WEEK'S COMPLETE TELEVISION PROGRAMS THE ,, UNDAY ORT JERSEY'S O Y WEEKLY PI TO IAL M ZINE THE STAMP OF APPROVAL AVE SIME RAN HIS HEART OUT DESIGN IN DUPLICATE THE NEW GENERATION THE DRIVER'S SEAT KENNEDY VISITS PATERSON EPTEMBER 18, 1960 OL. XXXH, No. 38 435 STRAIGHT STREET PATERSON, N.J. MUlberry 4-7880 Gift Department Living Rooms Bedrooms -- .Bedding Dining Rooms Furniture Accessories Carpeting Appliances THE IDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE IT.LIAN'AHERICA 'KITCHEN •:•. ß . SEAA SPECIALTYFOOD , "*,•: BROILED LOBSTER -, -- DAILY P'ROGS' I,E(;.• - S%)!;'1' SliELL CRAbo- /T,I.,UF:FISH - RAINBOW TROUT - ]-!ALIHU'I' - SALMON - SHRIMPS- SOALLOPS- 168 BELMONTAVE [Cor. Burhans).HALEDON - - - LAmbert'6.988S OYSTERS- CLAb- COD FI•'H - $TVORD FISH i I. PARRILLO 'ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS' -- The noted architect of off- beat television and motion picture entertainment brings his TheMan from Equitable asks- high-rated, critically-acclaimedsuspense series to the NBC-TV Network's Tuesday night schedule. The half-hour Hitchcock pro- grams are an anthology of suspenseand mystery stories, often sprinkled with touches of humor and the macabre. As director and host. the master himself sets the scene for each story. Willyou leaYe your family a home -or a mortgage? THE ODDSthat you will die beforeyou pay o• your mortgageare 16 times greater than the chance your house will catch fire. Yet, most prudent families wouldn'tthink of beingwithout fire insurance.Why be without mortgageinsurance? Equitable'sremarkable mortgage repayment insur- anceplan protectsyour family againstforced sale... lossof savings...or lossof home. Costsarc low for this basicprotection. For full informationcall... j : I. PARRILLO 200 EAST R/DGEWOOD AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, N. J. GI 5-3342 GI 4-9891 SURPRISEPACKAGE--Audrey Meadows portrays a womanwho 'gets an unexpectedpresent from her dentist-husband,as played Let the manfrom Equitable bring you peace of mind . by. Les Tremayne, in "Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel's Coat," the premiere drama on NBC-TV Network's Alfred Hitchcock Pre. serifs" series Tuesday,- Sept. 27. __ _ Page Two THE CHRONICLE Published Weekly by • CHBONICI• COMPANY 170-172 Butler Street P&terson, N.J. LAmbe• 5-2741 /.., VINCENT S. PARRIS, Publisher VINCENT N. PARP•I•, Managing Editor Entered as Second Class matte• August 24, 1926, at the Post Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. SEPTEMBER18, 1960- VOL. XXXII, No. 38 Single. Copy 10 Cents -•: .22 $4,00 a Year by Mail ß ß CONTENTS FEATURES Tips on Touring ...................... 4 Dave Sime Ran His Heart Out '.- In Gallant Olympic Bid ...................... 5 'THIS IS YOUR LIFE'-- The award-winning television series, re- creating notable life-stories, will begin its ninth season on the For Postmen-The Stampof Approval............ 6 NBC-TV Network in a new day-and-time period, on Sundays. .."Living biographies" of more than 300 persons from all walks of life have been presented during the past eight years by host Design in Duplicate, by Stewart Robertson 14 Ralph Edwards, who will add 39 surprised ßsubjects to the pro- gram's list of honored guests, beginning in the Fall. ..... A Complete Short Story 14 Famous American Taverns ........................ 15 DEPARTMENTS . Editorials 8 .F-ditor Speaks completeTelevision _11-12-13 COVER STORY . f-....•Addressinganestimated crowd of15,000 cheering supporters i?:.'-:i•'•nfrontof Paterson City Hall Thursday morning, isDemocra- tic Presidentialcandidate John F. Kennedy.Flanking the Mas- ß;:-sachusetts Senator are Congressionalcandidate Charles S. 'BONANZA'-- Televisi0n'sfirst full-hour,'color filmed series begins its secondseason this Fall as an NBC-TV Network Satur. i Joelson;Officer William J.Kearns, president ofPatrolmen's day night Western-adventure entry.-Co-starring (from left) ilBenevolentAssociation, Paterson; Freeholder candidate Jo- Michael Landon, Pernell Roberts and Dan Blocker, as the Cart- •?sephA. Lazzara; and Mrs. Anthony J. Grossi. Senator Ken- wright boys, and Lorne Greene as their father, "Bonanza"'..