WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10v 1973 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 38 ■ Pages 27911 PART I HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published in this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. VETERANS DAY, 1973— Presidential Proclamation.........._ 27919 NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER, 1973— Presidential Procla­ mation ........... .................. .................... ............................... ........ 27917 ECONOMIC STABILIZATION— October October 10, 1973— Pages 27911-28022 CLC amends broadcasting activities of radio and tele­ vision stations and networks; effective 8 -1 2 -7 3 ............. 27933 CLC amends certain provisions affecting computation of time regarding filed price increases; effective 10-5—73.. 27933 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT— EPA lists and makes avail­ able statements received from 9 -1 to 9 -1 5 -7 3 .................. 27955 NEW DRUGS— FDA proposes patient labeling for medroxyprogesterone injectable contraceptive; comments by 1 1 -9 -7 3 ............. 27940 FDA notice of opportunity for hearing on proposal to withdraw approval of products containing medroxy­ progesterone acetate; hearing request by 11-9—73 .. 27949 FDA proposes réévaluation of certain progestin drugs; hearing request by 1 1 -9 -7 3 ................................................. 27947 ANTIBIOTIC DRUGS— FDA provides for certification of ophthalmic ointment; effective 10—10—73............................. 27929 INSPECTION AND GRADE STANDARDS OF FOOD PROD­ UCTS— FDA/AMS notice of agreement; effective 1 0 -1 0 -7 3 ..................................... 27946 MILK AND CREAM— FDA revises identity standards; effective 12-10-73................................................................. 27924 (Continued inside) PART II: ADVISORY CIRCULAR CHECKLIST— FAA revised regulations; effective 8 -1 5 —73.................................. 27987 PART III: RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH— FDA proposes per­ formance standards for cabinet X-ray systems; comments by 12-10-73 _____ :....________________ 28011 PART IV: SMALL PROPELLER DRIVEN AIRCRAFT— Pro­ posed FAA noise standards_____________________ 28015 No. 195— Pt. I ----- 1 HIGHLIGHTS— •Continued PEANUTS— USOA proposed loan and purchase program DOD: Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the for 1974 crop; comments postmarked not later than Services, 10-14 through 10-18-73 ....... .......... ..... ..... 27944 1 0 -2 0 -7 3 ............. .................. ............. .......................... ...... 27939 Overseas Private Investment Corporation: Advisory TOBACCO— Council, 10-29-73 ............ ............ ................................... 27966 National Science Foundation: Advisory Committee for USDA allows advances on 1973 flue cured crop; effec­ tive 1 0 -1 0 -7 3 .....I_____________________________ ______:T. 27921 Research, 10-25 and 1 0 -2 6 -7 3 ...... .................... 27965 USDA proposes grade, rates for 1973 hurley crop; Advisory Panels for Metabolic Biology and comments by 11-9-73 ...... ........................ ........... ............. 27939 c . Psychobiology, 10-25 and 1 0 -2 6 -7 3 .......................... 27966 SECURITIES— SEC adopts registration statement require­ Cost of Living Council: Health Industry Advisory Com­ ment ..... .................... ................................................................... 27923 mittee, 1 0 -1 7 -7 3 ..............................i................................ 27955 MEETINGS— Food Industry Advisory Committee, 10-18-73 ........ 27955 HEW: Coal Mine Health Research Advisory Council, Energy Policy Office: Energy Research and Develop­ 10-31 and 11-1-73..................................................... ..... 27946 ment Advisory Council, 10-11-73 ........ ..................... 27955 a****^^**^ Published daily, Monday through Friday (no publication on Saturdays, Sundays, or on official Federal * holidays), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408, under the Federal Register Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 UJS.C., ehu 15) and the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution j » » / is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Officer Washington, D.C. 20402. T h e F ederal R egister provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notices issued by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. These include Presidential proclamations and Executive orders and Federal agency documents having general applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published by Act of Congress and other Federal agency documents of public interest. T h e F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to. subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month or $25 per year, payable in' advance. The charge for individual copies is 20 cents for each issue, or 20 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal R egister. