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ûÅ©âÛï ÄÂÒ·ıß´âÒ Armenian Impressions ûÒÅÔÅÒÅùÌÅõ ç Published by © & K Telecom CJSC ISBN # 978-99941-2-097-0 §Ð³Û»óÇ ³åñáõÙÝ»ñ¦, Ù³ë »ñÏñáñ¹, ºñ¨³Ý, 2007, 160 ¿ç §¸ÇÇÙ øáÙÛáõÝÇù»Ûßݽ¦ ·áí³½¹³ÛÇÝ ·áñͳϳÉáõÃÛáõÝ §Ð³Û»óÇ ³åñáõÙÝ»ñ¦ ·ñùÇ »ñÏñáñ¹ Ù³ëÁ ѳÛáó Ùß³ÏáõóÛÇÝ ¨ ׳ñï³ñ³å»ï³Ï³Ý áõà ÏáÃáÕÝ»ñÇ Ù³ëÇÝ ¿£ ²ÛÝ Ý»ñ³éáõÙ ¿ å³ïٳϳÝ, ׳ñï³ñ³å»ï³Ï³Ý, Ñݳ·Çï³Ï³Ý Ñá¹í³ÍÝ»ñ ¨ ѳٻÙí³Í ¿ ÅáÕáíñ¹³Ï³Ý ³í³Ý¹³å³ïáõÙÝ»ñáí£ ¶ÇñùÁ Ññ³ï³ñ³Ïí³Í ¿ §Ô-î»É»ÏáÙ¦ ö´À-Ç å³ïí»ñáí ¨ ݳ˳ï»ëí³Í ã¿ í³×³éùÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ: §ìÇí³ê»ÉÁ¦ §Øîê¦ ´´À (“MTS” – NYSE: Øìî) ¹áõëïñ Ó»éݳñÏáõÃÛáõÝÝ ¿: ¶ñùáõÙ Áݹ·ñÏí³Í μáÉáñ Ñá¹í³ÍÝ»ñÝ áõ Éáõë³ÝϳñÝ»ñÁ å³ßïå³Ýí³Í »Ý Ñ»ÕÇݳϳÛÇÝ Çñ³íáõÝùÝ»ñáí: ¸ñ³Ýó ³åûñÇÝÇ í»ñ³Ññ³ï³ñ³ÏáõÙÝ ³é³ç³óÝáõÙ ¿ å³ï³ë˳ݳïíáõÃÛáõÝ` ÐÐ ûñ»Ýë¹ñáõÃÛ³Ùμ ë³ÑÙ³Ýí³Í ϳñ·áí: ûÅ©âÛï ÄÂÒ·ıß´âÒ Armenian Impressions ûÒÅÔÅÒÅùÌÅõ ç Published by гñ·»ÉÇ μ³ñ»Ï³Ù, ìÇí³ê»ÉÁ, ѳí³ï³ñÇÙ ÙݳÉáí Çñ áñ¹»·ñ³Í ëϽμáõÝùÝ»ñÇÝ, ß³ñáõݳÏáõÙ ¿ ³ç³Ïó»É г۳ëï³ÝÇ ëáódzÉ-ïÝï»ë³Ï³Ý, Ùß³ÏáõóÛÇÝ, ·Çï³Ï³Ý ¨ ÏñÃ³Ï³Ý ÏÛ³ÝùÇ ½³ñ·³óÙ³ÝÁ ¨ ѳ×áõÛùáí Ù³ëݳÏóáõÙ ³ÛÝ Ý³Ë³Ó»éÝáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇÝ, áñáÝù áõÕÕí³Í »Ý ³Û¹ Ï»Ýë³Ï³Ý áÉáñïÝ»ñÇÝ: ²Ûë »ñÇï³ë³ñ¹ ѳÝñ³å»ïáõÃÛáõÝÁ ¹»é¨ë μ³ñ·³- í³×Ù³Ý áõ ѳçáÕáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇ ¹³ñ»ñ áõÝÇ ³éç¨áõÙ: ²Ûë ·ÇñùÁ Ù»ñ ÅáÕáíñ¹Ç Ï»ñï³Í ÑÇÙݳñ³ñ ³ñÅ»ùÝ»ñÇÝ ¨ë ÙÇ ³Ý·³Ù ³Ý¹ñ³¹³éݳÉáõ, ¹ñ³Ýù ÝáñáíÇ Ý»ñϳ۳óÝ»Éáõ ¨ í»ñ³ÇÙ³ëï³íáñ»Éáõ ÷áñÓ ¿: Ø»Ýù Ù»ñ ݳËÝÇÝ»ñÇó ųé³Ý·»É »Ýù ÷³é³íáñ Dear Friend, Ùß³ÏáõóÛÇÝ Ñáõß³ñÓ³ÝÝ»ñ, Ñdzëù³Ýã ׳ñï³ñ³- å»ï³Ï³Ý ÏáÃáÕÝ»ñ, μ³½Ù³½³Ý áõ ·»Õ³ï»ëÇÉ Adhering to its principles, VivaCell continues to support the development of Armenia’s socio-economic, cultural, μݳß˳ñÑ: Ø»Ýù áã û å³ñ½³å»ë å»ïù ¿ scientific and educational life and gladly partakes in ÑdzݳÝù áõ Ñå³ñï³Ý³Ýù ³Û¹ ųé³Ý·áõÃÛ³Ùμ, initiatives focusing on these essential domains. This young ³ÛÉ ·Çï³Ïó»Ýù ¹ñ³ ³ñÅ»ùÝ áõ å³Ñå³Ý»Ýù ³Ù»Ý Replublic has a prosperous and thriving centuries ahead. ·Ýáí: ¸³ Ù»ñ ³½·³ÛÇÝ Ñ³ñëïáõÃÛáõÝÝ áõ ·³ÝÓÝ ¿, This book is an attempt to revisit, reintroduce and revitalize áñ ¹ÇٳݳÉáí ¹³ñ»ñÇ ³í»ñÇã ÷áÃáñÇÏÝ»ñÇÝ, the fundamental values which have shaped our nation. ѳë»É ¿ Ù»½, ³Ýë³ë³Ý ÑÇÙù ¹³éݳÉáí Ù»ñ ³½·Ç, We must learn from our ancestors who have known how Ýñ³ áõñáõÛÝ ¹ÇÙ³·ÍÇ áõ ³ñųݳå³ïíáõÃÛ³Ý to build an ever-lasting nation and transcend that wealth å³Ñå³ÝÙ³Ý Ñ³Ù³ñ, áñÁ ݳ¨ Ýñ³ ³ÝÏáïñáõÙ to our children. ϳÙùÇ áõ Ùßï³å»ë ³ñ³ñ»Éáõ Ó·ïÙ³Ý í³é We have inherited glorious cultural shrines, magnificent ³ñï³Ñ³ÛïáõÃÛáõÝÝ ¿: Ø»Ýù å»ïù ¿ ³Ùáõñ ϳéã»Ýù architectural institutions, a diverse and beautiful wildlife. ¨ ѳí³ï³ñÇÙ ÙݳÝù Ù»ñ ѳí³ïùÇÝ, Ùß³ÏáõÛÃÇÝ, We mustn’t simply admire and take pride in it, but learn ÇÝùÝáõÃÛ³ÝÁ. ãáõñ³Ý³Ýù ¨ ã¹³í³×³Ý»Ýù ¹ñ³Ýó, their value as well as preserve and safeguard. This is our ù³Ý½Ç ¹ñ³Ýù »Ý Ù»ñ ѳí»ñÅáõÃÛ³Ý ×³Ý³å³ñÑÇ capital, our treasure that has transpired to us through the å³ßïå³Ý í³Ñ³ÝÝ»ñÁ: most difficult chapters of our history during the course of thousands of years. They are the pillars of our existence. Ø»ñ ëáóÇ³É³Ï³Ý ³ç³ÏóáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÁ, ѳïϳå»ë We should stand firmly by our faith, culture, and identity, Ñ³Û Ùß³ÏáõÛÃÇ Ëñ³ËáõëÙ³Ý μݳ·³í³éáõÙ, not to deny or betray them. They are the shields of our ³å³óáõóáõÙ »Ý, áñ Ù»Ýù ѳëï³ï³Ï³Ù »Ýù journey to an eternal Armenia. Ù»ñ ÅáÕáíñ¹Ç ëï»Õͳ·áñÍ³Ï³Ý ·áñÍÁÝóóÇÝ Our social contributions, especially in the promotion of ë³ï³ñ»ÉáõÝ: ìÇí³ê»ÉÁ ß³ñáõݳϻÉáõ ¿ ³ÛÝ the Armenian culture attest to our profound determination ³½·³Ýå³ëï ³ß˳ï³ÝùÁ, áñ ÏáãíáõÙ ¿ ѳÛñ»ÝÇ in supporting the creative process of our people. VivaCell Ùß³ÏáõÛÃÇ, Ñá·¨áñ ³ñÅ»ùÝ»ñÇ ·Ý³Ñ³ïáõÙ ¨ is dedicated to continue promoting all efforts to building í»ñ³ñŨáñáõÙ: гۻñÝ »ñμ»ù ã»Ý Ùáé³Ý³ Çñ»Ýó a strong nation based on esteemed cultural and profound ³ñÙ³ïÝ»ñÁ, áñÇ Ñ½áñ ÑÇÙùÇ íñ³ Ûáõñ³ù³ÝãÛáõñë values. Armenians never forget their roots, that mighty