Highway Bridge Report - May 18, 2017 Highway Bridge Report - Listed By County The Michigan Department of Transportation regularly inspects the thousands of bridges and overpasses on our state's highways. MDOT employs more than 20 bridge inspectors who have specialized training and work in teams of two. They evaluate bridges and assign condition ratings using a rating system established by the federal government. What's included in the bridge condition report? The most recent report shows the condition scores and sufficiency ratings for all highway bridges longer than 20 feet, as of May 18, 2017. Stats at a Glance: This report lists 4478 bridges, of which 228 are structurally deficient. This data is current as of May 18, 2017. NOT covered in this report: • Structures 20 feet or less in length. MDOT inspects these shorter structures, but they are not included in this report. • The Ambassador Bridge in Detroit. This bridge is privately owned and operated. • The Mackinac, International and Blue Water bridges are inspected annually, exceeding federal requirements. These three bridges are managed by bridge authorities, and their ratings are not included in the report posted to the Web. Contents: Condition of state highway bridges listed by county.................................................. 2 What is NHS Status.....................................................................................................143 Bridge condition definitions....................................................................................... 143 Bridge structural elements...........................................................................................144 National Bridge Inventory rating scale........................................................................145 1 Highway Bridge Report - May 18, 2017 Year Last Super- Sub- Structure NHS Year Deck Culvert Structurally County Route Site Location Recon- Inspection structure structure Number Status Built Rating Rating Deficient structed Date Rating Rating Alcona US-23 7 Yes Black River 8.7 miles north of Harrisville 1935 06/02/2016 7 7 7 N No Alger US-41 32 Yes W Br WhitefishRiver 1.5 miles southwest of Trenary 1936 05/08/2017 5 7 5 N No Alger US-41 33 Yes W Br Whitefish River 8.1 miles northwest of Trenary 1936 05/08/2017 4 7 6 N Yes Alger US-41 34 Yes Huber Creek 9.4 miles northwest of Trenary 1987 05/02/2017 7 8 7 N No Alger M-94 35 No Slapneck Creek 1.6 miles west of Forest Lake 1952 05/04/2017 5 6 6 N No Alger M-94 36 No Au Train River West limits of Forest Lake 1919 1955 05/04/2017 6 6 6 N No Alger M-94 39 No WCL RR 5.2 miles southwest of Munising 1945 05/02/2017 6 6 6 N No Alger M-67 40 No Scotts Creek West limits of Trenary 1953 05/03/2017 5 5 6 N No Alger M-67 41 No Dexter Creek 3.7 miles northeast of Trenary 1929 05/03/2017 5 6 5 N No Alger M-67 42 No Black Creek 2.6 miles south of Chatham 1929 05/03/2017 6 6 6 N No Alger M-28 44 Yes Sand River 0.4 miles east of Marquette Co line 1939 05/16/2017 5 5 6 N No Alger M-28 45 Yes Laughing Whitefish River 3.2 miles east of Marquette Co line 1939 2005 05/10/2017 7 8 7 N No Alger M-28 46 Yes Rock River 5.1 miles northwest of Au Train 1932 1975 05/10/2017 8 7 6 N No