60 SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS: CLIMATE CHANGE AND CULTURAL EVOLUTION doi: 10.22498/pages.24.2.60 The end of the Holocene Humid Period in the central Sahara and Thar deserts: societal collapses or new opportunities? Andrea Zerboni1, S. biagetti2,3,4, c. Lancelotti2,3 and M. Madella2,3,5 The end of the Holocene Humid Period heavily impacted on human societies, prompting the development of new forms of social complexity and strategies for food security. Yearly climatic oscillations played a role in enhancing the resilience of past societies. The Holocene Humid Period or Holocene settlements (Haryana, India), show a general changes in settlement pattern, rather than full- climatic Optimum (ca. 12–5 ka bP), in its local, trend towards desertification and higher fledged abandonment. monsoon-tuned variants of the African Humid evapotranspiration between 5.8 and 4.2 ka bP, Period (DeMenocal et al. 2000; Gasse 2000) followed by an abrupt increase in δ18O values In the SW Fazzan, the transition from the Late and the period of strong Asian southwest (or and relative abundance of carbonates, indic- Pastoral (5-3.5 ka bP) to the Final Pastoral summer) monsoon (Dixit et al. 2014), is one ative of a sudden decrease in Indian summer (3.5-2.7 ka bP) marks the ultimate adaptation of the best-studied climatic phases of the monsoon precipitations (Dixit et al. 2014). to hyperarid conditions and, later, the rise Holocene. Yet the ensuing trend towards arid- of the Garamantian kingdom (2.7-1.5 ka bP; ity, the surface processes shaping the pres- Aridification and cultural processes Mori et al. 2013). According to the most recent ent-day arid lands and the cultural responses Given the diverse physiographic character- paleoclimatic reconstructions (cremaschi and to these are still debated. Human reactions istics of the Sahara and the Thar deserts, the Zerboni 2009; see also Fig. 2), it seems that to arid environmental conditions have been climate-driven changes of the landscape likely the initial phase of the Garamantian king- sometimes described in terms of demo- occurred with different tempi and magni- dom was characterized by a relatively humid graphic decrease (e.g. Manning and Timpson tudes, thus variably affecting past human environment, whereas the unification of the 2014) and as driving socio-cultural complexity societies. In both areas, the reconstruction of kingdom period coincided with a clear de- (e.g. Kuper and Kröpelin 2006). These two mid- to late Holocene cultural trajectories is crease in rainfall. The end of the Garamantian concepts, although apparently conflicting, are still affected by the patchiness of radiometric kingdom occurred a few centuries after the not mutually exclusive. The onset of arid con- data, as well as the scarcity of field-based onset of current hyperarid conditions, and was ditions can lead to demographic decrease or studies that consider both morpho-sedimen- followed by a new tribal population structure the rearrangement of the population around tary and archaeological contexts across the and relocation in the landscape (Mori et al. important or secure resources. In turn, this region. Nonetheless, during the aridification 2013). Therefore, no deterministic correlation can favor the adoption of different strategies phase, archaeological evidence in these areas between climate or ecological changes and to cope with the new climatic conditions, points to continuity of occupation, but with societal collapse can be postulated. leading to augmented social stratification and complexity, and eventually to the emergence of hierarchical state-like entities. The transition toward aridity The African Humid Period is regarded as the most favorable period for human settlement in northern Africa during the Holocene. It corresponds to the so-called Green Sahara, often seen as the apex of Saharan prehistoric civilizations. Its termination represents a cru- cial moment for past communities. Whether the African Humid Period ended abruptly (e.g. deMenocal et al. 2000) or gradually (Kröpelin et al. 2008) is still discussed. In the SW Fazzan of Libya (Fig. 1), its end (around 5.5 ka bP) determined the rapid decline of natural re- sources in the climatically sensitive dunes and lowland environments. On the other hand, along the main rivers, which were fed by large aquifers located within the massifs, seasonal water availability persisted for several millen- nia (cremaschi and Zerboni 2009). Smaller riv- ers may have turned into ephemeral streams, or dried out rapidly, but major endorheic wa- tercourses progressively switched into oases, seasonally reactivated by rainfall (cremaschi et al. 2006). coeval with North Africa, the Thar Desert (Fig. 1) desiccation began around 6 ka bP (Madella and Fuller 2006), as revealed by the Lake Lunkaransar sediment record, which Figure 1: (A) Map with the areas (in green) mentioned in the text (central Sahara and Thar Desert; map: after some fluctuations dried out by 5.5 ka GoogleEarth™). Key: 1) Fazzan (Libya); 2) Thar Desert; 3) Lake Lunkaransar (India); 4) Kotla Dahar (India); 5) ODP bP (Enzel et al. 1999). recent paleoclimatic core 658c (off Mauritania); 