Aaklepieion is a word derived from lhe name of Aesculapius, the Greek god of medicine and hffl­ ing. Aescodapio•s was hOnO<ed and -pped throughout the Greek world by petSOllS aeel<ing the healing powers of the p/lyalcian. Temples were erected in honor of Aesculapius near he• Ing springs or high mounlains. Those who wor· shipped him were known as Aescutapae. ~ fore, the temples in his honor were known as Aescutapions (AsklepieionS). In the anaent city of Memphis, on the Nile River, there was a temple where people went for wonhlp and for care. In our own city of Memphis, on the Mississippi Riv· er, people come to our Asklepieion for heafing and care. Sill Robinson Associate Vice ProvOSt Student Servloes I ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--------------------------.................... There really is Top left: P-1 Ambef Gtaves(lef1) and P-2AmyMatl<et(rlgll1) mal<a • big Sj)lash 111 Phi Delta Chi rush petty. Lo-left: Classmates Jldde Woods (lell) Ind Angola Marascalco (right) aeate last>ng rnornortN 1111>1 Colllge of Denusb'y Christmas pany. Top Right It It plggyb9clt r.iays, or ere Lori Lee (on top) and Jonathan B<xclette (on bottom)juSt horsing around 11 Mayfest? Lower Right Preper1ng tor 11>1 labor Day Canoe tnp are Jorge Salazar (M-3), Lari Gonye1 (Social W0<1<) Ind Bridgett Beaty (fnend). AFTER CLASS There realty Is life after class. a few close friends to go to a Sitting stiU for several hours each movie or watch a video. day llslenlng to lectures, doing lab There Is mucll more to an ed­ w()(k, caring for patients In the ucation on this campus than fust Top I.ell: Hot plzu, COi<! drlnkt and fun friends - tile clinics, or reviewing texts and leamlng about our lndivklual dis­ r>erlact <>Omblnatlon. Lower L•lt: Ira admltable to conserve notes for hours on end will make ciplines. There's a tot to learn w11or, but ladles, don't you tNnk you'r• C411ylf19 It e lltUe you want to do something which about people besides whet goes far? Fouroome In tile ~r Include: Beth Anderson P requires no serious thinking. It on inside their bodies. There's a Mary u .. PIVRll>f (P-t). S11annan Eade• (P-1) end b~ makes you want to have fun. And lot to learn about ourselves by ~"mon (P·t). Right Nuralng llU<lent Mele~le Maynor fun we have! being with others, spending time ~-ea. retUes •nd rolls to "1n • prltt at Lueu '91 . There ere lots of opportunities with family or friends, and making at UT Memphis for picnics, par­ time to have a life outside of ties, canoe trips, showers togeth­ classes or cllnlcs. 2 r (?), or fust getting together with 3 PIECING rt al Campus Life 2 TOGETHER Allied Health Sciences 34 The ttudeflt e•perience at UT Memphi• lend• itself wel 10 Che Iheme ol lhe 1992 Asklopie10~0Pioclng It al Tog-: Day by 6-f, week by W-. yeat by year, we !Mm more about lhe intlaelet ol "8 ho.man mind, body ard '°"' Every bit ol lu 10wlodge gwied os like a,,_. ol a ma..,.. punlo Care­ ~. wa plaoa 9acl> poece, methodcalycomplallng lhe puzzle ol ow cno..n cfiscoplne. Dentistry 0..1$oda ol ow