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BLti: ~ Cl i r'tgS • I OT NCU TFN I VSV I X4 i WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1990 Vol. 6, Issue No. 21 3 / t i 50¢: t Phone 635-7840 Fax 635-7269 Accidents mar holiday weekend Terrace resident On'in Fraser orial Hospital following another Smith, 27, died in a single-vehicle single-vehicle accident which accident on Highway 16 near occured 40 kilometers west of Chindemash .Creek, about 4O kilo- Terrace at about 4:t2 p,m. last meters east of Terrace, at 7'.51 Friday. According to RCMP, Peter a.m. last Sunday. RcMP report Gilbert Colussi, 19, was driving a that Smith's wife, Brenda~ and 1990 Dodge pickup when he 1o~i:- • tlleir three ~ :children, aged. one, control on aright hand curve and.if:!i three and six years, survived the crossed the highway into the left- '~ Crash and were taken to Mills hand ditch before turning back Memorial Hospital with cuts and onto the higlt~ay where it rolled lacerations. ' several times. The passenger was According to RCMP , Orfin Smith Mike ~Stopher Wilkim,also 19. was driving the. 1980 Honda.. Athird~weckend motor• vehicle ~ii " Accord when it failed to ~negofia~ ~dent oc~don Kalum .Lake ~ a left :hand~curve~androlled down . D,~.rt~ve. nea r the-Terrace. dump at a, ~tiemb~en~ throwing! ~Ut ~ 4:30: Saturday afternoon. Sinith from the vehicle, An RCMP :RCMP:say that~a: paSsenger~" ~ 'm the investigation into: ~e cause Of']ii6 ' vellid¢,: )tmlmr.,~. ~6'tt~ • i~ ..... • .~ accl~entcontinues. • ....... :'abroken,i_.!eg when the!:vd~cl6i! •. Kitimat cor0ndr PaulMonaghan . entered a ditch and overtumedl attended the accident seen, how- The driver, Lewis Femandes, was t ever, and says that alcohol was a charged With driving without due i contributing factor in the accideni care and attention. and :orrln ~S~th's death is the , The= seem to be anunusually resulii0fhis failureto use his seat ~gh num~r:of motor vehicle belt. Monagha~ says that the other ~accidents caUsing death this year, four occupantswere wearing seat and Terrace coroner Jim Lynch belts and while Brenda Smith says most involvedriver error. In apparently had some fractures,all general, says Lynch, driving over three children only had minor the speed limit is a factor along bruises, with the use of alcohol; failureto Two Prince Rupert men are listed use seat belts and driving too fast in stable condiiion in Mills Mum- Continued on page 2 Local man convicted in !~j'::.~.,~:::i~: • ~i~~: i~ Kalum River drownings Darryl BJo~gaard, 23, of Terrace has been convicted by a i~: if!~I County Cou~ of judge of criminal negligence in the drowning deaths of two people that occurred on the Kalum River during the summer 0f i988. In a session of Prince Rupert County Court held in Terrace Lisa Lagace crowned Miss Terrace •May, 18, Judge W.B. Searth said he found BJorgaard to be "in a ,e,t. ~ , , by Betty Barton Island theme of the 1990 Miss speaking, leadership skills, poise blameworthy state of mind" when he and friend Dwayne Turner, Terrace pageant, the Crowning and modelling, how to say 'no' who perished in the accident, took two 15-year.oid 8iris on a Miss Terrace honors run in the Night opened with Willy the'Kalum River rapids on an without feeling guilty, the "tubing" expedition through Lagace family. Last Saturday Schneider as "Mr. Rourke" and August afternoon in 1988. The group was thrown off the hmer history of Terrace, public evening, Miss McDonalds Lisa Jim Branch as "Tattoo." In their speaking, Superhost, travel, tube in the dangerous waters, and Turner and 15-year-old Lagace was honored first with best Fantasy Island voices, they Shelley Dilley of Terrace drowned as a result. Bjorgaard and l& stress management and formal the title of Miss Effective introduced the nine contestants dining etiquette. year-old Jasmin Reed survived the ordeal. Speaker and finally, with the and their sponsors. The girls had interviews with Judge scarth took 25 minutes to read his decision, detailing the honor of being crowned Miss Crowning Night was the the panel of judges (Doug evidence received by the court. He noted that BJorgaard was a Terrace for 1990/91. Her trophy, culmination of many months of Inglis, Marj Twyford, Carolyn Hfelong resident of the area and should have been aware of the crown and banner were pres- hard work for the nine cont- Benson, Chris Chicoiae and hazardousness