Sukkot Guide to Tefillah at Home and Halachic Times Friday Night, October 2nd; Erev Sukkot ● Candle lighting should take place 18 minutes before sundown at 6:47pm. The beracha .להדליק נר של שבת ושל יום טוב should conclude ● Weekday Mincha should be completed before sundown 7:05pm. First Day of Sukkot Friday Night .is recited that begins with Mizmor Shir L’Yom HaShabbat קבלת שבת An abridged ● BaMeh Madlikin should also be omitted. .are recited before the Amidah וידבר and ושמרו Both ● ● Ma’ariv Amidah for Yom Tov with proper insertions for Shabbat and Sukkot. ● Vayechulu is recited after the Amidah (omitting the beracha “Magen Avot”) followed by Aleinu and L’David. ● Kiddush should not take place before nightfall (7:40pm). ● Kiddush for Yom Tov with proper Shabbat and Sukkot insertions. Kiddush begins with Leishev BaSukkah is recited followed by ,מקדש השבת וישראל והזמנים After .יום הששי Shehechiyanu. ● In the event of rain: ○ If possible, one should wait an hour or two for the rain to stop in order recite a complete Kiddush. ○ If the rain does not stop, one recites Kiddush in the sukkah (without the beracha of Leishev BaSukkah) and then wash, recites HaMotzi and eats a kezayit of bread in the sukkah. ○ The rest of the meal continues in the house. ○ If one has an opportunity to eat in the sukkah after the rain stops, even if it is after Birkat HaMazon, one should return to the sukkah, wash, recite Leishev BaSukkah and eat at least a k’beitzah of bread and recite Birkat HaMazon again. ● Birkat HaMazon should include the insertions for Shabbat and Sukkot. Daytime ● Pesukei D’Zimra for Yom Tov .(הכל יודוך) Birchot Keriat Sh’ma for Shabbat ● ● Sof Zeman Kriyat Shema: 10:11 am ● Shacharit Amidah for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Shabbat and Sukkot. ● Sof Zman Tefilah: 11:11 am ● The lulav and esrog are not taken on Shabbat. ● Full Hallel is recited. ● The Torah reading for the first day is Vayikra 22:26-23:44, the maftir is Bamidbar 29:12- 16 and the haftarah is from Zechariah 14:1-21. ● Mussaf Amidah for Yom Tov with proper insertions for Shabbat and Sukkot. ● Hoshanot can be recited without a minyan. One remains in place when reciting is אום נצורה ,Hoshanot on Shabbat (and when reciting without a minyan). On the first day recited. ● Mincha Amidah for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Shabbat and Sukkot. Mincha should be recited after 1:39 pm and before shekiyah (sunset) which is at 7:04pm. ● Seudah Shlishit should ideally be eaten before the tenth hour (5:35pm) and preferably after reciting Mincha. If one did not do so, one may eat seudah shlishis until sunset. ● Preparations for the second day may not begin until nightfall (7:43pm). Second Day of Sukkot Saturday Night ● Candle lighting must be performed after nightfall (7:43pm). ● Ma’ariv should be recited after nightfall. .ותודיענו Ma’ariv for Yom Tov with insertions for Sukkot includes ● ● Kiddush for Yom Tov includes Meorei Ha’Eish, Havdalah, Shehechiyanu and Leishev .(יקנהז"ס) BaSukkah ● In the event of rain: ○ It is preferable to wait a short amount of time for the rain to stop. ○ There is no requirement to recite kiddush in the sukkah in the rain. One can start the meal indoors. ○ At some point during the meal, if the rain has not stopped, one should eat a k’zayit of bread in the sukkah without reciting Leishev BaSukkah. ○ If the rain stops, one should go out to the sukkah, recite Leishev baSukkah and eat a k’beitzah of bread. ● Birkat HaMazon should include the insertions for Sukkot. Daytime ● Pesukei D’Zimra for Yom Tov .(המאיר לארץ) Birchot Keriat Sh’ma for weekday ● ● Shacharit Amidah for Yom Tov with proper insertions for Sukkot. ● The four species are taken before Hallel. Two berachot are recited: Al Netilat Lulav and Shehechiyanu. ● Instructions for shaking lulav (applies throughout Sukkot): ○ Before reciting the beracha, the etrog is held upside down in the left hand. The lulav, hadasim and aravot are held in the right hand. The beracha (or berachot) is recited and then the etrog is turned to the upright position. One then shakes the lulav. ○ Ashkenazi practice for shaking the lulav is as follows: one faces east and moves the four species back and forth three times, preferably while shaking the leaves. One then repeats this (in a clockwise direction) shaking three times towards the south, west, north, up and down. ○ An individual reciting Hallel at home shakes the lulav at (first) Hodu one time, two .and then two times at the ending Hodu אנא ה' times at ● Full Hallel is recited. ● The Torah reading for the second day is Vayikra 22:26-23:44, the maftir is Bamidbar 29:12-16 and the haftarah is from Melachim I 8:2-8:21. ● Mussaf Amidah for Yom Tov with proper insertions for Sukkot. ● Hoshanot can be recited without