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 195— WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1973 Contents THE PRESIDENT Proposed Rules FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Péanuts; loan and purchase pro­ COMMISSION Proclamations ; gram for 1974------------------------ 27939 Notices National Day o f Prayer, 1973_T_* 27917 Burley tobacco; advanced rates Common carrier services informa­ Veterans Day, 1973— -----— .—- - 27919 fo r price support on 1973 crop— 27939 tion; domestic public radio serv­ ices applications accepted for COST OF LIVING COUNCIL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES filing________________________ 27957 Rules and Regulations AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL Phase IV : FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION DEVELOPMENT Broadcasting regulations— 27933 Certain provisions affecting Rules and Regulations; Notices Hours of service of drivers; prepa­ AID Representative in Haiti et al.; computation of time--------- 27933 Notices ration of logs on noon-to-noon delegation of authority------------ 27944 b a s is ________________________ 27930 M eetings: AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE Food Industry Advisory Com­ Notices mittee _____________________ 27955 Proposed Rules Proposed action plans; avail­ Health Industry Advisory Com­ ability: Cranberries grown in certain mittee _____________________ 27955 States; expenses, rate erf assess­ Direct construction activities— 27951 ment, carryover o f funds--------- 27936 DEFENSE DEPARTMENT V irginia_____________________ 27952 Tomato imports; grade, size, Notices quality requirements---------- — 27936 Defense Advisory Committee on FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION Tomatoes grown in Florida and Women in the Services; meet- Notices Lower R io Grande Valley, i n g _________________ 27944 Agreements filed: Texas; handling and grade, size, Pacific Maritime Association— 27961 container and inspection re­ DISEASE CONTROL CENTER South Jersey Port Corp. and quirements (2 documents)------- 27937, Notices Retla Steamship Co___ 27962 27938 Coal Mine Health Research Advi­ Notices sory Council; meeting---- r-------- 27946 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Gradé AA butter; determination EDUCATION OFFICE of equivalent prices in Septem­ Notices ber, 1973, for New York________ 27945 Rules and Regulations Hearings, etc.: Inspection and grading of food Low-interest student loans; spe­ McCulloch Oil Corp------- 27962 products; notice of agreement cial allowances_________ ______ 27935 Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line C o ______1_______ ______ — 27964 with Food and Drug Adminis­ EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS tration; cross reference_______ 27946 ADMINISTRATION Price, Robert R _________ 27963 Proposed Rules South Texas Natural Gas AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Walsh-Healey Act; exemption of Gathering Co-------------- 27964 See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ certain service contracts---------- 27942 ice; Commodity Credit Corpo­ FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ENERGY POLICY OFFICE ration. ' Notices Notices ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Energy Research and Develop­ Acquisition o f bank: Notices ment Advisory Council; meet­ Capitol National Corp_________ 27965 Louisiana Power and Light Co.; ing __ ________ ____ _ 27955 Northwest Ohio Bancshares I n c ______ l_____ - __________ 27965 reconstitution of board Ç____ 27962 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Uranium hexafluoride; charges, Alpha Agency, me. and Pierce enriching services, specifications Notices Agency, me.; retention of addi­ and packaging; correction____ 27962 Environmental im pact state­ ments; availability of EPA com­ tional voting shares of bank— 27965 BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION ments _.____ ;_________ '----- -— 27955 Citizen’s Fidelity Corp.; forma­ tion o f bank holding com pany. _ 27965 Notices FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Hungry Horse Cloud Seeding Pro­ Rules and Regulations gram; draft environmental FISCAL SERVICE statement; extension of com­ Bell model 206A and 206B helicop­ Notices ment period________ à________ 27944 ters; airworthiness directive™ 27921 Alteration of control zones and Investors Insurance Co. of Amer­ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION transition areas (5 documents) _ 27922, ica; acceptable surety on Fed­ Notices 27923 eral bonds____________________ 27944 Proposed Rules Noncareer executive assignment; FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE grants, revocations, and title Alteration of transition areas (2 change <11 documents) __ 27954, 27955 d ocu m en ts)___________ 27942, 27943 Rules and Regulations Propeller driven small airplanes; Hunting
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