Huachuca, Fort Arizona THE APACHE SENTINEL, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1945- Page Five The Dumborton Oaks Pro osals Cue Master Will i 1 ! Play Here Next Week I INTHfNAUONAI COURT H GENERAL II i- SECURITY "t* i When Andrew Ponzi of Philadel- fundamentals of good billiards, and phia comes to Port Huachuca on reveal an assortment cf trick shots Tuesday, May Ist, with his bag of that are bcth amazing and highly billiard playing tricks, officers and entertaining. enlisted men will see a fellow who Ponzi, who will play against the learned to play pocket billiards with best competition we can muster, a broken arm, and who, although he demonstrates the fundamentals of was blind for six months during his billiard achievement winds up captured the his exhibition with a of boyhood, championship variety — ***^*™ trick ¦^ mmim» 9K of the world in a sport that requires shots, is hailed as one of the most ECONOMIC very keen eyesight. , daring players in the game and as a fellow The interesting story of Andrew who specializes in high runs. ~ Ponzi relates that he lost his sight He set a world’s record, Which still |' COUNCIL SECRETARIAT H’ j ill when a boy of eight years, regaining stands, in 1935, when he pocketed |:|| COMMITTEE 7." 111 " J" 1 mmmmmmmmmimmmmJf- j SECRETARY ||§ mmmmmmmmmmrn ' I REGIONAL » 7 u .. I arrangements >¦ •• & : ••r.-' ¦=:. i ' ? AGENCIES i * S* INTERNATIONAL LABOR L u INTERNATIONAL I !&.> £%¦ :C'! '=£ '• V-: j-X-; X|X;H :T ' * m ORGANIZATION E !5 MONETARY FUND I ¦ \ ? ..,*$ o. X ;*¦. rnmxmrtsm wiwbbwha.u*; •>•«»'<¦' .u". • Mr *, b 1 ~ 1 S;‘ |: UNITED NATIONS FOOD ANO L & INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR I <•' ,' ] ** Ilf " AI» m AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION f! RECONSTRUCTION 0 DEVELOPMENT 1'• .y J NATIONAL 5X |:i«aiiJiuuu'A.i-JU. j. 1.U1.1 1.. , IJ, :::>!.-.Ji^,u.4,,AULLaT,-.,,ini.u,i ' f ">X ..? ." • • CONTINGENTS Os SEA |MS,B SgMSfIL ' ' S sJR ¦ !°”rarar W othcreconom.cagenc.es } ARWED FORCES ;! "• * •, .• ••. v • _ tJHW t: ."i H IhII This chart shows the framework for a World tion. The proposals are not binding and be ... may jfflMHMiMBi Security Organization as outlined in the Dumbarton amended by the delegates to the San Francisco Oaks Proposals—a series of recommendations agreed Conference. The Proposals for Regional Security upon by representatives of the United States, Great Arrangements and Agencies; National Contingents Britain, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and of Armed Forces and the 6 sub-divisions under the China in October, 1944. On April 25, at San Fran- Economic and Social Council (as shown in the * of more than Na- v * cisco, representatives 40 United chart) were tentative and the matter was ** j‘ ji * m |pp|| / left m 111 B I tions met to consider these proposals and to largely in the hands of the delegates. draft a charter for the World Security Organiza- YANK Tells ! VetWhoGotNo.l Business Loan Os Gl Racket Tells Servicemen How It's Done % NEW most complete YORK—The Arlington, Va. (ACS) —Thiie first ex-serviceman to secure report to date on the GI racketeers j who worked with the French Black a business loan under the GI Bil11 is a 26-year-old veteran who ;;. Market is featured in the May 4th , jis starting a meat distribution bu isiness. * issue of YANK, The Army Weekly. 1 He’s Jack C. Breeden, who) received a medical discharge Reading like a gangster novel of last December after three yean s of service, during which he the twenties, YANK’s article de- collected four campaign stars forr the Pacific, scribes the methods used by the action in news Army’s Criminal Investigation Divi- Interviewed for Army spapers, Breeden gave a first- sion (CID) men in tracking down hand account of how an ex-GI gcoes about borrowing the money the gangs of AWOLs who did a mil- <S>, "to set up shop. He went to lion dollar business in stolen GI sup- plies and gasoline. work on the loan immediately The GI mobsters used all the Beer Bottle upon discharge. tricks of the old prohibition gangs “But it really began before plus a few more twists of their own I that,” explains the young busi- including the French equivalent of Round-Up » : ! ness man. “I started by saving American gun molls, who assisted in i money helped The sale of Rainier Beer is be- while in the service. It making deals for the stolen supplies, i me to get started and it naturally W ¥'kJ Gang reached ing discontinued in all PXs on 1 ~ wHKmMz, organization its the Post, Captain Carl Saber, PX came in handy