a minyan. One remains in place, holding the lulav and is למען אמיתך ,etrog, when reciting Hoshanot without a minyan. On the second day recited. ● Mincha Amidah for Yom Tov with proper insertions for Sukkot. Motzaei Yom Tov ● Yom Tov concludes at nightfall 7:43pm. ● Weekday Amidah for Ma’ariv should be recited including Atah Chonantanu and Ya’aleh V’Yavo. ● Havdalah consists of two berachos: HaGafen and HaMavdil (no besamim or eish). It should be recited in the sukkah. If one isn’t planning on eating in the sukkah after Havdalah, Leishev BaSukkah should not be recited. Chol HaMoed Shacharit, Mincha and Ma’ariv include Ya’aleh V’Yavo in the Amidah. Lamenatzeach and Tachanun are not recited on Chol HaMoed. The four species are taken before Hallel. Full Hallel is recited every day of Sukkot after Shacharit. The Torah Reading for Chol HaMoed is as follows: o Monday: Bamidbar 29:17-25 o Tuesday: Bamidbar 29:20-28 o Wednesday: Bamidbar 29:23-31 o Thursday: Bamidbar 29:26-34 Yom Tov Mussaf is recited each day with the proper insertions for the particular day of Chol HaMoed. Hoshanot can be recited without a minyan. One remains in place. Holding lulav and etrog, when reciting Hoshanot without a minyan. The following paragraphs are recited: אערוך שועי :o Monday אבן שתיה :o Tuesday ק-ל למושעות :o Wednesday אדון המושיע :o Thursday Friday October 9th; Hoshana Rabbah; Erev Yom Tov Morning Services turn to ,מזמור לתודה Pesukei D’Zimra includes sections from Shabbos/Yom Tov. After ה' מלך through למנצח מזמור לדוד Shabbat/Yom Tov Pesukei D’Zimra and recite from .יהי כבוד Then return to weekday Pesukei D’Zimra and continue with .גאות לבש Shir Hama’alot is recited after Yishtabach. Weekday Amidah for Shacharit including Ya’aleh V’Yavo. The four species are taken before Hallel. Full Hallel is recited. Torah reading for Hoshana Rabbah is Bamidbar 29:26-34. Yom Tov Mussaf with the proper insertions for Hoshana Rabbah. Hoshanot can be recited without a minyan. One remains in place, holding lulav and etrog, when reciting Hoshanot without a minyan. At the end of the Hoshanot, one puts down the four species and takes the aravot bundle and beats them on the ground five times. .אין כא-לקינו, עלינו, שיר של יום, לדוד, אדון עולם Davening concludes with ● Candle lighting should take place 18 minutes before sundown at 6:40pm. The beracha .להדליק נר של שבת ושל יום טוב should conclude ● Weekday Mincha should be completed before sundown 6:58 pm. Shemini Atzeret Friday Night, October 9th .is recited that begins with Mizmor Shir L’Yom HaShabbat קבלת שבת An abridged ● BaMeh Madlikin should also be omitted. .are recited before the Amidah וידבר and ושמרו Both ● ● Ma’ariv Amidah for Yom Tov with proper insertions for Shabbat and Shemini Atzeret. ● Vayechulu is recited after the Amidah (omitting the beracha “Magen Avot”) followed by Aleinu and L’Dovid. ● In the Diaspora, the Shemini Atzeres meals take place in the Sukkah. One does not recite Leishev BaSukkah on Shemini Atzeret. ● It is preferable to wait until nightfall (7:33pm) to begin Kiddush. ● Kiddush for Yom Tov with proper Shabbat and Shemini Atzeret insertions. Kiddush .Shehechiyanu is recited ,מקדש השבת וישראל והזמנים After .יום הששי begins with ● In the event of rain, one may eat indoors. There is no special requirement to recite Kiddush or eat bread in the sukkah when it is raining. ● Birkat HaMazon should include the insertions for Shabbat and Shemini Atzeret. Daytime ● Pesukei D’Zimra for Yom Tov .(הכל יודוך) Birchot Keriat Sh’ma for Shabbat ● ● Shacharit Amidah for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Shabbat and Shemini Atzeret. ● Full Hallel is recited. ● The Torah reading for Shemini Atzeret is Devarim 14:22-16:17, the maftir is Bamidbar 29:35-30:1 and the haftarah is from Melachim I 8:54–9:1. ● Yizkor can be recited without a minyan. One should make sure to pledge money to tzedakah before reciting Yizkor. While not .משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם At Mussaf of Shemini Atzeret we begin reciting ● required, an individual davening at home may recite Tefillas Geshem. However, the does not take effect until the congregation recites Tefillat משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם switch to Geshem. Therefore, an individual davening at home should wait to recite Mussaf until at least one of the minyanim in the community has reached Mussaf (which as it משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם approximately 8:30am). At that point, this individual should recite during the Mussaf Amidah. ● Mussaf Amidah for Yom Tov with proper insertions for Shabbat and Shemini Atzeret. ● Mincha Amidah for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Shabbat and Shemini Atzeret.
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