Alger M-28 47 Yes Au Train River East limits of Au Train 1932 1976 05/10/2017 6 6 6 N No Alger M-28 49 Yes Anna River In Munising 1949 2013 05/02/2017 6 7 6 N No Alger M-28 50 Yes Hickey Creek 0.3 miles east of Shingleton 1947 05/09/2017 5 6 6 N No Alger M-28 51 Yes Prairie Creek 2.9 miles east of Shingleton 1947 05/09/2017 5 5 5 N No Alger M-28 52 Yes Star Creek 3.4 miles east of Shingleton 1947 05/09/2017 5 6 7 N No Alger M-77 53 No W Br Sucker River 6.2 miles south of Grand Marais 1928 09/23/2015 7 5 6 N No Allegan M-89 86 No Kalamazoo River Overflow 6.0 miles east of Fennville 1952 07/25/2016 4 4 7 N Yes Allegan M-89 87 No Kalamazoo River 6.0 miles east of Fennville 1950 07/22/2015 6 5 6 N No Allegan M-89 89 Yes Kalamazoo River In the City of Allegan 1943 1947 07/07/2015 6 5 5 N No Allegan M-89 90 Yes Schnable River 4.8 miles northwest of Otsego 1988 06/09/2015 6 7 7 N No Allegan M-89 91 Yes Kalamazoo River 1.4 miles west of Otsego 1930 1992 07/15/2015 7 7 6 N No Allegan M-89 (Allegan Street) 92 Yes Kalamazoo River Mill Race In Plainwell 2012 05/18/2015 7 7 7 N No Allegan M-89 94 No Kalamazoo River In Plainwell 2003 06/09/2015 7 7 8 N No Allegan US-31 BR (58th) 96 Yes North Branch Creek South limits of Holland 2011 05/18/2015 7 8 7 N No At Junction of US-31 northbound & I-196 Allegan US-31 NB 98 Yes Kuipper Drain 2012 03/07/2017 N N N 7 No eastbound At Junction of US-31 southbound and I-196 Allegan I-196 & US-31 SB 99 Yes Kuipers Drain 1963 03/07/2017 N N N 7 No westbound Allegan 60th Street 101 No US-31 0.5 miles west of Holland 1964 05/19/2015 6 5 7 N No Allegan US-31 BR (58th) 102 Yes US-31 NB In Holland 1964 05/19/2015 6 5 6 N No 2 Highway Bridge Report - May 18, 2017 Year Last Super- Sub- Structure NHS Year Deck Culvert Structurally County Route Site Location Recon- Inspection structure structure Number Status Built Rating Rating Deficient structed Date Rating Rating Allegan US-31 SB 103 Yes US-31 BR (58th Street) In Holland 1964 05/27/2015 6 5 5 N No Allegan I-196 105 Yes Plummerville Creek 0.2 miles north of 120th Avenue 2010 03/16/2017 N N N 7 No Allegan I-196 BL (N Shore) 106 Yes I-196 & US-31 0.5 miles north of Van Buren Co line 1963 2014 05/06/2015 6 5 6 N No Allegan I-196 east & US-31 North 107 Yes 71st Street 3.0 miles north of Van Buren Co line 1963 05/06/2015 6 7 7 N No Allegan I-196 W & US-31 South 108 Yes 71st Street 3.0 miles north of Van Buren Co line 1963 05/05/2017 6 7 7 N No Allegan 107th Ave 109 No I-196 & US-31 4.0 miles north of Van Buren Co line 1963 05/05/2017 5 6 7 N No Allegan 109th Ave 110 No I-196 & US-31 5.0 miles north of Van Buren Co line 1963 05/06/2015 6 5 6 N No Allegan 114th Ave 111 No I-196 & US-31 7.5 miles north of Van Buren Co line 1964 05/10/2017 6 6 6 N No Allegan Old US-31 112 No I-196 & US-31 8.0 miles north of Van Buren Co line 1964 1991 05/13/2015 5 5 6 N No Allegan 118th Ave 113 No I-196 & US-31 9.5 miles north of Van Buren Co line 1964 05/13/2015 7 7 7 N No Allegan M-89 114 No I-196 & US-31 12.0 miles north of Van Buren Co line 1964 2009 05/13/2015 6 7 7 N No Allegan I-196 east & US-31 North 115 Yes Kalamazoo River In Saugatuck 1964 07/08/2015 6 5 5 N No Allegan I-196 west & US-31 South 116 Yes Kalamazoo River