University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-15-1907 Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 01-15-1907 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 01-15-1907." (1907). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/ 3493 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. pl 1 Th Evening Cltlzan, In Advance, IS per yr. 1 VOL. 21. NO. 13. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 15. 1907. Delivered by Carrier, 0 cent pr month. WALL STREET'S RAILROAD SPHINX A PASSENGER THE HOUSE IE0 LA FRANCIS III AND FREIGHT on WORK OF SEV MEXICO GETS rip THE KILLED THE ERALSTATES A VERY W R Usual Way And Head bn Col- Senate Ship Subsidy Bill By Colorado Elects Guggenheim Welcome From President lision Is the Fatal Vote of Eight to Seven to Senate as Patterson's Dlaz-narc- hist Plot Result. Today. Successor. In Spain. RUSH OF PASSENGERS CORTELYOU AND GARFIELD mmm: BAILEY'S FRIENDS SAY BOUNDARY FIXED BETWEEN INJURE GIRL FATALLY REPORTED BY COMMITTEE THEY HAVE WHIPHANDLE Reported De fire Consumes Half Million Dol- Spooner Defends Power ofvPrcs Browne From Nebraska. Richard Kingston Jamlca. lars Worth of Chicago Prop- Ident in Brownsvill son Form Delaware. Elected stroyed by Earthquake. With erty In Few Hours. Soldiers Matter. to United States Senate. Great Loss of Life. 17. Denver, 15. Guggen City of Mexico. Jan. 15. Former Kansas City, Mo.. Jan. 16. Two Washington, Jan. ly a vote of Jan. Simon 8 7, helm, republican, was Governor David R. Francis, of Mla trainmen are known to be dead and to the senate ship subsidy bill elected senator was defeated In the house committee to succeed Thomas M. Patterson, sourl. who yesterday presented to another is believed to be dead, while democrat, by legislature President Dial medal and diploma foitaJIyi In- on merchant marine and fisheries to the today. a the fourth in probably day. He received large majority of both awarded the chief executive of Mex jured, in wreck Waldron, Mis- a a at As the committee had no authority the house and the senate in separate ico by the St. Louis world's fair offi souri, twelve miles from Leaven- Thomp taut night, caused by to sit during the sessions of the house, session, the vote being: cials, called on Ambassador worth, Kansas, grant Senate Guggenheim 22; S. son, head-o- n and as objection was made to Chas Consul General Gottschalk and a collisslon betwen the Rock vote on Thomas, 12. Albino Munroe, Mexican commis- passenger 26 ing this authority, a the Gros democrat R. Island train No. and venor subsidy was House Guggenheim 46; sioner St. Louts fair. The a freight. Several passengers were mall substitute Thomas at the prevented, and the committee an 15; Frank C. Goudy, republican 4. party will be entertained today at (lightly Injured. The dead are: journed meet 4 aft to given McQUEEN, to at o'clock this Senator Morton Alexander, republl luncheon be in their honor ENGINEER J. of the ernoon. can; was absent on account of sick' by President Diaz. freight. ness. All the republican members CHARLES HAKT, baggageman. present AN Engineer King, passenger CORTELYOU AND GARFIELD voted for Guggenheim, except ANARCHISTIC PLOT of the ARE REPORTED FAVORABLY representative M. D. Vincent, of DISCOVERED IN MADRID. train, is missing and believed to be on wreckage. The senate committee finance- Delta county, who voted for Goudy, Madrid. Jan. 16. The police hare under the Fireman Geo today agreed to report favorably upon Three democrats after voting for discovered an anarchistic plot to kill S. Millwood Is probably fatally in Gen persons on open the nominations of Postmaster III Thomas changed to Goudy as a com several prominent Janu jured. An switch was the era! Cortelyou to be secretary of the rrJ$ c,. pliment. They Hema, ary 21, the day fixed for the opening are Montrose cause of the wreck. treasury, and of James R. Garfield Ebbert, Otero; Gellesfleld, Pueblo. of the parliamentary debate upon the the commissioner of corporations, to attempt upon the lives of King Al- AMERICAN IDIOTIC ltl"hll secretary on oc AGAIN KXDS FATALLY be of the Interior. BROWN SUCCEEDS fonso and Queen Victoria, the 15. The vote on both Cortelyou and MILLARD FROM NEBRASKA casion of their marriage. several Chicago, Jan. In a rush of 16. ugo. passengers to board an elevated train Garfield was unanimous, the members Lincoln, Jan. The legislature months today, of the committee assenting to the Itoday in separate session elected at the Canal street station view president should be al Norris Brown, republican. Miss Lillian Dahlke was pushed from that the United SPAIN DECIDES THE girl lowed to select