muMDAY, jyKB u, loa Ltii roimtEiii Manchester Evening X' Daily Circulation T h e’^Weather. a:*: ' 'dr «w M o a a •< May, 1945 Poi O. S. Weather Mra. Marion W. Chapin, wife of 9 ,1 9 7 Fair tonights Saturday partly Luther Chapin, of STS Middle Turn­ ^A)cal Graduates of Schwl of ^'ursiirg , filin g Prie cloudy wtth<ividny Mcattered ithnu - About Town pike, eaat, haa entered the New^ fC , \ . M^Mwaber of the (Audit erz; coBtlaiH>d wanq and humid. England Deaconeaa Hoapital, Pea- I Oi^ Eggs jGiven c dmaau of . CInmIattoaa coneaa road, Brookline, Maa*-. for Dap. Jwie I4A. ’ ' - ' Cfakftpinan Court, Ordor of Ama­ treatment. Mra. Chapin hh-i been Manche$ter—^A City of Village Charm ^ ranth, wUl be hoateaif'to Orand 111 for several monthi^''' Royal Matron Mra. Amut^^ Rbg- Local Board (^aaaiaad AdvartMag ea Paga 19) MANCHESTER, CONN,, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1945 (FOURTEEN PAGES) rUlCE rURlH^ CENTS era of Weat Hartford, aad'-qrand Sergeant Richard W- Johnaon VOL. LXIV..N 0.217 Royal Patron Frank B. Du^an of and Mra. Johniibn are here for a Chairman Warn- Tli^ Remembered Pearl Harl . New Britain and their aaaociate ten-day \1alt with Sariri- John- grand ^ ce ra , tomorrow evening. aon’a parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ '' ing to the Supper wUl be aerved In the ban­ ence-fbhnaOiv of :ta Sunset street. Saratoga’s Flight Deck an Inferno After Jap Attack quet hall of the Maaonic Temple He ilt« beenjitationed at the Co­ Jnxylew of the current' .egg TlieySB|9cd our nag on Nl at 6:30 by Paat Royal Matron Mra. lombia, #■ C; Air Base' and will shortage, citizens of Manchester the marines: :es Ixniia Vanderbrook arid her corn- report back there at the comple­ were urged, today by the chairman X, mitlee. - tion of hla 'Ufive, after which he You know rii>)v N iriinilo, aapecta to be transferred to Savan­ of the LocaK^War Price and Ra­ nah, Oa. i tioning Board,^4<j^ be' “doubly alei^ at it mearM. about the prices y<m pay.” \V4i«n lealK^neck? rememl»er TAl-fer CEDARS He pointed out that all grades O f J a p s o n Closing Meelihg and sizes-of eggs have specific Pearl Hdroar in DecemLer-r cents-per-dozen ceilings.^ which \lt ipeans you II gel a rail Of Women’s Club change weekly,' \ Training in Peace i i l g I 5K- Retailers are required by^QPA from llic marines \ regulations to post these official F E .B .I priyes In' plain sight of their cu^ Point Orange Hall The,Woman’s Club of Manches­ tomers. the chairman addod. 'JBut 'K Vie^A Set Forth in Let­ ter will have its closing meeting of l^ratoga Hit the newspaper>er toxo publishpuDiisn thisxpia ter to WopdrUm; Stim- the season, Monday evening - at Mias Marguerite Barry ■Buy Signs PoiHl With In­ Tomorfotv Night M!m Bnea Johnson ■Miss Nancy ttke list. You might clip it anda n d otirry ^ rry anolhcr war eight o’clock at the South Metho­ it with you when1 you next^io ahop- hond dn Flag BOD Testifies in ^ p - creasing GeHainty to 2S11EGULAR GAMES 25c. dist church, if will be the^ahnual By 7 Bombs; class of 1941. Before entering th/ ping for eggs.’ Day to hcip.make port ,. of Peacetime I 7 SPECIAL GAMES business session with reports. The Among those who were gradu-. Folding Up'of Doomed nted from the Hartford Hospital nursing school she was employe The ceilings thatwul be In effi victory complelc.' ’SWEEPSTAKES new, eonstHutlon will also be voted until June 21, th« chairman skid, Draft Proposals; Num­ upon^- , ' Mozzer Gi^ts School of Nursing at the exercises by the Connccticiit General Life Keep 111 to help Back at Sea WEERLY^RIZE held at the Old South^Cmigrega- ilnsurance Company of HaHfdrd. are 47-ccnts :a dozen-, for^^mall . ^ IjCn entertalnmsfht by members cfHita bers Iniporlant in War. MONTH I-Y PRIZE "oif the club wrtl follow.' also ttqpal church on June 7, were: glie was a member of the school eggs, SO for medium,' 64-i wia^tW p«e««. Blazes in Osaka Peak May Breach Go)^ cents toF^arge, and cents tor ,X'“ I friendship snd get-acqualnted More Honors Miss Enes Johnson, Miss Nancy dramatic club during her first year Tremendous Damage WAR BONO and business fhapager of the year­ extra.^krge . .;;''all J^ade A eggs, . Washington, June 15.