Course Title : Invertebrates Course Code : Scheme of Instruction Scheme of Examination BSZY101CCT Total Duration : 60Hr Maximum Score : 100 Periods /Week : 4 Internal Evaluation : 30 Credits : 4 End Semester : 70 Instruction Mode : Lecture Exam Duration : 3 Hrs Course Objectives: Course Outcomes: Unit Course Content Instruction Hours 1 Basis of Classification and Lower Invertebrates PBhasyilsuomf animPraol tcolazsosaif:ication, Zoological nomenclature, concepts of taxonomy &systematics. 15 General characters and classification upto classes; Structure, life cycle and clinical significance of human protozoan Parasites and their diseases (Balantidiasis, Amoebiasis, Giardiasis, PLehiyslhummaniasCiisn, idMerailaa:ria, Trichomoniasis, Sleeping sickness and Chagas disease). General characters and classification upto classes: Polymorphism in PCoheylleunmteratePso; rCifoerraals: and Coral reef formation with their significance. General characters and 2 PhylumclaPslsaitfyichaetilomninutphteos ctloasAsnens:elCidanaal system in Sponges; integumentary system in sponges. Phylum Platyhelminthes: 15 Fasciola hepatica Taenia solium General characters and PclhasysluifimcatiNoenmautphteolmcilnastsheess;: life cycle of , and Ascaris lumbricoides General characters and PclhasysluifimcationAunpnetloidac:lasses; Life history of and its parasitic adaptations General characters and classification up to classes; Metamerism in Annelida; 3 PhylumSiOgniyfcichaonpcheoorfaH,iArurdthinroopf oLdeeachand Mollusca Phylum Onychophora: 15 Peripatus General characters and classification upto classes: Taxonomic position of and its affinities with Annelida and Arthropoda. Phylum Arthropoda: General characters and classification upto classes:Vision in Arthropoda, PMheytalummorMphoollsuisscina Insects; Economically and Medically important Arthropods. Gregarious behavior of insects. : eneral characters and classification 4 PhylumupEtcohicnlaosdsesr;mTaotrasiaonndinHgeamstircohpoorddsata Phylum Echinodermata: General characters and classification up to classes; Water-vascular system in 15 PAhstyelruomideaH;Aefmfinicithieosrdataof Echinoderm with HemichordateBsaalanndocghlosrsduastes. : General characters and Affinities of with chordates and non- Examination andcEhvoalrudaatiotensP.attern : Text Books and References : 1 Invertebrate Zoology 2 Barnes, R.D. (1982). , V Edition 3 Janet Moore (2006). An Introduction to the Invertebrates, Cambridge University 4 Press 2006 5 Jan Pechenik (2014). Biology of the Invertebrates, McGraw-Hill Science, 2014 Kotpal Volumes Protozoa through Echinodermata, Rastogi Publications Jordan & Verma (revised editions) Invertebrate Zoology, S. Chand and Co. Ltd., New Delhi. Course Title : Invertebrates Lab Course Code : Scheme of Instruction Scheme of Examination BSZY150CCP Total Duration : 60Hr Maximum Score : 50 Periods /Week : 4 Internal Evaluation : 15 Credits : 2 End Semester : 35 Instruction Mode : Lecture /Demonstration Exam Duration : 3 Hrs Course Objectives: Course Outcomes: Course Content Instruction Hours 1) Theoretical and practical knowledge of simple and compound microscope. 2) Identification, Classification and comments on the slides/sPpreocitmozeonas:oAf;moeba Euglena, Plasmodium, Paramecium, Trypa,nosoma, Elphidium, Vorticella, Porifera Sycon Hyalonema, Euplectella Cnideria: ydra,, Obelia, Physaanlida, Aurelia, Tubipora Platyhelm: Hinthes: Fasciola, Taenia and their larvae Aschelminthes Ascaris, Ancylostoma, Wuchereria , 60Hrs Annelida: Phere:tima, Hirudinaria Nereis, , Arthropoda Palaemon (LeecPha)l,amnaeus : (Prawn), Crab, (MSocollrupsicoan)Pila Lamellidens : (Apple snail), (Unio), SEecphiian,oOdcetorpmuasta Asterias Echinus : (Sea Star), (Sea uHrecmhiinc)hordata Balanoglossus : 3) Demonstration of earthworm Nerve ring and Ovaries; appendages of arthropods Examination and Evaluation Pattern : Text Books and References : Course Title : Chordates Course Code : Scheme of Instruction Scheme of Examination BSZY201CCT Total Duration : 60 Hr Maximum Score : 100 Periods /Week : 4 Internal Evaluation: 30 Credits : 4 End Semester : 70 Instruction Mode: Lecture Exam Duration : 3 Hrs Course Objectives: Course Outcomes: Unit Course Content Instruction Hours 1 Chordates: Introduction and origin; Protochordates - General features and Phylogeny of Hemichordates, Urochordates and Cephalochordates. Retrogressive metamorphosis; Agnatha - 15 General features of Agnatha and classification of cyclostomes up to classes; Pisces - General features and Classification up to orders; Osmoregulation in Fishes; Migration and Parental care in fishes 2 Amphibian Classification upto orders, Parental care; Reptiles - 15 Classification upto orders. Poisonous and non- poisonous snakes in India, Biting mechanism in snakes; Aves - Classification upto orders, flight adaptations, Mechanism of flight and