I I WEDNESDAY^ OCTOBER U, 1961 ^antlt^Bter Cn^ning Arerage Daily Net Praaa Ron JL For the Week XadMl I Ootobar tl, ItOt . -i: ' '■> ?>'■": 13,400 MiMy fair,. <mm ^ d a y s r s <*A AAAIN STREET Meatbar «f tlie AoSU as-4a. raaay BoraMi « t Oiradattoe iimiB aad eaaL High aiialtf lagB. 1 ^ 0 A.M. *0 5:45 P.M. MANCHESTER Mmehe§ter^A City of Viilage Charpi tl^riday* ttll ^:00 P.M. Phone Ml 3-4123 VOL. LXXXI, NO. 22 , (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1961 .(CSaaatfM Aavertliliig «a Faga 18) PRICE n V B CENTS RiaFAlUCING roar of stor. Phone Coa Cites State News Roundup Health Service Sets Policy Jump in Costs AEC' Consultant Disputes CD on Hartford, Oct. 26 (/P)— Theaprioa reduction reeulUng In $30 mll- PLUS VALUABLE GREEN STAMPS Southem New England Tele­ lion savings in phone equipment to Cellar Shelters phone Co. presented exhibits Bell System companies annually For F allout Check, Guards was put into effect July 1. today to show the rise in cost Commissioner Wallace A. Burke Fairfield, Oct. 26 (4V~A of its "equipment and building asked If there' was any contract vote against using the base­ in recent years. requiring SNETCO to buy West­ THIS COUPON IS WORTH ern Electric equipment. ment as a place for a fallout Mystery Holds The exhibits were offered before ■ .... the sUte Ihibllc Utilities Com­ "We have to furnish (if they shelter has been cast by Dr. i : mission hearing on its proposed want it), but SNETCO does not John Heller, director for the Denies Levels Today 500 Increase In phone rates. have to buy It.” Davia replied. New England Institute fqr Over Missing Clarence J. Wlnkel, general field Price manager Robert W. Davjs Medical Research and a con­ EXTRA S&H GREEN STAMPS OUR NEWEST Wuiikop ik a . ..... of Western Electric Co., which superintendent and assistant vice eupplies practically all of the tele­ president of the American Apprais­ sultant to the Atomic Energy Young Mother CauseI for Concern phone equipment used by SNETCO, al Ck>., Milwaukee, Wis., presented Commission. statistics on building material cost with an accumulated cash purchase of 20.00,or'more! was pressed by th e. PUC on the In an addreas last night to about Lincoln, Mass., Oct. 26 (JF) pricing policies of his company. in Connecticut. • 300 persons. Including many muni­ Washington, Oct. 26 (JP)—The Public Health Service, in an • clip out this coupon Asked by chief counsel Samuel His exhibit included price rises cipal officials and Civil Defense —M.vstery surrounding the extraordinary session, outlined today to health officers from STYLED WITH FLAIR FOR THE PACE SETTING Kanell of the PUC U Western Elec­ personnel from Fairfield and other baffling disappearance of the every state its nuclear fallout surveillance and protection • present it at our stamp desk with your sales slips tric’s pricing policies were the in­ (Coattnaed gb PagB S ii) nearby towns, Heller recommend­ wife of a Fitchburg paper policies. sult of competition, Davis replied; ed that shelters be constructed company executive heighten­ o receive 600 bonus stamps in addition to your regular "We take Into consideration outside the house. The service made public a background statement as a 2- COATS stamps 'YOUNG SET' prices available from other sup­ He said the type of basement ed today with the finding of day meeting, which it called, heand a summary of develop­ pliers. Our’s are usually substan­ New England's A elter being promoted by Civil bloodstained rags and paper ments to date and an outline of 'what it is hoped the states LIM IT: 1 to a customer tially below the others." Defense officials would offer little towels in the couple’s home. will cooperate in doing. Asked what per cent of the mar­ protection against such a weapon ket for phone equipment Western Mrs. Joan Rlsch. 30, vanished The sessions are closed to newsmen. Values to 49.99 ^ ^ GOOD ONLY THURSDAY. OCT. 26, 1961 Trainmen Plan as a 100-megaton bomb. from her neat (Jape Cod-type Electric controls, he said; "A In addition, heat waves from a The background statement opened this way: 6 12,99 to 19,99 latee portion." house on the edge of suburbia nuclear blast could easily set fire woodlands Tue.sday. Blood 'stained “Fallout levels resulting up until now within the United His exhibit showed that local One-Day Strike to curtains or other above-ground equipment in « the floor and a ivall near a tele­ States from the new series of Soviet nuclear teats do not war­ left; . 