6) Lake Yoa (chad); 7) Lake Wadhwama (India). (B) In both regions, the study of records from Kotla Dahar, a lake located at the subsistence strategies of resilient traditional societies is a tool to disclose the complexity of the responses of late north-eastern edge of the distribution of Indus Holocene archaeological communities to increased aridity. PAGES MAGAZINE ∙ VOLUME 24 ∙ NO 2 ∙ DEcembEr 2016 SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS: CLIMATE CHANGE AND CULTURAL EVOLUTION 61 In north-western South Asia, the beginning of the Harappan civilization (Early Harappan) roughly coincides with the earliest phase of aridification (5.1 ka bP), and the urbaniza- tion period (Mature Harappan) develops in spite of the drying trend. Although the end of the Harappan civilization has often been associated with extreme climatic events, the question is still under debate. A recent study suggests a possible correlation between the 4.1 ka bP drought event and the onset of the de-urbanization period, which started a couple of hundred years later (Dixit et al 2014). However, more than a collapse, the Late Harappan period (3.8-3.2 ka bP) seems to reflect settlement reorganization in conse- quence to hydroclimatic changes (Giosan et al 2012), with an increased number of small and more dispersed sites that occupied diverse ecological niches. The scale of hydroclimatic stresses probably decreased the resilience of Harappan society, but on its own does not provide a straightforward, deterministic explanation for the transformations in site size, distribution, and interrelationships across the whole area. The role of an unsteady climate climate change has often been invoked as a reason for cultural change, yet human dynam- ics are not linearly related to climate change. Humans respond to what they perceive as changes in the landscape and in the available resources. Therefore, the transition to aridity in North Africa and north-west South Asia is better interpreted as the transition to a drier, yet oscillating, climate, with marked annual (or few-year lasting) variations in rainfall, and thus in of natural resources. This might have prompted the adoption of flexible and Figure 2: correlation between climatic data and cultural evolution in the central Sahara and the Thar Desert opportunistic strategies to cope with an un- in the mid-late Holocene. The transition from green to yellow in the background corresponds to the transition predictable alternation of wet and dry years. toward aridity; the orange bars are phases of unsteady climate. (A) Termination of the African Humid Period Garamantian and Harappan state-like entities, according to terrigenous input from the Senegal river (deMenocal et al. 2000); (B) Saharan pollen record from Lake Yoa (Kröpelin et al. 2008); (C) tree rings of Cupressus dupreziana (cremaschi et al. 2006); (D) cultural although born and flourished in dry spells, evolution of the Garamantian civilization (Mori et al. 2013); (E) Lake Wadhwana fluctuations in the Thar Desert might not have had the level of flexibility nec- (raj et al. 2015); (F) record of Arabian Sea upwelling (Gupta et al. 2003); (G) changes in the Indus river discharge essary to cope with high-frequency climatic (Staubwasser et al. 2003); (H) cultural evolution of the Indus civilization (Dixit et al. 2014). variability and its erratic resource availability. 4 The consolidation of centrally controlled so- Sahara and the Thar deserts, much of the School of Geography, Archaeology, and cio-economical structures, including resource dynamics related to these adaptive strategies Environmental Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, rSA redistribution networks, resulted in a loss still evade our knowledge. Furthermore, in the 5ICREA, barcelona, Spain of resilience that ultimately led to a drastic areas discussed here, the scarcity of data for change of the social organization. the post-Garamantian and, to a lesser extent, cONTAcT post-Harappan periods, prevents the con- Andrea Zerboni: [email protected] The breakdown of these state-like structures, struction of robust models describing demo- rEFErENcES however, did not result in the abandonment graphic fluctuations during the late Holocene. cremaschi M et al. (2006) Holocene 16: 293-303 of areas, but in the beginning of new so- Presumably (compared with present-day local cio-economic realities. Humans embraced adaptations), a more flexible and less-perma- cremaschi M, Zerboni A (2009) c r Geosci 341: 689-702 new settlement strategies for the exploitation nent settlement pattern occurred, featuring DeMenocal Pb et al. (2000) Quat Sci rev 19: 347-361 of residual and spotted natural resources. villages set around water sources (e.g. springs, Dixit Y et al. (2014) Geology, doi: 10.1130/G35236.1 Local-scale choices and the accumulated oases, ephemeral streams). These villages Enzel Y et al. (1999) Science 284: 125-128 ecological knowledge played a key role in the were connected to more mobile, smaller Gasse F (2000) Quat Sci rev 19: 189-211 development of adaptive modes of land- groups adapted to exploit extremely arid Gupta AK et al.
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