TROTtKY ,°». NEW MAtfEt ^MILITANH»«l»It»l»e«l "M"wfce a Monti* toy the Commanlst lLeagaac> of America (€>ppositie»iuT) Vol. III. No. 27. Telephone: DRYdock 165S NEW YORK, N. Y| SATURDAY JULY, 26, PRICE 5 CENTS at Fish Committee Means A Fighting United Front Needed Against the Sharpening Offensive of the Capitalist Class The bubble of the Whalen documents racy, the aristocracy blamed this movement Union is the friend and ally of the inter- frequent play. has been loudly and derisively punctured. on the gold of the French regicides. The national revolution which is the only guar- As the counter-action to this capital- That clown and former police commissioner source of all evil, the Czarist bureaucracy antee that socialist society can be built up ist offensive, the workers must organize "Whalen presented these documents as had it, were the Jews. In our present epoch and maintained in any country. But the a fighting united front. To make th» "proof" that Amtorg the official Soviet trad- of proletarian struggle, the capitalists find development of the class struggle takes most powerful appeal to the masses in the ing agency in New York was the center of the key to all the riddles of the universe in place on the basis of the conditions in approaching elections, the Communist Par- Communist propaganda for the United . Moscow gold. The one thing they will each capitalist country. The world organi- Uy should demonstrate its re:)Hne|-i to States. not awmit is that the roots of the revolu- zation that fights for the establishment place itself at the head of a movement for Three witnesses called before the Fish tionary are sunk deep in the crisis of a of a chain of Soviet Republics is the Com- working class unity. The immediate ob- Committee have conclusively demonstrated class society that has outlived its historic munist International. The functions of jectives of this movement should be the from different angles that these "docu- usefulness. the Soviet Government and the Comintern release of all class war prisoners, federal, ments" are absolute and unadulterated for- Commissioned by Congress to investigate are sufficiently distinct without P. A. Bog- state and municipal grants for the relief geries. The first witness exposed sixteen Communist propaganda for the overthrow danov, the Amtorg head, having resort to of the workless, the enactment of unem- internal mistakes and discrepancies that of the government, the Fish Committee was Sokolnikov's worthless, dangerous and ployment insurance and old age pensions, pointed to their fabrication by Russian in reality an expedient to distract attention revisionist subterfuge at the Geneva Econ- the six hour day and the five day week, and white guards. A newspapermen testified from the misery of the unemployment crisis. omic Conference to the effect that capi- the recognition and extension of lar(je- that the "documents" had been offered for In line with this policy, the Fish Com- talist and socialist systems can cohabit the scale credits to the Soviet Union. sale in Washington six weeks before Whal- mittee made a rabid attack on Amtorg. It world peacefully side by side! —MAURICE SPECTOR en released them to the New York press. is no pleasure to the workers of Russia It is imperative to arouse the widest But the most deadly testimony came from to have to trade with the eneral Electric possible mass movement against this Fish the man in whose print-shop on East Tenth or Henry Ford but power in the United Committee and its probable consequences. The 16th Congress of street the letterheads of the Whaleu docu- States still lies in the hands of the capi- Elihu Root has already advanced the idea ments were printed. talist, not the working class. The devel- of creating a special secfet Federal police, No one in the least familiar with the opment of trade even under these condi- a sort of American Ochrana to spy more the C.P.S.U. history of the series to -which Whalen for- tions is, however, of direct interest to the effectively over the revolutionary workers. Convoked after two years of calculated geries belonged could have entertained the American working class. Amtorg bought Whether Root's proposal in this form is rea- manoeuvcring for factional advantage th» shadow of a doubt as to their true char- more than $107,000,000 of American goods lized at this time or not, the coming storm sixteenth congress of the Communist Par- acter . The Sisson documents of some years in 1928-9 and was planning to double that and stress period in the class struggle ty of the Soviet Union was one of the most ago, setting out to prove that Lenin and in the near future. The goods that Amtorg will mark more and more vicious attempts ominous events in the annals of the Octo- Trotsky were "German spies" could have purchases here