while I was treading highest level of perfection in the so- : J water waiting for the loan to go called Vincennes gang, which was Officer, announced this week, | and the cooperation residents through. If you want to know, I used directed by an AWOL medic with a | of 1 is requested in returning at once to bank S4O a month besides carry- powerful imagination. Posing as an 1 ing an and up all empty Rainier bottles and : allotment full insurance.” MP lieutenant, he rounded some j Outlining the procedure ob- ! cases. for AWOLs in a Montmartre bar and taining a GI loan, Breeden pointed It six months later due to a sur- 153 balls in succession during a told them that they faced death by ! Bottles and cases will be ac- \ out that as far as the banks and the geon’s skill. It was nine years later, world’s challenge match with Erwin for Then he re- i cepted at the Post Exchange Gro- 1 several hanging desertion. ( government are concerned, the con- lfbwever, before he began to play j Rudolph. On occasions, he They looked like ! eery Store, and those possessing it has counted than lented. pretty good siderations are the same as those pocket billiards and was a broken more 200 consecu- bo#s, he said, and if they did him a ! these items are urged to turn that introduced him to the | tive balls in exhibition play, and i them in as as possible so involved in any commercial loan. arm- favor he’d be willing to let them go. j rapidly said, game. only last December, he ran that they may be returned to the “First,” he “the bank dis- 131 The favor was to drive his tracks j you—- ! against Irving Crane, successfully Rainier cusses the proposition with Andy that he was a mes- and join his “outfit.” Thoroughly manufacturers of Beer. whole recalls withstanding the latter’s challenge and cases both and you want to have the senger boy in Philadelphia, and one scared, they agreed. Bottles are lay it be- for the title. Last March, in a match scarce commodities, and of i thing planned so you can day he stuck his arm out of a Street Little by little this boss added to lovers Then, for with Willie Mosconi, Ponzi had high suds would do to see i fore them. after sending car window, only to have a truck his T/O until he had from 60 to 70 well that your eligibility, they runs of 103, 101 and 98, remarkable they are so that more of i certificate of the arm against the side of men and from 20 to 30 trucks. The returned fill On this crush ! billiards when one considers the I the amber fluid may be delivered i give you a form to out. the With his arm in a cast, he ; outfit was conducted along strictly your estimated volume of car. ; safety requirements of title competi- for further guzzling. Let’s round you state whiled away his time in a church militaryj lines with reveille, special business, income taxes and operating I tion. orders, passes to town I up those Rainier bottles now, and recreation room, where he was ex- Ponzi’s show will I promotions, expenses for the coming year. You Soon, be well worth and duty rosters. It had everything, any other bottle that isn’t doing posed to pocket billiards. even He will and 1 also estimate salaries to be deducted was in a i seeing. challenge play in fact, except Good Conduct Medals any good just lieing around. though his right arm still the best players on the post and and what per cent can be classed as cast, beat all the other take ; and rotation. The men lived in a Andy could a few minutes to explain how profit. neighborhood shooting proper warehouse for four months without I kids in the handling of the cue improve i “The bank checks this and sends pockets. can ! the real MPs or the neighboring the gang was anything but a legiti- balls into anybody’s ability to drop balls into it to the RF’C, which examines it !j French civilians ever dreaming that mate military unit. From that unusual start, Ponzi pockets. His trick shot assortment is thoroughly to see if it’s sound. It went on to win the championship of ; one of the best in the business. I then goes to the Veterans Adminis- the world in pocket billiards on three Ponzi’s tour of Army, Navy, Ma- ! tration for final approval and 50% occasions. He is truly rine and Coast Guard bases is sanc- Here's Fire | guarantee of the loan, different one the Dope On New Bombs lot to do of the great cuemen of all time and tioned by the Billiard Association of By Camp Newspaper Service i . “Experience also has a show May Ist, will be America and is approved Here the with the application.
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