DEVOTED TO BASE BALL BICYCLING GUNS GUNNING VOLUME 30, NO. 13. PHILADELPHIA, DECEMBER 18, 1897. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. BALL PLAYERS ALLEGED TO HAVE THE SOUTHERN LEAGUE IS PERMAN COMMITTFD MURDER, ENTLY ORGANIZED. tames Barry Charged With Killing a Six-Club Circuit is Established Man ID a Row and Jack Easton With Henry Powers, ol New Or Arrested For a Murder Committed leans, as President, and a Salary Last September. Limit ol $1,000, Cohoes, N. Y., Dec. 13. Michael Toomey, 44 Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 12.-The Southern years old, a porter at the Harmony Hotel, this League met to-day at the olBee of W. city, died in a suspicious manner Saturday T. AJover, with the following cities repre luoruirg, and as a result James Ba-iry, a former sented©: Atlanta, by W. T. Moyer, Mobile. well-known base ball player, is a prisoner at Ala., John F. Kelly; Birmingham, A. L. Ea the station house to await the action of the ton; New Orleans, Henry Powers; Charles Coroner. At about 1 o©clock Saturday morning ton, W. T. Moyer, proxy; Savannah, John Mc- It is alleged that Barry and a companion, who Guire. The franchise for Savannah was granted had been attending a dance at the old armory to John McGuire and associates. The salary lu the hotel building, were in the hall and limit was made $1000. were ordered out by Toorney. The men refused Henry Powers was elected president; R. Hines, to go cut, and Toomey insisted. of Mobile, vice president; Judge J. G. Bloodwo.rth, It is further alleged that Barry struck the of Atlanta, treasurer. The season will open watchman, who fell to the 9oor unconscious. A April 21 and run four months. The monthly dues physician was summoned, but life was extinct of each club was placed at $100. W. T- Moyer before his arrival. Barry gave himself up. He and A. L. Eaton were appointed a committee on says that he did not strike the watchman, but telegraph facilities. A 5 per cent, sinking fund only pushed him aside with his elbow. was adopted. Barry was arraigned Saturday afternoon be A guarantee of $50 per game , was adopted. fore Recorder Fellows and held on a charge of The Schedule Committee was appointed as fol murder in the first degree. He pleaded not lows: W. T. Moyer, John F. Kelly, T. W. Pas- guilty when arraigned before Recorder Fellows salaique and Henry Powers. The adoption of /esterday. and bis examination was set down a ball was deferred till next meeting, which if<*r Thursday afternoon. As soon as he heard will be held at Birmingham, March 0. that Toomey was dead Barry went to the station The following committee was appointed©on con house and gave himself up. stitution and bylaws: T. W. Passalaique, W. T. Moyer and John McGuire. There being no furth er business the meeting adjourned. St. Clairsville, O.. Dec. 13. Jack Easton, a PEORIA PICKINGS. fcose ball player, was arrested at Martin©s Ferry, this county, on the charge of murdering a man How Manager W right Will Arrange nained Pitcher, at Nassau. Rensselaer County, N. i*.. last September. A reward of $250 was His Ball Team. offered by the State of New York for his arrest. Peoria, 111., Dec. 14. Editor "Sporting Life:" He played with a minor league in New York in the Pat W right, manager"of the Peoria Club, paid summer, but of late has been a mill hand in this this city a flying visit last week. He is full countv. He refuses to talk. Marshal Burns made of confidence, and says the club he will have the a©rrest upon a photograph and description fur- to open neit season will be a winner. He says nisrjfid bv the New York authorities. Easton there may be a few changes in the rnake-up of and his wife lived at Goshen, N. Y., from which the team, but nothing will be done ia that di point they shipped their household effects to rection unless be can secure better men. ttlar tins© Ferry. TEAM MAKE-UP. He will play first himself. Tmby second. Os wald short. Connor centre, Gallagher left. Burke DONE WITH FOOT BALL. John A. McCarthy, the clever outflelder traded to the Pittsburg Club by the Cincinnati right field, and Quinn and Seisler will do the Club, was born March 26. 