LIST OF MAIN PLANTS AVAILABLE – SPRING 2014 *only small numbers available GENUS x SPECIES SIZE AND GROWING HINTS DESCRIPTION FAMILY/ height code (size given as height x width) COMMON NAME HEIGHT CODE: #=<1m ## =1–5m. ### =5–12m Acacia cognata ‘Green Mist’ A spreading, weeping, prostrate shrub, 1mx2m. Sprays of pale yellow, fluffy ball MIMOSACEAE # Full sun to part shade. Most soils with reasonable flowers in spring. Narrow, lime green drainage. Drought tolerant and hardy to most leaves. Feature plant. Informal hedge. frosts. *Acacia flexifolia Small, erect shrub 1.3mx1.5m. Hardy. Prefers Profuse yellow ball-like flowers in late MIMOSACEAE ## well-drained, dry position. Prune after flowering. winter. Small narrow slightly bent Bent-leaf Wattle Frost hardy to –7°C. foliage. (Qld, NSW, Vic) *Acacia williamsonii Small to medium spreading shrub 1-2mx1-3m. Profuse pom-pom (globular) flowers in MIMOSACEAE ## Prefers full sun and good drainage but is tolerant spring. Narrow green phyllodes. Brown Whirrakee Wattle of heavy shallow soils and will grow in semi- pods. Very drought resistant. Good (Bendigo Vic) shade. Frost hardy to –7ºC. feature plant. One of the most decorative wattles in cultivation. *Adenanthos cunninghamii Small shrub 1-2mx1.5-3m. Well-drained light soil Flowers tubular, slender, dull crimson, PROTEACEAE ## in full sun or semi-shade. A natural hybrid of A. terminal and solitary, spring and Albany Woolly Bush sericeus x A. cuneatus. Damaged by heavy frosts summer. Abundant nectar. Soft silvery (South West WA) but withstands limited periods of dryness. narrow leaves. Bird attracting. Responds well to light or heavy pruning. Alyogyne huegelii ‘West Mid-sized spreading shrub 2.5mx2.5m. Prefers a Flowers deep purple and last 1-2days, Coast Gem’ (purple form) protected full sun position and well-drained soil. providing a constant array of new Form of A. huegelii. Drought hardy and can tolerate light frosts. Prune blooms from spring to late autumn. MALVACEAE ## from young age to promote a dense habit and Performs well in pot on patio. (WA, SA) strong root system. *Alyxia ruscifolia Erect shrub to 3mx1.5m. Needs well-composted Good feature plant, very showy in APOCYNACEAE ## soil. May be attacked by scale and sooty mould. flower and fruit. Dark green, glossy Moonya; Native Holly Frost hardy to –7°C. leaves in whorls. Perfumed white (Qld, NSW) flowers in summer and orange fruit in autumn. Aphanopetalum resinosum Small shrub in the open or vine in shady site. Lustrous foliage. Greenish-yellow CUNONIACEAE #-## Needs support to rise above ground level unless flowers with four white sepals, from late Gum Vine rambling habit is preferred. Frost hardy. Best in spring to early summer. Useful foliage (Qld, NSW rainforests) well-drained soils in moist semi-shade. plant for shady corners of garden. Responds well to pruning. *Asterolasia hexapetala Small shrub, upright to spreading, 1–2mx1–2m. Cream star flowers in small axillary RUTACEAE ## Well-drained, light to medium soils, some shade clusters, Sept–Dec. Grey leaves, blunt (Nthn NSW) and overhead cover. Needs extra water over tips, furry. Very ornamental.species. summer. Light frosts only. Not drought hardy. Suits pots. Austromyrtus dulcis Ground cover to low shrub 0.3-0.6mx1m. Prefers Reddish new growth. Profuse fluffy MYRTACEAE # moist, well-mulched soils. Needs some overhead white flowers summer to mid-autumn. Midgen Berry cover from frost. Water in dry spells. Pale sweet edible berries, about 1 cm (Byron Bay to Fraser Is) diameter, in autumn. Bush Food Babingtonia ‘Howie’s Sweet Small compact plant 1mx1m. Quite drought White flowers, 5–6mm across, appear in Midget’ resistant in cool temperate to tropical regions. umbels near the end of branchlets in MYRTACEAE # Tolerates quite heavy frosts. Light but regular summer. Suitable for pots and rockeries. (Qld) pruning after flowering keeps the plant bushy. Good as architectural feature. *Babingtonia ‘White Low spreading shrub to 0.5mx1.5m. Pendulous Attractive coppery coloured new Cascade’ (B. pluriflora) branchlets. Frost hardy to –7°C. Drought resistant. growth. White pendulous flowers in MYRTACEAE # summer and autumn. *Babingtonia pluriflora Small to medium bushy shrub. Hardy in White flowers in axillary clusters Oct- MYRTACEAE # cultivation. Adapts to a variety of soils and Jan and April-July. Leaves dark green (NSW, Vic) situations. Frost hardy. Benefits from pruning. above, pale underneath. LIST OF MAIN PLANTS AVAILABLE – SPRING 2014 *only small numbers available GENUS x SPECIES SIZE AND GROWING HINTS DESCRIPTION FAMILY/ height code (size given as height x width) COMMON NAME HEIGHT CODE: #=<1m ## =1–5m. ### =5–12m *Backhousia myrtifolia Large shrub to small tree to 7m. Rich composted Large heads of tiny greenish-white MYRTACEAE ### soil under overhead cover. Leaf tips can be flowers in spring. New leaves have affected by frost. reddish tinge. Can be used as orchid host. *Baeckea diosmifolia x Shrub 0.3-1mx0.3m. Well-drained. Some shade Small white flowers, spring-summer. imbricata OK. Frost hardy to –7oC. Prune after flowering. MYRTACEAE # Baeckea imbricata Small, erect shrub 0.6mx0.5m. Useful plant for Small linear leaves. Profuse white 4mm MYRTACEAE # wet situations. Full sun to part shade. Frost hardy flowers Nov-Mar. Prune to shape. (Sthn Tablelands NSW) to –7oC. *Banksia cunninghamii Medium to tall shrub 1-4mx1-5m. Hardy in most Cylindrical yellow flower spikes with PROTEACEAE ## well-drained soils. Full sun to part shade. Frost black styles in autumn to winter. Leaves Hairpin Banksia hardy to –7°C. narrow, toothed. Attracts birds. Can Qld, NSW, Vic prune to shape. *Banksia marginata ‘Cape Sprawling plant to 1mx1m. Prefers good drainage Yellow cylindrical flower spikes from Patterson Dwarf’ in full sun or part shade. Frost hardy to –7°C. spring to autumn. Green, narrow leaves PROTEACEAE # with silver underneath and toothed (Cape Paterson Vic) margins. Possibly a B. marginata cross with B. integrifolia. Blandfordia grandiflora Slow growing grass-like plants with narrow Tubular red flowers with yellow tip are LILIACEAE # leaves. Requires moist, well-drained soil, quite large on stems 30-60cm long. Christmas Bells preferably of light texture such as sandy loam. Flowers produce nectar and are (NSW, SE Qld) Appreciates some protection from full sun but frequented by honey eating birds. doesn’t like full shade. Tolerates moderate frosts. Suitable for pots. *Boronia ‘Sunset Serenade’ Dense small bush 1mx1m. Well-drained sandy Cultivar of B. muelleri. Flowers heavily RUTACEAE # loam. Full sun or semi-shade with some overhead from Aug–December. Flowers are pale cover. Moderately drought resistant and frost pink and up to 10mm across. Prune to hardy. keep compact. Good for rockeries, tubs or garden beds. *Boronia heterophylla Rounded medium bush to 1.5m. Requires good Masses of showy bright pink bell-like RUTACEAE ## drainage, sandy soil, cool root run (mulch or flowers in spring. Fragrant bright green Red or Kalgan Boronia sandstone slabs), some shade. Tolerant of light foliage. Outstanding feature plant, (WA) frost. Not drought tolerant. bright green pinnate leaves. Tip prune and prune lightly after flowering. Brachyscome ‘Breakoday’ Bushy perennial herb to 0.4mxto1m. Very hardy Bright blue-mauve daisy flowers, 2cm ASTERACEAE # in most situations but prefers reasonable drainage across, most of year - best in (Qld, NSW, Vic) in full sun. Drought tolerant. Frost hardy to –7ºC. spring/summer. Suits baskets, rockery, Prune old stems in early spring. bedding. Spreads by branching and underground suckers. Brachyscome ‘Roulette’ Bushy perennial herb 0.1–0.4mx0.2–1m. Very Bright blue-mauve daisy flowers most ASTERACEAE # hardy. Adaptable but prefers reasonable drainage of year, best spring/summer. Rockery or in full sun. Drought tolerant. Frost hardy to –7ºC. ground cover. Spreads by branching and underground suckers. Prune old stems in early spring. Brachyscome ‘Strawberry Groundcover 0.15mx1m. Hardy in most soils Showy pink flowers from spring to Mousse’ with good drainage. Frost hardy and drought autumn. Suitable for containers, hanging ASTERACEAE # tolerant. baskets, rockeries and as ground cover. Bulbine glauca Perennial tufted herb 0.5m. Grows in crevices on Long greyish leaves and yellow flowers ASPHODELACEAE # cliffs. Good drainage in sun or part shade. Dies on stems of 1m in spring. Rock Lily back in winter. (NSW, Vic, Tas, Qld) Local LIST OF MAIN PLANTS AVAILABLE – SPRING 2014 *only small numbers available GENUS x SPECIES SIZE AND GROWING HINTS DESCRIPTION FAMILY/ height code (size given as height x width) COMMON NAME HEIGHT CODE: #=<1m ## =1–5m. ### =5–12m Callistemon ‘Benjamin’ Taller form of C. subulatus. Most well-drained Brush flowers with pink and mauve MYRTACEAE ## soils in sun or part-shade. Prune after flowering. stamens, late spring and summer. (NSW, Vic) Frost hardy to –7°C. *Callistemon ‘Severn River’ Tall slender shrub, 2-4mx1.5-2.5m. Weeping Bright red spikes with golden anthers, (Form of C. viminalis) habit. Prefers full to part sun in most spring to autumn. Bronze young shoots. MYRTACEAE ## well-drained soils. Frost hardy to -7C. Prune spent Dark green adult leaves. (Qld) flowers. *Callistemon ‘Tin Sal Glow’ Open, multi-stemmed shrub with swollen base 3- Glowing pink flower spikes, mainly in MYRTACEAE ## 5mx1.5m. Most reasonably drained soils in full spring and autumn - cut off after (Glasshouse Mtns. SE Qld) sun. Drought resistant. Fairly frost tolerant. flowering. Flowers well after rain. Glowing pink new foliage. Cultivar of C. ‘Glasshouse Country’ and C. recurva (Tinaroo). *Callistemon acuminatus Shrub 2-3mx2m. Withstands drought but responds Abundant large deep red flower spikes. MYRTACEAE ## to ample moisture and heavy mulching. Prefers Broad lanceolate leaves to 12cm. Listed (Central/northern NSW) full sun but grows well with partial or morning as a rare or threatened plant. sun. Frost hardy. Callistemon pearsonii Low spreading shrub 1mx1.5m. Well-drained Red flower spikes with golden anthers, MYRTACEAE # soils in full sun. Mulch well. Apply light sprinkle late spring and summer.
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