F.No. r0{pl/20L5 -E-infra . Government of India Ministry of Communications and InJormation Technology Department of Electronics and InJormation Technology E-Infrastructure Division ElectronicsNiketan 6, CGO Complex New Delhi 110003 Dated: 25.06.2015 To, The Pay & Account Officer Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) New Delhi Subject:- Administrative Approval for the Projecton "NASSCOM-ERNET Certlreof Excellence(CoE) for Internet of Things (IOT)". Implementing Agency: ERNET India and NASSCOM Status: Government Autonomous Society and Trade Association for Software Industries (non-profit orgn) Sir, I am directed to convey the Administrative Approval of the Competent Authority for the implementation of the Projectentitled "NASSCOM-ERNET Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Internet of Things (IOT)" with an outlay of Rs.2L95.22lakh(Rupees Twenty One Crore Ninety Five lakh Twenty.Two Thousand only) with DeitY Contribution of Rs.1077.72lakh (RupeesTen Crore Seventy Sevenlakh Seventy Two Thousand only) over a period of 5 years. The details of the project are annexed. 2. This issues with the concurrenceof IFD vide OPA No. 3053576dated 23.06.2015and approval of Secretaryvide Diary No. 3053576dated 24.06.2015. Deputy Director Tel- 24307394 Copy to: 1. Principal Director of Audit, (Post& Telecommunications) Sham Nath Marg, Civil Lines,Delhi- 110054. 2. Drawing & DisbursementSection, DeitY (2 copies). 3. =FinanceSection, DeitY. 4. DG, ERNET,New Delhi - 110001. 5. Shri K.S. Viswanathan, Vice President& Chief Investigator, NASSCOM, New Delhi. 6. HOD(E-Infra), DeitY 7. DD(HRD) t 8. SanctionFolder il rllr,UW-_ (P.Victor Affierq.te1 Deputy Ditector Tel- 24301394 Annexure to the Administrative Approval (File No.10(8)/2015'E-infra) 1) Name of the Projech "NASSCOM-ERNET Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Internet of Things (IOT)" 2) Objective: The objective of the proposal is to enable India as the Innovation hub for the emerging technology like Internet of Things through democratization of.Innovation, standardizatiory Realizationof prototype, products before deployment of the IoT devices in the public domain/ inflastructure and support Govt. initiatives on IoT solutions for specificIndia needsin areas like water, energy, agriculture, health, security and privacy of data. 3) Expected Outcome: As a part of this project, physical infrastrucfure for Internet of Things (IoT) will be setup to encourage the start-ups to work on technical design to product prototyping by way of democratising innovation in collaboration with academicfindustry partners. This IoT lab facility witl support in creation of product prototypes to addressthe domestic needs areas like health, water, agriculture and energy but not limited to these areasand ensurean understandingof security and privacy aspects. This facility also includes the incubation centre to enable start-ups to develop their ideas. This centre will build a repository of industry/academia experts who can mentor the entrepreneurs on a need basis to support the start-up in being successfui. The expectedbusiness benefits from COE for IoT program are: o Build industry capable talent, start-up community and ^..k^.^-^.^ ^---.: ^l ^ -^ ^--^!^-^- gI TLI E VI EI I.SLII Id.I SLUD V D LSII I. Builidomain capabilities in terms of engineering discipline . Provide an ecosystem for innovation to thrive and embrace entrepreneurship . Energlse Research mind-set and reduce costs in Research and Deveiopment . Reduction in import dependency on IoT components and promote indigenization r Positioning India as a provider of end-to-end solution in Engineering space o Build Products Engineered for Local conditions and knowledge base of Experts The CoE for IoT proposes to build an ecosystemand collaborations amongst Entrepreneurs,Industry,Academia and Gover ent. Contd...2/- --:2:-- Implementation The coE Process: is to be jointly imprementedby ERNETIndia and NASSCOM. The role of ERNET India and NASSCOM are clearly defined and are given below: Role of ERNET o Make available funds towards expenses(capex and opex incruded) o Participate in the overafl Governanceand monitoring of the CoE o Adopt IPv6 eco-system built by ERNET in supporting CoE for IoT o support development of open framework foi ioT, Ioi architecture o support as Chief Technorogy officer in providing technical architecture,technical framewoik for the COE ' Linkages with Academia, universities to support IoT experiments in improving the knowredge of IoT hura*a.e and software infrastrucfure o Participate in standards deveropment, imprementation and adaption in consultation ' Enable availability of experts from Research& Academia to work with CoE to deveiop appropriate curriculum and coursewareon IoT to be institutionalised acrossuniversities. RoIe proiect NASSCOM . To specify, identi-fli lab and incubator infrastructure and procure on behalf of Deity using Government funds o To prepare a roadmap of activities for the year for execution to be funded by DeitY and Lrdustry jointly r To deveiop training modules, networking platforms for Industry - acaciemia-researchers r To establish and operate the incubator offering infrastructure for mentoring etc. ' Project implementation partner will also identify alternate sources of funds and revenues from Govt. and Industry to meet the expensesof the CoE. 4) Implementing ERNET India and NASSCOM Agency and Status Government Autonomous society and rrade Association for So are Industries (non-profit orgn.) 5) Locations Bengaluru 6) Project Duration 5 years Expecteddate of Date of 1st 'co releaseof GiA encement Expected date of 5y date of Lst releaseof GIA co letion Contd...3/- --:3:-- 7j Total Budget Outiay Rs.2195.22lakh DeitY Contribution Rs.7077.72lakh (Break-updetails of budget for the project) . ltl lakh FIead Lrt 2"d 3rd 4th 5th Total Capital Equipment 365.00 47.00 99.00 108.00 116.00 735.00 Manpower 87.6 97.67 109.10 722.08 136.81 553.26 Contingencv, Consumables etc. 81.00 52.00 58.50 59.50 60.50 311.50 T r avel f Tr aining/ works hoP or ganization(inclu d es foreim travel) 70.00 77.50 79.52 82.30 75.49 384.81 Organization overhead 58.60" 35.28 37.44 38.89 40.84 21.0.65 662.20 Sub total: 309.45 383.16 4't0.77 429.64 2795.22 Grand Total: 2:95.22 *one time program managementcost towards settingup of CoE 7.1) The Indush'y's/NASSCOM contribution of the 50% of.the projectcost will be by way of: (0 Direct sponsorshipfor the COE for IoT and its events (iil Providing toois/equipment to the COE for IoT (iit Providing licencesfor the software deployed in COE for IoT (i") Providing credits for data storagespace in the cioud (.") DeploizrngIoT Experts to i::.entorthe entrepreneurs (vi) Processdocumentation (vii) Industry time for h'ain the trainer 8) Stagesfor releaseof Grant-in-Aid ltelease Stage of Implernentation Documents to be Amount to be No. Supplied by released Implementing Agency 1. Issue of Adminish'ative Approval Acceptanceof Terms Rs.327.5lakh and acceptance of telms & & Conditions of GIA. Conditions 2. and Recommendation of PRSG lJtilisation Certificate, Rs.750.22lakh further Technicai Progress Report. 9) The releaseof funds will be governedby the te (P.Victor Albuquerque) Deputy Director Tel.- 24301394.
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