Page 1 of 1 WLWB Registry From: Johnson, Ken [[email protected] ] Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 10:39 AM To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: Wekweeti water licence - background report to water licence renewal Attachments: 070716 Wekweeti Water Licence background report.pdf Please find attached background report to water licence following up on application form submitted on July 12, 2007. Ken Johnson, M.A. Sc., M. C.I.P., P. Eng. Senior Planner and Engineer, Earth Tech Canada 17203 -103 Ave., Edmonton. Alberta T55 1J4 Tel.'780. 453.0910 Fax: 780.488.2121 Cell. 780. 984.9085 7/23/2007 Wekwe^ti, NT Prepared for: Tlicho Community Government of Wekweeti, NT Box 69 Wekweeti, NT, XOE IWO Prepared by: Earth Tech Canada Inc. 17203 -- 103'd Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T5S 1J4 (780) 488-6800 ©Copyright Earth Tech (Canada) Inc. 2007 July 11, 2007 Information contained herein is confidential and may not be released to a third party without the written permission of Ea rth Tech (Canada) Inc. 1 00095-03 Water Licence Background Report Tlicho Community Government of Wekweeti, NT July 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE NO. 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................1 2.0 COMMUNITY BRIEF ..........................................................................................1 3.0 INFRASTRUCTURE DESCRIPTION ............................................................... 3 3.1 General ....................................................................................................... 3 3.2 Water System .............................................................................................. 6 3.2.1 System Overview ........................................................................... 6 3.2.2 Snare Lake Raw Water Supply ...................................................... 6 3.2.3 Water Treatment / Truckfill Station ............................................. 7 3.2.4 Water Distribution / Water Tanks .............................................. 7 3.3 Sanitary Sewage System ............... 3.3.1 System Overview ...................................................................................7 3.3.2 Trucked Sewage Pump-out ..................................................................7 3.3.3 Lagoon Access Road and Sewage Truck Discharge Area ...............9 3.3.4 Sewage Lagoon ......................................................................................9 3.3.5 Effluent Discharge .................................................................................9 3.4 Solid Waste Disposal .................................................................................. 9 3.4.1 System Overview ...................................................................................9 3.4.2 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal ..................................................10 3.4.3 Access Roads and Perimeter Fence ....................................................10 3.4.4 Landfill Site ............................................................................................10 4.0 REVIEWS AND STUDIES - 2001 TO 2007 ........................... .............................11 4.1 Wastewater Management Study, 2007 ...................................................... ii 4.2 Infrastructure Baseline Study, 2006 ............................................................ 11 4.3 Water System and Management Review, 2001 to 2006 ............................. 11 5.0 OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING ....... .............................1.3 5.1 Water Supply and Distribution System ....................................................... 13 5.2 Sanitary Sewage System .................. 5.3 Landfill .......................................................................................................13 6.0 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................13 LIST OF FIGURES Figurel Aerial Photo of the Community of Wekweeti, NWT .................................................3 Figure 2 Location of Water, Sewage and Solid Waste Systems, Wekweeti, NWT ..................4 Figure 3 Airphoto Location of the Water, Sewer and Solid Waste Systems, Wekweeti, NWT ......................................................................................................... 6 Figure4 Sewage Lagoon Facility and Wetland, Wekweeti, NWT ........................................... 8 Figure 5 Solid Waste Landfill Site, Community of Wekweeti, NWT ......................................10 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Summary of the Brief Profile of the Hamlet of Wekweeti, NWT .............................. 1 Table 2 Description Summary of the Infrastructure in the Hamlet of Wekweeti, NWT......... 5 Table 3 Summary of System Management Review Reports: Water Use, Wekweeti, NWT ... 