S10300 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 15, 2010 AARP found that 9 out of 10 Mainers She has been a great partner as we firmations, helping deliver a crucial would prefer to receive services at have worked to reduce the huge wealth message about preserving the integrity home as opposed to a nursing home or transfer from the United States to pur- of America’s courts—defending them other residential care facility. More- chase foreign oil, to reduce pollution, from the corruption of politics and over, by helping patients to avoid more to produce energy at the lowest pos- grounding them in the firm bedrock of costly hospitals and nursing homes, sible prices, such as nuclear power, and our Constitution. home health and hospice save Medi- to create jobs in America. It has been Given his myriad accomplishments care, Medicaid, and private insurers a good run. and his stellar service to this office, it millions of dollars each year. Mr. President, I express my deepest is no surprise that Stephen is highly Over the past several years, I have gratitude to Melissa for all of her ef- regarded by his colleagues in the Sen- had the opportunity to meet and visit forts and leadership, and I wish her ate. Allow me to share what others with a number of home health and hos- well as she moves on to a new chapter have said: pice patients and providers around my in her life. Don Stewart, communications direc- State. I have seen firsthand what a dif- f tor for Senate minority leader MITCH ference the highly skilled and compas- MCCONNELL, said, ‘‘Stephen has shown sionate care that these health profes- TRIBUTE TO STEPHEN BOYD the kind of calm leadership that was sionals provide makes to the lives of Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I rise needed in one of the most active peri- their patients and families. That is today to say goodbye to one of the ods I’ve ever seen in my time here. He why I am such a committed and pas- most esteemed members of my staff. doesn’t yell and scream, he just gets it sionate advocate for home health and Stephen Boyd, an exceptional indi- done.’’ hospice care. I therefore urge all of my vidual with a deep devotion to the Josh Holmes, staff director for Sen- colleagues to join me in paying tribute State of Alabama, will be leaving my ate minority leader MITCH MCCON- to these wonderful health care profes- office to become chief of staff for a new NELL’s Republican Communications sionals and volunteers during the member of the Alabama delegation, month of November as we celebrate Na- Center, said, ‘‘Stephen is one of the Congressman-elect Martha Roby. rare commodities in Washington who tional Home Health and Hospice Stephen came to my office 7 years prefers achieving results over personal Month. ago right out of law school. I was im- accolades. He’s a consummate profes- f mediately impressed not only by his sional and effective advocate who has talent but by his tenacity. No matter TRIBUTE TO MELISSA SHUTE been an absolute pleasure to work how difficult the task given him he with.’’ Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I rise would pursue it with vigor, and he Rick Dearborn, my chief of staff, today to bid farewell to a trusted mem- would not relent until he arrived at a said, ‘‘I am proud to have worked ber of my staff who will be departing solution. Stephen sees every obstacle the Senate. Melissa Shute has served alongside Stephen Boyd. I have always as a challenge to overcome. as my legislative counsel, handling In his first post as my legislative as- admired his attention to detail and the issues involving energy, natural re- sistant for energy issues, he worked on great clarity of his perspective. He has sources, and public lands. I have been efforts to establish the Coastal Impact a commonsense approach I’ve wit- fortunate to have a wonderful tradition Assistance Program. That program be- nessed him apply to all manner of com- of outstanding staffers to handle my came law through the Energy Policy plex problems to be solved, issues to be energy and environmental issues; how- Act of 2005. Stephen also played a sig- decided or given further thought. ever, the problem with good staff is nificant role in developing the Gulf of So much of what I believe has guided that they often get pulled away. him to excel has been his basic hon- Melissa is no exception. She came to Mexico Energy Security Act, which President George W. Bush signed into esty, his strong core integrity and a me in 2008 after serving as lead counsel sincere commitment to serve the peo- to one of our former Members whom I law in 2006. Early on, Stephen also recognized the ple of Alabama on behalf of Senator highly regard, Senator Pete Dominici, SESSIONS through his various roles in on the Senate Committee on Energy need to pursue alternative energy sources in order to diminish our de- our office. and Natural Resources. While on the Our loss in the Senate is Martha committee, Melissa was a key player pendence on foreign oil. Through his ef- forts he brought considerable attention Roby’s gain in the House and the sec- on legislation to increase domestic en- ond District of Alabama. He now as- ergy production in the United States. to switchgrass as a renewable energy resource, ultimately leading to sumes a key position within our staff Melissa has developed an expertise in delegation, as the Congresswoman’s energy and environmental issues and switchgrass’ potential being recognized in President Bush’s 2006 State of the new chief of staff. She could not have the importance they play in our econ- made a better choice.’’ omy. She is an enthusiastic warrior for Union Address. Matt Miner, staff director for the the principles we share. One of Stephen’s most valuable as- Melissa has provided critical counsel sets is his ability to anticipate prob- Senate Judiciary Committee, said, to me regarding major issues in nu- lems and to prepare for the unpredict- ‘‘Stephen Boyd has been a tremendous clear, coal, and renewable fuel research able. Stephen was the point person for asset to the Judiciary Committee dur- and development. She also took a lead- our office response when Hurricane ing Senator SESSIONS’ tenure as rank- ing role in helping Alabamians living Katrina hit in 2005. But before that dis- ing member. Through two Supreme on the gulf coast during the tragic oil astrous hurricane hit, Stephen had al- Court confirmations and numerous na- spill. Melissa and my energy team went ready implemented an office action tional security debates, Stephen’s calm above and beyond to take the steps plan to make sure we could quickly and thoughtful work as communica- necessary to help those impacted by and efficiently respond to an emer- tions director helped focus the national the environmental disaster receive the gency. debate and convey the Republican mes- support and information they need to In the last 4 years, Stephen has sage. He is one of the most talented begin the road of clean-up and recov- served first as my press secretary, fol- people with whom I have worked on ery. lowed by a swift promotion to commu- Capitol Hill, and I wish him all the best A graduate of the University of Tul- nications director. He played a key role in his next endeavor.’’ sa’s College of Law, Melissa has dem- in overseeing office communications Brian Benczkowski, former staff di- onstrated a sound legal mind in ana- during some of the most difficult and rector for the Senate Judiciary Com- lyzing legislative proposals that would challenging issues our country has mittee said, ‘‘It was a professional and impact current moratoria on off-shore faced in a long time—from wars in Af- personal pleasure to work with some- drilling. She understands that we need ghanistan and Iraq, to the recent eco- one as gifted and hard-working as Ste- to decrease our dependence on foreign nomic crisis, to the disastrous oilspill phen Boyd. Stephen has an uncanny oil and find new ways to tap the rich in the Gulf of Mexico. ability to analyze any given subject energy supplies our country has to Stephen also made an invaluable con- like a top-notch lawyer, while also ap- offer. tribution in two Supreme Court con- plying a good dose of Alabama common VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:15 Dec 16, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15DE6.076 S15DEPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with SENATE December 15, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10301 sense to the problem, and then commu- admiration of his colleagues, and has sure their concerns were addressed. nicating the result in clear and unmis- proven himself as a leader. His journey More importantly, Kevin spent months takable terms. These skills were an in- is only beginning, and I wish him all negotiating with OMB officials to over- valuable resource for the Senate Judi- the best in the months and years to come the administration’s initial oppo- ciary Committee during my tenure, come. sition. The work paid off when the leg- particularly during the Sotomayor and f islation passed both the House and the Kagan nominations. If there is a silver Senate by unanimous consent on the TRIBUTE TO KEVIN LANDY lining in his departure from Senator same day, November 15, 2002, and was SESSIONS’ staff, it is that he will con- Mr.
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