17.ee In black parts of a house and touch off a phone which had been ripped from rant undue public concern, nor initiation of public health fic­ typical oftlce of the "Bell Sys­ blaze that would destroy the en­ or brown Mif. cuah- tem" (of which SNETCO is a Garden <3ity, N. Y., Oct. 26 (AV- the wall. tion designed to limit intake of radioactive materials by fai- member) rose 6 per cent In prici tire structure, he said. Lt. Det. George Hamols of the lon Insole and arch. Newsday quoted railway trainmen . "Those people In basement shel­ dividuals or large population groups In any part of the coun­ from Jan. 1, 1969 to Jan. 1, 1960. leaders today as saying trainmen State Police said the bloodstained A comiMmy spokesman explalne.1 ters could be Incinerated,” he said. rags and towels Indicated an at­ try. NOW right: 12.ee ^ black that this type of equipment la ths on Long Island and in New Eng­ Heller also urged that neighbor­ tempt had been made to clean up “However, present levels do not warrant continuous, In­ or brown moc ox­ major portion of phone equipment land will stage a one-day work hood shelters be built instead of the mesa. ford. stoppage on some Monday soon to Individual shelters. The cost per tensive surveillance by federal, state and local govemmenta In use In Connecticut. Hamols planned to go to Con­ and consideration of protective measures which might be Chairman Eugene 8 Lpughlln arouse the public to the financial family would be less and there would be more skills available for necticut to check Mrs. RLach’s taken if they should be found necessary." Listen to Kathy Godfrey asked whether a price reduction, straits of the rallorads. background, friends and acquain­ put into effect by Western Elec­ The railroads listed are the Long coping with emergencies, he said. Copies of the statement weroA WINF-CBS, Manchester, Island, the New Haven, the New ■Tt is difficult,he said, "to tances. The Risch’s lived In given those in the meeting. A tric this year, was the result of a Ridgefield, Conn., before coming 1:10 p.m. Monday thru threat of an Investigation of phone York Central operations In New face disaster lone." spokesman explained the state here seven months ago. officials were called in to consider Saturday. Contest Every equipment prices by the National England and the Boston and Two earlier clues—a fingerprint Sponsors Push Association of Railroad and Utility Maine. Pure Quackery* cooperative activities because the Day. Commissioners, to which the state Those quoted are Harold J. taken near the wall telephone and Hartford, Oct. 26 (>P)—A State an automobile reportedly, seen In Public Health Service has no PUC members belong. Pryor, head of the ' Trainmen’s Health Department official said authority to taka action within in­ UN Appeal for Davjs would not say whether the Long Island Railroad Lodge; the Rlsch driveway — appeared to today there was "no appreciable be washed out today. dividual states and the states also reduction was the result of the danger” from fallout in the state have the manpower to carry out threatened Inquiry, but said that a (Continued on Page Ihght) State Police chemists said the Big Bomb Ban a result of recent nuclear ex­ print apparently -was that of a activities in Uie field. plosions in Russia. member of the family and the The statement .was prepared tweeds long coats Dr. Harold S. Barrett, deputy automobile might have been a po­ before any reports had beun re- United Nations, N. Y., Oct 28 Gromyko Says Rusk Willing state health commissioner, said lice cruiser tta t responded after celvttd of any upward swing In (IF)—Sponsdrs of a resolution Ap­ the weather pattern would Influ­ Mrs. Risch's disappearance was the gross beta radioctiirity In the pealing to Russia to cancel a 50- ence the amount of fallout In Con­ reported. atmosphere in this country as a megaton bomb test acted todiw to pile lined short coats necticut. PoHoe questioned a young man result of Monday's Soviet blast in get another vote of support t n m Barrett said that' because of for several hours dining the night. the 30 to 50-ihegaton range. the General Assembly tomorrow- public concern "certain elements Irwin Firestone, right, a representative of the U.S. commandant informed sources sold tbs eight Soviet Still Seeking They would not disclose whether in Berlin, talks with newsmen on returning to the western sec­ Before, the session started. Dr. have been advocating special tab­ he was being' held or had been sponsors had sent ths assembly a lets or vitamins or other forms of tor of the city from East Berlin today. He had ieen turned back Francis J. Weber, .chief of the action released. Radiological Health Division, said request for immediate plaids solids medication" as a source of protec­ the first time by East German police when he tried to enter 'the through Mario Amadeo of A n m - Blood found on the fioor and eastern sector on official business.
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