In Saugatuck 1964 07/08/2015 6 5 6 N No Allegan Old US-31 117 No I-196 & US-31 1.5 miles south of Douglas 1964 05/13/2015 6 5 6 N No Allegan 130th Ave 118 No I-196 & US-31 In Douglas 1964 05/20/2015 6 5 6 N No Allegan I-196 & US-31 NB 119 Yes Old Allegan Road 0.3 miles east of Saugatuck 1964 10/19/2016 6 6 6 N No Allegan I-196 & US-31 SB 120 Yes Old Allegan Road 0.3 miles east of Saugatuck 1964 10/19/2016 6 6 6 N No Allegan Old US-31 121 No I-196 & US-31 2.0 miles northeast of Saugatuck 1964 05/20/2015 6 5 5 N No Allegan 140th Ave 122 No I-196 & US-31 3.7 miles northeast of Saugatuck 1964 05/27/2015 6 6 7 N No Allegan I-196 EB 123 Yes CSX RR 1.0 mile west of M-40 1972 2014 05/19/2015 6 7 7 N No Allegan I-196 WB 124 Yes CSX RR 1.0 mile west of M-40 1972 05/19/2015 5 7 7 N No Allegan I-196 EB 125 Yes CSX RR 1.3 miles southwest of Ottawa Co line 1972 05/13/2015 6 6 6 N No Allegan I-196 WB 126 Yes CSX RR 1.3 miles southwest of Ottawa Co line 1972 05/13/2015 6 6 7 N No Allegan I-196 WB 127 Yes US-31 NB 6.6 miles southwest of Ottawa Co line 1972 05/24/2016 6 5 6 N No Allegan 60th Street 128 No I-196 6.0 miles southwest of Ottawa Co line 1972 05/27/2015 6 6 7 N No Allegan 58th Street 129 No I-196 4.9 miles southwest of Ottawa Co line 1972 2014 05/18/2015 6 7 7 N No Allegan 56th Street 130 No I-196 3.9 miles southwest of Ottawa Co line 1972 05/18/2015 6 6 7 N No Allegan M-40 131 Yes I-196 1.4 miles southwest of Ottawa Co line 1972 05/13/2015 6 6 5 N No Allegan 146th Ave 132 No I-196 1.2 miles south of Ottawa Co line 1972 05/12/2015 7 5 7 N No Allegan I-196 EB 133 Yes Ottogan Street At Ottawa Co Line 1972 05/12/2015 7 6 7 N No Allegan I-196 WB 134 Yes Ottogan Street At Ottawa Co Line 1972 05/12/2015 7 5 7 N No Allegan M-222 135 No Kalamazoo River In Allegan 1955 2009 07/07/2015 6 5 7 N No 3 Highway Bridge Report - May 18, 2017 Year Last Super- Sub- Structure NHS Year Deck Culvert Structurally County Route Site Location Recon- Inspection structure structure Number Status Built Rating Rating Deficient structed Date Rating Rating Allegan M-40 M-89 137 Yes Kalamazoo River 2.3 miles northwest of Allegan 1938 1995 07/28/2015 7 7 5 N No Allegan M-40 138 Yes Rabbit River In Hamilton 1935 1984 05/12/2015 7 5 7 N No Allegan M-40 139 Yes S Br Macatawa River 4.0 miles southeast of Ottawa Co line 2000 05/07/2015 7 8 7 N No Allegan M-40 140 Yes N Br Macatawa River 2.4 miles southeast of Ottawa Co line 1999 05/07/2015 7 8 7 N No Allegan US-131 NB 142 Yes Kalamazoo River 0.5 miles north of Plainwell 1996 07/15/2015 7 7 7 N No Allegan US-131 SB 143 Yes Kalamazoo River 0.5 miles north of Plainwell 1996 07/15/2015 7 6 7 N No Allegan US-131 NB 144 Yes Gun River 1.5 miles north of Plainwell 1960 07/27/2016 6 6 6 N No Allegan US-131 SB 145 Yes Gun River 1.5 miles north of Plainwell 1960 07/27/2016 6 7 7 N No Allegan US-131 NB 146 Yes Conrail 0.5 miles north of Plainwell 1960 1996 07/07/2015 7 5 5 N No Allegan US-131 SB 147 Yes Conrail 0.5 miles north of Plainwell 1960 1996 07/07/2015 6 5 5 N No Allegan 102nd Ave 148 No US-131 1.0 mile southwest of Plainwell 1962 06/10/2015 6 5 6 N No Allegan M-89 EB 149 Yes US-131 West limits of Plainwell
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