—(JP) pletely Last Ditch Do> TO BE DRAWN period. Refreshments will be serv­ Fike and Miss Marguerite Barry. Miss Johnson, daughter of Mrs.. book. "The Shield,'; during her cents -.may be^added to each l^ustained During'Early^ ed by the hostess, committee under 1 packed he point x-O en. Dwight p . Eisenhow- ^load SyOoo Ton^of Jang Akandoii fenses; Jap Surrenders the chairmanship of Mrs. Jay Most Wounded Local Ellen CarlSQM. of l i t Maple street, senior year. ' . ^ ■ «r<advi8ed a House fconunit- im^endtaries in Hope ^ r Rahd. graduate^ from Manchester High Miss Barry, daughter of Mr. and ed out>^ "Stages of Battle fbr Increase to Hundreds. htrs. John lit. Barry, of 64 tee today that “fairness to Soldier In Awarded school iri IMB. She attended the I w q ; 3 1 5 CasuBhies. Swcdisli-Amcricah . School of mar street, graduated fro: the cdlHjtry and to the indi- Of Striking knockout Bore|10 To^K Guam, June 15.— (/P)— Second Leaf (^liidter. Physiotherapv in New York City Chester High .school, in l940. viduaPs chances of survival Blow Agninst Center. "\ was employed by the^Connectlcut Washington, June 16—iP)— The Tenth Army forces strtwe /lE C L ER C and graduated In 1940. During her Complete Sfock of AD FRIED OYSTERS, CLAIMS in war” demand universal Floor Solid ing Manchester's ’’most Wounded .first year at the school of pursing, General Life insujahee Company Navy disclosed today the fam­ Stream South for a quick knockout blow on FUNERAL HOME before entering the school of nun nSH AND CHIPS WITH OUR NEW FRlALATORl military training in peace­ Guam, Jun6 15.—(IP)— A tssyhig and Finishing aoldier,” Pfc. Thotant Mozxer. Jr.', MlJV» Johnson:was recording sec­ VITAMINS ous old aircraft carrier Saratoga th e, supreme command post retary of her cla.s.s; she was social ing. Miss Barry was presidenj^f . At Lowest Prices! force of 520 Super-Fortfl K Main Street who as a member of th^ ’Third time. The views of the su­ had sustained tremendopa'damage chairman during her senior ^ear. the nurscsVnhoir for two Years. Our new sanitary process gives you a delicious, crisp, preme 'Allied cojnnumdrr In Eu­ fought weather— bo t)iick it of the tottering Japanese de-i Phone 5269 J. E. Jenson Infantry Division was wounded In She experts to start working with She won the Austin Cornelius Arthur DruR Stores in the early stages the battle Australians Viltually fense on Okinawa today as golden brown feod — Seals in the flavor! Come ilt and rope were ret forth In a If tier to for JWo Jims. broke up their forpiationa— Phone X-0020 Action four times against the en- the Hartford Visiting Nurse Asso­ Dunham'award for scljolarshlp in 846 Main St. * Tet. 8806 Chairman Woodrum (D.. Vg.), of If Na Anawer—6329 her serrlor year. try them! FRIED OYSTERS AND CLAMS PACKED But, It was stated triumphantly halfway to Jitpan andxback Complete Coaquesixof signs pointed with increasinff em^'ln Europe, haa been awarded ciation in October of. this year. the Post-War - Military cominlt- certainty to the folding up of' hlh second Oak Leaf cluster to the Miss Fike. daughter of Mrs. All three girls wdre memberZmf 10 TAKE HOME. CALL .780.7. ^ she haa now been fully repaired again today to unload .7;9p0, All Major Objectives,;^ Frances E. Fike of 67 East Mid­ 'the ncwly-organ^,d Junior League tee. and la back In there, pitching the doomed garrison. Bronse Stdr. for valorows conduct Stlmson Supports Propose tons of^'incendiaries I in whitt against the eitemy. dle Turnpike,. is a graduate '6t of Professional Nursing at the Again Five-Day-Old Invasion. iGaptOre Highest Proirfbiitoi^ DON WILLIS ALiOB OOFRAN school. COMMUNITYRESTAURANT The letter was made pqbllc aa Seven direct bomb bita, includ- Crewmen of the.U SS Saratoga, "Q u een ^ the Flattops,” battle gaaollne-fed flames on the flight thex^oped would be a knock- (Bnown Aa Queen Alice) Thotant, one qT three brothers Manchester High school irt the \ ■ -Doi^hboys of tbe 96th diviidon, In the service, was Inducted In Hospital M3 NORTH MAIN s t r e e t MANCHESTER Secretary_______ _ of„ War___ Stlntedh_______ teatl- ing some by aulclde-planes, struck deck of the cau-rier after it auatained. seven hits by Jap bombs Fgh. 21, 1945, in'fhe-battle of Iwo Jlma. jioi blow to Osaka, Japan’s ^Iqnilnils, June 15-—(4’)—Japanese supported by flame throwing .^ A R A G E Seventh Daughter nt a Seventh Son lied in support of peacetime drafV the carrier, causing 31S caaiiaJtiea. Note twiated wreckage o.f-plane (center), on deck.. After tbe -fires were extinguished flight operations greatest induatrial.' city, and Bom With a Veil Jrtly, 1943. and landed In France trOo^vjtrdophvabahdohed Brunei city and tanks which seared Japaneto emv* Comiricita Auto Seryfea on D-day. Hla two brothers, Ser­ X EAVES-TROUGB ExpPii^e Plan proposals. The casualties Included 1.23 killed, were resumed ahd the "Sara” made her way back to Pugent Sound at Bremerton, Wgah., where aha neighboring Amagasaki: fronts and hill positions, captured Readlaga Dally,.
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