Migration.Mammals - Classification upto orders. Origin of 3 Mammals. Integumentary System - Derivatives of integument w.r.t. glands and digital tips; Skeletal System, Evolution of visceral arches; 15 Digestive System -Brief account of alimentary canal and digestive glands; Respiratory System -Brief account of Gills, lungs, air sacs and swim bladder 4 Circulatory System - Evolution of heart and aortic arches; Urino- 15 genital system- Succession of kidney, Evolution of Urino-genital ducts; Nervous System -Comparative account of brain; Sensory organs -Types of receptors Examination and Evaluation Pattern : Text Books and References : 1 Vertebrates’ Comparative Anatomy, Function and Evolution Kardong, K.V. (2005) . IV 2 Edition. McGraw-Hill HigherEducCaotimonpa. rative Anatomy of the Vertebrates Kent, G.C. and Carr R.K. (2000). IX Edition. The 3 McGraw-HillCompanies. Analysis of Vertebrate Structure 4 Hilderbrand, M and Gaslow GB.iEo.logy of Vertebrates , John Wiley andSons. 5 Walter, H.E. and Sayles, L.P; , Khosla PublishingHouse. 6 KCotlpeavle(l2a0n1d5)P. .MHoidcekrmn Tanexetbto.aolk. (O2f0Z0o8o)l.oAgyniVmeartleDbriavtesr,sRitays,toMgicpGurbaliwsh-eHrsil,lNHeiwghDeerlhEiducation 7 Saxena, R.K. and Saxena, S. (2015). Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, Viva Books, Delhi 8 Jordan E.L. and Verma P.S. (2010). Chordate Zoology, S. Chand & Co, New Delhi. Course Title : Chordates Lab Course Code : Scheme of Instruction Scheme of Examination BSZY250CCP Total Duration : 60 Hr Maximum Score : 50 Periods /Week : 4 Internal Evaluation : 15 Credits : 2 End Semester : 35 Instruction Mode: Lecture/Demonstration Exam Duration : 3 Hrs Course Objectives: Course Outcomes: Unit Course Content Instruction Hours PIdreonttoifcihcaotridona,teCsla:ssification and comments on the specimens of: Herdmania; Amphioxus Pices: Branchiostoma, Petromyzon, Sphyrna, Pristis, Torpedo, Labeo, Exocoetus, Anguilla, Amphibia IEcshttimhyaotpiohnis/oUf aregoetoypf hfilsuhse, s through Scales Reptiles: Salamandra, Bufo, Hyla Calotis Draco, Crocodiles, GCohbariaa;lV, tiupretrle, tortoise 60Hrs ; Varanus; Chamilon; Rock Python, Aves; Distinction between Poisonous and Non-poisonous snake Sparrow; Parrot; Columba; Myna MammaOlws:l; Duck; Woodpecker, penguin Collection of different types of feathers from birds Mole; Playtypus ComparGautiinveepaign;aBtoatm, Wy:hale a) b) Types of scales in fishes; Feathers in birds; Integumentary organs in mammals c) skeleton of fowl andrabbit d) Carapace and plastron of turtle/tortoise Mammalian skulls: One herbivorous and one carnivorousanimal. Dentition in mammals Examination and Evaluation Pattern : Text Books and References : Course Title: PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY (Semester III) Course Code: Scheme of InstruBcStiZoYn301CCT Scheme of Examination Total Duration : 60 Hr Maximum Score : 100 Periods /Week : 4 Internal Evaluation : 30 Credits : 4 End Semester : 70 Instruction Mode: Lecture Exam Duration : 3 Hrs Course Objectives: Course Outcomes: Unit Course Content Instruction Hours 1 Digestion- Digestion definition and extra and intracellular digestion, Digestion of Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids and Cellulose, Absorption and Assimilation of digested food; role of 15 Gastrointestinal hormones indigestion Respiration- Definition of Respiration and Respiratory mechanisms – External, Internal andcellular; Respiratory Pigments; Transport of oxygen, Oxygen dissociation curves. Bohr’s effect, Transport of CO2 – Chloride shift; Regulation of respiration – nervous and chemical Circulation -Types of circulation - Open and Closed circulation; Structure of Mammalian Heart, Types of hearts – Neurogenic and Myogenic; Heart function –Conduction and regulation of heart beat, Regulation of Heart rate – Tachycardia and Bradycardia; Blood 2 Clotting mechanism Excretion - Classification of Animals on the basis of excretory 15 products- Ammonotelic, Uricotelic,Ureotelic, Structure and function of Nephron; Urine formation, Counter current mechanism. Osmoregulation - Water and ionic regulation by freshwater, brackish water and marine animals Types of Muscles, , Muscle Contraction, Ultra structure of skeletal muscle fibre, Sliding Filament theory, muscle contraction mechanism and energetics, Nerve Impulse, Structure of Neuron, Nerve impulse - Resting potential and Action potential and Conduction of Nerveimpulse, Synapse, types of synapses and 3 Synaptic transmission Reproduction and Endocrine System- Endocrine glands - Structure, secretions and functions of Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal 15 glands and Pancreas, Hormone action and concept of Secondary messengers, Male and Female Hormones, Hormonal control of Menstrual cycle in humans. Homeostasis and Enzymes,
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