•is •nedy, mobbed by shrieking teenagers when his car was halted filmed around--and depicts- the scenic Lake Tahoe. cou-'nt•y of California and Nevada. Guest stars, including Dan Duryea, in traffi, c 'several times, was accorded the largest turnout ever Harry Townesand others'forthe new.season,fill important given a visiting dignitary. In the series, Dave Dortort is the producer.... THE CHRONICLE Pa•e Thr•e THE DRIVER'S Tipson Touring By Carol Lane• Women'sTravel Authority SEAT ThreeTips For Tots • Smart mothers have discovered !that motoring with youngsters can '•be a breeze instead of a tornado. ,The trick is to keep the children-- especiallythe very young--busy and A good driver plays posiion as happy. carefully as a professional base- Here are three of my travel-tested ball player.That is h'eplays his tips' the mystery box, the wiggle platform and the shoe-bag filing position in relation to other ve- cabinet. hicles in the traffic pattern. In order to avoidaccidents, the safe driver knows' where his car is in relation to the cars direct- ]y in front, back and to both sides of him. He also.is aware of the positions of vehicles several car lengt.hs to the back and sides and as far ahead of him as he can clearly see. With this know]edge, he won't make sudden moves that could cause accidents or create breaks The mystery box is a hatbox or or bottlenecks in the traffic flow. fruitcake tin. Before leaving home, secretly decorate it, and fill it with If a car is overtaking him from inexpensivetoys, wrappedseparately the rear, he can assume the other in festive paper. Then, on the trip, driver will try to pass on his ]eft. when the youngsters show signs of ß He won't swerve or drift to his restlessnessor boredom,pull out the mystery box and let 'era dig--for one ]eft into the path of this oncom- toy. Budget toys and digs to the ing car. length of the trip. Note: select soft toys, wooden models, drawing books If the car ahead slows down, --things that won't hurt the child the driver 'who knows his posi- or distract the driver. HEIR TO TROUBLE- Rex Harrison portrays an Englishman tion in the pattern is not likely The wiggle platform is a rest or whose engagement to a lovely woman, played by Tammy Grimes, to swing out into the side of a is'endangered When he loses all his inheritance money in specu- play area in the back of the car. To car next to him. make one, stack luggageon the floor lation in "The Datchet Diamonds," premiere drama on "The Dow until it's level with the back seat. Hour of Great Mysteries" Tuesday, Sept. 20, on NBG-TV. To play his position in the traf- Over this, place a crib or air mat- fic pattern, a good driver uses all tress, cover with a quilt. Take a pillow for each child. the aids at his disposal.His rear- The shoe bag is hung over the view mirror and side mirror, back of the front seat. Secure it with properly used at frequent inter- two bicycle clamps or metal head- bands. Use some pockets for clean-up vals, help him keep conscious of items: paper toweling, a plastic other vehicles around him. He bottle of liquid cleanser,soap leaves, glances from side to side fre- disposablewashcloths. Other pockets quently •to orient himself to traf- make a filing cabinet for dark glasses, camera, toys, reading or drawing fic flow. And, he looks as far materials. ahead as :he can see in order to detect possible accident situa- tions in plenty of time to avoid JERSEY FACTS them. Aerial observations by the New At night, when visibility is sf• Jersey Department of Conserva- verely limited, playing positio tion and Economic Development is naturally more difficult, eve• if headlights make it easier to de- indicated 464,809 waterfowl wer• tect vehicles at a distance.. .present on the coastal marshes of New Jersey from Raritan Bay The wise .driver makes use of southward to Cape May and every positioning aid he can. Re- from .Cape May north and west- flective traffic signs and direc- ward along the Delaware Bay tion signals that glow far ahead and Delaware River to Paulsbo- in his headlight beams help him ro in November 1959. plan his moves in advanceß Re- flective road markings are a fur- All land in New Jersey was ther aid. Many commercial purchased from the Indians' no ßHAVE SLIDE RULE-WiLL TRAVEL-- Sharing teachin-•-load in trucking firms have added large land was taken from them by 'NBG-TV's"Gontinental Glassroom" during the first semester of reflective striping or trademarks force or without their consent. the newseasoffs colorcast Contemporary Mathematics course to help following drivers make are Dr. JohnL. Kelley(left) and Dr. JuliusHlavaty. First them out more clearly in the This was attested by B. S. Cal- .term, devoted to ModernAlgebra, starts Monday, Sept. 2'6. Kelley vin known as "Wilted Grass", will teachthe mathematicalcontent of the course.Mondays, darkness. himself a Leape, in 1832 in a let- Wednesdays,Fridays. H!avaty will teach the Tuesday sessions, All of these are aids, but in the ter to the New Jersey Legisla- :designedespecially for teachers.They will instructjointly on long run, good positioning is up ture following th'e adjustment of iThursdays.Kelley is chairmanof mathematicsdepartment at to the common sense of the dri- ;•U_Univ•rsityof California at Berkeley,. Hlavaty at DeWittClinton Indian claims. - - Higit •c:---., [•cw York City_ ver himself. Page Four Aims For Medical Medals N.ow DaveSime Ran His Heart Out DABE SIME InGallant Ol/m ics Bid , -Back in medical school at Duke Uni- with an unhappy roll of the dice.
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