CHAPTER 12 Structure and Functions of the Dentin-Pulp Complex 565 particular shape, lack laminations, and have rough surfaces absence of obvious tissue degeneration, the cause of pulpal (Fig. 12-53). Laminated stones appear to grow by the addition calcification is enigmatic. It is often difficult to assign the term of collagen fibrils to their surface, whereas unlaminated stones dystrophic calcification to pulp stones because they so often develop by way of the mineralization of preformed collagen occur in apparently healthy pulps, suggesting that functional fiber bundles. In the latter type, the mineralization front seems stress need not be present for calcification to occur. Calcifica- to extend out along the coarse fibers, making the surface of tion in the mature pulp is often assumed to be related to the the stones appear fuzzy (Fig. 12-54). Often these coarse aging process, but in a study involving 52 impacted canines fiber bundles appear to have undergone hyalinization, thus from patients between 11 and 76 years of age, there was a resembling old scar tissue. constant incidence of concentric denticles for all age groups, Pulp stones may also form around epithelial cells (i.e., rem- indicating no relation to aging.276 Diffuse calcifications, on the nants of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath). Presumably the epi- other hand, increased in incidence to age 25 years; thereafter thelial remnants induce adjacent mesenchymal stem cells to they remained constant in successive age groups. differentiate into odontoblasts. Characteristically these pulp At times, numerous concentric pulp stones with no appar- stones are found near the root apex and contain dentinal ent cause are seen in all the teeth of young individuals. In such tubules. cases, the appearance of pulp stones may be ascribed to indi- The cause of pulpal calcification is largely unknown. Calci- vidual biologic characteristics (e.g., tori, cutaneous nevi).276 fication may occur around a nidus of degenerating cells, blood Although soft-tissue collagen does not usually calcify, it is thrombi, or collagen fibers. Many authors believe that this common to find calcification occurring in old hyalinized scar represents a form of dystrophic calcification. In this type of tissue in the skin. This may be due to the increase in the extent calcification, calcium is deposited in tissues that are degenerat- of cross-linking between collagen molecules (because increased ing. Calcium phosphate crystals may be deposited within the cross-linkage is thought to enhance the tendency for collagen cells themselves. Initially this takes place within the mitochon- dria because of the increased membrane permeability to calcium resulting from a failure to maintain active transport systems within the cell membranes. Thus, degenerating cells serving as a nidus may initiate calcification of a tissue. In the FIG. 12-54 High-power view of a pulp stone from Fig. 12-53, showing the FIG. 12-52 Pulp stones occupying much of the pulp chamber. relationship of mineralization fronts to collagen fibers. FIG. 12-53 Rough surface form of pulp stone. Note hyalinization of collagen fibers. 566 PART II The Advanced Science of Endodontics FIG. 12-55 A, Calcific metamorphosis of pulp tissue after luxation of tooth as a result of trauma. Note presence of soft-tissue inclusion. B, High-power view showing cementoblasts (arrows) lining cementum (C), which has been deposited on the dentin walls. C A B fibers to calcify). A relationship may exist between pathologic the pulp canal is still large enough to instrument. In a classic alterations in collagen molecules within the pulp and pulpal study of luxated teeth, Andreasen7 found that only 7% of the calcification. pulps that underwent calcific metamorphosis exhibited sec- Calcification replaces the cellular components of the ondary infection. Because the success rate for nonsurgical end- pulp and may possibly hinder the blood supply, although odontic therapy, not only in general399 but also for obliterated concrete evidence for this strangulation theory is lacking. Idio- teeth,67 is considered high, prophylactic intervention does not pathic pulpal pain was classically attributed to the presence of seem to be warranted. pulp stones. Modern knowledge of mechanisms of nociceptor activation coupled with the observation that pulp stones are so frequently observed in teeth lacking a history of pain have AGE CHANGES largely discounted this hypothesis. Therefore, from a clinical Continued formation of secondary dentin throughout life grad- perspective, it would be unlikely that a patient’s unexplained ually reduces the size of the pulp chamber and root canals, pain symptoms are due to pulpal calcifications, no matter how although the width of the cementodentinal junction appears dramatic they may appear on a radiograph. to stay relatively the same.109,342 In addition, certain regressive Luxation of teeth as a result of trauma may result in changes in the pulp appear to be related to the aging process calcific metamorphosis, a condition that can, in a matter of (see also Chapter 26). There is a gradual decrease in the cel- months or years, lead to partial or complete radiographic lularity and a concomitant increase in the number and thick- obliteration of the pulp chamber. The cause of radiographic ness of collagen fibers, particularly in the radicular pulp. The obliteration is excessive deposition of mineralized tissue thick collagen fibers may serve as foci for pulpal calcification resembling cementum or, occasionally, bone on the dentin (see Fig. 12-53). The odontoblasts decrease in size and number, walls, also referred to as internal ankylosis (Fig. 12-55). Histo- and they may disappear altogether in certain areas of the pulp, logic examination invariably reveals the presence of some soft particularly on the pulpal floor over the bifurcation or trifurca- tissue, and cells resembling cementoblasts can be observed tion areas of multirooted teeth. lining the mineralized tissue. This calcific metamorphosis With age there is a progressive reduction in the number of of the pulp has also been reported in replanted teeth of nerves102 and blood vessels.23,25 Evidence also suggests that the rat.275 aging results in an increase in the resistance of pulp tissue to Clinically, the crowns of teeth affected by calcific metamor- the action of proteolytic enzymes,420 hyaluronidase, and siali- phosis may show a yellowish hue compared with adjacent dase,25 suggesting an alteration of both collagen and proteogly- normal teeth. This condition usually occurs in teeth with cans in the pulps of older teeth. The main changes in dentin incomplete root formation. Trauma results in disruption of associated with aging are an increase in peritubular dentin, blood vessels entering the tooth, thus producing pulpal dentinal sclerosis, and the number of dead tracts.*342 Dentinal infarction. The wide periapical foramen allows connective sclerosis produces a gradual decrease in dentinal permeability tissue from the periodontal ligament to proliferate and replace as the dentinal tubules become progressively reduced in the infarcted tissue, bringing with it cementoprogenitor and diameter.350 osteoprogenitor cells capable of differentiating into either cementoblasts or osteoblasts or both. When calcific metamorphosis is noted on a patient’s radio- *The term dead tract refers to a group of dentinal tubules in which odontoblast pro- graph, it is sometimes suggested that the tooth be treated cesses are absent. Dead tracts are easily recognized in ground sections because the endodontically because the pulp is expected to be secondarily empty tubules refract transmitted light, and the tract appears black in contrast to the infected, and endodontic therapy should be performed while light color of normal dentin. 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