acedamice-•... we'le poeang togethe< 58 anoNhugopuzzleweca11lla." Ther.. redeca..,.stomake . goals IO reach. relatJOMhips to nurturti, heahh IO main1ain. and rospon•IOlli11G110 lulfil. We encounter many obstaclfl in'"" quell IO plooe rt all IOge!h«. Al dmes 11 seam• like lhore are piece• ml»ing lrom lhe puzzle and we don'I loel complete. Olhor dme1, lhore seem to be too ""'"Y piooos 10 fit, yel somehow ii all Homs IO wottc togelher Graduate Health Sciences 92 Tho<e 11 a point., our e~wllon lh"'o puzzles begin IO IMSh IO lonn Ot>e g..,,1 puzzle As our prole&llonel puzzle becomesmorerMlanddefined.owilepuulebecomesapart ol11all ..,_oiedandin-ted Alhe8lflcarepmlession­ all. we Ila,. a Hatwne commomor1t andal 0.1 we dod row be. part ol lhal puzzle. As we aj)pl08dl ~auon ahor yeara ol piecsig i1 al logtlher, we realae lhat lhe puzzle wil go on lcrevor, each Medicine 108 poece .,.. r1oc1ung wilh Ille next, as we grow and e•perience new Ideas, new aclvancements and new people along our lifelong journey •• hoallh care prolou•onals Nursing 166 Pharmacy 190 Social Work 220 Velcome to the Monster Mash Top Lett Herman Munster (ellal Bnt Bowws) • ._ out on wife Uy WICll Rizzo (Lilas Lara Gonyea-SW) Top Right Anothlt EMs s.ghllng - or IS It Nell Atchlly (M·2)'l S-Johnton .,., Mthony Moretta pose !c< a sou­ Yenir s._r.ot wlCh The King c.niv. Roc:lun" Around Cho Chrtstmas Tree (LOSll• V•ught) .,. L to A: Ivy cru.. Crisbn McPllenon end Jimmy Hawlons. Left 8"tlojt.llce, 8"ll1Julc:e, ~uoctl J.m MocOON!d ls released just in time to pa11y wlCh o.no McClea,..,, 6 7 . ~ The °"""""ICIL8ft: I.My • - _.(1).3) M LUAU - °91""'. - crowd L.8ft:LIDll: ~- ~­ Alpe ....... ond - SN.-.. -­ "" .,_-- · -IOperlonn- (.-- -1lol< - Mb -...,_, Rais... DoyDondlya TOI- ,.,,.,""- - ___10 Dr- CIWll JeffChlir> K S- .,_°' .... _ ID,.. a C01m111a... ontheatMt - Medlcel .-. EO Saic.do portorm1 a pappy reno1t1on ot "Ta,_11• e1 Tei.nl Show ·91 TFINA• O...-ton'"'-!_..,,.,______ ., ... .._ .... Of .. Blndt' et \'Jedi 11 ~- lwtldM, to ...... .. 11 10 ......°""""-°"""·___ -.--11'.a)_Ed °"*---- _ _ ..._ _,,._.. 12 13 • left Roy HllClson (0-3) clrll1 and Mo in Ille Dum Dental Cllnlc. Below: Tat... Campbel (MRA) makeS a 1811 minute 8"'US1mlnt IO he< mortar boatO bef°"' llr*lg up., .......... _\ Lower A Class Act l.elt Tha Peabody - a 9'uMing bac1<0op lot~ 1991COUWllOi__,1.wt\llCl>eno­ Jin J90l ~ lne W11Y The Ultimate Goal - walking down the aisle to receive your dlplomal It seemed so difficult when we llrst entered UT Memphis. It seemed like It would teke forever to reach graduation day. So much has happened. Think of the hundreds of hours we spent In lectures, classrooms, labs Above: Lon Allman takao a breather and clinics. The procedures we had to over and from examon1ng '-' Cyto llode1 Up­ do per flight M-2 CM11op1>er Cox allll over and over again until we had It down perfect. 1mu1ng w•lh an all-nighte< ahHd. i.. No one said it would be easy and It wasn't. But we l'o<e the big micro tHt Right l.bann have grown 1n so many ways - academically, Masaey and Nancy~ show ott ~ ~...