ϳéáõóáõÙ ¿ Çñ ë»÷³Ï³Ý гۻóÇ ³åñáõÙÝ»ñÁ: foundation on which every one of us builds his/her own Armenian Impressions. è³Éý ÚÇñÇÏÛ³Ý Ralph Yirikian ìÇí³ê»ÉÇ ¶É˳íáñ îÝûñ»Ý General Manager, VivaCell ÅÉÖáâãçèë ìïóôõùü°£• ß©´≠·„ÂÁÈÎ ÌÔÒÛ·ı˜˘˚˝ ™ÅôÅÉÅ´ Preface ´Ý³í å³ï³Ñ³Ï³Ý ã¿, áñ г۳ëï³ÝÝ ³Ýí³ÝáõÙ »Ý It is not by coincidence that Armenia is also known to be a ݳ¨ §Ã³Ý·³ñ³Ý` μ³ó »ñÏÝùÇ ï³Ï¦: museum under the open sky. Æñ³å»ë, Ù»ñ »ñÏñáõ٠ϳñ»ÉÇ ¿ ѳݹÇå»É ѳ½³ñ³íáñ Indeed, one can encounter thousands of monuments in our ÏáÃáÕÝ»ñÇ, áñáÝù Çñ»Ýó Ù»ç ÏñáõÙ »Ý ëï»Õͳ·áñÍ Ñ³Û country, incorporating the essence of the creative Armenian ÙïùÇ ÃéÇãùÝ áõ í»ÑáõÃÛáõÝÁ, ÑdzóÝáõÙ áõ ½³ñÙ³óÝáõÙ mind, which mesmerizes with its divine magnificence. However, there are some exceptional masterpieces created Çñ»Ýó Ññ³ß³Ï»ñï ËáñÑñ¹³íáñáõÃÛ³Ùμ: ê³Ï³ÛÝ by the people of this land which cannot be reproduced. ¹ñ³Ýó Ù»ç ³é³ÝÓݳÝáõÙ »Ý Ù»ñ ÅáÕáíñ¹Ç ÏáÕÙÇó Besides harboring mystical and cultural values, over ³ñ³ñí³Í ³ÛÝåÇëÇ ³ÝÏñÏÝ»ÉÇ ·ÉáõË·áñÍáóÝ»ñ, centuries they have each played a vital historic, political, áñáÝù Ùß³ÏáõóÛÇÝ Ù»Í³·áõÛÝ ³ñÅ»ùÝ»ñ ÉÇÝ»Éáõó educational, scientific or social role in the advancement μ³óÇ` Ù»ñ ÅáÕáíñ¹Ç ѳٳñ áõÝ»ó»É »Ý ݳ¨ of our people. These are our Armenian Impressions. å³ïٳϳÝ, ù³Õ³ù³Ï³Ý, ÏñóϳÝ, ·Çï³Ï³Ý áõ ѳë³ñ³Ï³Ï³Ý Ù»Í Ï³ñ¨áñáõÃÛáõÝ, ¨ ³Ý·Ý³Ñ³ï»ÉÇ With this book, we present eight such shrines, which we ¹»ñ »Ý ˳ճó»É Ù»ñ ÅáÕáíñ¹Ç ½³ñ·³óÙ³Ý ¹³ñ³íáñ believe contain many of the attributes mentioned above. The selection process was a difficult one. After much ׳ݳå³ñÑÇÝ: ¸ñ³Ýù Ù»ñ ѳۻóÇ ³åñáõÙÝ»ñÝ »Ý: consideration and research, the following sites were cho- ²Ûë ·ñùáõÙ Ý»ñϳ۳óíáõÙ »Ý ³Û¹åÇëÇ áõà ÏáÃáÕÝ»ñ, sen: Ughtasar, Zorats Karer, Geghard Monastery, Khosrov áñáÝóáõÙ, Ù»ñ ѳÙá½Ù³Ùμ, ³ÏÝѳÛï ¿ í»ñÁ Ýßí³Í Forests, Sanahin Monastery, Smbataberd, Khndzoresk, ѳïϳÝÇßÝ»ñÇ Ù»Í Ù³ëÁ: ¸Åí³ñ ¿ »Õ»É ÁÝïñáõÃÛáõÝÁ: and Tatev Monastery. ºñϳñ ÙïáñáõÙÝ»ñÇó áõ áõëáõÙݳëÇñáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇó These genius achievements are acknowledged based Ñ»ïá ÁÝïñí»óÇÝ Ñ»ï¨Û³É ÏáÃáÕÝ»ñÁ` àõÕï³ë³ñ, on their archeological, architectural, historic and cultural ¼áñ³ó ù³ñ»ñ, ¶»Õ³ñ¹Ç í³Ýù, ÊáëñáíÇ ³Ýï³éÝ»ñ, significance, as well as their harmonious integration with ê³Ý³ÑÇÝÇ í³Ýù, êÙμ³ï³μ»ñ¹, ÊÝÓáñ»ëÏ ¨ î³Ã¨Ç surrounding nature. They all offer much appreciated í³Ýù, ѳßíÇ ³éÝ»Éáí ¹ñ³Ýó Ñݳ·Çï³Ï³Ý, popular folk tales and legends. ׳ñï³ñ³å»ï³Ï³Ý, å³ïÙ³Ï³Ý áõ Ùß³ÏáõóÛÇÝ Ý߳ݳÏáõÃÛáõÝÁ, Ý»ñ¹³ßݳÏáõÃÛáõÝÁ ßñç³Ï³ μÝáõÃÛ³Ý Ñ»ï, í»ñáÑÇßÛ³ÉÝ»ñÇ Ù³ëÇÝ å³ïÙíáÕ ³é³ëå»ÉÝ»ñÁ, ½³ñٳݳÑñ³ß å³ïÙáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÁ, áñáÝù ÅáÕáíñ¹³Ï³Ý μ³Ý³ÑÛáõëáõÃÛ³Ý ÑdzݳÉÇ ÝÙáõßÝ»ñ »Ý: Sanahin Monastery Republic of Armenia Geghard Monastery Yerevan Khosrov Forests Mountainous Smbataberd Karabagh Ughtasar Zorats Karer Khndzoresk Tatev Monastery Ç·ÌÅ´áÅù·ıë©·ı´ Table of Contents ‡ı£ÔÅÎÅÒ | Ughtasar. 2 ä·ÒÅÛ ¯ÅÒâÒ | Zorats Karer . 18 Ñâ£ÅÒáï ÌÅ´˘ | Geghard Monastery . 34 ò·ÎÒ·Ìï Å´ÔÅÈ´âÒ | Khosrov Forests . 50 ÍÅ´Åüï´ï ÌÅ´˘ | Sanahin Monastery . 66 ÍßÉÅÔÅÉâÒá | Smbataberd . 82 ò´°·ÒâÎù | Khndzoresk . 94 ÓÅë&ï ÌÅ´˘ | Tatev Monastery . 110 Ƈı£ÔÅÎÅÒØ { Ughta s ar } PHOTO BY HRACHIA GHAZARYAN PHOTO BY HRACHIA GHAZARYAN Æ ûÅ©âÛï ÄÂÒ·ıß´âÒØ 4 © JACOB MAJARIAN ä·ÒÅÛ ‡ı£ÔÅÎÅÒ Mighty Ughtasar ³ñ»ñÇ »ñÏÇñ г۳ëï³Ý... Ø»ñ ù³ñ»ñáõÙ ¿ ARMENIA: THE COUNTRY OF STONES! Forever ·³Õïݳ·ñí³Í ѳÛáó ·»Ý»ïÇÏ Å³é³Ý·áõ- preserved on these stones is the genetic heritage ¯ ÃÛ³Ý å³ïÙáõÃÛáõÝÁ: of Armenia’s people. гÕóѳñ»Éáí ¹Åí³ñ³Ýó³Ý»ÉÇ Overcoming mountains and a complete lack of ׳ݳå³ñÑÁ ¨ ѳëÝ»Éáí êÛáõÝÇùÇ μ³ñÓñ³í³Ý¹³ÏÇ roads, one reaches the heart of Syunik’s plateau1, Ï»ÝïñáÝ³Ï³Ý Ñ³ïí³ÍáõÙ1 ·ïÝíáÕ àõÕï³ë³ñ` feeling transported in time to prehistoric man’s ³ÝÙÇç³å»ë ѳÛïÝíáõÙ »ë ݳ˳å³ïÙ³Ï³Ý world and understanding them through their draw- ųٳݳÏÝ»ñáõÙ` ѳÕáñ¹³Ïóí»Éáõ ݳËݳ¹³ñÛ³Ý ings, as if reading an ancient epic poem.

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