mostly with hard cash go to place heavier shackles on the labor ber Revolution. There has been nothing been convincing only to such a product of towards facilitating the work of socialist movement. The Department of Justice will quite like it in the entire history of Bol- the New York Forward as Moissaye Olgin. construction in the Soviet Union and at be more extensively «nl«:dized and I\,s shevism. The celebrated Zinoviev letter could impose the same time inevitably alleviate unem- stool pigeon activities re-enforced. The Enthroned in the midst of the fawning only on the willing credulity of a social- ployment for thousands of American work- revolutionary press will have a constant ers. adulation of his faction agents ("Comrade imperialistl like Macdonald. struggle against being barred from the Duranty of the New York Times included) This exposcre will, of course not stay The baiting of Amtorg by the Fish Com- mails. The industrial espionage system will rose the sinister figure of Stalin, the man the activities of the Fish Committee. It is mittee aided by the Matthew Wolls consti- be intensified. The jailing of militants who against whose aims and methods Lenin the time-honored practise of the ruing class tutor, part and parcel of an attack on the organize the workers will gain momentum. warned in his last testament, striking a always to explain away "social unrest" as iniarests of the American working class. The capitalist campaign to terrorize the note of the most poignant alarm. Every a malicious foreign importation. When the The defense of the Soviet Union is their foreign born workers by the finger-print major leader of the October Revolution had masse:) were once struggling in England own best defense. This does not mean that and passport route will revive. The crimi- been eliminated and crushed by the bureau- for the blessings of parliamentary democ- the U.S.S.R. is any substitute for the ac- nal syndicalism and sedition laws of the cracy and its intrigue. But what was worSe tion of the American proletariat. The Soviet various states will be brought into more —or an accompaniment—the Party moment- arily lies prostrate. A measure of the degeneracy that hag set in, is the spectacle of the Right lead- ers Rykov and Tomsky and others who were The Mass Workers Join the Opposition! compelled by Stalin to drink the bitterest! drcks of personal and political humiliation. George J. Saul Also Demands TKat Party Reinstate Our Group For such self-abasement there is absolute- Comrade Saul haa addressed a state- ly no Bolshevist tradition. Lenin never Por the balance of the summer period, the Kansas and is making his way Bast and ment to the Central Executive Committee South for his trial in South Carolina. The conceived of such a thing against his op- Militant has been compelli tl to change of the Communist Party, in which he de- ponents inside the Party in the most des- its frequency o£ issue to a semi-monthly Left Opposition welcomes comrade Saul clares his support for the platform of the into his ranks. The following represents perate days ot the civil war. But the key- basis. This change, which we shall attempt Left Opposition. He joins the Communist note of this congress was that in Stalin, to make as brief in duration as possible, some of the views expressed by comrade League of America (Opposition) and de- Saul on the situation and needs of the the apparatus-bureaucracy have far more was forced upon us by two factors: the mands of the Communist Party that it re- Communist movement: reason to be satisfied than ever under Len- severe unemployment situation which has instate all expelled members of the Left in. sharply affected the financial income of the "The contradictions of imperialism are Stalinism reigned supreme at the six- Opposition and adopt its platform in the sharper than ever. The objective situation paper, and, added to it, the summer months, United States; and in the Comintern. teenth Congress There was no critical during which a certain organizational and is favorable to the revolutionary movement analysis of the course of political and econ- financial relaxation usually sets in. The adherence of George Saul to the of the workers toward the proletarian revo- omic events for the past two years. There The change to a semi-monthly is an ad- Communist League following the action of lution and communist society. was no honest and searching admission of justment to this situation. It should be Hugo Oehler, is still further evidence of "At the same time there is not the close mistakes. Self-praise and self-content per- distinctly emphasized to all our comrades the movement of the mass workers in our relationship between our Party and the vaded the whole Stalin faction.
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