12 . Lamorkl99000%99355}03 RepnrtIW0711 Wekweeli Water Licence background repod.doc i A tgCG International Ltd. Company Water Licence Background Report Tlicho Community Government of Wekweeti, NT July 2007 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Hamlet of Wekweeti, in preparation for the application of a Type `B' water license, has engaged the services of Earth Tech Canada Inc., to prepare a background report to accompany the application. The intention of this background report is to provide an overview of the water and waste infrastructure system within the community based upon the compilation of existing information. The scope of the report includes background information review on water supply and distribution, sewage collection and treatment, and solid waste management. This review is presented with a combination of figures to provide a complete understanding of the community's infrastructure, particularly emphasized on the visual information including maps and aerial photos. This provides the necessary flexibility to address the various stakeholders in the application process. 2.0 COMMUNITY BRIEF Wekweeti, originating from the Dogrib language meaning "Rock Lake", was considered an outpost hunting camp until 1962, when ten houses were built and members of the Rae Band permanently relocated to the camp in order to preserve traditional lifestyles and values. On November 1, 1998, the community officially changed its name from Snare Lakes to the Tli Cho name_ " Wekweti"; a further name change occurred on August 4, 2005 to the current spelling of Wekweeti. 1 The Hamlet of Wekweeti is now a permanent community in the North Slave Region of the Northwest Territories, Canada. Table 1 is a brief profile of the Community based on the size, terrain, climate and socio-economic characteristics of the community. An aerial photo of the community is also shown in Figure 1. Table 1 - Summary of the Brief Profile of the Hamlet of Wekweeti, NWT r^'^ n IDI-.{ _t1 C,iii` q Population: 140 (NWT, Bureau of Statistics, 2006) q Residences: 35 (NWT, Bureau of Statistics, 2006) q Location: Latitude 64° 11' N and Longitude 114° 11 W q Proximity: 195 air kilometers north of Yellowknife q Weather: High and low mean temperatures in July: 2L5 °C and 8.9 °C High and low mean temperatures in January: -24.5 °C and -33.5°C q Precipitation: 16,5 cm of rainfall and 133 cm of snowfall q Vegetation: The vegetation is consistent with sub-arctic boreal forest vegetation. Within the low-lying areas thick Tamarack and Black Spruce stands predominate, both species are indicators of poorly drained soils. Jack Pine and White Spruce are extensive on the elevated, well-drained areas especially south of the airport access road and east of the community air port. ' NWT Official Community Names (July 2006), Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. ht€ :f/www. wnhc.ca/ ro nrams!downloads/OfficialCommtuiitNames. df L:lworklB9UD0199975tO3-Repo1lO7O7i7 Wokwaeti Water Licence background report do c ``^ EarthTech - I A tgcv international Ltd. Company Water Licence Background Report Tlicho Community Government of Wekweeti, NT 2007 q Transportation: Year round air access is provided from Yellowknife year round, Ice road access is available during part of the winter, q Economy: Major activities include bunting, fishing, and local government. q Services: Public school, Community Health Representatives and social services are available from Behchoko; and medical services are available from Behchoko. RCMP service is available from Whati, q Geology/Terrain: The Hamlet lies within the zone of discontinuous permafrost. In general, the topography consists of SE-NW linear trenching, steep sloping rock ridges with wide areas of marsh, bog, and wetlands. The ridges can range from between 40-50 meters above the surrounding terrain. South of the airport access road, the terrain is predominately sand hills and steep terraces over bedrock. The topography east of the community airport is rolling and hummocky with numerous, elongated, bedrock ridges. The settlement is situated on a raised terrace that stretches along a rocky shoreline and composed mostly of sand and coarse gravel (till). This relatively level terrace extends from the lake for 300 plus meters before ending below a series of steep bedrock ridges. Between the bedrock ridges and within low lying areas, a thick organic mat over a meter thick has formed over poorly drained sandy till, which in turn is underlain by bedrock. Lawork%99000N§9315103-ftepopt%070711 Wekwaeti Water Liconca backIrcund r pott.doc.2 A tQCQ International Ltd. Company Water Licence Background Report Tlicho Community Government of Wekweeti, NT 2007 x i 1 s, t {; r ^^ ^z^ ^^F y t
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