2. Islamic History, Religion & Culture

2. Islamic History, Religion & Culture

861-875 H. al-qism 7. min al-juz' 2. 876-890 H. al- qism 8. min al-juz' 2. 891-896 H., ma'a al-fahâris al- qism 9. min al-juz' 2. Fahâris al-a'lâm. Egypt -- Syria -- History -- 1250-1517 2. ISLAMIC HISTORY, RELIGION 137 'Abd al-Ghaffâr, Muhammad (ed.) & CULTURE Al -Majâlis al -Mu'ayyadîyah. 338p Cairo 1994 1,800 138 イスラムの歴史・思想・文化 'Abd al-Hamîd al-Shirqânî & Ahmad ibn Qâsim al- 'Abbâdî Hawâshî al -Shirqânî wa Ibn Qâsim al -'Abbâdî 'alâ Tuhfat al -Muhtâj bi Sharh al -Minhaj. 10 vols. Beirut 2009 repr. 35,400 132 :Islamic law -- Shafiites -- Early works to 1800 Aasi, Ghulam Haider 139 Muslim Understanding of Other Religions: a study 'Abd al-Hayy ibn 'Abd al-Halîm al-Laknawî (m. 1304 of Ibn Hazm's Kitab al -fasl fi al -milal wa al -ahwa' wa h.) al -nihal . xviii,231p New Delhi 2004 81-7435-359-3 'Umdat al -Ri'âyah 'alâ Sharh al -Wiqâyah. 7 vols. ¥1,000 Beirut 2009 978-2-7451-6263-2 20,800 133 :Islamic law -- Hanafites -- Early works to 1800 Abadi, Jacob 140 Tunisia since the Arab Conquest: the saga of a 'Abd al-'Îsâwî, Salâh Hamîd westernized Muslim state . xiv,586p London 2013 Ta'sîl al -Qawâ'id al -Usûlîyah al -mukhtalaf fî -hâ 978-0-86372-435-0 12,743 bayna al -Hanafîyah wa al -Shâfi'îyah . 607p Beirut 2012 :This comprehensive history of Tunisia covers an 978-9933-482-05-3 3,600 essential period in the country's development, from :Islamic law -- Interpretation and construction the Arab conquest of the 7th century to the Jasnime 141 revolution and the fall of Ben Ali's regime. 'Abd al-Jabbâr al-Hamadhânî 134 Nukat al -Kitâb al -Mughnî: A recension of 'Abd al - Al-'Abbâs, Husnî ibn Ahmad ibn 'Alî Jabbâr al -Hamadhânî's (d. 415/1025) al -Mughnî fî Al -Asâs fî Ansâb Banî al -'Abbâs. 767p Cairo 2000 Abwâb al -Tawhîd wa al -'Adl . intro. & ed. by Omar 977-6007-01-5 4,880 Hamdan & Sabine Schmidtke (Bibliotheca Islamica, :Abbasids -- Genealogy -- History Bd. 53) xxv(eng) +415p Beirut 2012 135 978-9953-550-60-2 3,600 Abboud, Hosn :Islam -- Doctrines -- Motazilites Mary in the Qur'an: a literary reading. (Routledge 142 Studies in the Qur'an) 190p London 2013 'Abd al-Khâliq, 'Abd al-Khâliq Mahmûd & Ahmad 978-0-415-72568-2 21,750 Jama'ah 'Abd al-Hamîd (ed.) :Providing an analysis of the complete story of Al -A'mâl al -Kâmilah lil -Suyûtî fî al -Tasawwuf al - Mary in its liturgical, narrative and rhetorical contexts, Islâmî, 1. (IFAO, TAEI 47-211) 313p Cairo/Paris 2011 this literary reading is a prerequisite to any textual 978-2-7247-0589-8 6,496 reading of the Qur’an whether juristic, theological, or 143 otherwise. 'Abd al-Khâliq, Farîd 136 Al -Hisbah fî al -Islâm 'alâ dhawî al -jâh wa al -sultân. 'Abd al-Bâsit bn Khalîl (1440-1514) 381p Cairo 2011 978-977-09-2966-7 3,850 Nayl al -Amal fî Dhayl al -Duwal. ed. by 'Umar :Muhtasib -- Islam and state 'Abd al-Salâm Tadmurî 9 vols. Saida/Beirut 2002 144 9953-400-89-x 24,200 'Abd al-Latîf, Muhd. Ahmad :Contents : al-qism 1. min al-juz' 1. 