1934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 5827 3443. Also, petition of the Italian Chamber of Commerce Mr. LEWIS. I desire to announce the absence of the in New York urging favorable consideration of House bill Senator from North Carolina [Mr. BAILEY] on business of 8430; to the Committee on Ways and Means. necessity; the absence of the Senator from Ohio [Mr. 3444. Also, petition of the Greenpoint Metallic Bed Co., BULKLEY], I may say, out of domestic necessity; the absence Inc., Brooklyn, N.Y., opposing the enactment of the Wag­ of the Senator from Florida [Mr. TRAMMELL] and that of ner-Connery bills; to the Committee on Labor. the Senator from Mississippi [Mr. STEPHENS] and the Sen­ 3445. Also, petition of J. & J. Cash, Inc., South Norwalk, ator from Louisiana [Mr. LoNG], occa.sioned by necessity. Conn., opposing the Wagner-Connery bills; to the Commit­ I regret to announce that the Senator from Montana tee on Labor. [Mr. WHEELER] is detained from the Senate on account of 3446. Also, petition of the New York State Bankers' As­ illness. sociation, New York City, favoring the passage of Senate I ask that this announcement stand for the day. bill 3025; to the Committee on Banking and CUrrency. Mr. HEBERT. I desire to announce that the Senator 3447. Also, petition of the G. R .. Kinney Co., New York from West Virginia [Mr. HATFIELD] is necessarily detained City, opposing passage of the Fletcher-Rayburn stock ex­ from the Senate. change control bill; to the Committee on Interstate and The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-seven Senators have an­ Foreign Commerce. swered to their names. A quorum is present. 3448. Also, petition of the Allied Printing Trades Council ONE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH OF GENERAL of Greater New Yor~ favoring passage of the Wagner in­ LAFAYETTE-SPECIAL COMMITTEE dustrial disputes' bill; to the Committee on Labor. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair, under the authority 3449. By Mr. SMITH of West Virginia: Resolution of the Parkersburg Board of Commerce, Parkersburg, W.Va., of House Concurrent Resolution No. 26, appoints the Sen­ ator from Virginia [Mr. BYRD], the Senator from Arkansas protesting against the enactment of House bill 8423 and [Mr. ROBINSON], the Senator from Kentucky [Mr. BARKLEY], Senate bill 2926, known as the " Wagner-Connery bills "; to the Committee on Labor. the Senator from Ohio [Mr. FEssl, and the Senator from New Jersey [Mr. KEANJ as members on the part of the Sen­ 3450. By Mr. SNELL: Petition of the New York Telephone Co. employees relative to Wagner labor disputes' bill; to ate of the special congressional committee to make appro­ the Committee on Labor. priate arrangements for the commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the death of General Lafayette. 3451. Also, petition signed by employees of Algonquin Paper Corporation, of Ogdensbµrg, N.Y., for the Federal JOHN A. DONAHUE Government to enact immediate legislation that will protect As in executive session, the paper industry of this country against foreign impor­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Sen­ tations; to the Committee on Ways and Means. ate a message from the President of the United States, to 3452. By Mr. SUTPHIN: Petition of the Highway Com­ which he invites the attention of the Senator from Arkan­ mission of the State of New Jersey, urging consideration by sas [Mr. ROBINSON]. Congress of the Cartwright road bill; to the Committee on The legislative clerk read as follows: Roads. 3453. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Percapio Master et al., To the Senate: of Koloa Kauia, T.H., re Philippine independence; to the In compliance with the request of the Senate of March Committee on Insular Affairs. 29, 1934, I return herewith the resolution of the Senate of 3454. Also, petition of numerous citizens of Hawaii re February 20, 1934, advising and consenting to the appoint­ Philippine independence; to the Committee on Insular ment of John A. Donahue to be postmaster at New­ Affairs. burgh, N.Y. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. SENATE THE WmTE HousE, April 2. 1934. Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. I move that the confirma­ MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1934 tion of the nomination be reconsidered, and that the mes­ (Legislative day of Wednesday, Mar. 28, 1934> sage and nomination be referred to the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration of the recess. The motion was agreed to. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESmENT PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS Messages in writing from the President of the United The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the peti­ States were communicated to the Senate by Mr. Latta, one tion of Local Union No. 6846, United Mine Workers of of his secretaries. America, of Chicora, Pa., praying for the passage of Senate CALL OF THE ROLL bill 2926, providing for the settlement of disputes between Mr. LEWIS. I suggest the absence of a quorum, and ask employers and employees and to establish a national labor for a roll call. board, which was ref erred to the Committee on Education The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. and Labor. The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following He also laid before the Senate a resolution adopted by the Senators answered to their names: Architectural Guild of America favoring the passage of leg­ Adams Couzens Kean Reed islation providing a 30-hour work week for industry and Ashurst Davis Keyes Reynolds legislation providing for the settlement of disputes between Austin Dickinson King Robinson, Ark. Bachman Dieterich La Follette Robinson, Ind. employers and employees and to establish a national labor Bankhead Dill Lewis Russell board, which was referred to the Committee on Education Barbour Duffy Logan Schall and Labor. Barkley Erickson Lonergan Sheppard Black Fess McAdoo Shlpstead He also laid before the Senate a resolution adopted by the Bone Fletcher McCarran Smith Manufacturers' Association of Lancaster, Pa., and a telegram Borah Frazier McGill Steiwer Brown George McKellar Thomas, Okla.. from the Oil Well Supply Co., of Dallas, Tex., protesting Bulow Gibson McNary Thomas, Utah against the passage of legislation providing for the settle­ Byrd Glass Metcalf Thompson ment of disputes between employers and employees and to Byrnes Goldsborough Murphy Townsend Capper Gore Neely Tydings establish a national labor board, which were referred to Caraway Hale Norris Vandenberg the Committee on Education and Labor. Carey Harrison Nye VanNuys Clark Hastings O'Mahoney Wagner He also laid before the Senate a resolution adopted by Connally Hatch Overton Walcott the Medical Round Table, of Chicago, Ill., favoring relief Coolidge Hayden Patterson Walsh Copeland Hebert Pittman White of physicians by setting up a system whereby their debtors Costigan Johnson Pope may arrange long-term credits upon obligations discounted 5828 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE APRIL 2 at a low rate of interest by a Federal agency, which was re­ He also presented the memorial of L. H. Davenport, of ferred to the Committee on Banking and Currency. Enocks, Tex., remonstrating against the passage of legisla­ He also laid before the Senate telegrams in the nature tion relating to the cotton industry, which was ordered to of memorials from Webb Hilbert, of Katonah, and William lie on the table. P. Willetts, of Roslyn Heights, in the State of New York, Mr. CAPPER presented petitions numerously signed of remonstrating against the enactment of proposed legislation sundry citizens of Greenwich and Leavenworth, in the State to regulate stock exchanges, which were referred to the of Kansas, praying for the passage of legislation providing Committee on Banking and Currency. for the prompt payment of the so-called " soldiers' bonus ", He also laid before the Senate the memorial of Charles which were refeITed to the Committee on Finance. Muller, of New York City, remonstrating against the enact­ Mr. TYDINGS presented a memorial of sundry citizens ment of legislation providing for unconditional citizenship of Baltimore, Md., remonstrating against the passage of the to Prof. Albert Einstein, which was referred to the Com­ so-called "Fletcher-Rayburn stock-exchange control bill", mittee on Immigration. which was referred to the Committee on Banking and He also laid before the Senate telegrams from the speaker Currency. of the House of Representatives of the Territory of Hawaii He also presented a resolution adopted by the Woman's and from civic, business, and other organizations of Hawaii, Christian Temperance Union of Reisterstown, Md., favor­ remonstrating against the enactment of proposed legisla­ ing the passage of the so-called "Patman motion-picture tion providing for a processing tax on sugar and the licens­ bill", being House bill 6097, providing higher moral stand­ ing of refiners, importers, and handlers of sugar on a quota ards for films entering interstate and foreign commerce, basis as affecting the Territory of Hawaii, which were re­ which was referred to the Committee on Interstate Com­ ferred to the Committee on Finance. merce. He also laid before the Senate a paper in the nature of a RELIEF OF DEPOSITORS IN CLOSED NATIONAL BANKS memorial from Mrs. Maude Mary Forrest, of Washington, Mr. BARBOUR. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent D.C., remonstrating against the entrance of the United to have printed in full in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD resolu­ states into the League of Nations and the World Court, tions adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Atlantic City, N.J., urging enactment of the McLeod bill, for He also laid before the Senate a resolution adopted by the the relief of depositors in closed national banks. recent Western Governors' Conference in Salt Lake City, There being no objection, the resolutions were referred to Utah, recommending that the United States Government the Committee on Banking and Currency and ordered to be acquire at fair prices and by suitable financing such por­ printed in the RECORD, as follows: tion of the surplus stock of the important indestructible CITY OF ATLANTIC CITY, nonferrous metals, useful for munitions, as will be neces­ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS.
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