... ..... 000*0000000410090.. 103 Notes ...... o.... o ............... o ...... I Volume II : Arabic text of al-llaqllit al- 652 Jawhariy. ya talii al-7-Taqamat al-Ilaririyya tI- / A1313REViATIONS Bughy; i t Jal; l al-Idn 'Abd al*-Rabmýn al-Suy5tig _ Bug yat pl-Wu'Rt fl Tabagat al-Luphawiyyin wa al-Nuhilt, ed. Niubammad Abil al-Faýl Ibriihim (2 ýo.'Js. ) cairog 1964-1965. Cheikho I Louis Cheikho, aljdýb al-LArabi-vya fl Isig ) al-Qarn al-T; 1,Asharg -(2 vols. Beirut, 1924 (second edition). Chenery t Thomao Chenery, The"Assemblies of al-Uaririp volume 1, London---"1867. Republiahed by Ltd. Itant i Gree-p. -Interiin. tibnal'-nibli-shers 130 Enjrl P-nd, 1969J. De Sacy :" Silveatre De Sacy, ' Lea S; ances de Haririq (2 vols. ) Parisv 1647. Republishedq Amsterdamv 1968. .t P nwýt Irubommnd ibn' Sh; kir al-Kutubig Paw; t 171uhammad ni- Tlofn,VRtq ed. Idubyi al-Dln bairo, sAbd al-HnmiA (i vols. ) '1951- GAL,", - i ', C. Brockelmonng Geschichte der arabischen Li. tterriturt (2nd7editiont 2 vpls. ), 1943,1,9,49. Suppi. (3 .'Leiden, Vol El- Leiden, 1937; - 1942. IIajji Kholfoh Kn.shf al-7gunTin tan al-AsZjnl wa ý1-1%irii-tnj Published fb; r, the Oriental Translation ",, ) 'Pund. *of Great Britain and Irelnnd (7 volo. L,6ipzig/Lond`onq' 1835-1858. ,,-, L iv Ibn Xhallikýn S Aýmaa Ibn Khallikant Ibn KhalliOln's Biogýaphicnl Dictionn, r7q translated from, the Arabic of Wafayat al-ALyTtn wa Anbil Abn6l nl-Znm7inq by Mac Guckin de Slane, (4 vols. ) Londong 1842 1871 Al-K; mil I Abii al-Hasan 16AII ibn al ý12Athir, Pl-KiTmij f! nl-TFrikhq volo. ) Cairo, 1303/1885. macxay,. - 1, Prof essor"Pierre ITacKayq Certificates. of Transmission on a Manuscript of the MaqFimht of ýTarfri (TTS. Cairo, Adab- -105). Transactions of the American Philrosophical Societyt New Seriesp Philadelphia, vol. 61, Part 4p Aprilo 1971. Preston Theodore Preston, Makamat or Rhetorical Anecdotes of al-- Hariri. of . 13asraq Londont 1650- Shn.rb ?.!nq7i. T'n;. t MUbMmd Muhy I al-Din tAbd I al-tfamldq Shn.rb Magilmlit Ba4l% n-l-ZamRYiýnl-HnmndhRnIt Cairog 7962(second - - y*' editio n V Sh aýi' a Id Aýmod ibn'Abd al-Mu"min al-Qaysi al-ShaAshlig Sharb Maýa_mht al- HaA'Ait ipd. Muhammad 'Abd al- MuOim Khafiij! (4 vols. ) Cairog 1952. Steingass i F. Steingassq The Assemblies of al_' Haririf volume 119 London 1898. Republished by Gregg International Publishers Ltd f'Hants, Englandq 1969. ; TabaqAt's. l_ShTLfi%iy. Va i Taj al-Blin I-Abd al-Wahlrab al- Subki, Thbanlit al-Shafi, iyya*al_Xubx: a'9 (6 vols. ) cairor 1905-6. Wensinck : A. J. Wensincko Concordnnce de la Tradition I.-Tusulmane, (7 Vol s. Leideng 1936. Yg4u,tI Yaqiit al-R5Td, Yiq5tls Dictionary of -Learned I'len entitled Irshiid sl-Aiib ilii Matrifat al-Adlbg. ed., D. S. Margoliouth 'J. (7 vols. ) partially revisedq E. W. Gibb Memoriall, Series VI'q1'London/Leidenq1q23_ 1931- -47ý I PREPACE The Thesis presents a critical edition of the first volume of Khayr al-lin ibn Tij al-ýIn Ilyas al- 1 Madani's al-Magalat al-Jawhariyya I-ali al-Maqamat al- 2 Ijaririyyap accompanied by an introduction dealing briefly with the Maq; mit as a literary genre, the commentaries on the Maqimý-atj the description of various manuscripts of al-Magilit and the authorship of the work. The text itself consists of a preface, the commentary on VarIA's prefacep followed by the commentary on the first twenty-five Maqýmat of unequal length. Volume two of al-Maqalat consists of the commentary on the remaining twenty-five Maqamat. This has been found too long to include in this work. It is hopedp however, that it will be possible to edit this volume separately in the future. I Hereaftert Xhayr al-Din. 2. Hereaftert al-Magilit. 2 This work,. al-Maqglat, was brought to my notice by the book MakamFit or Rhetorical Anecd- by Theodore Preston, Professor of Arabic 4 at Cambridge Univeristyq who in his preface mentions al-Maq2Wit and describes it as 11 an excellent running commentary on the Makamat. -The two volumes of the work are'contained in the Burchardt collection, of the Cambridge University librarY59 and Ii it is a very, lucid and'valuable workq and well deserves to be 6 edited". Ily first task in the attempt to edit al-llaq! Wit, theng, waB a searchq extending from Cambridge to Cairo,, Alexandria and Patna., for. thatý---aCnd-ýýoth-eiýliookd-ýn-',, -the manwýcripts of -J. -' of commentary -on, the Maqam`at-,--'mo'ýiýýf which"" are still'! i'r i manusc ri'p*t- -f orm 3- See pp. 50-51for the discussion on this book. 4. Preston) - P- 5 5. E. G. Browne, Iltindlist of the Muhammadan_Manuscripts*' in the libraries of'the University and Colleges of-, Cambridae, Cambridgej 1922, p. 214. - 6. ston P.. 15. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr. J. Burton, without whose able and scholarly guidancel this work would not have been possible, and to Dr. J. R. Perry (now in Chicago University) and Dr. H. Kilpatrick$ who gave me all possible help and guidance during their supervision of my work in the early stage of my research. It is mainly due to the encouragement of these teachers and supervisors that I took up this interesting but difficult subject. I offer them my sincere thanks. Microfilms of al-Maq3i; t, were very kind- ly by the librarian Cambridge Uniyei- , supplied of library, for I ,-sity which am grateful. I should ialso like to eý.press my thanks to the Director and the Assistdnt of Khuda Baksh Oriental Public Library$ Patna for the microfilms of al-Magalat they were kind enough to provide. SIb '4. Other t from , manuscripts of al-MaqRl; Cairo were obtained for me by several of my good friends there, among whom special mention should be made of the Director's secretary, National library of Egypt (D3r al-Kutub al-Qawmiyya al- Migriyya) who not only obtained the microfilms of the manuscripts for me, but gave me access to those manuscripts and others during my stay in Cairo in March.
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