OrchideenJournal Publisher: V.D.O.F. Vol. 6 · 5 Vereinigung Deutscher Orchideenfreunde e.V. 2018 Bulbophyllum irianae Contents: ● Bulbophyllum irianae and B. adolinae (Orchidaceae: Dendrobiinae), two new species of sections Hoplandra and Peltopus from Indonesian New Guinea Page 1 – 13 ● Three new orchid species from ISSN-Internet 2195-772X the islands of Mindanao and Palawan, Philippines October 5th 2018 OrchideenJournal Internet | Vol. 6 · 5 Bulbophyllum irianae and B. adolinae (Orchidaceae: Dendrobiinae), two new species of sections Hoplandra and Peltopus from Indonesian New Guinea André Schuiteman, Ed De Vogel, Charlie Danny Heatubun, Jimmy Frans Wanma, Filep Mambor, Daawia Suhartawan, Eline Hoogendijk 3 Summary: Two new species of Bulbophyllum are described as Bulbophyllum irianae and Bulbophyllum adolinae Key words: Orchidaceae, Bulbophyllum irianae and Bulbophyllum adolinae, new species, Indonesian New Guinea Three new orchid species from the islands of Mindanao and Palawan, Philippines Derek Cabactulan, Miguel David De Leon, Reynold Pimentel and Jim Cootes 9 Abstract: A new Bulbophyllum species and a new Dendrobium species are proposed from the province of Bukidnon, Mindanao, and a new Dendrobium species from the island province of Palawan is also proposed. Key words: Bulbophyllum pyrrosifolium, Dendrobium annemarieae, Dendrobium jyrdii, Bukidnon, Palawan, Philippines, new species. Published by: VDOF e.V. Mittelcarthausen 2 58553 Halver Germany email: [email protected] Editor in chief: Roland Schettler Date of Publication: October 5th, 2018, 22:00 Uhr CEST 2 Internet | Vol. 6 · 5 OrchideenJournal Bulbophyllum irianae and B. adolinae (Orchidaceae: Dendrobiinae), two new species of sections Hoplandra and Peltopus from Indonesian New Guinea André Schuiteman, Ed De Vogel, Charlie D. Heatubun, Jimmy F. Wanma, Filep Mambor, Daawia Suhartawan, Eline Hoogendijk With more than 2000 species, Bulbo- ble pollination syndromes and hence Section Hoplandra phyllum is at present by far the largest similar selection pressures, but noth- genus in the orchid family, Orchidace- ing is known about the pollinators of Bulbophyllum irianae De Vogel, ae. Although it is found throughout Bulbophyllum sections Hoplandra and Suhartawan, Hoogendijk & Hea- the tropics, some parts of the world Peltopus. tubun, sp. nov. Type: lndonesia, Ta- are much richer in Bulbophyllum spe- Another parallel between pleurothal- nah Papua, Papua Prov., Keerom Re- cies than others. The greatest hotspot lids and New Guinea Bulbophyllum is gency, Senggi district, Keerom cult. of species diversity for the genus is that both groups are most species-rich 20180091 (De Vogel, Suhartawan New Guinea. About 655 species of Bul- in humid montane forests, where the & Hoogendijk) (holotype Yayasan bophyllum are currently recorded from trees are covered with mosses and li- Pendidikan Alam Papua, temporari- this vast and under-explored island. chens. One of the new species, B. ado- ly stored in Universitas Cenderawa- Not surprisingly, new species are still linae, is such a cloud forest inhabitant; sih). regularly discovered here; two exam- the other, B. irianae, occurs in tropical ples are described in this paper. rainforest at much lower elevations. In order to group related species to- Bulbophyllum irianae Watercolour drawing after the type gether, taxonomists have divided Bul- by Eline Hoogendijk bophyllum into c. 100 sections (Pridg- eon et al., 2014), of which 34 occur in New Guinea, including sections Hop- landra and Peltopus. It is interesting to note how many sim- ilarities there are between Bulbo- phyllum and the neotropical subtribe Pleurothallidinae (pleurothallids), es- pecially the genera Acianthera, Dress- lerella, Lepanthes, Masdevallia, Ste- lis, Pleurothallis and Trichosalpinx. Both groups are exceptionally spe- cies-rich and are predominantly pol- linated by diptera (fl ies, mosquitos, gnats, etc.). The fl owers of these oth- erwise distantly related orchids can often look remarkably similar. In the case of Bulbophyllum sections Hop- landra and Peltopus, to which the two species here described belong, paral- lels can be drawn especially with spe- cies of Masdevallia. The superfi cial re- semblance is mainly due to the rela- tively large, often caudate sepals and insignifi cant petals in both. It is likely that the similarities refl ect compara- 3 OrchideenJournal Internet | Vol. 6 · 5 Bulbophyllum irianae. A. Habit; G. Median sepal, lateral view; H–J. al view; M. Column and column foot, B. Flower, oblique front view; C. Medi- Cross-sections through median sepal; front view; N. Anther, ventral and lat- an sepal; D. Petal; E. Lateral sepal; F. K. Ovary, column and lip, lateral view; eral view. Drawing after the type by Lip, view from above and below; L. Ovary and column, oblique later- Eline Hoogendijk. 4 Internet | Vol. 6 · 5 OrchideenJournal sepal porrect, 1.6 cm × 3.5 mm (index Bulbophyllum irianae. Flowers. 