744-770 H. Al -Mudun wa al -Qurâ al -Misrîyah fî al -Bardîyât al - al-qism 2. min al- juz' 1. 771-800 H. al-qism 3. min 'Arabîyah: dirâsat atharîyah wa hadârîyah . (IFAO, al-juz' 1. 801-820 H. al- qism 4. min al-juz' 1. 821-840 Textes Arabes et Etudes Islamiques 48) 352p facs. H. al-qism 5. min al-juz' 2. 841-860 H. al-qism 6. Cairo 2013 978-2-7247-0593-5 12,180 min al-juz' 2. 744-770 H. al-qism 6. min al-juz' 2. :This book presents information on a number of towns and villages in Egypt, documented from Arabic 152 papyri dating back to the first Muslim settlement in 'Abd al-Wâhid al-Murrâkushî Egypt. It relates a list of Egyptian localities - towns and Wathâ'iq al -Murâbitîn wa al -Muwahhidîn. ed. by villages - quoted in these papyri, both at the Husayn Mu'nis (Al-Maktabat al-Andalsîyah) 653p archaological and cultural levels. It is a good addition Cairo 2006(1997) 977-5250-13-7 3,980 to the Arab documentation. :Almohades -- Early works to 1800 145 153 'Abd al-Majîd, Laylî Amîn 'Abd al-Zâhir, Husâm Ahmad Al -Tanzîmât al -Idârîyah wa al -Mâlîyah fî Makkah al - Al -Quds fî al -Turâth al -'Arabî: kashshâf 'âmm bi al - Mukarramah fî al -'Asr al -Mamlûkî, 667 -923/1268 -1517. makhtûtât fî maktabât al -'âlam . 226p Cairo 2009 (Makkah al-Mokkaramah: the Capital of the Islamic 977-18-0672-6 2,100 Culture 1426 H., 11) 825p Riyadh/London 2010 978- :Jerusalem -- History -- Bibliography -- Union lists 603-00-4205-0 7,120 154 :[The Administrative and Financial Organization in Abdul-Raof, Hussein Makkah during Mamaluk Period 667-923H/1268- Theological Approaches to Qur'anic Exegesis: a 1517A.D.] practical comparative -contrastive analysis . (Culture and 146 Civilization in the Middle East) 304p London 2012 'Abd al-Qâdir al-Jîlânî 978-0-415-44958-8 22,100 Al -Fath al -Rabbânî wa al -Fayd al -Rahmânî. 398p :Employing a comparative-contrastive Beirut 2007 2,020 methodology, the author examines traditional and :Sufism -- Early works to 1800 rational schools of thought - such as the Mu’tazili, 147 Shi’i, Ibadi, Sufi, metaphysical, modern, and scientific 'Abd al-Qâdir ibn Shaykh 'Abdullâh al-'Aydarûsî (978- approaches to the interpretation of the Qur’an - to 1038 h.) give a detailed analysis of the similarities and Al -Nûr al -Sâfir, 'an akhbâr al -qarn al -'âshir. differences in their theological views. ed. by A. Hâlû, M. al-Arnâ'ût & A. al-Bûshî 663p 155 Beirut 2001 9953-13-007-8 2,680 Abid, Liselotte :Obituaries -- Biography -- History -- Middle East - Als Fâtima ihr Recht Forderte: weibliche symbolik - Early works to 1800 im Schiitischen Islam. 