his own advisors. States senator to succeed J. H. Mill BOUNDARY FOR HONDURAS. the platform. The fell between Nominations Made. LIFE IS UNITED MINE WORKERS ard, over W. Thompson, the train and the platform In such Other REPUBLICAN CLUBS AL II. demo New Orleans, Jan. 15. The Pica The president sent to the senate crat. Brown will be formally elect-d- e yune says: The dispute which ha a way that it was found necessary to following nominations: chop away a portion of the platform the at the joint session tomorrow: In existed several years betwegnli N- Postmasters Williams, Ariz., F. vote 67 . to extricate her. Her spine was NOW HAILED INTO ARE IN ANNUAL the house the stood Brown icaragua and Honduras as to the W. Smith; Farmlngton, N. M., J. A. READY ARRANGED Thompson 31. The senate Brown boundary line upon the north ha fractured and other internal injuries Duff. render her recovery impossible. 28; Thompson 6, been settled. This question waa left to the king of Spain as referee, and SKMiit'r Continue Siteerli. DELAWARE'S SENATOR IS I IKK LAPS FULLY HALF ISSUE COURT he gave Honduras all that wus claim- IT Washington, Jan. 15. Spooner In 1908 AGAIN A REPUBLICAN ed by President Bonila and more. v MILLION IV SHOUT ORDER the senate foday resumed his speech Dover, Jan. 15. Harry A. Rich Chicago, Jan. 15. Half a million upon the Brownsville resolution. ardson, republican, was today for dollars wdrth of property was de mally KINGSTON IS REPORTED AS which was begun yesterday. He said elected United States senator DESTROYED BY EARTHQUAKE. stroyed early today by a' flre that he agreed that it was for congress to Their National Committee Will Be Investigated Same Company Books Show Only to succeed J. Frank Alle. Both partially burned the eight story determine the oath of enlistment, the house balloted separately. In the New York. Jan. 16. The Western building on Dearborn street, occupied Washington as Was the New York Eleven Dead at Eliza Union Is In receipt of advices that duration of term, the pay, the method Is'ln For senate eleven votes were cast for ' principally by M. A. Donahue & com- of punishment and many other regu- Richardson, five for Saulsbury, dem Kingston, Jamaica, had been de- pany, printers,, and publishers. A lations for the government of sol- That Purpose. Life. Furnance. ocrat. Richardson received twenty stroyed by an earthquake, with moHi dozen other firms had places of bust diers, but he could not agree that the five votes In the house and Saulsbury loss of life. tiess destroyed. commander In chief of the United ten. The announcement Issued by th Western-Unio- as, r HIGH n Is follows: ' States army in time ot peace MEXICAN GIVEN MONTH MOKE INDICTMENTS WATERS ENDANGER GREAT BRITAIN Ifl FAR is under the supreme command of MONTANA ELECTS TO The Western Union Telegraph AHEAD IN ITS SHIPPING congress. constitution made the EXTRADITION AGAINST STANDARD OIL PITTSBURG'S NEIGHBORS SENATE A REPUBLICAN, company has received advices that The TO FIGHT Ja- Washington, 75. president the commander in chief of Helena, Mont., Jan. 15. Congress communication with Kingston, Jan. Th. fact Interrupted, to Isth- that the United States congress is to- the army, without defining his func- man Jos. M. Dixon, republican, was maica, Is also the day considering legislation to revise tions, declared Spooner. He read Washington, Jan. 15. Plans for New York, Jan. 13. Investigation Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 15. The elected United States senator today. mus via, Jamaica, caused apparently the In Swayne 1908 arrangements of the Metro- eighteenth annual convention of the The vote for Dixon was 70; Governor by an eurthquake, and that later ad- the dwindling shipping marine of the from decision the the national campaign of are into the com- country, to re case, in the court of claims, that eon-gre- ss already being formulated by re politan Life Insurance company, United Mine Workers of America Jos. K. Toole, democrat, 17; B. L. vices are that the land line of gives added interest a the opened Is to five cent British Hoard of Trade return may reduce orabolish the mili- publicans. The meeting of the execu- similar to that Into the New York here today, with 600 dele Frank, democrat, 6; A. O. Conrad munication restored within so Indict- gates from the bituminous district 1, miles of Kingston. Traffic may lx containing some statistics relative to tary forces, but that long as there tive committee of the National Life, which resulted In the democrat, 2; Morris, democrat, ' Is a force, the commander In chief George W.
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