1869, at Gilbertville. Mass., aud commenced playing ball profession catching. Koach. of course, will be retained The Orange A. C. Will Stick to Base ally in 1S92. He then played second base for the Salem. Mass.. team, of the New England as pitcher. This leaves only third base, an extra, League. McCarthy then had a batting average of .303 and a fielding average of .900. He outnelder a/id two good pitchers to be slgued. Ball Alone Next Year. began the next championship season with the Charleston Southern League Club, but finished The talk about letting last year©s players go Orange, Dec. 15. It has been decided by the in the Cincinnati Club, of the National League. His release was purchased from the Charles does not come from W right, but is simply "fan" Orange A. A., which is the corporate name of ton Club by Manager Comiskey. He was farmed out to the Indianapolis Club. McCarthy is talk. the organization controlling the sports at the considered "one of the best out fielders in the Western League. He is a good base runner, a A CORRECTION. Orange A. C. Oval, to start the base ball season hard hitter and can fill any outfield position. He has a bright professional future before him The genial manager called your humble servant early next year, and close in good season. Uoy in the© opinion of experts. Presidenf Brush, of Cincinnati, says of him: "There is no minor to account for an article in your pajier gome A. Thomas, who captained the nine last year, league recruit in his class, and few men in the big league who are his equal. He will adJ time since to the effect that some gentleman will probably be in charge again. There will strength to the Pittsburgs. sure." connected with a .._National -._ _League club was likely be only two changes in the make-up of to find players for this city. "Not jruilty, © is the team which played last summer. The ten the writer©s plea, and Pat and all the rest had years© lease on the Oval expires next October, AUSTIN AFFAIRS. COMISKEY CHILLED. better understand he -e tjutt the signature at the and it is said that it may not be renewed. An bottom always goes with official news. How option has been secured on another piece of prop ever. it is not pleasant to be charged with the erty finely located. An effort is being made to O©Connor and Weber Now Control He May Not After All Force the mistakes of .others. have a number of the games-of the Newark At the Local Club. Slagle Case to Trial. PL \YERS© MOVES. lantic League Olub played on the Oval next sea Austin, Tex., Dec. 11. Editor "Sporting Life:" St. Paul. Minn.. Dec. 14. Editor "Sporting Sonier and Seisler are great chums, and are son. The syndicate has also decided not to have The Austin Club will have as managers and Life:" The ©prospects are that Manager Com always seen together. Koach is working for a foot ball team in the field next season, for owners the Alamo City©s greatest couple. Mike iskey. of the St. Paul team, will not take the the Street Car Co., and is doing well. Pat th« reason that the sport does not pay. O©Connor and Charley Weber. This will no Single case into court. It will be remembered W right is running a swell restaurant in Jspriujf- doubt be a great piece of news to all the fans that Comiskey bought the man who belonged to field. and making money. over the Texas circuit, as it had been rumored Boston throv,g!i negotiations with Manager Selee. Kockford and Qciincy have nil their men for CAN©T RESTRAIN HIMSELF. paying for him $400 and also $325 back salary next year signed. This does not look much like that while the gsnial ©Frenchman from Cork, Illinois cities would not be i" the game Monsieur Mique O©Connor, would manage our due Slagle from the Grand Kapids Club. Later This city Jack Doyle Makes a Row Among the team. Weber would be found doing business in President Soden of the Boston Club sold Siagle t year. Guess they are all right.. the Tamale City. to Kansas City, claiming that Manager Selee paid out $3000 more than their receipts, but Tourists. But Mike came in last Saturday, and when had no authority to make any deals for the Bos- they are ready for more, all of which shows Baltimore, Dec. 13. Manager Hanlon yester Mike comes something is sure to happen. Mr. toris. T©H> Natn.i©.©tl Board supplied the Boston confidence in the future. day received a letter from short stop Jennings John Chiles owns the Austin franchise, and Club, and Comiskey was left to hold the bag. THE PLAYERS© CLUB which tells somewhat of the transcontinental be and O©Connor have had frequent consultations Slagle was to be turned over to Cincinnati in at their last meeting went over tlu> new rules. itiJU Mil auCliaCT.1 l.u L1I111JV \n-niiii u " «i., ...i.. the*...*. trip of the Baltimore and All-America teams.
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