of the rapids, and determined that the failure to ented by her proud sister Lyric estants. They participated in a Scott Sitter), fashion shows, scout the river and failure to provide safety equipment like life Lagace, the out-going Miss community information forum, speak-offs, and attendance at Jaeke~s caused the deaths. Terrace for 1989/90. attended workshops in hair ca~, various public functions. Sentencing in the ease is scheduled for June 15 in Terrace. In keeping with the Fantasy public relations, effective Continued on page 24 i i i q ~ F ~ 2 Terrace Review -- Wednesday, May 23, 1990 ,/ • x UU mp fnres:iptalg , ~ q J L . " t - (. The only fire reported in the past also set at the Usk dump-which" week by the Terrace Fire Depart-. caused forestry officials some ment occored at the Terrace dump. concern and Thornldll has an According to a Public Works ongoing problem as well. ~'L spokesman, a pile of several large According to Kitimat-Stikine fires was set ablaze by an Regional District administrator unknown arsonist just before noon Bob Marcellin, though, the fre- ,~:.~, Saturday. Terrace fire chief Cliff quency of unauthorized fires at the Best says two pumper trucks and a Thornhill dump has also been bulldozer were required to extin- significantly reduced.., at a cost to guish the f'Lre. Thornhill taxpayers. He says that The city's Public Works director annual summer restrictions have of operations, John Colongard, been implemented earlier this year says there has been a significant than in previous years, and while drop in the number of,illegally set there is some supervision a full- fires at the Terrace landfill since time supervisory position is under operating hours and supervisory consideration. changes have been implemented He says that Thornhill dump this is the first in about two operating hours are now 8 a.m. to months -- but that dump fires are 8 p.m. daily and these hours may still a concern. They cost money, be in effect for an extended period present a hazard to the surrounding of time this year. Marcellin says bush and pollute the environoment. there is still the "occassional" But Colongard also points out illegal fire at the dump, however, that unauthorized fires are not and regardless of the extent of the specifically a Terrace problem. He preventative measures taken they says that last Saturday a fire was will never eliminate them all. Furniture franchise to build In case you're wondering what "right person", and second the happened to that United Buy and Terrace store is at the head of their Sell furniture franchise we reported priority list. ! on a few months ago, it hasn't He explains that the growing !i disappeared. United Buy and Sell B.C. company has opened six new spokesmen David Mattbews says stores in as many weeks, located in that local developer Epp. Talstra Duncan, Campbell River, Salmon has signed a contract which will Arm and three Washington cities. see the United Buy and Sell Once these six stores are up and ._~location open for business at Keith runnin~.~.sa~,. ~:.Tcpace store i and the Sande Overpass by Aug. 1. will once again head their list of x~ .... Matthews says a franchise dealer priorities. Matthews said in an hasn't been named yet, several interview earlier this year that the have been interviewed and there Terrace store will serve the north- are a few more to go, but gives west corner of the province and two reasons for this. First, they promises the best furniture prices IT ISN'T HAGERSTOWN OR ST. AMABLE, but this lone flrefighter still looks overwhelmed by a want to make sure they get the in the area. smoke-belching blaze that was set by an arsonist Saturday at the Terrace landfill. A number of discarded heavy equipment tires were involved in the fire. Officials say the dump fires cost money, Accidents - continued from page I endanger surrounding forest and pollute the atmosphere but they will probably never be eliminated no matter how closely the sites are regulated. for local conditions, in May 1989, and the one before And Monaghan adds that chances " that involved a Swiss tourist who of being involved in an accident "died wben he lost control of his ,mat is on a "dead end". Monagha'n Look in the month of are greater in the Terrace area than rented four-wheel drive Bronco agrees with Lynch on the primary in Kitimat.
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