- preoentatoon at a Cot· socially, emobonally, spiritually, and mentally. We ieg. of Nurstng CX>nfa<enoa In Ille are an better off because of our experiences here. SAC People are g<>lng to trust us with their care. We have to do 1t nght. We have to do it to the best of our abtl1bes. This is what we have been taught to do. This Is what we wlll do. 14 15 w rn tll!IO . .,. IMHOTEP Sooety-... Wt oflcW SGAEC #ld~~Ql'tOll'llput. lo'IN put • The SbJdent Gove<M>ent Association E.<ecutiVe Councll (SGAEC) Is en organization poilil ot honomg $1Udtnca, faculty. ttd. tl1d Mll'ftl'tl deslaned tor-tall Mgments of our divttM student body here at UT Memphcs. WflO ,_.,., ~ QJo Ill b-1 •ID tll.ldlrlc Ir.~ SGAloC members sarw on and appoint ~ students to ..,... on ...i-sity com­ ...... Pl'oceMetUT~lll:wn~ mittees It II - to Insure that the a~ YOico Is heard and eons.de<ed in '* lNtf'/ tft.IOWlt liMder'a.. In ~ .,... tune- '°"' ""° ,,, g ...... _,. ,..,,. sai:nlk:«I ftlgf'I fonnullllnQ newpoliclos and matung dlclsloi• Wiii upont olCOOP«ation. the 1991. ~==• .,., ...... ..., ...Odl'IOtt ...... 92 SGAEC bonded togelhl< to promoi. inlMMta. - · and~ important IO us eccv'*>• ll'wo.lgh ..._ ~ ~ ... 111. we oonnnued II the tradi- aclMl>lo of po11 SGAEC'a, lncludirlQ supponing the ~ flQnor" ...... b tm;ti-.-.....:: ~ Church HNl1ll Center u .-~ ~opy. but our counc:;111so lorged Into new -. areas oomrMtod ID illcrUM ~- end - a more 1»«tM1 role in 'M* ... ~ ~Of N $ocllcy • ID -t.ng ltudenla. ~n:i~__......... .,,.,~ The SGAEC bogen jM,ilhOng 1 monev., ,_ in Ille SIDdent l.lfelmo and held the Oft~ · ~~ -tolftlpr9 ........tg ~.......,_*'Id~ rClllt ....... °' 11rs1 annual Studont ~ FONm. Tho SGAEC "* - UT President Ot. Joe .. ..._..., Johnson and diaa11Sld - ..... inducMg - ,. • t\.ndlng ol hlglw ecl>cation, end co19co.1c11111 The SGAEC tb•'ll~oed '9illiorla wfttl the faculty and worked wfttl F*"Aly Sonoi. - and the a..-. ID c1t¥e1o9 and establish T811Ching E• c•• I a Awards In an effort to poteCt our ........ Oi,. ... and lnctea.se " 8111h COl1$Cloulnou, the SGAEC !UchUod C111 recyc1ng ~ and mtYed discusllOnl of a unNoral!y rocya,ng program PwsorW safety awareneu was promoted by the SGAEC lhrougll lhl "*"""*'tor a urweraity Student Safety Commiaee and Iha aclditlon of N "-• Line, • dlllY crime report which is posted In various buildings llCtOS9 t>o c:empua. Tho Councl( also poMlCipated in the de:'*'' of plans ID remodel and roll.<bllll student study areas around campus. parucuar1y Iha Independent study arus In lhe GEB. New IOdal events this year Included !ho --r Pol>Ular and entet1alnu>g Ft.11 Fllc:l<I Videos and Special UT Nights with cno ~ and lhe Rocl<tr1 Many ocnar ICIMties and projects des!Qned ID Improve Iha quality of Me for ove<yone here at UT Mempllls, were sponsorail by the SGAEC this year. On behatt of lhe Counclt, h haa been 1 pleasure rlj)resenting and S8<Vlng you this year. f slnoarely lhenk our admlnlstrotlon, staff, faculty, and atudents, woo ha.-.
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