321p Wien 2013 148 978-3-902868-55-8 8,526 'Abd al-Razzâq al-Kâshânî, Kamâl al-Dîn (m. 736 h.) :Femininity -- Religious aspects -- Islam Tahlîyat al -Arwâh bi Haqâ'iq al -Anjâh. ed. by 'Alî 156 Awjabî (Mîrâth-e Maktûb, 'Ulûm wa Ma'ârif Islâmî, 47) Abrahamov, Binyamin 347p Tehran 2005 978-964-8700-06-0 4,400 Ibn 'Arabi and the Sufis. viii,192p Oxford 2014 149 978-1-905937-52-3 4,192 'Abd al-Razzâq Kâshânî :analysis of the extent to which various major Sufi Latâ'if al -I'lâm fî Ishârât Ahl al -Ilhâm. ed. by figures contributed to the mystical philosophy of Ibn Ahmad 'Abd al-Rahmân al-Sâyih & Tawfîq 'Alî al-'Arabî. Wahbah Al-Maktabah al-Sûfîyah) 2 vols. Cairo 2005 157 977-342-285-2 4,900 Abrahamov, Binyamin 150 Islamic Theology: traditionalism and rationalim. 'Abd al-Razzâq Kâshânî xi,112p Edinburgh 1998 0-7486-1102-9 Latâ'if al -I'lâm fî Ishârât Ahl al -Ilhâm. ed. by Mujîd Pap. 6,000 Hâdî-zâdah 580p Beirut 2011 4,000 158 :Sufism -- Terminology -- Dictionaries -- Arabic -- Abû 'Alî al-Jubbâ'î (m. 303 h.) Early works to 1800 Tafsîr Abî 'Alî al -Jubbâ'î. ed. by Kh. Muhd. Nabhâ 151 (Mawsû'ah Tafâsîr al-Mu'tazilah, 3) 548p Beirut 2007 'Abd al-Razzâq Kâshânî (d. 736 h.) 2-7451-5359-5 2,820 Majmû'eh -ye Rasâ'el va Mosannafât. ed. by Majîd 159 Hadîzâdeh (Mîrâth-e Maktûb 75, 'Olûm va Ma'âref-e Abu l-Ala al-Maarri Eslâm 19) 771p Tehran 2000 The Epistle of Forgiveness, Volume Two: 964-6781-33-0 4,600 Hypocrites, heretics, and other sinner. ed. & tr. by :written in Persian and Arabic Geert Jan van Gelder & Gregor Schoeler (Library of Mysticism -- Islam -- Early works to 1800 Arabic Literature Series) 360p N.Y. 2014 978-0- 8147-7194-5 5,250 166 :One of the most unusual books in classical Arabic Abû al-Layth al-Samarqandî, Nasr ibn Muhammad (m. literature, The Epistle of Forgiveness is the lengthy 375 h.) reply by the prolific Syrian poet and prose writer, Abu Fatâwâ al -Nawâzil. ed. by Yûsuf Ahmad 461p l-'Ala' al-Ma'arri (d. 449 H/1057 AD), to a letter by an Beirut 2004 978-2-7451-3763-0 2,780 obscure grammarian, Ibn al-Qarih :Fatwas -- Hanafites -- Early works to 1800 160 167 Abû al-Barakât al-Baghdâdî (m. 547 h.) Abû Bakr al-Râzî (m. 370 h.) Al -Kitâb al -Mu'tabar fî al -Hikmah al -Ilahîyah. Sharh Bad' al -Amâlî. ed. by A. 'A. al-Husaynî bn 3 pts in 2 vols. Tolipoli 2005 repr. (1357) 6,600 'Umar bn 'Abd al-Rahîm 368p Beirut 2001 :repr. of Hyderabad ed. (1358 h.) 2-7451-2736-5 2,300 161 168 Abû al-Barakât al-Baghdâdî (m. 547 h.) Abû Ishâq al-Shîrâzî (m. 476 h.) Al -Kitâb al -Mu'tabar fî al -Hikmah al -Ilahîyah. Al -Nukat fî al -Masâ'il al -Mukhtaraf fî -hâ bayna al - 766p Beirut/Freiberg 2012 5,120 shâfi'î al -muttalibî al -hâshimî al -qurashî wa bayna abî 162 hanîfah . ed. by Muhd. H. Ismâ'îl 2 vols. Beirut 2011 Abu al-Faraj 'Ali ibn al-Husayn ibn Hindu 978-2-7451-5512-2 4,580 The Key to Medicine and a Guide for Students :[Comnparative Law] (Miftah al-tibb wa-minhaj al-tullab). tr. by Aida Tibi, 169 rev. by Emilie Savege-Smith (Great Books of Islamic Abû Ja'far al-Ghâfiqî Civilization ) xix,137p London 2011 Kitâb al -'Adwiya al -Mufrada, di Abû Ja'far Ahmad b.

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