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Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 4 St, Miras College, pune Ms. Ujjwala Deshpande Placement 26587 4 St, Miras College, pune Mrs.Purnima Kulkarni Placement 16764 4 St, Miras College, pune Dr. Shubadha Moghe Placement 469093 4 St, Miras College, pune Mrs. Mahhekka M Others 10029 TOTAL 522473 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 5 Fergusson College, Pune Rongate Surekha Placement 67877 5 Fergusson College, Pune Hakke B T Placement 648207 5 Fergusson College, Pune Hake Bayaji T Placement 115244 5 Fergusson College, Pune Mahapure Mahadeo Others 66023 5 Fergusson College, Pune Attar Fakir M D Others 43606 TOTAL 940957 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 6 S. P. College, Pune Smt. Rashmi Sasturkar Placement 3849072 TOTAL 3849072 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 8 Garware College of Shri. Giri A. V. Placement 515480 Commerce, pune TOTAL 515480 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 9 Poona College, Pune Shri. K.B. Jangle. Placement 1838402 TOTAL 1838402 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 10 Modern College, Shri P. G. Dixit M.Phil/Ph.D. 109741 shivajinagar, Pune TOTAL 109741 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 11 Ness Wadia College, Pune Mrs. S. J. Kurian Placement 774807 TOTAL 774807 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 12 B M C C College, Pune Shri. R.M.Kesari Placement 57063 12 B M C C College, Pune Shri. V.A.Chavan Placement 333236 12 B M C C College, Pune Shri. D.D.Waghmare Placement 40822 12 B M C C College, Pune Shri.R.B.Kadnor Placement 1149174 TOTAL 1580295 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 13 Annasaheb Magar College, Prin. Chaudhari Sharmila Late 379320 Hadapsar, Pune Ram University App TOTAL 379320 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 15 Mahatma Phule College, Shinde S D M.Phil./Ph.D. 25359 Pimpri 15 Mahatma Phule College, Shinde S D Late Univ. Pimpri Appr 145948 15 Mahatma Phule College, Shaikh A M Late Univ. Pimpri Appr 71358 TOTAL 242665 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 16 Tikaram Jagannath College, Shri A K Chavan Placement 123671 Khadki Pune Tikaram Jagannath College, Smt Sunanda J Atre 16 Khadki Pune Others 51813 TOTAL 175484 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 17 M U College, Pimpri Dr.(Mrs) V.Nambiar Placement 725774 17 M U College, Pimpri Mr. Vishal Amolik Placement 29599 17 M U College, Pimpri Mrs. M.H.Bathiya Promotiom 45731 TOTAL 801104 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 22 Appasaheb Jedhe College, Smt. Vidya. Hemant M.Phil/Ph.D. 33348 Pune Kachare 22 Appasaheb Jedhe College, Smt. Vidya. Hemant Others 20262 Pune Kachare 22 Appasaheb Jedhe College, Shri. Pole Shashank Late 185664 Pune Krushnaji University App 22 Appasaheb Jedhe College, Smt.Rajshree Yogesh Others 53156 Pune Chorge TOTAL 292430 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 29 Shri Siddhivinayak College, Dr.Pushpa Ranade Placement 12066 Pune TOTAL 12066 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 32 I L S Law College, Pune Ms. S. Bhattacharya Placement 2074500 32 I L S Law College, Pune Shri A. A. Adhiya Others 45572 TOTAL 2120072 {ÉÖhÉä ÊVɱ½þÉ S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 3 Indrayani College, Talegaon Shri D. R. Sabale M.Phil/Ph.D. 218200 Dabhade TOTAL 218200 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 4 Annsaheb Waghire College, Smt. Bhopatkar Alka Placement 1752760 Otur Abhay TOTAL 1752760 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 6 Waghire College Saswad S B Dhote M.Phil/Ph.D. 136026 6 Waghire College Saswad Ganveer V N Placement 961692 6 Waghire College Saswad Madhbhavikar B S Placement 165167 6 Waghire College Saswad Patankar V V Placement 758309 6 Waghire College Saswad Pawase V B Placement 29788 6 Waghire College Saswad Wavhal S S Placement 23967 7 Waghire College Saswad R D Golande Others 39835 TOTAL 2114784 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 11 Anantrao Thopte College, R. D .Jadhwar Placement 35951 Bhor TOTAL 35951 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 14 Arts & commerce College, Shri. B.B.Bhapkar M.Phil/Ph.D. 17638 Kalamb Walchandnagar TOTAL 17638 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 26 S G K College, Loni Kalbhor Sh.V.L.Kamble Late University 79113 App 26 S G K College, Loni Kalbhor Sh.D.M.Bhise Late University 57866 App TOTAL 136979 +½þ¨ÉnùxÉMÉ®ú S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 1 R B N B College, Shrirampur Prof . Gagare A.S. Placement 27783 1 R B N B College, Shrirampur Prof. Badhe B.L. M.Phil/Ph.D. 261867 1 R B N B College, Shrirampur Prof. Patil V.P. M.Phil / Ph.D. 365088 TOTAL 654738 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 4 Sangamner Nagarpalika Shri. R.V. Zaware M.Phil/Ph.D. 57684 College, Sangamner TOTAL 57684 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 6 K J Sommaiya College, Shri. Pagare D. L. Others 438049 Kopargaon TOTAL 438049 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 8 New Arts, Commerce & Dr. Jadhav S.S. Placement 11271 Science College, Ahmednagar 8 New Arts, Commerce & Dr. jadhav S.A. Placement 9588 Science College, Ahmednagar TOTAL 20859 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs. 9 Dada Patil College, Karjat Dr.Kore B.A. Late University 165349 App TOTAL 165349 S. N. Name of the College Name of the Employee Particulars Amount Rs.
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