4.6), entirely glabrous; widened ba- Photo Eline Hoogendijk. sal part elliptic, thin and convex, 8 mm Diagnosis: Bulbophyllum irianae long (index 2.3), with entire margins, is most similar to B. obovatifolium nerves 3, raised, the lateral nerves with J.J.Sm., but differs in the apex of the one branch from near the base; apex a median sepal which is a long, solid, long, solid, terete, subulate awl 8 mm terete, subulate awl c. 0.8 cm long that long, which is adaxially in the lower is adaxially in the lower half fl at, has half fl at, without crest or keel, contin- no crest or keel, and narrows continu- uously and gradually narrowing in the ously and gradually into the very thin, very thin tip. Lateral sepals free, 8.2 cm narrowly acute tip (versus median se- × 6 mm (index 13.5), entirely glabrous pal keeled, acute, concave, the top half but basal half on inner side slightly ru- in the middle conduplicate, laterally gulose; basal part widened, oblique compressed); the lip from above slen- and somewhat falcate near the base, der narrowly triangular with a narrow- 2.5 cm long (index 4.2), long ovate, with ly acute apex and a smooth upper sur- upper margin minutely irregular, lower face without ornamentation (versus lip margin smooth, 4-nerved with the up- from above tongue-shaped with an ob- per 2 nerves and the lowermost nerve tuse apex and a channeled upper side branching at the very base; apical part with two ribs and a low small rib in the long drawn-out, narrow, 5.5 cm × 0.7– middle); lateral sepals c. 8.2 cm long 1 mm, with almost parallel margins, and 6 times twisted around each-oth- its basal part thin, the top 4 cm subu- er (versus lateral sepals c. 4.5 cm long late and almost semi-terete, spiralling and not twisted). around each other with c. 6 turns, with Epiphyte, creeping. Roots terete, mi- acute apex. Petals porrect, obovate-ob- nutely pustulate, c. 0.8 mm diam. Rhi- long, 5.2 × 1.7 mm (index 3.1), entire- zome c. 3 mm diam.; rhizome scales ly glabrous; margins entire, smooth; not persistent. Pseudobulbs 0.6–1 cm apex acute to acuminate, curved down- apart, ascending, hardly narrowing to wards; 3-nerved, the median nerve the top, dorsoventrally fl attened, 6–10 more pronounced. Lip recurved over × 2–4 mm, to c. 2 mm thick, fi nely ir- its entire length, narrowly ovate with a regularly longitudinally grooved. Leaf slightly widened base, c. 3.3 by 0.9 mm thick coriaceous, 4.7–10.2 × 2.1–2.6 (index 3.7, without artifi cial spreading), cm; petiole 2–7 × 1.5–2 mm; blade el- entirely glabrous; margins entire, at the liptic, 4.5–10 by 1.4–2.6 cm (index 3.1– back of the lip elevated with sharp mar- 3.8), with rounded apex. Infl orescence gins; upper side smooth, without or- c. 11.7 cm long, 1-fl owered; peduncle namentation; below with a broad high 7.7 cm long; peduncle scales 3; tubular, base which is elevated where the lig- the upper one with a long acuminate ament is attached and which narrows top; fl oral bract tubular, 7 mm long, and lowers to near the top of the lip in- with a long acuminate top. Pedicel and to a high crest; apex narrowly triangu- ovary 4 cm long from a 9 mm long dis- lar, acute. Column 2.7 mm long; rostel- placed node; the ovary 6 mm long, with lum not protruding; stigma elliptic; col- 6 grooves. Flower c. 9 cm long; medi- umn foot 2.5 mm long, its apex free for an sepal reddish, the margins and top 1 mm, strongly curved upwards, some- half lighter ochrish tinged reddish; lat- what widened; stelidia porrect, trian- eral sepals warm red, the facing mar- gular, acute. Anther not seen. Fruit not gins in the basal free part near the at- seen. tachment lighter ochrish red, turning whitish tinged pale red, continuing to Distribution: New Guinea: Indonesia where the sepals connect; petals light (Papua Prov., Keerom Regency), en- ochrish tinged red, the nerves slightly demic. Only known from the type. darker red; lip on upper side and later- ally above purplish red, the lower side Habitat and ecology: Crown epiphyte lighter reddish tinged ochrish; column in slightly disturbed rain forest with reddish, anther light ochrish. Median trees up to c. 45 m tall, with much undergrowth. Terrain undulating to Bulbophyllum irianae. Flower detail. steep. Elevation c. 300 m. Flowering in Photo Daawia Suhartawan. the wild in February. 5 OrchideenJournal Internet | Vol. 6 · 5 Cultivation: Warm-growing epiphyte. Etymology: Bulbophyllum irianae is named in honour of Lady Iriana Joko Widodo, First Lady of Indonesia, at the occasion of the 2018 Internation- al Conference on Biodiversity, Ecotour- ism, and Creative Economy (ICBE), Ma- nokwari, 2018, in recognition of her ef- forts to stimulate and support the de- velopment processes in Papua and West Papua Provinces. Note: Bulbophyllum harposepalum Schltr. is often treated as a synonym of B.
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